Monday, September 07, 2015

The American Worker

In honor of Labor Day, click on the title link and read this article about the American worker and leave your comments. "American workers stay longer in the office, at the factory or on the farm than their counterparts in Europe and most other rich nations, and they produce more per person over the year." Is the price of being the worlds number one economy too high. Your comment needs to be a minumum of 50 words.


Anonymous said...

Amanda Hong Period 6

Yes. Because the amount of hours an average American worker puts in their jobs is so high, less hours are being spent on personal life. Not only does the U.S. work schedule effect the worker, but also the families of those workers. These long work hours also increase the amount of stress in a workers life, which may cause many long term health issues that could lead to costlier expenses outside of their daily necessities.

Unknown said...

Demarcus Davis
6th Period
Yes, as American citizens continue to work longer hours and fail to receive benefits such as paid vacation the american lifestyle is continually deteriorating. The U.S. might produce more per person each year, but it's taking away from citizens personal time used to enjoy life. All work no play is never a good thing and as we move closer and closer towards this trend there will be negative repercussions such as more stress, a lost sense of family, and even apprehension to work due to the heavy work load

Hannah Kaplan said...

Hannah Kaplan 4th period
Yes, the cost of being the worlds number one economy is too high. People work crazy hours in order to keep their jobs and maintain their lifestyles. I worked 35-40 hours a week over the summer and that was stressful enough for me. I cannot imagine being an adult with kids, a job, bills, and other expenses work 50 plus hours every week. It would be way to stressful and stress can lead to many health problem that will cost you even more money. Even new mothers do not have enough enough time to spend with their new born child without being forced to go back to work. We may produce the most per person, but the amount of stress Americans face is not worth it. It is important to take time off and spend it doing something you enjoy.

Julia Mathew said...

Julia Mathew
2nd period

Yes because Americans are being overworked long hours continuously because they do not want to take an unpaid leave or vacation. This leads people to live a life more focused on their job rather than their personal life which can be unhealthy physically and mentally. For families this can lead to less time to be with each other and although working brings in money I think there should be a certain extent as to how much is too much.

Sarah Gosch said...

I don't believe that the price of being the world's #1 economy is too high. I agree that working conditions are unfair and that the U.S. should enact more worker's rights legislation. However, I believe that if workers were encouraged to take more time off, their stress levels would decrease and although they worked fewer hours, they would spend their time more productively. In the long run, I think that if Americans lower their average work week to 35 hours instead of 40, production would actually increase.

Anonymous said...

Madison Walkes
4th Period

Yes because Americans are forgetting about other things and working for too long of hours. Some are even scared to take of for maternity leave and go on family vacations because of fear of being laid off. Other countries are more relaxed with this and are not so strict about working. Working is the American way of life its why we go to school. When it comes to the family aspect of it it leads to less time spent with each other. Overall, I feel as if Americans should find a way to minimize the amount of time we work a week and more work can actually be done because people will not be overworked.

Unknown said...

Vinit Shah-4th

I wouldn’t say the price of being the world’s number one economy is too high, but I will say that it has an effect on its workers. The fact that the average American doesn’t get anywhere as much vacation days as the average European says a lot, but the respective national GDP also says a lot. But maybe the US corporations can allow a few more vacation days or paid leave days, so the workers can have less stress about their jobs and can enjoy it with their family or friends by doing something they like.

Unknown said...

Maya Ewens- 2nd period

In order to be the world's number one economy the people within the nation are forced to work hard. I do believe that hours can be shorter, but there are still going to be times where a person has to put in a few extra hours. Since we are the number one economy, more is expected of us, but I think jobs should still allow people more vacation days if they put in more than 40 hours a week.

Shreya narayan said...

Shreya Narayan-Period 6

Yes, I do believe the price of being the world’s number one economy is too high. Although some people love their jobs, others are taking stress hits due to the pressure of supporting their families, paying the bills, etc. I also think it’s unfair how maternity leave is not paid for because what if that person isn’t financially stable enough to leave work? Jobs nowadays should allow paid leave especially for those with medical conditions.

Anonymous said...

Tea Thomas 4th period
Yes, I believe the price of being the worlds number one economy is too high. There are other countries who have successful economies that don't work as much as the U.S. Jobs should give their employees paid time off to lower their stress level which will ultimately lead to more efficient and cheerful workers. Workers are missing out on doing things that they enjoy and spending time with their families because they are under so much pressure to keep up with the high expectations of American companies. I believe that businesses can still flourish without having their workers put in extra labor and that the hours that U.S. Citizens of work can afford to be cut down.

sfvfdfv said...

Maria Francis
Period 6
Yes, the price of being the number one economy is too high in the U.S. The fact that we are one of the most developed countries in the world and we don't have paid parental for the mother and the father is truly shocking. It is important to keep a balance of work and free time. Too much work can cause stress related problems and health issues. I don't think that sacrificing your health and well being is more important than keeping the American economy number 1.

Russell Wong- Period 6 said...

No, I do not believe that being the world's largest economy comes at a high price. The culture of a long working class has been ingrained within the American household where it is normal to work. If America were to drop its work hours and rates then the idea of being first would cease to exist. Though some tweaking may need to occur to include benefits Americans are missing out on, the load of hours America works seems fine when parallel to the wealth at which Americans live.

Jonah Yu, Period 2 said...

Yes, and No because there is a always a cause and effect to everything. Although the U.S's working class hours are fare more than that of other countries, it doesn't mean that that us being the largest economy comes at a high price because the U.S economy has already been supporting themselves, and economists cant calculate the risk of the U.S's economy changing its hours. It would either help or not help the economy.. Also, the price can be too high, because as other countries have less hours for the working class, they have more free time to do whatever they want.

Unknown said...

Camdyn Brocail -Period 4

Yes, I believe that the cost of being the number one economy is too high in America. As successful as our economy is, we should not have adults working hours on end to meet their wants and needs. Not only can overworking cause people to become stressed or physically ill, but it can also affect their work ethic and performance. And with that, it completely contradicts the point of working longs hours anyways-to get more things done-which cannot happen if a person has to take off due to the stress they are under etc.

Unknown said...

Yes, the price of being the number one economy is too high. In order to be the number one economy work hours would need to be extended so that the economy would meet the needs or desires of the consumers. Its unrealistic to expect Americans to give up their lives and families to work just for a better economy. the price of giving up ones life for the "good of the economy" plus over working can cause one to fall behind in health care and get sick due to stress and little amounts of sleep. so i do not believe the extra hours are worth being the number one economy in the world. one can be successful without being number one.

Mackenzie Laird
Period 2

Unknown said...

Shanika Jacob- period 6

Yes,I believe that the cost of being the number one economy is too high in America. . With our successful economy, I think it would be safe to say that the adults should not have to work long hours. It is important for there to be a balance between the hours spent at the office and one's free time. The workforce in America should not be overworking people into exhaustion leading to both mental and physical health problems. Sacrificing your good health in order to work, should not be the reason why America is the number one economy.

Anonymous said...

Charith Wijeyesekera- Period 6

Yes, I believe that the cost of staying the number one economy is way too high. Apparently in "the land of the free" people work more hours than other countries, and this reduces Americans' time to spend freely. This means less family interactions, less time for people to do what they want, and more stress. This stress can also affect how someone does at work and can cost companies millions in health-related issues or problems caused by someone's bad health. I also believe that overworking doesn't increase economic productivity. Eventually the cost of working more hours will eventually lower productivity significantly which is counterproductive for the US.

Anonymous said...

Veronica Wang
Period 6

No, I do not think the cost of being the world's number one economy is too high. United States labor laws regulate safe and fair working conditions. Any one that chooses to work at a job that requires long hours and heavy responsibilities are compensated with higher pay. Adults should be able to decide whether they are appropriate for a job and can handle the stress load that comes with it. The beauty of our nation's freedoms allows for individuals to chose their own job. If they do not like long hours then they are always free to pursue another occupation with shorter hours.

Hannah Stone said...

Yes I do think the cost of being the world's number one economy is too high. The United States worker works more than workers in other countries with fewer benefits such as national paid parental leave, paid sick days, or legally mandate annual leave. The productivity of American workers has increased by 400% without any increase in the standard of living. Also, the cost of too much work is increased stress and less time to spend with families or other activities outside of work.

Unknown said...

I believe that yes the cost of being the world's number one economy is too high. No one gets paid vacation or paid sick leave which can result in sick people coming to work. Everyone deserves a break and they deserve a reward/bonus because of their work. Their actual salary is just the required amount needed to be given. The government brainwashes us to think that we are lazy when in reality we are very competitive for the sake of money.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt the price of having the number one economy in the world is far too steep. If the average american worker is putting in more hours and receiving less benefits than most if not all of their counterparts in other successfully industrialized nations, then clearly we are doing something wrong. Why shouldn't we be allowed to have our cake and eat it.

Anonymous said...

Rolando Pineda, 4th period
anonymous comment made at 9:39 AM on September 09 was mine.

Unknown said...

Elizabeth Abraham
Period: 2
Unfortunately, no, the price of being the number one economy is not high, and instead it is quite reasonable. Indeed the work hours are too long and we do not get enough paid time vacation, but our country is highly industrialized and more fortunate than other countries. We can get anything, and I mean anything, we want as long as we have the money. Other countries may have paid time off and the best benefits one could ask for, but they do not have the same accessibility to resources or freedom like we do. Although we do not get work benefits like other countries, working a bit more is the price we must pay to live and thrive in a fast growing country.

Sabrina said...

Sabrina James
2nd period
It’s true that we are fortunate to have such a successful economy, but that doesn’t mean we should blindly accept everything the way it is and resist trying to improve. Yes, working more hours may seem like a minor sacrifice, but stress levels severely impact other parts of your life. Being an adult, paying bills, possibly raising children, and maintaining a household is plenty to deal with without a forty-plus hour work week on top of it; for me, working just over twenty hours a week is overwhelming. Having these expectations for workers is unrealistic and worrisome--dangerous psychological conditions are just as pressing as physical ones.

Meghna George said...

Meghna George
Period 2
Yes, I think the cost of staying as the number one economy is too high because of the many working hours people do. In the U.S, most of the population of this country works more than 40 hours per week, this leaves no time for families to interact with each other, and for workers to have a social life. The overload of number of work hours leads to more stress on workers, which can create a lower quality of life. Many countries give their workers at least 20 paid vacation days, but in our country we do not get this opportunity. Everyone is so determined to make more money, so we continue to work long hours; however people should be given the opportunity of more flexibility in their jobs so they can be with their families, etc.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Nabeel Momin
4th period
Yes, the cost of being the worlds number one economy is too high. Everyone is trying to make money and they think that money buys you happiness, but it really does not. Citizens are so caught up in getting money they're missing out on their personal lives. They don't see that they could be having fun just bonding with they're family or kids. But instead everyone's working long hours trying to get money and its just taking away valuable time and causing stress In their lives. We should try to balance our lives instead so we don't overwork our selves.

Nicholas Singleton said...

The price of being the number one economy is definitely too high. The time workers spend at the office is time spent away from families, which means that children are left unattended after school, causing a raised crime rate. Also, as our society keeps working we are not investing in leisure activities and aren't putting a lot of money back into our local economy.

Kyle Newby Period 2 said...

Yes I believe the price of being the world’s number one economy is too high. I think we could still retain the title but find better and more effective ways to do it. Working more than 40 hours a week causes major stress to the individual, and if that worker has a family, it can put stress on the family as well. Although having the world’s best economy has its advantages, we still need to think about our own individual health.

Unknown said...

Period 2
No, I do not think the price of being the world's number one economy is too high. In the article our workers were compared to our European counterparts, I've been to Europe and I honestly think that the standard of living in the U.S. is way better. The houses here are bigger and there's more open space. If you want more money you have to more hours or get a better job, simple as that. People should have the mentality of wanting to earn what they get and not expect handouts.

Alexis Zamora said...

No, I do not think the price of being the world's number one economy is too high. America's long work hours have become the norm, and allow us to be as efficient with our resources as possible. Because of this efficiency our country is able to be highly industrialized and allows many opportunities for all workers. However all good economies do not come without flaws. I do believe paid vacation and maternity leave should become mandatory, as in the long run it will make workers healthier an happier, which would in turn benefit companies and the economy as a whole.

Madison Bettis said...

Madison Bettis
period 6

Yes, I do believe that the cost of being the number one economy is too high. The average worker is working several hours a day to provide for themselves and their families and many are still coming up short. People work their tale ends off and still struggle to make ends meet. They should be offered more time off and more benefits. Also, many are so terribly stressed out due to work that it causes several health issues in the future.

Unknown said...

I do not believe the price of being the number one economy in the world is too high. To be as well off as we are, in a capitalist economic society, we have to use everything available, including labor. Some believe that the corporations are overworking their employees and I would consider myself one of them but at the same time, they chose to work there and those hours are based on the schedule that the employee gave their employers. So, in actuality, the price of being the best economy in the world isn't such a high price.
Jenny Dyess

Michael Enyioma said...

Michael Enyioma
4th Period
I do not think that the price of being ranked number one economically is high because the hard work that has brought this nation to this point is the reason we are at the top. Many people believe that working too much causes an stress (which it does) and an imbalance in the home and in other areas. The only way for this to happen is when people do not prioritize and do not work to make other areas of their lives thrive. As for the overworking of employees, the employee knew what they had signed up for and should take responsibility for their actions.

Carly Freker- Period 6 said...

I do not think the price of being economically ranked number one in the world is too high, because that is what makes America what it is. Being the best country in the world in every aspect, of course our economy would follow suite. Without the sometimes stressful working days for Americans, we would be left with a nation of people who don't get off their couches. So although it is unfortunate that many people work very hard and still cant find a way to live the lifestyle they envision, I think going as far as to say the price of being number on is too high would be inaccurate.

Chris Thottasseril Per. 2 said...

America being the worlds best economy is a standard that is not too high. America is a developed country that sets standards for other countries economically and in order to live and maintain that aspect there must be work put into it which happens to be the average american worker. To be the best economy is to be able to be efficient and fast, some of the pressures that are put on the average american. If they are not able to live up to those standards then they are dismissed from the job for they are not efficient and fast enough to keep america at the top of the economy.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do believe the price of being the number one economy is to high. The average American worker may work up to 40 hours and still not be able to provide the proper support to their family. This is very stressful due to the fact that they lose many hours of social time and still can't provide the proper resources, while other countries work less ours and have much more benefits. Although having the number one economy can be beneficial at times their should be set priorities that ensure the proper well being of the American worker.
Nicholas lemon 6

Unknown said...

Jillian Sara Gicana
6th period
Yes, I believe that the price of being the worlds number one economy is too high. Although America is the number one economy, there are many sacrifices that adults have to make in order to help America be at number one. Workers lose valuable time with their family and stress over the bills they need to pay which then cause health problems.

Olivia Chaney said...

I don't believe the price of being the number one economy is too high. Reason being because America is the number one country from the working citizens that continuously strive for success and the top spot. Of course the continuous hours worked by Americans does cause stress, lost quality time spent with families, and missed fun opportunities in life. Those are the negatives when dealing with the issue of over working citizens, but without people working for the best we would have unproductive energy through the country. Everyone just has to find a balance between work and personal issues. -Olivia Chaney 6th

Unknown said...

Simone Munajj Period 6
I think the price Americans pay to be the number one economy is too high because we provide the most labor without reaping the majority of the benefits. The article stated that from the 1950's the "productivity has increased 400%." Not everyone works as hard as others and not everyone makes the wage they deserve thus the quality of life has not elevated at the same rate. Allowing our labor force a few more off days to care for their health and their families has a greater impact on society.

Aadesh Brahmbhatt said...

Aadesh Brahmbhatt 6th period

Yes, the impact of being the number one economy is too high. With many European countries being able to afford giving more time for rest and vacation, there is no reason why America could not spare its workers a break. The article does a great job of highlighting how the stress causes health problems which impacts the economy negatively, in that employers have to give out sick leaves. Giving workers a break, might actually help the economy in that sense.

Unknown said...

Joshua Shajie 6th period
No, i don't believe the price of being the worlds number one economy is too high. I believe that its only because of our hard work that we are the number one economy in the world. Yet, we still should have a legally set mandated annual leave ,this will ensure the safety of our working class citizens and help relieve stress. The harder we work the better we become it's just common sense. We have increased our productivity 400% and i will account that to the reason why we are who we are . The American dream is not for the lazy but for the hard working men and women. I argue that we don't need paid vacation because we can afford that luxury by our self's. We are where we are because of the time we put in to building our self and our family's.

Timothy Chang- 4th period said...

Yes, I believe that overworking creates a great amount of stress on both the worker and his/her family. It not only has great psychological consequences, but makes one prone to physical illnesses too. Although I have no problem with households with both parents working, when one parent has to fulfill both the job in the workplace and that of taking care of children, household duties, etc. it becomes very overwhelming and leads to a lower quality of life.

Isabelle Tzeng ; 6th said...

Overall, I think the article brought up some great points that are often overlooked. I do think that the price of being the world's #1 economy is too high. As mentioned in the article, we could be doing so much less work and still producing enough to live. However instead, we have just increased our production rates by 400% since 1950. That is just way too much work that could have been focused elsewhere such as educating our kids or spending quality time with them.

Joyce Varughese said...

Joyce Varughese (6th period)

Yes, I think that productivity per American, although keeps the United States as the top economy, is a high price to pay. While, in families, both parents have the right to work and not simply stay at home, there should also be periods of time where the parents are also in contact with their children. Health is also a main concern for Americans who continue to stress themselves into keeping a certain position at work. Paid time off and appointed vacation times can decrease the company or workplace pressure to continue working nonstop.

Karen Kurian (6th Period) said...

No, the price of being the number one economy is not too hard. Americans may work harder than other countries, but they also enjoy many benefits that other countries do not share. Also, people make their own choices of the amount of hours they work. Families that really enjoy spending quality time together can choose to work less.

Johan Johnson Period: 6 said...

Yes, the price of being the world's number one economy is too high. Although America is number one, we must also care about the people and their stress level. Many individuals are thoroughly stressed out about their life and they are also worried about their family. Taking care of their kids and working is such a heartache and very much stressful. Family and health are much more important and very well needed in the long run. So as mentioned in the article, paid time off and more vacation to employees would decrease the amount of pressure - therefore working efficiently rather than working more.

Unknown said...

Noel Manu
Period 4

No the the price of being the worlds number one economy is not too high.America is a developed country that sets standards for other countries economically and in order to live and maintain that aspect there must be work put into it which happens to be the average american worker.Of course the continuous hours worked by Americans does cause stress, lost quality time spent with families, and missed fun opportunities in life. With America's dollar value higher than any other countries, the American tend to work more to earn more. And even we don't get paid vacation like other European countries our dollar is worth more in those overseas countries like France or Britain.

Anonymous said...

Marcus Thompson 2nd period

No, the price of being the number one economy is not too high. If Americans didn't work as hard as we do than we wouldn't be at the top. And with being number 1 comes many benefits that come with it such as the top goods market in the world and being able to pick what job you want instead of having to be forced in a job because your country needs more farmers for example. Being the number 1 economy shouldn't be easy it should take work and that's what the U.S does.

Unknown said...

Tiffany Chan 4th Period

No, I do not believe that the price of being the world's number one economy is too high. If Americans were to take more off days, then another country would be able to surpass us. I believe that America is the number one economy because its citizens work hard to achieve that. In order to maintain being the leader, America should keep doing what it is doing now.

Anonymous said...

Ulises Osorio
period 2

yes, I do believe that the price of being the world's number one economy is too high. working 40 hours a week causes a lot of unneeded stress. this stress can have negative effects in the individuals household, which only adds more stress. with paid vacation time and less working hours, the individual will be more relaxed and have a better household environment, making them more than ready to do their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Matheus Menezes
6th period.
The price of being the world's largest economy is indeed too high. While the American economy benefits greatly from overworked parents, families and other parts of social and community life are greatly crippled by the lack of those same parents in their homes for more than a couple of hours a day. And the future of society (as in children) is too much to pay for present society's short-term progress.

Anonymous said...


Yes, the price of being the number one economy is too high. The reason why, is because our employed workers are working long hours and it is a huge impact on their bodies mentally and physically. In a way, this benefits the U.S. because we have a great economy, but at a cost because our workers, who are the reason we have the number one economy, now have poor health because of the amount of stress that comes with the job.

Unknown said...

Geo Kuzhippil
4th period.
Yes, I believe that the price for being the world's largest economy is too high. Although there comes great benefits with having the world's largest economy, the overbearing work that each individual must do in this economy comes with a lot of stress. Though some people are completely willing to work these long hours, most individuals resent all the stress and time they have to put in to make a living.

Unknown said...

I don't believe that the price of being the world's #1 economy is too high. I agree that working conditions are unfair and that the U.S. should enact more worker's rights legislation. However, I believe that if workers were encouraged to take more time off, their stress levels would decrease and although they worked fewer hours, they would spend their time more productively. In the long run, I think that if Americans lower their average work week to 35 hours instead of 40, production would actually increase. I also think we should thank our leaders for bringing our economy back on top rather than destroy it like the other.

Unknown said...

Joshua McCann 4the period

Unknown said...

Paige Price
4th period

Yes I do think Americans work too hard as a nation. We are the world's largest economy and the price we pay for that is too high. Because we are working long hours to remain the largest economy, it affects our personal daily lives. We do not get to spend time with our family. Also, we don't receive any benefits which also contributed to the fact that families are more separated than they used to be.

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu 2nd Period
Without question, yes. Americans work way too many hours per week and has been affecting almost every important aspect of life. The quality of life is down as if you have money to enjoy life, you tend not to be able to enjoy it as you spend the majority of your time working. America as a nation needs to place our health as people before the work we do and our productivity. People are developing medical issues such as carpal tunnel as results of their work. In return for this carpal tunnel, the worker would get paid, and then use that money for medical treatment. We are forgetting that the working class aren't just numbers on a list, but actual people that work continuously to the point where they can not spend time with their families, develop medical problems, and increase stress levels beyond need.

Anonymous said...

Stricklin Snyder
Period 2

The price of being the world's number one economy is too high because it has more negative than positive effects. Strenuous work and long hours leads to employees who are mentally and physically exhausted. Exhaustion then becomes accidents within the workplace, thus slowing down production. It is a domino effect that will eventually destroy the economy and family life of the country.

Gabriel said...

Gabriel Martínez - period 2
Yes, the price in popular industries are extremely high. Workers in offices spend many hours in their workplace and not enough time with their families and in their personal life. Yes when working many hours you get paid much more. The time you spend working is mostly given to by a person in a higher position such a boss, etc. They are the ones "determine your wage and hours of work". In the other hand, workers on farm and other self employed companies work less hours and can spend more hours personally. The American industries should lower the work hours for their employers.

Unknown said...

Katy Kaiser
6th Period

I do not have the best personal experience to answer if the price of working is too high. Based on logical evidence based on the article, yes, Americans are overworked and need vacation. However, every person is different ad for some, they need these long work days in order to satisfy their own lives. Most jobs don't give enough money to have the kind of life we've always dreamed of, so people take more jobs to get a better life for themselves or their families. Personally, however, because I'm still not in the adult world, I would not be able to tell you if the personal price is too high. Overall, the price of being the number one economy might be too high for some individuals, however, for others, the only way they can live is to be more productive because of the lack of other options.

Angela Gantt said...

Period 4

Yes, I believe that the price of being the world's largest economy is too high. Although some would believe that the benefits of being the world's largest economy out weigh the negatives, the amount of work required to be so, leading to extreme stress and a lower quality of life, are more than each individual should have to deal with. The United States puts so much work into being the world's largest economy, ultimately overworking most Americans. So I believe the happiness and well being of the people should be more important.

Anonymous said...

Seyi soyebo. 4th period.

The cost of being the worlds best economy is not to high. Because without we cannot be the world power that we are today. America helps everyone across the world reach a brighter future. From, trade to, peace agreements, to the deployment of soldiers America does as much as it can to help the world become a better place. How can Americans leave their stamp on the world if they cannot themselves solidify their place amongst the best. How can we go into countries and help build their lives as our lives at home struggle? The price to be the best may be heavy, but it is an expense rather than a desire, needed to able to influence the world for the better

Amber Muhammad said...

Yes, the impact of being the number one economy is too high on Americans. In many families, both parents, as well as children are working in order to live a sufficient life style. Many children have to sacrifice their time to study and get an education in order to support their families. Parents are out working late, not giving enough time to their children, which could also lead to other problems. The amount of stress the average person faces due to how much income they receive is not a sufficient way to live.

Unknown said...

Francis Patience
6th period

The price is not too high. The pro-capitalist economy that is what makes the United States the number one economy. The ruthless nature of the economy that ensures that those who make the right decisions at the right time are rewarded. No economy can run on altruism. The U.S economy demands expansion and growth in all avenues and the employees are a vital part of that. They do what is needed to satisfy the demands of the market.

Andrew Olson said...

Period 6

I don't think that the price of being the number one economy is too high. This article complains about how too many hours at work is taking a toll on our lives at home, and characterizes the life of an average working citizen as a struggle. This is simply untrue, as the U.S. Is consistently among the top ten nations in the world when it comes to quality of life index. People in the U.S. often work to make a decent living, not for their true survival, as in some less developed nations. This is the primary reason people SHOULD fear for the safety of their jobs and fear the outsourcing system. This being said, I believe it's safe to assume that Americans probably don't work as hard or motivated as others, meaning a few more hours is exactly what our workforce needs to stay ahead.

Unknown said...

Quentin Collins- 2nd period

I believe that the price of being the number one economy is too high. Jobs are requiring workers to spend the majority of their time working with limited vacation time or any time off. Some children barely see their parents or guardian because they are always working. America is seen as the land of the free, but how can that be if you must work 24/7 to get to where or what you want to be or do.

Ben Joel said...

Benjamin Joel
2nd Period

Becoming an economic powerhouse requires sacrifice. The citizens of the United States give up certain benefits given to people in other countries in order to be a part of the largest economy in the world. The cost of being the largest economy is not too great. If the individual is not prepared for the sacrifice required of them then they are unfit for the ever growing economy.

Haben Mikaele said...

I think that most Americans work too hard. Weather its in school, work, or whatever we are doing. But that is our way of doing things. Big cooperations have too much power over workers and the government which leaves us with no voice. People are too scared to lose their jobs and get fired so no one says anything about the ridiculous hours that we work. Americans also have more incentives to work longer hours like fear of getting laid off, loosing health insurance, and no help for unemployed workers, but in european countries, there are less incentives to work more. European countries have plans for unemployed workers and have less benefits for working more such as a raise.

Anonymous said...

Tim Cummins Period 2

The price of being the number one economy is not to high. A successful real estate mogul turned presidential candidate once said "I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big". The ideals that Americans have sought since being colonists have been to be free to do what they wanted without strict law, religion, and more recently gender/race having an invisible hand at it. If you work in America, the odds are you are going to start at the bottom and work your way up. You may have to work a crappy job and get no vacation, and that sucks. But if you truly sacrifice and have some luck on your side, you can climb that ladder and land a job that secures paid vacation or maternity leave. And if people complain about working 40 hours plus on a job, just realize you have done that for the past 13 years and haven't even been payed for it. And if you don't agree that's fine, it doesn't faze me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , just don't expect certain luxuries if you aren't willing to work for them.

Haben Mikaele said...

Haben Mikaele
Period 2

Evlin Babu said...

When I was 7 my parents had my little sister, my father worked in an other city due to circumstances and wasn't with my mother through most of her pregnancy. On the night of her birth he tired rushing home but missed his root and was lost. He ended up missing my sister's birth and had to leave shortly after she was born. As a child I didn't understand the struggles of raising a new born by herself in a foreign country. A father missing his child's first smile is too much a price to pay for having the 'number one economy'. I believe America should listen to its people and provide paid leave for not just Paternity/Maternity, but so the families of America can connect again and be one.

Unknown said...

Karina Harris
period 4

"Is the price to high?" of course it isn't! we are living "the american dream" to be able to make money off of what we love. if your are stressed on the amount of hours you work then you need to find another job. get a job in what you love to do then you wont feel so stressed. in the 1960's mothers struggled to find work and now eveyone has opportunity to work and make money. the price of being the number one econmy is high but its not to high. otherwise other countries wouldn't continue to try to be number.

William Mitchell said...

I personally think the social cost of this economic strength is harming future generations. Without interactions from parents at home, children may be stunted socially, or may have worse performance at school since they cannot receive as much assistance from their parents. Additionally, countries like Japan have shown us that having people work too much can actually lead them to not wanting to have children, as they cannot commit the time to having to support the child physically or money-wise, leading to negative population growth, which can be disastrous.

Unknown said...

Anna Lee
2nd period

Yes, I believe the price we pay to be number one is too high. The fact that families must pick and choose between being providers and being actively involved in the inner workings of their nuclear unit should be enough to prove my point. From the statistics presented in the article, American families are comparatively deprived of bonding and general life fulfillment opportunities because of the time they lose to overworking. These opportunities are crucial to the development and functionality of every family and ultimately every child's life. If American children are at loss for these important growth moments, how can we expect the economy and the nation at a whole to be truly successful?

Imani Windom said...

Imani Windom 2nd period
In America, the price of maintaining the number one economy is too high. Personally, I'd say lets cut our losses and settle for second or third best. The amount of time one could spend with their family is priceless and could not be compared to being the "number one economy." There are plenty of studies that show children who spend more time with their parents are less likely to become delinquents and more likely to be successful in school. Not to mention the high suicide rates that come with the impending stress of being overworked, the likelihood of having high blood pressure or heart issues, and the overall down fall of social and family interaction. Yes, there is sacrifice needed to prosper, but who is to put a price of the healthiness of our people?

Unknown said...

Amira Nickerson
2nd Period

40 hours a week seems like a fair price to pay to have the number one economy in the world. While too many work hours does put a toll on people, even leading to physical and mental issues in some, the working class are still able to enjoy a quality of life most people could only dream of. WE just have to find a balance between work and play.

Unknown said...

Stanie Clement 2nd period
Yes the price of maintaining the U.S. to be the number one economy is too high. The lack of paid leaves and law enforced maximum work hours leave the family life in ruins since parents will more than likely work for most of the day. However, having a stable economy does ensure that families can live knowing money they worked for won't be lost the next day.

Anonymous said...

David Edquilang
6th Period

Yes, but not necessarily. Rather, the cost of being an American is too high. We are expected to work a large number of hours with barely any benefits, relative to other developed countries. If we get sick or injured, we are prevented from doing work, making money, and run the risk of losing our jobs. Treating illnesses and conditions is an enormous issue in and of itself for citizens/workers within the U.S. as well, as healthcare here costs much more in relation to other developed countries such as Canada, which provides partially government-paid healthcare for its citizens, making it mostly costless for people to be treated and cared for. Obviously, the productivity created as a result of the mentality to need to work more hours does not wholly benefit the individual worker. Sure, we work more to get more money for ourselves; but most of our efforts go towards growing the companies and organizations we work for, which is the reason for the U.S. being the proprietor of “the world's number one economy”. Given the clear disparity of productivity between American laborers and workers in the rest of the world, I'm certain that hours or work days could be reduced and the stacks of money that we work to build so high for company leaders could be partially given back to the workers to make the paid leaves and paid vacations that we so embarrassingly – and frustratingly – lack a possibility, all the while maintaining our status as the world's best economy.

So again, yes; the cost of being the world's number one economy is too high. But the economy is not the sole reason it costs Americans so much. Our problems are rooted in multiple places.

Unknown said...

Yes, the price of maintaining the U.S. as the number one economy is too high. Families are now faced with the issue of finding time to actually be a family, due to the fact that the parents and even the children are working to provide for everyone they support. Worker also deal with the idea that they constantly have to be better than the next , even if that requires more hours of endless work, because there is always someone better than you waiting to replace you. Holding the position as the number one economy is fueled the fact that money is rooted to everything and everyone's mission is to do what they can to stay ahead despite the sacrifice of something.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ryan Phu, Period 2
No, i don't believe that the price for being the world's best economy is too high because we became number one by having this kind of workforce. With people working this much they earn a lot more money in order to live a better life. Some would argue that there life is bad now since they work so much, but they're working hard now so that when they retire they can live the rest of their lives in luxury.

Beauty_DayjaRay said...

Dayja Mathews 2nd period
No I don't believe the cost of being the world's number one economy is too high because it provides more benefits than a lower economy provides. Although it requires more work than other incomes, the extra effort helps to us to be a stronger country which provides more benefits than downfalls.

Dakota Bernhart said...

Overall, it was an interesting article, and it brought up fair points on both sides of the argument. However, I do not believe that cost of being the world leading economic superpower is too high. The material goods we utilize in our free time, as short as it may be, are cheap and in abundance due to our extensive trade network caused by being a super power. So even if it leads to health problems in the future, less hours and shorter work weeks would lead to more expensive products and would help no one.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious from all of the statistics in the article that many Americans focus on work. As it was mentioned, there are probably some who love what they do, but perhaps as a nation our heavy emphasis on work has crowded out other meaningful and important areas of life. With work such a strong emphasis in the United States, if you try to lead a more balanced life, you might even be considered lazy or not motivated in our culture. Since stress is so strong, that seems to indicate that our work focus is not in balance. Having time for relationships with family, friends and helping others is very important and we should individually strive to keep work in a more balanced perspective.