Saturday, September 22, 2007

Every Breath You Take

Columbia Business School's Dean Glenn Hubbard sings about wanting Alan Greenspan's job that went instead to New Fed Chair Ben Bernanke. Parody created by Columbia Business School students.

Is a new tax the answer to Global warming?

Check out Greg Mankiw's article about the use of a carbon tax to limit pollution and the spread of global warming. Does this idea make sense to you?

U.S. Farmers Rediscover The Allure of Tobacco

In economics its called the law of unintended consequences. The government tries to pass a law that is beneficial and the law has the totally opposite effect. The U.S. Government ended subsidies to U.S. tobacco farmers hoping that they would start growing some other crop. Now they are growing more tobacco than ever. What do you think other nations are saying about U.S. tobacco growers exporting the evil weed to their countries?