Follow the link in the title to a USA Today article on the Snuggie. The Snuggie is the latest product to make the jump to pop culture icon. Why has this product become so popular. There are a host of other blankets-with-sleeves (a.k.a. “robes”) on the market, from the “original” Freedom Blanket to the socially conscious but awkwardly named Slanket. One upscale version, the Nuddle, even includes a pocket in front for your hands and another at the bottom for your feet (the Nuddle is so upscale that it doesn’t have sleeves, it has slats).
Niche-marketed blankets didn’t catch on last winter, when home heating costs skyrocketed with rising fuel prices.
So why now?
According to their ads, 4 million Snuggies have been sold in the past 3 months. Could the downturn in the economy have anything to do with the increase in infomercials and sales of these products?
Have you ever fallen victim to one of these must have products? Think "Shamwow", "Chia Pet", "Loud and Clear", etc.