Sunday, August 30, 2015

Best Blogs for Economics Students

Click on Post title to be taken to list website

Review two blogs from this list of the 100 best blogs for economics students. Make sure they are from different categories, and don't repeat one that someone else has already done. Yes I realize that this means you will have to check the previous posts to see which ones have already been reviewed. The sooner you do this one the easier it will be. Reviews need to include:

1) Content
2) Appearance
3) Ease of Navigation
4) Apparent bias

Once the best ones are taken click here for secondary list

**Due Sunday before midnight**


Hannah Kaplan said...

1. Context- Talks a lot about some current events such as the Federal Reserve and how the amount of of college keeps getting more and more expensive. The blogger has a sense of humor and talks about things without being boring.
2. Appearance- It's pretty basic and could be better
3. Navigation- Easy to navigate and find things
4. Apparent bias- He has a twisted sense of humor when it comes to women and doesn't like conservatives.
(Captain Capitalism)

Hannah Kaplan said...

Just kidding Captain Capitalism is a conservative so he has a conservative bias.
1. Context-Has political cartoons and other pieces of information such as politicians like Rick Perry. He also talks about the European Union
2. Appearance- Pretty basic and nothing special.
3. Navigation-Easy to navigate and not confusing to find information
4. Apparent bias- Definitely a liberal and a Mormon
(Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal)

Unknown said...

1. Content - talks about how, since 1978 China has gradually transitioned from a command economy to one with markets
2. Appearance - it looks like an essay, they could add some pictures to make it more appealing
3. Navigation - it's easy to navigate you just scroll down to continue
4. Apparent bias - this author seems to have chosen China as the scapegoat for this recent economic scare

Unknown said...

Vinit Shah-4
1-(27-Economic Principles)

1. Context- Seems like a tribute article to a well-admired economics editor, Terry Vaughn, who died in August because of a stroke. They talks about his accomplishments at MIT, then later at Princeton and how he had a team full of Nobel Prize Winners.
2. Appearance- It is nothing special, looks almost boring with very few colors, just a white page.
3. Navigation- It has all the buttons at the top, so it is very easy to use.
4. Apparent Bias- Not a major bias here. The author just seems to respect Vaughn very much and like all of his achievements in life.

1. Context-Ralph disagrees with a few things Professor Werner says in a video. Werner says that the money people deposit in banks are not owned by the depositor and that banks don't lend money.
2. Appearance- It appears very cluttered as there are columns of words on both sides of the middle where he posts the article.
3.Navigation- It is okay. You can easily get to other articles or links from the sides of the website.
4.Apparent bias- He normally says he agrees with whatever Prof. Werner says except in this article. He doesn't seem biased, he just seems to think Werner's claims have no logic whatsoever.

Unknown said...

1.Content: The blog informs us about how companies and certain individuals are effecting the economy as well as peculiar things occurring around the Nation like the minimum wage in rural Ohio.
2.Appearance: The blog is welcoming and interesting. The entries are short and concise.
3.Ease of Navigation: It is Fairly simple. There are convenient links to previous blogs that are available for easy access.
4.Apparent Bias: The blogger is very straightforward and talks about whatever is on their mind.

1.Content: Up to date current events on how the U.S. economy is and also blogs on presidential runners as well as income.
2.Appearance: Blog is simple and bland.
3.Ease of Navigation: The blog is easy to maneuver with shortcuts to access older posts.
4.Apparent Bias: Blogger does well in updating current events about plausible things that can change the economy in the future. It is not just about what is going on now, but what can happen later.

Andrew Olson said...

Half Sigma

Context- Half Sigma is a business directory that leaves reviews on local businesses in your area. Business owners can submit listings and be reviewed by members of their community.

Appearance- Sleek and modern homepage, has listings featured along the bottom and a search feature on top/

Navigation- Navigation is easy, as you can search in your area by zip code, and you can filter what kind of business or service you are looking for.

Apparent Bias- Judging by their featured businesses, they prefer to endorse new and modern products instead of older brands and companies.

Andrew Olson said...

Angry Bear

Context- Angry Bear focuses on large scale economic and political problems, and contains the views of more than 15 different authors.

Appearance- Seems very basic and outdated, and you can tell that the website is funded completely by advertisements.

Navigation- Navigation is simple, you can choose subtopics first, and then see a preview of each individual article. Articles are presented chronologically.

Apparent Bias- The use of 15 authors keeps the viewpoints from being too biased, and Angry Bear also references about ten other sites that were listed in the top 200 economic blogs.

Shreya narayan said...

Shreya Narayan
Period 6

1)Neighborhood Effects
Context- Talks about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the amount of promised jobs induced by HUD funds that did not live up to their hype and concluded as a failure.
Appearance- Easy to read, includes tags that are related to economics on the side. It also could use some color and pictures
Navigation- Easy to navigate and directs to another page where you can scroll down and read the article
Apparent bias- Author believes HUD funds have been constant failures in the past and are not reliable in spending

2)Undergraduate Economics
Context- Includes Indian textbook information that centers around Macroeconomics. Also, it questions factors that affect supply and demand and the growth rate of the Indian economy. The article also points out various errors in this certain textbook that is made for Indian students.
Appearance- Easy to read and supplies quotes from the textbook, however, the font is very small and the article is surrounded by various ads
Navigation- It's fairly easy to navigate and find what you're looking for
Apparent bias- The author believes that the textbook, "The Indian Economy: A Macroeconomic Perspective" is mostly full of errors but agrees with small parts of it

Unknown said...

1.Content - this article says that auto sales in August are over 17 million SAAR
2. Appearance - the blog is professionally organized
3. Navigation - it is simple, you just scroll down like you would on a normal webpage
4. Apparent bias - this blog isn't really biased

Unknown said...

Cautious Bull

Context: This blog presents predictions on the implications of world events on both domestic and international markets as well as providing explanations for particular anomalies in various economic sectors.
Appearance: The blog is sleek, clean and well put together
Navigation: Links are clearly displayed and work easily and efficiently
Apparent Bias: There is no strong bias one way or the other but there is a particular focus on European markets

Unknown said...


Context- Economonitor is about the latest news of other country's economy.

Appearance- It is very organized with labels of different countries and their articles.

Navigation- The navigation is easy to use.

Apparent Bias- The blogger tends to mainly discuss about a country's issues rather than what they are doing right.

Alexis Zamora said...

The Money Illusion
Context- This blog has a large focus on on monetary policy in union with commentary on current events and other economic related information.

Appearance-Fairly basic with no apparent aim at aesthetic enhancement. Grey background with neutral colored wording.

Navigation- Only a few tabs at the top of the page but many options on right side to narrow down your search.

Apparent Bias-This blog is not meant for the common man. Post are typically geared toward economists and usually puts his own opinion in arguments he chooses to review.

Unknown said...

The Power and the Money

Context: This blog focuses on the inner workings of unstable economies, energy markets, and and economic/political empires
Appearance: It is inviting in its color scheme but seems cluttered
Navigation: Categories are presented but somewhat haphazardly but in general easy to navigate through
Apparent Bias: Strong bias towards Latin America and the Caribbean, however the blog does cover a wide variety of current international economic events

Unknown said...

The Foundry

Content- It is mainly about social and economic issues in the US.

Appearance- This blog is divided into different articles about the latest news in the US.

Navigation- The navigation is relatively simple and easy to use.

Apparent Bias- This blog is written mainly for conservatives.

Alexis Zamora said...

Context-Growthology reviews entrepreneurship and information that could be of use to businesses.

Appearance-Professional and simple.

Navigation-Fairly easy to navigate with ability to search within the blog.

Bias-No extreme amount of bias present nut caters to businesses more than anything.

Julia Mathew said...

Au Courant

Context- Au Courant has personal stories that talk about certain views on subjects like libraries, technology, economics, and public policy

Appearance- This blog is very organized and uniformed that makes everything easy to read

Navigation- It is easy to scroll up and down and find different articles because the headers are defined easily

Bias- This blog is mainly personal stories that does not really pertain to one side or view

Unknown said...

This Young Economist

Context: Discusses how in modern society a penny spent is a penny earned, as opposed to saving.

Appearance: Fairly simple and basic appearance, not eye catching what so ever

Navigation: Easy to navigate, basic tabs etc.

Bias: Relatively Bias towards those who save and don't spend.

Julia Mathew said...

Health Economics Blog

Context- This blog is mainly about new information and opinions in medical industries like biotech and pharmacy

Appearance-It is very basic with large article titles and black font

Navigation- This blog is easy to scroll down and read through without any confusion

Bias- There is not really any bias in this blog

Hannah Stone said...

1. Calculated Risk
Content- The blog talks about the predicted sales of vehicles, updates on unemployment and news about banks
Appearance- The appearance is kind of plain. It's pretty much just white with words and few pictures.
Navigation- The navigation is pretty easy; all you have to do is scroll down.
Bias- The blog is pretty fact-based so I don't see much bias.
2. Why Nations Fail
Content- The blog talks about the possible reasons why the economies of nations can do poorly.
Appearance- It has some color but could probably use more pictures.
Navigation- Pretty easy. It's just scrolling.
Bias- The writers mainly talk about what they think

Unknown said...

Crossing Wallstreet

Context: This site gives you good and bad news about the current stock market, also has information on how much stocks have risen and fallen, contains graphs and charts to support the stated information.

Appearance: Simple but professional appearance, Ad's scattered across the blog are annoying

Navigation: Easy to use, tabs at the top of the page for navigation

Bias: No Bias, this website simply states facts.

Unknown said...

Shanika Jacob- Period 6
The Baseline Scenario
1. Content- Baseline contains blog post about major issues in global economy and keep ups with major businesses. One of the blog post discusses Google's new structure. Google has decide to reorganize its structure by being owned by the holding company, Alphabet. This doesn't mean much, there is no difference in a corporations owning other corporations and a corporations with different divisions. Alphabet's subsidiaries will have their own CEOs.
2. Appearance- The blog posts looks basic blog post.
3. Navigation- Easy to navigate
4. Apparent Bias- Assumes that Google being under Alphabet is not going to make a difference

The Big Picture
1. Content- This blog post is designed for wide range of audiences. The blog posts' content are about the economy and throughout the day post about the stays of the US markets. There is visuals and links to videos about the economy and related topics. Blog posts are easy to understand.
2. Appearance-Nothing special about the blog posts
3. Navigation- Somewhat easy to navigate. There is no search bar on the website to find older post.
4. Apparent Bias- One blog posts assumes that if the investor's job does not have a mutual fund it would not survive being apart of the market and has no facts to back up this statement.

Seyi Soyebo said...


CONTEXT : this blog is focused around the political economics of water found in the US
APPEARANCE : many links, pictures, and posts shared by the users and authors can be found on the site. different post categories can be found on the side. basic format
NAVIGATION : simple and easy. scroll up and down select a post that interests you
BIAS: clearly centered around the topic of water

Seyi Soyebo said...


CONTEXT : this blog is focused around the political economics of water found in the US
APPEARANCE : many links, pictures, and posts shared by the users and authors can be found on the site. different post categories can be found on the side. basic format
NAVIGATION : simple and easy. scroll up and down select a post that interests you
BIAS: clearly centered around the topic of water

Unknown said...

Nicholas lemon 6
Cheap talk
1. The blog mainly talks about economic issues and politics at random.
2. The blog is not very attractive in appearance it could use more pictures that back up the topic.
3. The blog is fairly easy to navigate but there should be a more efficient was to access and pin point particular post.
4. The blog has no real bias the two professors hit both sides off all arguments with the same intensity.

Seyi Soyebo said...


CONTENT : this blog is centered around the US' food policies and procedures
APPEARANCE : lots of textual posts with graphs and tweets that support the ideas of the authors
NAvigation : 4 different tabs that you continuously scroll down upon
BIAS : no clear bias

Unknown said...

Sahir Khan
Context: This blog talks about importance of money and social media and how ties in with economics and addresses issues. This blog approaches economics from an Austrian/Libertarian perspective, but nevertheless attempts to bring in heterodox views on policy and economic issues.
Appearance: The blog seemed fairly plain and simple. It had a few pictures every once in a while but other than that just words.
Navigation: The blog was easy to go through it wasn't too long and it was easy to get to the point.
Bias: There wasn't really any bias

Unknown said...

Sahir Khan
Context: This blog talks about importance of money and social media and how ties in with economics and addresses issues. This blog approaches economics from an Austrian/Libertarian perspective, but nevertheless attempts to bring in heterodox views on policy and economic issues.
Appearance: The blog seemed fairly plain and simple. It had a few pictures every once in a while but other than that just words.
Navigation: The blog was easy to go through it wasn't too long and it was easy to get to the point.
Bias: There wasn't really any bias

Unknown said...

Sahir Khan 4th
Context:This blog is a very in depth look at modern monetary policy and economics, as well as more general economic news and issues.
Appearance: Blog looks nice. Plenty of information and did a good job with providing charts and graphs.
Navigation: This blog was fairly simple to navigate. It was just a lot to scroll through.
Bias: There was no bias

Unknown said...

Vox (economic prosperity breeds trust)

Content: this article talks about the relationship between prosperity and trust. It also talks about the possibility of a mutual feedback between trust and economic growth.

Appreance : Orders the information into 4 small sections and gives references in the end.

Navigation: no navigation just text.

Bias: it biased between the growth of the economy and the social trust between people.

Environmental and urban economics (Paul Romero on urban growth and option value)

Content: focused on the nation of Columbia, "he seeks to help the leaders of this urbanizing nation to create the necessary conditions to have productive and "livable" future cities." He argues the state of cities and there possible future.

Appreance: mainly textual evidence and arguements. Quotes from Paul romer on urbanization.

Navigation: no navigation, except for links to different websites but mainly texts.

Bias: Paul romer argues for the urbanization of cities around the world and tries to change the cities future.

Ben Joel said...
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Ben Joel said...
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Ben Joel said...


Content-Focuses on correlation between nature and the economy. Blog of economics, finances and life.
Appearance-Plain text and background. Somewhat boring.
Navigation-Articles are the first thing to pop up when on home page. Easy to find links and tabs to other areas of the website.
Bias-Clear bias towards environmentally friendly ideas.

Benjamin Joel-2nd Period

Ben Joel said...


Content-Articles and information that correlates between the environment and the economy. Focuses on the global environment and economic development.
Appearance-The blog has an attention grabbing title page, but has the format of a basic website.
Navigation-An abundance of links causes the website to be confusing and hard to navigate.
Bias-Clear bias towards information and articles that consider the well being of nature and the economy.

Benjamin Joel-2nd Period

Dakota Bernhart said...

content- debates on different economic principles and functions, including but not limited to, education and labor costs, unemployemnt numbers, and interest rates

appearance- somewhat crowded,things in odd places.

navigation- not very organized, but many tabs and pages for easy access to charts

bias- it seems more biased towards the modern business owner and less consumer based

Dakota Bernhart said...

content- general look at economics and its cultural impact. focuses on real world applications of economics.

appearance- cosmetically basic but extremely organized. search bar eases navigation.

navigation- easy to navigate. multiple links, pages, and search bars cause quick navigation and results from searches.

biased- more macroeconomic then microeconomic also avoids penny stocks and general tax laws.

(marginal revolution)

Carly Freker- Period 6 said...

Content- Focuses on the three crisis' that the world is dealing with (Finance, Development, and the Environment) and attempting to create a global dialogue on these three crisis'.
Appearance- The blog has a nice appearance, with pictures at the top encompassing the three crisis' that the blog focuses on.
Navigation- Easy to navigate, there is a categories tab on the side that clearly lays out all the categories of the blog along with a list of tabs on top allowing you to navigate through the major points of the blog.
Bias- Apparent bias focusing on the opinion that the world is in fact suffering through the three crisis' of Finance, Development, and the Environment.

Content- I actually found the content of Freakonomics very interesting, as they integrated videos and radio clips into the format. This blog also seems to be aimed more towards the common person as opposed to an economist because there are minor celebrity opinions and an easy to understand language
Appearance- As I said, I enjoy the integration of video clips. Overall, it has a user friendly atmosphere with bright backgrounds and lots of fun pictures
Navigation- There is one large navigation tab at the top that allows you to click between the blog, radio, books, movies, etc.
Bias- There doesn't seem to be an apparent bias in this blog.

Unknown said...

Adam Smith Institute
Content- Most of the website's content is about politics, and the economy of the United Kingdom.
Appearance- the website looks nice, it is split into research, upcoming events, and an about us page.
Navigation- It is easy to navigate, there are tabs at the top to help with navigation, and it is split into sections.
Bias- Most of the information is related to the United Kingdom.

Unknown said...

A Fistful of Euros
Content- Most of the articles are related to the economy of Europe, and the interactions between the countries of the European Union.
Appearance- It is fairly simply, with a picture at the top.
Navigation-It is easy to navigate. all you have to do is scroll down to find articles, and on the side there are links to recent post and other things.
Bias- It is related to thing inside the European union.

Russell Wong said...

World Political Economy
Content- This website is a vast resource of multiple documents from previous years that captures the big headlines in the economies around the world.
Appearance- The website looks fairly simple with images of multiple types of currency in the top background.
Navigation- For the website's simple usage, simple tabs help navigate to each type of news article or the month and year of which an event may have taken place. Overall, the navigation is extremely simplistic.
Apparent Bias- It is quite obvious that although it is meant for the world, the United States still has longer headlines and more frequent ones then other countries.

Intelligent Economist
Content- The website is to help introduce users to the world of economics and the intricate ways of it. Furthermore, it also provides news pertaining to the latest events.
Appearance- Although it is meant to introduce others to explore and experiment with the world of economics, it is much similarly organized into any other news website you may find online. The blue and expanding signs gives that effect.
Navigation- The navigation is split into multiple tabs that split into more smaller specific categories while the front page is composed of news headlines to easily see.
Bias-Although there is not noticeable bias, one may notice that most of their news headlines pertain to crashes in an economy. However, this can also be explained by the fact that crashes have occured more frequently.

Unknown said...

Jillian Sara Gicana
6th period

1. Café Hayek

Content: This contains information about how entrepreneurs and business people do not exploit profit opportunities along with opinions about minimum wage. Also it provides questioning over the importance of monopsony power.
Appearance: The blog is very organized with different featured blogs that Don Boudreaux/Ron Roberts has posted along with different blogs listed to the left and also has different categories to find blogs about.
Navigation: Fairly easy to go about, you can just scroll and find different blogs from the blogger. It also has different blogs listed to the left that you can click on or you can select a category to find a certain topic one would want to read about.
Bias: Apparent bias on minimum wage on skilled workers and how business people and entrepreneurs go about different opportunities.

2. NYU Development Research Institute

Content: It focuses on economic development and growth of poor countries along with information about their organization with helping internationally.
Appearance : Very organized with tabs listed at the top and recent articles on the main page.
Navigation : Easy to go about the website with different tabs listed at the top that can easily help you find more information on their website.
Bias: No apparent bias only information on economic growth within a country and just research on certain developments.

Amber Muhammad said...

Uneasy Money

1)content- The post focuses on the views of David Henderson and Scott Sumer on the Austrian Business Cycle theory by Robert Murphy due to the recent mini stock market crash. The post also includes quotes from both people.
2)Format- The format was very informative, it included charts, and quotes to back up what the authors were saying.
3)Navigation- The navigation is easy due to the side buttons that can direct you to the blogs you would like to see as well as everything being on the same page.
4)bias- there is no apparent bias due to the authors stating they will follow whatever stock that is up at the moment

Organizations and Markets

1)content- The main focus is on what is new in economics including reviews on books, peoples, and or anything else that interests the other.
2)Format- the format included pictures, quotes and articles from other places.
3)Navigation- the navigation is very convenient due to the buttons on the op and to the right that help organize the blog from most recent posts to older posts.
4)Bias- There aren’t any particular bias in the article how\ever all points come from one author and are reviews on my economics.

Anonymous said...

1.) Chicago Boyz

content: This blog contains articles of various current events and news of interest including stock fluctuations, insights into political changes and candidacy, books that the blog has read, etc.
Appearance: a very simple black-text blog with green captions and accents. articles are posted in the center, filling up most of the space. Tabs of information pertaining to the organization of the blog is to the right while featured books are shown on the left.
navigation: Like I had mentioned, navigation tabs are located on the very right showing dates as well as recent blogs, featured articles, and more organizations of blog articles.
bias: the articles all start with a very informative introduction to the perspective topics then the author reveals his or her opinions in the end

Unknown said...

Amira Nickerson- 2nd period

UConn Econ Blog
1) Content: Updates about the Department of Economics at the University of Connecticut
2) Appearance: Minimalistic and straightforward
3) Ease of Navigation: Very organized with many tags to choose from in order to find what you are looking for
4) Apparent bias: Focuses primarily on the university of Connecticut news, rather than global news

Market Economics
1) Content: Provides advice on trading and investing
2) Appearance: uninteresting html webpage
3) Ease of Navigation: No tags to easily find content. The only to find a past is to scroll down to it
4) Apparent bias: All advice is his own opinion

Anonymous said...

2.) Rortybomb (changed to Next New Deal)

content: This blog specializes in economic topics, global happenings, political changes, and other topics pertaining to the government.
appearance: Clean and crisp, the blog has organized titles and tabs at the top, black and white theme with navy blue accents. Scrolling down leads you to streams of most recent articles to least recent. To the right contains a briefing of Mike Konczal, featured topics, and spolight articles.
navigation: Navigation tabs are organized horizontally at the top of the blog.
bias: the blogger presents himself as a progressive economist and his opinions are prevalent in all his posts.

Anonymous said...

oops i forgot to write my name but the Rortybomb and Chicago Boyz reviews are from Thanh Vo, 2nd period

Unknown said...

Simone Munajj Period 6
The Becker-Posner Blog
Content: Focuses on the trading of resources between Cuba and the United States as well as the highly disputed growth of college funding and the legalization of marijuana.
Appearance: The blog lacks color and superfluous design.
Navigation: Contains several easily accessible tabs to different social media sites that allow the viewer to share and repost each blog.
Bias: Both Becker and Posner seem to condemn the poor economical choices of Castro with personal opinions of his character combined with statistical fact.

American Enterprise Institute Carpe Diem Blog
Content: Focuses on the evolution of technology, infrastructure, and economic thinking.
Appearance: Contains adequate color and a very modern design with lots of visuals
Navigation: The blog cites it's other resources well, has links to the different blog topics, and connects viewers to Perry's events, scholarships, and social media.
Bias: Perry favors innovations and ideas that are moral as well as economical

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu- 2nd Period
1) Zero Hedge
Content: The website seems to keep track of international news as well as news of U.S. Economics. The recent posts have kept up with situations with the Chinese economy as well as the Australian economy.
Appearance- White themed website with a blue accent. The font is smaller than the usual size so that everything can be easily read and stays within margins. The posts are stacked vertically with only the recent post in a gray highlight.
Navigation- Everything is neatly organized with tabs in the right hand corner. The sources that the author keeps up with is clearly listed on the left hand side.
Bias- The author seems to be a democratic who does not corporate their own beliefs into the majority of the posts but rather simply states the facts.

Unknown said...

Jeremy Tanueco, Period 2

1.) Econbrowser
Content - This blog's recent posts target China's economy and global trends, i.e. Trump's attempt to dissuade people about Global Warming, and contains economic trends within the U.S., such as an article discussing Wisconsin's Employment reaching its peak.
Appearance - Very plain, main index spaces each article so it won't look jumbled. Once you choose an article, it contains visuals with brief descriptions of the article/visual chosen.
Ease of Navigation - Very straightforward and simple, citations/sources are listed below each visual and lists author, recent posts, and categorizes the rest of his articles in tabs.
Apparent Bias - Biased against Trump, in which the author condemns Trump's worldview as being voluntarily ignorant to the rising global temperatures and wildfires.

Anonymous said...

Veronica Wang
Period 6
Liberty Street Economics
1) Content: focuses on US economy, very few to none international mentions, targets issues that affect middle class
2) Appearance: minimalist, kept colors on website to neutral tones (white and blue), pictures per post to preview article
3) Ease of Navigation: navigation bar at top, provides preview for each article with button to continue reading article if interested
4) Apparent bias: favors a liberal point of view by backing democratic ideas

Irish Economy
1) Content: as name suggests, all content pertains to Ireland, any mention of international countries are connected back to Ireland
2) Appearance: very basic, seems to be a template with no modifications done to the design
3) Ease of Navigation: posts are categorized by topics/date of post, easy to find posts on a certain topic
4) Apparent bias: favors small government with less power given to them and more to the people

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu - 2nd Period
2)Think Progess
Content- Economy is one of the nine main topics that are provided. In the economic section, the blog does speak about the wage gap within the U.S. It does not seem to speak much about countries other than the U.S.. The blog also has lots of other categories such as Climate, LGBT and Election that reflects how the blog's author may be currently very tuned into the upcoming election.
Appearance- Very nice and attracting graphics for the tabs at the top of the page. All the posts are color coded and fall under a broad topic, all of which are ver important topics that are big enough to be used in a presidential debate. Just about all the posts have a thumbnail to go with the topic of the post and makes it seem very professional.
Navigation- Navigation is very simple with broad topics to choose from at the top and when you do read an article, there are related topics on the side of the article for you to continue reading.
Bias- The author seems to paying attention of the Black Lives Matter movement and the events that come with it. The author is biased against those who refute the racial tensions in America. The author also seems biased against Trump and his actions against African Americans and Mexicans.

Ayesha Parvez said...

Period 4

1) Firedoglake

Content- Exposes abuse of power in business and government all throughout the world.
Appearance- It looks really cool! The main colors on the blog is blue, black and white and the set-up is organized.
Navigation- Easy to use. Their posts appear on the front page from the most recent (August 30, 2015) to the first they have ever posted (November 25, 2009).
Bias- The authors are from different cultures and backgrounds, and they mostly focus on justice for poor or struggling third world countires or injustice that is witnessed in countries/territories, like the U.S., Gaza Strip/Palestine, etc. They are biased against any act of injustice that the government of a particular regioin/state/country, etc partake in.

2) A Dash of Insight

Content- The writer of this blog talks much in detail about what is going on in the world of economics. Not just about what's going on in the U.S. (which he talks about in great detail), but other countries too such as China (and..well..mostly China).
Appearance- Although it only seems like a lot of words in just 1 page that goes on forever, I actually find it quite useful and interesting. He uses graphs and stats from sources (like Universitites) that help people better understand what is going on at that moment in the Economy.
Navigation- Every thing that he has posted is in the first page you go to when you type in his web adress or click on his website link. So it might be hard to find a specific day you want to read about since you have to scroll down for a long time.
Bias- It seems as if he's a little biased against China, but he is mostly just stating the negatives of the Economy in the US.

Anonymous said...

William Mitchell
Period 4

1 - The content seems to be focused on the current state of the whole world's economy, making weekly podcasts on the economic events of the world. There are also the occasional mini-essays, which, while not too long, do give some good, written insight into issues outside of the weekly podcasts.
2 - Basic and simplistic, easy to navigate, and not too hard on the eyes.
3 - As mentioned, the simple design makes the blog very easy to navigate, with clear buttons at the top to take you to different pages.
4 - While I am not very good at detecting bias, it seems this blog caters moreso to the common person, with mentions of how X will affect the people. It mostly stay analytical, with little business going into politics (From what I read)

1 - Again, it touches on current issues, but goes very deep into them, how they affect the market, and theories on how to improve the problems these issues are causing, or what issues they may cause. Very basic, but an interesting read for sure.
2 - The colors are't that great and the background is kind of whatever, but it gets the job done, I guess. The main thing here is the text.
3 - A bit more unfriendly, just having links to a few outside sites, and groupings of when articles were published, but alright.
4 - They seem to like Europe - Many of their current articles chronicle the issues going on in Europe. They also seem to dislike politics affecting the economy, as well as other politically motivated moves.

sfvfdfv said...

Maria Francis
Period 6
Naked Capitalism-
Content- This blog's primary function is to employ a group of writers who work to expose the truths behind major new stories that pertain to financial and legal agreements. They follow the money and explain the complex economic systems that favor the wealthy while masking it as beneficial towards the general population.
Appearance- The blog is very plain looking and has no bright colors that draw the eyes away from the content. It is very straight to the point and organized into various sections.
Navigation- The blog posts are neatly organized into what months that they were published. The bars at the top organize the sections very neatly and there is a search bar so that you can find an article you are looking for. Easy to navigate.
Bias- Since they promote open discussions and different points of views, there seems to be no big biases. However, since they may have a bias towards the government and the wealthy since they are the ones that are being exposed by this blog.
Club For Growth-
Content- This blog focuses on bills that are controversial in congress. They believe in a limited government with economic freedom. They focus on free trade, budget spending, regulation and taxes.
Appearance- Two main colors: green and black. Nothing too bright pops out. They stick to a 2 color scheme and the articles and sections are very organized with nice summaries of each topic.
Navigation- The sections at the top make it easy to navigate through the website . The blog part shows the different topic off to the side making it easy to find the one you're looking for. There is no search bar but it is so organized that it won’t be hard to find desired articles.
Bias- They seem to only present their point of view. They mention no open discussions, but they talk about forcing their opinions on law makers.They may be biased toward those that do not agree with their opinions.

Evlin Babu said...

Evlin Babu- 2nd Period

1. Welker's Wikinomics
CONTEXT: The author of the blog seems to be a teacher and explains many economic concepts. He also has practice AP questions and instructional videos for each chapter/ concept.
APPEARANCE: The color scheme is boring and the whole layout seems messy. There are links everywhere on the sides and the total look of the website is boring.
NAVIGATION: Navigation is simple, tabs and links lead you exactly where you want to go. The articles/blogs are organized by date and links to old articles are located on the sides of the website.
BIAS: When reading the articles I spot no apparent biases.

Anonymous said...

David Edquilang - 6th Period

Emergent Economics
1. Content: Deals mostly with Europeean economic concerns. All content is outdated and not current, as the author has stopped updating the site.
2. Appearance: Basic. Mostly text. Few images. Most images are graphs.
3. Ease of Navigation: Scroll down to read more.
4. Apparent Bias: The blog is written by one author. He does have his own opinions regarding economics and even seems to dislike David Cameron. However, he does provide a lot of information and data that is purely objective.

The Portuguese Economy
1. Content: It's all about economics in Portugal and its relations to the rest of Europe.
2. Appearance: Extremely basic. The reader is bombarded with an overwhelming wall of text that may be off-putting. There are only a few images, all being graphs.
3. Navigation: Just scroll down to read more.
4. Apparent Bias: Content is extremely objective, there is no subjective bias. The only bias is that the blog only covers Portuguese economic concerns.

Anonymous said...

Madison Walkes
Period 4
Health Economics Blog

Context: This blog has a huge focus on monetary policy in relation with commentary on current events and similar economic context. Mainly about new information

Appearance: Grey background with a plain colored wording. Large titles.

Navigation- There are a few options/selections at the top of the page to make your search easier. It is easy to navigate

Apparent Bias - There is not a bias in this blog

Unknown said...

Imani Windom 2nd period

On the Economy
1.Content: Since the first piece is discussing a debate about keeping rates low, there was a lot of quotes, but at least gives readers several different thoughts
2.Appearance: Has everything a basic blog could need, the spacing of the article seems a bit odd
3. Navigation: Easy to read and scroll, several links to chose from
4.Apparent Bias: Of course the article is bias because it was written by a member of Obama's economics team.
Intelligent Economist
1. Content: Gives great, brief points about important events in the economy, gives profiles of significant economist, and gives longer articles about particular financial news.
2. Appearance: This website has a very update website design with several attractive features.
3. Navigation: The home page gives quick and simple links and then suggested links which makes perusing easy,
4.Apparent Bias: No apparent bias, but it is subjective on what is considered the seven "top" story. The content, however, stays neutral.

Evlin Babu said...

2. Macnomics
Context: The website is for students in that certain class. It consists of lesson plans, handouts, and homework.
Appearance: Its an interesting layout with GIFS and other colorful elements that make the website appealing to teenage students.
Navigation: The blogs are organized in 3 different columns and that is the only odd part of the navigation. Otherwise the information is organized in different tabs at the top.
Bias: Due to the instructional purpose of the website there are no apparent biases.

Unknown said...

Jeremy Tanueco, Period 2

2.) The Volokh Conspiracy
Content - Mostly what is happening internally in the U.S., such as debates over birthright citizenship, a hypothetical where the author discusses taking the Fifth amendment to a civil case, etc.
Appearance - Website itself is very pleasing to the eye, with the white background highlighting the bold titles of each article, allowing for easier access. Most articles in the main index usually contain a picture.
Navigation - Very well organized, in that it is very easy to find the author(s), their books, archives, and articles on the main page.
Apparent Bias - Seemingly neutral, although one of the authors, Eugene Volkoh, supports that Hillary Clinton is still eligible for Presidency despite violating government records laws.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Hong
The Simple Dollar
1) Content: most of the content is on helpful financial tips that are applicable to everyday life and relevant topics in today's modern society
2) Appearance: pretty simple and easy on the eyes with green (titles of posts), blue (indicates links) and black (the post itself) font colors
3) Ease of Navigation: pretty easy with a list of different categories that make it easy on the reader to find topics of interest
4) Apparent Bias: the bloggers don't seem to have a strongly voiced opinions, they just tell readers what worked best for them and advises readers in the same situation to do the same

Next New Deal
1) Content: most of the posts featured on this blog are over global trade, unemployment and labor/jobs
2) Appearance: the blog is friendly looking with a blue and black theme with some pops of color
3) Ease of Navigation: pretty easy to use with a menu bar at the top of the blog with different drop down lists depending on what the reader is looking for
4) Apparent Bias: the bloggers seem to base their post around their opinions on the discussed topic

Anonymous said...

Giovanny Dominguez 4th period
The Economist - Blame Mexico
Context - Mainly about how trump feels on immigration , he describes what he actions he plans to take on immigrants , how they affect our safety , and how they affect our economy
Appearance - Simple , many paragraphs
Navigation - all you have to do is scroll down
Apparent Bias - the bloggers seem to not agree with Trump or the Republican Party

Abnormal Returns
Context - blog about many economic current events , such as : the state of the economy , list of information points , and big investments .
Appearance - blog with many links in order
Navigation- easy , just click on any link based on the date , and it will lead you into a new page
Apparent Bias : none

Anonymous said...

Stricklin Snyder 2nd Period
New Economist
Content: This blog is an artifact. It seems to be dead because it has not been posted to or updated since 2012. While the articles are detailed, it is mostly regurgitated quotes/information from other people and websites.
Appearance: Right hand side bar makes it easy to navigate the page, however the links to articles overwhelm the reader. Also the articles are very small and difficult to read without zooming in.
Navigation: Right hand side bar makes it easy to navigate.
Bias: Blog takes on the opinion of whoever they are quoting.

10Q Detective
Content: Websites for investors looking for financial 'soft spots' that may impact quarterly earnings.
Appearance: Blogspot page which makes it easy to navigate and had a relevant themed background.
Navigation: Right hand side bar makes it easy to navigate to articles over multiple years. Most recent articles are at the top of the page for easy access.
Bias: Blog motivates certain organizations for certain stocks. Otherwise no bias.

Jonah Yu, Period 2 said...

This blog is for people interested in macroeconomics and federal policy and written by a Canadian in the United States Federal Policy.
This blog looks pretty well designed, but the design of Macro Mania looks very outdated and looks like it hasn't been updated in a very long time. Also, it is very organized and has many pictures that go along with the according paragraph.
Ease of Navigation:
Very easy to navigate, but would really like to click on something so that it could bring me back to the top. Everything is very easy to follow.
Apparent bias:
This guy has no bias because he is from Canada and this is about the United States Economy.

Anonymous said...

Rolando Pineda, 4th period
Content: This blog publishes reviews and reports regarding both the U.S. and world economy
Appearance:the blog is neatly organized with long but through posts that go into detail regarding their topic
Ease of Navigation: the blog has a simple navigation panel to find what you need
Apparent bias: the articles are relatively objective but critical at times

Anonymous said...

Rolando Pineda, 4th period
Content:this blog discusses economic research and various economic events around the world
Appearance: the blog has a simple but efficient design
Ease of Navigation: the blog has its own search engine, labels and archives tab which makes finding what you need a breeze
Apparent bias:most posts are told through narrative that while interesting lack objectivity, although the information is sound enough

Jonah Yu, Period 2 said...

This blog is full of information on different stocks that are very popular like DOW, S+P, ect. It is a very broad blog with a lot of information on stocks and graphs for it.
This blog looks very neat and tidy and doesn't have a lot of confusion for the reader. There are a lot of extra sites for other sites that relate to the blog.
Ease of Navigation:
Lots of extra sites that relate to the blog.
Apparent Bias:
Might be biased to CNN views on politics and such.

Unknown said...

Scottish Economy Watch
This blog discusses the labor markets of Scotland and how it remains weak as well as discusses the shift from full time employment to part time employment as well as the permanent production in productivity that caused non inflationary expansion with a limited out put.
this blog definitely seems as if it was written by an amateur or a student with less experience it was written very broken however the graphs were neat and easy to follow as well as listed an extra site for additional information.
Ease of Navigation:
the blog was easy to follow but short and concise so there wasn't much reason to search additionally besides reading the blog.
Apparent Bias:
the author clearly was biased he even specified that "I favor the demand side explanation more than the loss of supply capacity view".

Chris Thottasseril Per. 2 said...

All Roads Lead to CHINA
This blog discusses about China's economy, how they use their resources in their economy, and also some of the pollution problems China has.
This blog overall look decent with various posts although most are old.
Ease of navigation:
The blog is easy to navigate containing most info on the first page.
Apparent Bias:
The bloggers don't really have apparent bias.

Anonymous said...

Ulises Osorio-2nd period
(The Street Light)
1)Content: Mainly discusses Eurozone unemployment as well as its banking deposits,and its austerity. also the rate of government job destruction in the U.S.

2)Appearance: The website is very well organized.The different topics are separated into various sections that include charts, graphs, and other pictures making it easy for the readers to follow along.

3)Ease of navigation: navigating the website is very simple. you just scroll down as you go along with the passage. also there are links to the side you can easily use to find a different topic.

4)Apparent bias: the blogger seems to be very much against the ideas of austerity in Eurozones.

(U.S. Food Policy)
1)Content: The blog consists of criticism towards the National Pork Producers Council and the Agricultural Marketing Service as well as a video on food safety policy, what crops to grow in california and farmers income.

2)Appearance: The blog is very easy to read. there are no big chunks of text to overwhelm the reader. everything is spread out and it also includes videos, pictures, and charts.

3)Ease of navigation:very easy to use. there's links and tabs on the sides if you'd like to read other topics or to just read the blog just scroll down.

4)Apparent bias:the blogger seems to be very critical of the National Pork Producers Council and the Agricultural Marketing Service. he is very much in agreement with the food safety policies.

Chris Thottasseril Per. 2 said...

DFID Bloggers
This blog contains personal experiences to help eliminate poverty in developing countries.
This blog looks highly professional and contains images that makes it more appealing to explore.
Ease of Navigation:
This blog is very easy to navigate and contains recent blogs.
Apparent Bias:
There was some bias against developed countries to assist developing countries economically.

Kyle Newby said...

Kyle Newby Period 2

Macro Man (Gushing)

Content – Talks about how despite the recent fluctuations, the economy has a lot of positives going for it. The GDP estimates for the year have steadily gone up throughout the last several decades.
Appearance - The article is easy to read and has nice graphs to support the facts in the writing. However, the graphs are hard to read without zooming in.
Ease of Navigation – The blog is easy to navigate and allows you to read about relatable topics easily as well.
Apparent bias – There seems to be no bias by the author. The author is just trying to accurately inform the reader.


Content – The article tells of a convention called the Mosler Economic Policy Centor (Mecpoc). It is an annual public event held at Franklin University Switzerland where economists and interested citizens are invited to discuss current economic global issues.
Appearance – The article is very clean and simple.
Ease of Navigation – The site is easy to navigate and has hyperlinks within the article to certain main topics if you are interested in learning more.
Apparent bias – There is no bias in this article. It is just informing the reader about what Mecpoc is.

Aadesh Brahmbhatt said...

Aadesh Brahmbhatt
Period 6


Content - Currently there are a lot of election topics being discussed such as immigration however there are also topics such as climate change that are discussed. He even has an article talking about medieval food recipes and the myths associated with medieval cuisine.

Appearance - The appearance is easy to read and most of the articles are short and easy to understand. It seems that he is using the same blog website as Mr.Pye.

Ease of Navigation - The site has links to all the previous articles and neatly organizes them by month and year with hyperlinks making it very easy to navigate.

Apparent Bias - He seems to be anti Donald Trump due to his comments arguing against the wall to keep immigrants out. He also seems to have strong opinions about climate change, arguing against the study that states that 97% of researchers believe in climate change.

The RepEC Blog

Content - Many of the articles are informative pieces about research in economics papers and the RepEC database which seems to be an organization dedicated to the collection and storage of economic data for the creation of enhanced metadata.

Appearance - The website is very well organized, although the explanation on RepEC seems to be a little vague, however thats more of a content issue.

Ease of Navigation - There are tons of links to archives that are years old helping to document the extensive collection of articles, and making it very easy to navigate

Apparent Bias - There is very little bias since most of it is just information about RepEc and the progress that the organization is making.

Marcus Thompson said...

1. Stan Collender's capital gains and games

1.talks about capital products and markets mostly in the u.s
2. Simple look but alot of ads and no graphics but the banner
3. Easy to navigate with simple page turns
4. No basis

2. Alpha. Sources

1. Talks abiut international markets and thier effects on eachother
2. Clean look has sidebar buttons and apps like twitter and soundcloud
3. Very easy has page buttons at bottom and uses podcast in the website powered by soundcloud
4. A little anti-big corporations basis but no basis

Marcus Thompson 2nd

Anonymous said...

D.Shabu Period 4

The Everyday Economist
Content - Has good content that looks at all the important details and explains carefully and accuratly.
Appearance - Clean and well organized. No need for fancy text, just minimalism.
Ease of Navigation - Simple
Apparent Bias - No bias. That's what I can tell from the Keynesian Failure article.

Institutional Economics
Content - Informative. Seems the author will be taking long periods of break from using the blog.
Appearance - Clean and simple.
Ease of Navigation - Simple. Also clean and well organized without much eyecandy.
Apparent Bias - No bias.

Charith Wijeyesekera said...

Charith Wijeyesekera 6th

Economic Collapse

1. Focuses mainly on historical patterns where the economy has crashed. For example he mentioned how at the end of the Shemitah year (coming this september) the economy has suffered significantly.

2. There are a few pictures and lots of ads. Very simple appearance.

3. Easy to navigate, scroll down to find articles and click "read more" to open the full article

4. The author seems to be very "gloom and doom" and seems to fall for the "post hoc" fallacy that we learned in class.

Dani Rodrik's weblog
1. Articles look at global economies and economic trends in various regions.

2. Very clean. Good use of graphs. Very few pictures use, but no ads.

3. Easy to navigate, just scroll down to find more articles. There is also a side bar with the most recent posts.

4. The author is Turkish and does tend to have more articles related to Turkey, but he doesnt really show any bias towards his home country. For other articles he tends to not show any bias, providing many facts to inform the reader.

Nicholas Singleton said...

Economic Policy Institute
Content-The blog had a lot of information and offered different areas for research.
Appearance-The blog looked a little dull as the color scheme was very basic, however it was appropriate for the content.
Ease of Navigation- the tabs made it easy for the viewer to navigate
Apparent bias- They are an organization fighting for fair pay among the working class, therefore they are bias to the working class.

Planet Money
Content- This blog is more of a media blog as it houses podcast and videos.
Appearance- The blog looks very professional and has a lot of advanced website building elements added
Ease of Navigation- There isn't much to navigate through, as everything is displayed on the home page. However, if you were looking for a particular podcast you could find it with ease
Apparent bias-This blog is targeted toward those who do not know a lot about economics and they are trying to make economics more colloquial. The apparent bias would be to those who do not know a lot about the economy

Unknown said...

Demarcus Davis 6th Period

Infectious Greed
1. Content- This blog mostly contains twitter posts referring to economics posted by different people. Posts also mention other areas of life such as health and business decisions among other topics.
2. Appearance- Very creative web page featuring collage of twitter posts.
3. Navigation- Easy to navigate but doesn't feature wide array of information
4. Apparent Bias- No bias, website merely mentions economic news from various people and resources

1. Content- This blog mostly contains information about world markets day to day as well as problems going on in these other places around the world
2. Appearance- Nothing particularly special about the appearance. site just contains links to the other articles posted on the blog
3. Navigation- Site is very easy to navigate
4. Apparent Bias- No bias, site contains information about various ideas and conflicts around the world

Tea Thomas said...

Tea Thomas 2nd Period


Content: This blog includes current events pertaining to different segments of economics.
Appearance: Plain, and organized. Little to no color.
Ease of Navigation: Easy to navigate
Apparent Bias: no bias, the website explores different topics and stats


Content: This blog includes information about the past, and present of international economies.
Appearance: Organized; links in labeled sections. More pleasing to the eye.
Ease of Navigation: Very easy to navigate
Apparent Bias: Very against communism

Unknown said...

The Bonddad Blog
This blog touched on how labor market recovery was and the effects or consequences of labor. for instance due to nonexistence labor there is poor monthly growth of labor market recovery.
the blog had many different links helpful and nice looking. however my "adhd" made me unsure of which area to read first the sections were a little unclear on which order they went in.
Ease of Navigation:
a little confusing to navigate
Apparent Bias:
against the Reagan recovery

Unknown said...

Jerome Roy 2nd Period-
Content- This website is used as a gathering of all sorts of interesting blogs written by economists. It is used for Kevin Bryan's research (Assistant Professor of Strategy at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management).
Appearance- Very neat and organized
Ease of Navigation- Kind of hard because it didn't have the blogs separated by topics.
Apparent Bias- Only according to the creator's judgment.

Content-Blogs are about energy resources and saving the planet etc.
Appearance- A little messy. But readable and understandable.
Ease of Navigation- Has a Google Search engine. And an advanced search. You can find it.
Apparent Bias- Wants to save the planet. Doesn't seem very biased.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Camdyn Brocail period 4-


Content- This blog is about various pieces of information about many different economic topics.
Appearance- It is neat and clear, but very bland and uninteresting.
Ease of Navigation- The blog is very simple to navigate, everything you need is right there on the page, nothing to click on.
Apparent Bias- There really isn't much of a bias besides that fact that there are more Austrian news because that is where the author is from.


Content- This blog has a lot of information on the future and commodities markets.
Appearance- The blog is very professional, but the font on the page is very small which I don't like as much
Ease of Navigation- This blog is easy to navigate through, and I personally like the fact that there is a search engine if needed.
Apparent Bias- There is no bias in my opinion, the blog has many links you can go to to see what people say about current events.

Sarah Gosch said...

Conscience of a Liberal
Content: The author mainly discusses US economic policy and often its relationship to policy throughout history.
Appearance: Professional and sleek, as it is a blog through the New York Times website.
Ease of Navigation: There is a search engine, but there is no other organization besides that. To find old posts, the reader must continue scrolling until they find what they need.
Bias: Obviously, the author has a liberal bias.

Sabrina said...

Sabrina James, 2nd period

Stumbling and Mumbling
Content: This blog posts largely about economic theory explained in accessible language with examples and explanations, but economic current events make an occasional appearance.
Appearance: The color scheme is very muted, and the links in almost every sentence are distracting. The pictures are also very oddly aligned with the text--they feel squished in.
Ease of Navigation: It's in typical blog format, with archives linked to by month. There are some other links on the side, but many of them lead to different websites, which I wasn't expecting. It's easy enough to navigate for casual browsing, but not if you're looking for something specific.
Bias: He identifies as a Marxist.

Multiplier Effect
Content: This blog addresses current events from an economic perspective.
Appearance: It has a nice, professional look to it, but the posts have no clear distinction between them.
Ease of Navigation: Everything is both categorized and archived in links on the sidebar. There is a search engine, and links to outside sources which are clearly labelled. It should be easy to find anything you're looking for.
Apparent bias: As this blog is run by a group, there seems to be little bias.

Timothy Chang said...

Timothy Chang, period 4

International Coporate Governance
1. The blog tackles global issues in corporate governance. It examines changes in corporate governance practices and corporate leaders.
2. Typical, streamlined appearance. There are no ads and pictures are kept to a minimum.
3. Fairly easy to navigate with many links. However, posts are not sorted by month and year.
4. The blog doesn't seem to have much bias and covers a wide variety of issues from around the world.

1. This blog primarily focuses on the politics and economics of Canada but also posts other arbitrary articles about daily life.
2. Blog seems a bit cluttered and disorganized with links to external sites on the side panels and throughout the blog
3. The site itself is not particularly hard to navigate. The right panel with the listing of categories is very useful. However, external links are a bit distracting.
4. The blogger expresses strong opinions in his blog. He seems dubious and cynical about many issues.

Sarah Gosch said...

Content: This blog focuses on American macroeconomics. It takes on mainly economic theory in relation to current events.
Appearance: The appearance of the blog is professional, neat, and without color.
Ease of Navigation: The blog posts are sorted into month of publication, but are not organized by topic. However, there is a search engine included.
Bias: The blogger is a moderate conservative and does take positions on many issues.

Angela Gantt said...

Period 4

The Oil Drum

Context: This blog focuses on raising awareness, discussing, researching, and forming a global community about how the use of energy is impacting the future of humanity.
Appearance: The appearance of this blog is built around one color scheme. There many links and names of the authors are also in color, leading to some confusion. The blog's appearance does not seem very professional or well put together.
Ease of Navigation: It is hard to navigate this blog. It is not clear where the information is and once you click on a category there is no option to go back to the other categories.
Bias: There are man authors all with the same positions and viewpoints so there is a strong bias.

Don't worry, I'm an economist!

Context: The blog covers issues on economies and political economy mostly with respect to Western economies (US, UK, Eurozone)
Appearance: The appearance of this blog is simple and well organized, but the author's word choice is not very professional.
Ease of Navigation: The blog is easy to navigate because information is organized in alphabetical order as well as because there is a search engine included.
Bias: There is no bias because the blog covers many issues and is open to feedback from people of any viewpoints or beliefs.

Jenny Dyess P2 said...

1)Econblog101 talks about political impacts on the economy.
2) the appearance of the blog seems fairly straightforward in that it has both quotes, commentary and graphs to convey its ideas.
3) The website is fairly easy to navigate.
4) this person has a fairly conservative bias though some liberal tendencies

Ecological Headstand
1) this website talks about the workers themselves as well as the history behind many of the things we have in our economy today.
2) this blog is very clear cut in its appearance. 3) It has the blogs all labeled and dated for ease of access which makes navigation a cinch.
4) this author clearly has a pro Union bias which could also be taken as a liberal bias.
Jenny Dyess
Period 2

Unknown said...

Period 2

Is the Keystone Pipeline Permit about to be Denied?
Context:It talks about how the President is likely to deny a permit for the Keystone Pipeline.
Appearance: It is very simple and straight to the point.
Ease of Navigation: It is incredibly easy to navigate.
Bias:The author is clearly for the keystone pipeline and has a conservative bias.

Madison Bettis said...

6th period

1)Library of Economics and Liberty

CONTEXT: This blog focuses on how technology (new and existing) ties into today's economy.
APPEARANCE: It has a very basic layout with a confusing amount of categories.
EASE OF NAVIGATION: It is rather difficult to navigate.
BIAS: There is no apparent bias as the blog seems to incorporate many different viewpoints.

2) Crooked Timber

CONTEXT: This blog focuses on certain topics regarding the economy and current events that seem to be neglected by the media and people's growing ignorance.
APPEARANCE: The website is set up very nicely, with much graphic appeal and helpful organization.
EASE OF NAVIGATION: The website is fairly easy to navigate.
BIAS: There seems to be some bias against today's growing crooked and ignorant culture. The blog also seems to appeal more to a younger audience rather than an older one.

Isabelle Tzeng ; 6th said...

1) Chris Blattman
Content:This blog covers international development, poverty in America,economics, politics and policy
Appearance: The blog seems very concise and straightforward.
Ease of Navigation: Very easy, with tabs that take you to certain articles on a specific topic
Bias: There seems to be no apparent bias as the articles seem to cover news from all over the world.

2) History Squared
Content: This blog covers topics such as Behavioral Finance, Hend Fund Watch, Macro Themes, Trade System ideas, and weekly post summaries.
Appearance: Seems very neat and organized with colorful pictures to go along with each blog post to attract the attention of the reader.
Ease of Navigation: It seems relatively easy to navigation with helpful tabs that direct you to articles of the topic of your choice.
Bias: There seems to be a slight bias towards the United States and China in the topics that the blog chooses to talk about.

Olivia Chaaney said...

1)Economics for teachers
Content: This blog is about the positives and negatives about teaching, educational administration, and colleges.
Appearance: The blog seems really informative and organized.
Ease of Navigation: easy to navigate with the tabs
Bias: There is a bias when it comes to the different opinions people have when dealing with educational system

2)The Simple Dollar
Content: This blog explains how to use money in most beneficial way.
Appearance: Extremely neat and informative.
Ease of Navigation: The blog is easy to use and it has great tips for saving money.
Bias: There aren't really any bias statements in this blog.

Anonymous said...

The Bonddad Blog

Content - discusses large events that affects the world economy (recessions, job statistics, stock market crashes, etc.)
Appearance - simple and concise with a flashy yellow border
Ease of Navigation - very inconvenient, only way to see more posts is by scrolling through the archive or clicking the "Older Posts" button
Apparent Bias - the author refers to himself as a "New Deal Democrat"

Clear and Present Danger

Content - discusses political events shaping America (racism in the police force, geological findings, security, etc.)
Appearance - humorous with long drawn out posts
Ease of Navigation - just as complicated as the last blog, archive and an "Older Posts" button are the only ways to navigate
Apparent Bias - most posts can descibe him as a left-wing populist

Karen Kurian said...

(Forgot to include my name in the last post, so I'm adding it again)

The Bonddad Blog

Content - discusses large events that affects the world economy (recessions, job statistics, stock market crashes, etc.)
Appearance - simple and concise with a flashy yellow border
Ease of Navigation - very inconvenient, only way to see more posts is by scrolling through the archive or clicking the "Older Posts" button
Apparent Bias - the author refers to himself as a "New Deal Democrat"

Clear and Present Danger

Content - discusses political events shaping America (racism in the police force, geological findings, security, etc.)
Appearance - humorous with long drawn out posts
Ease of Navigation - just as complicated as the last blog, archive and an "Older Posts" button are the only ways to navigate
Apparent Bias - most posts can descibe him as a left-wing populist

Karen Kurian
6th period

Unknown said...

Paige Price
Period 4

1) this blog is just as political as is it Economical. It talks about Obama's plan to stabilize national debt as well as which political party the next CBO should come from
2) Nice and very well structured with pictures
3) Easy to read and follow
4) The bias is going against Obama's plan, saying that the debt will actually be higher.

Unknown said...


1) Content:The content of this blog is about the economics of the more popular topics.

2) Appearance:The blog appears to be very organized and color coded.

3) Ease of navigation: The blog was very easy to navigate, the different sections of the website were divided in different tabs to make finding stuff easier.

4) Apparent Bias: There appears to be no form of bias, there are many different stories on different topics.


1) Content:The content of this blog was based on current events and new reports or books released.

2) Appearance:The appearance of this blog looks like a collection of comments from many different people that all contain several different links.

3) Ease of navigation: The blog was not easy to navigate because it did not look organized t all and had too many links.

4) Apparent Bias: There seems to be no bias. There are current events covering different ranges of topics.

Mary Bonojo. 6th Period

Unknown said...

Paige Price
Period 4

1) Talks about ideas in economics, environment, policy, etc. Like Garbage in or out and Global Wealth Inequality
2) It asked for people to have conversations and discuss these ideas
3) Only one link and there were about two articles per page depending on the length
4) No apparent bias

Hannah Reyes said...

Hannah Reyes
Period 4

INSIDE FUTURES (Conflicting Grain Report)

1)This blog is full of information meant for those who want to learn about futures and commodities markets.
2)The appearance is very plain. It gives me a Wikipedia feel. Market snapshot chart and other categories on the left side and long drawn-out informative paragraph in the center of the screen.
3)It is pretty easy to navigate. It is equipped with handy menu bars and other sub categories to the left side of the screen. There are even suggestions of other works of the author towards the bottom. However, there are some pesky ads that you have to exit out of along the way.
4) It seems to be biased in favor of analysts who think that there will be a reversal in the grain market come labor day.

Unknown said...

Katy Kaiser
Period 6

1) Content- his blog talks about a wide variety of behavioral economics with focuses on financial aid and helping children of the future. The blog studies people and how we can improve our lives by working to build a better future through the study of economics.
2) Appearance- The website is eye catching and bold with its dark gray margins and green and orange color scheme. However, the smaller print and large margins makes it difficult to read all the blog posts. If the margins were smaller, the information would be less compressed and easier to read. Also, if there was an option to change font size, that would have been helpful as well.
3) Navigation- the site has several specific tags that allow someone to find specific articles and posts when needed. New posts are on the front page, so there isn't much scrolling for a person who reads from this blog continually. However, the amount of tabs and information is overwhelming. For a newcomer, the site seems stand-offish and unapproachable because there is not only a blog, but an entire community involved with it. For someone who is simply searching for something as a casual follower of economic events and policies, it would seem a bit startling.
4) Apparent bias- Low income families, minorities, and people in need of financial aid have a major bias. With the focus on building financial aid for these people, most other economic events including those in other countries are not blogged about.

Cato Unbound
1) Content- Cato Unbound covers a wide variety of economic topics. Each month there are posts for a lead essay and response essays from the university. Since there are a wide variety of topic with a new one posted each month, there is no specific focus.
2) Appearance- The blog isn't very eye-catching with its dark gray and white color scheme. The only pictures on the site are the headlines of that particular month. For example, August's topic is "The Role of Family in Political Theory" and it shows a picture of a blurred out family showing dinner. The previous months' topics are shown on the right hand side, with miniature pictures of their respective headlines. However, overall, I find the blog very dull with the minor amount of pictures only adding a small bit of color to an otherwise bland website.
3) Navigation- this blog is set up by showing the lead essay first then the response essays followed by a section called 'the Conversation'and finally blogs and other sites related to Cato. The right side of the screen shows the previous month's topics, which someone could easily click on and view the same format of essays. If there is a topic needed, a search bar easily can pick up an article with the intended subject. However, while the navigation itself is okay, there seems to be a lack of intended purpose on the site itself. The only reason I knew what exactly the blog was about was because of the summary I saw before I clicked on the page. For a person who is not in the community, it's hard to understand what's going on. If there was a tiny summary at the top of the page explaining the basics of the site, it would be less confusing to use.
4) Apparent bias- Because of the response essays and the wide variety of topics they use, there is not really an apparent bias. Different people give their opinions on the debate and give a fleshed out view on their intended subjects. On the topics themselves, I can't really say whether there is a bias one way or another because the blog only started on March 2015, meaning that there are too few topics to make an accurate prediction on whether there is a bias or not.

Hannah Reyes said...

Hannah Reyes
Period 4

CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER (Conservative Economist Theory, Wrong in 1776, Wrong Now)

1) This blog responds to political and economic news and topics in a very biased and humorous way.
2) The appearance is lively with the main blog entry in dark navy and other entries to the right. You have to scroll a bit to get to the main part.
3) You have to scroll to get where you want to read, but besides that, the navigation is easy.
4) It is explicitly populist and left-leaning.

Anonymous said...

Matheus Menezes
6th period

1)This blog is about many different sciences and events concerning each of them, such as Statistics, Data science, and Behavioral Economics.
2)The website itself appears very plain and simple, with the title on top of a red strip and everything else in grey font in a white background. Very simplistic and focused on the science, not aesthetics.
3)Very easy to navigate, with posts in reverse chronological order with the most recent posts at the top. All that is needed is to scroll to find older posts. Might get irritating for very old posts, but otherwise very nicely built.
4)The blog seems to be directed at people with background knowledge on all the topics posted, but there seems to be no outrageous amount of bias on the presentation of ideas.

1)Content varies greatly, but mostly the blog focuses in scientific situations and evaluates cost-benefit relationships in those situations.
2)This blog is also plain and simple looking. Title is in bold blue, but the main text is grey on white background.
3)Main posts are on the homepage and one can easily scroll through them. Other posts that might spark interest are under an index of categories. Decent navigation, but the index looks a little too small.
4)There seems to be a favor towards environmentally friendly individuals. The website promotes environmentally friendly views without showing any of the other sides of the arguments.

Anonymous said...

Tim Cummins Period 2

Truth on the Market
1) Content: Academic commentary from many different authors that have to do economics as well as business and law.
2) Appearance: The blog looks very professional and has a good color scheme that shows that it is serious and is to be taken as a credible source.
3) Navigation: The blog is set up like most, with the useful tabs at the top that lets everything flow. Nothing is to hard to get to and the posts are arranged chronologically.
4) Bias: As there are 10+ authors, the blog stays clear of an apparent bias.

Greg Mankiw
1) Content: A general economics blog for this professor to relay info to his college students.
2) Appearance: Compared to other blogs, it is semi unprofessional with no tabs near the top to easily help new viewers access certain features.
3) Navigation: As I previously stated, the lack of navigational tools, it makes it hard to use in a timely and effective manner.
4) Bias: No apparent bias, as most of his posts are geared towards general economics students. Most of his posts are just of him cracking jokes.

Unknown said...

Karina Harris
4th period

1) CONTENT- basically how we as economists need to start loking ahead to "year end market trgets" now that labor day( end of summer) has arrived.
2) Appearance- i feel like im reading a newspaper. it doesnt really give me the freindly "blogger" feel
3) i dont like how the naviagtion works. it took me a while to figure it out
4) he does good job not revealing a bais if that was his goal but i can tell he doesn't like thoes who disreguard the charts and "facts and go off hunches.

1) content economic and financial issues
2) Appearance more "blog like. i love the twitter feed on his site
3) navigation- very easy to navigate and the tool bar he has on the left helps a lot.
4) he belives that all issues in america can be solved by thinkng like an economist. and the econmy is the answer

Unknown said...

Stanie Clement 2nd period
Abnormal Returns
Content- state of economics and investments
Appearance-very easily usable appearance
Navigation- very easy with multiple tabs
Bias- no apparent bias
Calculated Risk
Content- data and analysis on recent events
Appearance- detailed and put together neatly
Navigation-very easy with tabs
Bias- not much considering that most of the content is data and analysis

Saidya Kistow said...

Saidya Kistow 6 th period

1. Economics for Teachers
-context: the world would be better off if the foundation of economics was taught earlier on in education.
-apperance: well structured blog with intense colors to help engage conversation versus a bland color.
-navigation: easy access and simple to go in and out reading different thoughts and opinions.
-bias: definitely a strong pull on the teaching economics at an earlier time.

2. Clear and Present Danger
-context: various economuc and political views
-appearance: very tradidtional and safe with respect to color scheme
-navigation: just like any other blig, you have to actually look for what you want
- bias: very populist

Unknown said...

Nabeel Momin 4th period

1. The pin factory blog
content- how carbon tax is a better decision then carbon credits
appearance- nice and well organized
navigation- very easy with different types of categories
bias- bias, talks more about carbon credits and not much about carbon tax he is really for carbon tax

2.Next new deal
content- about how human capital contracts could increase college drop outs
appearance- its simple and informative with graphs
navigation- fairly easy with organized with tabs
bias- not really

Anonymous said...

1) Club for Growth
Content--Talks about the strong influence of this national organization in trying to influence economic policy
Appearance--Easy to read because of brief sentences, summaries and the use of outline
Navigation--Very simple to view most of the blog at once and pick out the main points
Bias--This blog states strong opinions about its view of government and its power to pressure for its goals

2) The Capital Spectator
Content--A wide variety of current news and issues affecting the economy
Appearance--The headlines and titles make it easy to find a story or topic that might be interesting to you
Navigation--Because the articles have titles that describe the information, it seems easy to go through all of the topics easily
Bias--It seems to be more like a news magazine and not one designed to push one particular opinion