Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's a Small World After All

Here is a great quote about the interrelatedness of the global economy, and it comes not from a famous economist but from someone you all know. 

"Did you ever stop to think that you can’t leave for your job in the morning without being dependent on most of the world? You get up in the morning and go to the bathroom and reach over for the sponge, and that’s handed to you by a Pacific islander. You reach for a bar of soap, and that’s given to you at the hands of a Frenchman. And then you go into the kitchen to drink your coffee for the morning, and that’s poured into your cup by a South American. And maybe you want tea: that’s poured into your cup by a Chinese. Or maybe you’re desirous of having cocoa for breakfast, and that’s poured into your cup by a West African. And then you reach over for your toast, and that’s given to you at the hands of an English-speaking farmer, not to mention the baker. And before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality." Martin Luther King, 1967 

Your assignment this week is to find 5 items that you use in your everyday lives and determine where they are produced. Look on the bottom for the "Made in ..." stamp. 
List the items and the country where they are made. Be creative. You'll be surprised at the journey that some of these common items have made to get into your hands.


Unknown said...

Shanika Jacob period 6
1. MacBook: Made in China
2. Tresemme 24 hour body mousse: Made in America
3. Yes to Tomatoes Face wash: Made in San Francisco
4. Guess sandals: Made in Indonesia
5. Earrings: Made in Vietnam

Unknown said...

iPhone- China
Oral B toothbrush- USA
Crest toothpaste- USA
Dove soap- Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and United States
Tempurpedic mattress- USA

Hannah Stone said...

Hannah Stone 2nd Period
1. Coffee cup: Made in America.
2. Trashcan: Made in China.
3. Mascara: Made in the U.S.A.
4. Colored pencils: Made in Brazil.
5. Dividers: Made in Malaysia.

Unknown said...

Francis Patience
6th period

1) Gorilla Glue: United States
2) Red Bull: Switzerland
3) Axe can: Mexico
4) Burt's Bees Chapstick: United States
5) Mobile Powerbank: China

Ben Joel said...

Benjamin Joel
2nd Period

1) Sperry Top-siders: Dominican Republic
2) Fossil Wallet: Taiwan
3) BMW 335i: Germany
4) Xbox 360 controller: China
5) Express Belt: China

Evlin Babu said...

1. Coffee Mug: China
2. ArtyZen Studios Composition Notebook: Malaysia
3. Angry Birds t-shirt: Guatemala
4. Aeropostale sweat Pants: Vietnam
5. Washable Kids Crayola Paint: America

Anonymous said...

Tim Cummins
Period 2

1)Basketball goal: USA
2)iPhone: China
3)Shoes: Taiwan
4)Car: Japan
5)Shirt: Honduras

Dakota Bernhart said...

1. Ford Mustang: USA
2. iPhone: China
3. Aldo shoes: Taiwan
4. The Internet: USA
5. Old spice: Mexico

Nicholas Singleton said...

Car- Japan
Galaxy S4- Korea and China
Laptop- USA
Spiral Notebook- Mexico
iPad- China

Chris Thottasseril Per. 2 said...

1. High Sierra Bag- China
2. Necklace- India
3. Nike Shoes- Vietnam
4. Car- Japan
5. Dinnerware- USA

Unknown said...

Vinit Shah-4th
Lenovo lapop-China
t-shirt- Taiwan
Mink Blanket-Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Thanh Vo
4th Period

Fujifilm polaroid-China
Voluspa candle-California, US
Victoria's Secret Pullover-Vietnam
Sony remote control-Malaysia
Korg guitar tuner-Vietnam

Unknown said...

Period 2
1. NIke Fingertraps - Vietnam
2. Watch - Switzerland
3. Levi Jeans - USA
4. Car - Germany
5. IPhone - China

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Camdyn Brocail -Period 4

IPhone charger- Made in China
Nintendo 64 game- Made in Japan
Bic WiteOut- Made in Mexico
Calvin Klein- Made in USA
False eyelashes- Made in Sri Lanka

Johan Johnson Period: 6 said...

Toyota corolla 2014- Made in Japan
T-shirts- Made in Pakistan/India/Bangladesh
IPad- Made in China
PlayStation 4 - Made in China
Dell Laptop- Made in China

Anonymous said...

Rolando Pineda, 4th period
Air Jordans-made in China
Button up shirt-made in Bangladesh
Pencil bag-made in China
Adidas jacket-made in Thailand
Elkins High School Planner-made in China

Anonymous said...

Veronica Wang
Period 6

Expo White Board Care--made in USA
Spiral Notebook--made in Mexico
iPhone--made in China
Ozarka--made in Texas
Candle--made in China

Isabelle Tzeng ; 6th said...

selfie stick- made in China
steel folding chair- made in USA
phone charger- made in Vietnam
metal water container- made in Thailand
Sony alarm clock- made in China

Anonymous said...

Amanda Hong Period 6

1) ID holder: USA
2) Backpack: Vietnam
3) Towel: Canada
4) Pentel Eraser: Taiwan
5) Jacket: Vietnam

Unknown said...

Demarcus Davis 6th Period

1) UnderArmour shoes- China
2) Rubbermaid plastic bottle- Malaysia
3) Nike Basketball- Thailand
4) Acer Laptop- China
5) Iphone Screen Protector- Taiwan

Olivia Chaney-6th period said...

1)Samsung Laptop: China
2)Five Star pencil pouch: China
3)Backpack: Vietnam
4)IPhone: China
5)Spiral notebook: Mexico

Julia Mathew said...

Julia Mathew
2nd period

1.Home phone- Made in Malaysia
2.Calculator- Made in China
3.Notebook Paper- Made in Mexico
4.Plastic Water Bottle- Made in China
5.Backpack- Made in Taiwan

Sabrina said...

Sabrina James
2nd period

1. Chapstick--Germany
2. Candle--USA
3. Pen--Japan
4. Lipstick--USA
5. Notebook--China

Unknown said...

BB Cream Foundation- Germany
Mirrors- originated in Iraq
Crest toothpaste- made and produced in the U.S.
Steve Maden Purse- purses originally created in England (Queens men)
Paper- which was originated in egypt however it is now produced in the U.S., China, and Canada

Period 2
Mackenzie Laird

Meghna George said...

Meghna George
Period 2
1) Kleenex tissue- USA
2) Elmer's Glue- USA
3) Kindle- China
4) Bic mechanical pencils- France
5) Duracell batteries- Canada

Anonymous said...

Charith Wijeyesekera
Period 6

1. TV remote- China
2. Decorative camel- made in Saudi Arabia
3. Wood and glass display cabinet- Sri Lanka
4. Bronze Buddha statue- India
5. 1980's Calculus textbook- USA

Anonymous said...

Matheus Menezes
6th period

1. Glasses: China
2. Shoe polish: Canada
3. T-shirt: Bangladesh
4. The Book of Mormon (Portuguese edition): Brazil
5.Analog watch: Japan

Aadesh Brahmbhatt said...

Aadesh Brahmbhatt 6th period
1. Calculator - china
2. USB - china
3. Legal pad - USA
4.Lamp - china
5. Rug - India

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu 2nd Period
1. Shoes - Vietnam
2. Keyboard- China
3. Shirt- India
4. Wireless Mouse- China
5. Toy Helicopter - China

Unknown said...

Maya Ewens
2nd period
1. Hp laptop - China
2. Samsung Smart TV - China
3. Black Nike Kaishi shoes - Vietnam
4. Dove Body Wash - U.S.A.
5. Antibacterial Hand Soap - Canada

Unknown said...

1)Backpack: Made in China
2)Contact Solution: Made in USA
3)Curling Iron: Made in China
4)Extension Cord: Made in China
5)Baby Lotion: Made in USA

Unknown said...

Nabeel Momin 4th
1. Jeans-Guatemala
2. Wallet-France
3. Phone- China
4. Stool- Israel
5. Socks-hondorus

Alexis Zamora said...

Alexis Zamora
6th period
5)Contact Solution-USA

Carly Freker- 6th Period said...

1) Calculator- China
2) Clock- Japan
3) T shirt- USA
4) Lamp- Vietnam
5) Phone Case- Vietnam

Beauty_DayjaRay said...

Dayja Mathewd 2nd

1) Microwave- China
2) Car- Indonesia
3) Jergens hand soap- USA
4) Bath Faucet - China
5) Nivea body wash- Mexico

Kyle Newby Period 2 said...

Bluetooth speaker - China
Honey - "100% product of the U.S.A."
Totem pole - made in Alaska
Washable craft paint - U.S.A.
Metronome - made in Vietnam

Haben Mikaele said...

Haben Mikaele
Period 2

HP Computer - China
Pencil - Japan
Samsung Phone - Korea
Jan-sport backpack- Vietnam
Nike shoes- vietnam

Sarah Gosch said...

Sarah Gosch
2nd period

Jansport backpack: made in Vietnam
Nike shorts: made in Indonesia
DSI wooden rifle: made in America
Camelback water bottle: made in China
Honda CRV: manufactured in Mexico

Russell Wong said...

Russell Wong
Period 6
JBL Portable Phone Speaker: Made in China
Microsoft Mouse: Made in China
Fender Guitar Picks: Made in America
Scotch Tape: Made in America
Origami Paper: Made in Japan

Unknown said...

Tea Thomas
Period 6
1) Biology textbook - made in USA
2) Jansport Backpack- made in China
3) MacBook- made in China
4) NARS pencil sharpener- made in Germany
5) SUGAR Lipgloss- made in France

Anonymous said...

Joyce Varughese

Period 6

1) Tea cup- China
2) Pen- Japan
3) Eraser- Taiwan
4) Soda- USA
5) Laptop- Taiwan

Unknown said...

Jillian Sara Gicana
6th period

1) Columbia backpack - Vietnam
2) Pen - Japan
3) Tshirt - Mexico
4) Iphone - China
5) Nike shoes - Vietnam

Unknown said...

Joshua shajie peirod 6
1)Cologne made in USA
2)IPad made in China
3)Laptop made in China
4)Nutella made in Mexico
5)Ray Bans made in Italy

Anonymous said...

Karen Kurian
6th period

1) Contact Solution - USA
2) Phone Case - China
3) Lamp - Taiwan
4) Mattress - China
5) Water Bottle - USA

Anonymous said...

Madison Bettis
Period 6

1)Clinique makeup - Belgium
2)Bic pen - Mexico
3)Aveeno lotion - Canada
4)Iphone - China
5)Blink-n-Clean eye drops - Spain

Angela Gantt said...

Period 4

Sony bluetooth speaker - China
Naked Illuminated powder - Italy
Victoria's Secret pullover - Vietnam
Mophie portable charger - China
Essie nail polish - USA

Unknown said...

Sahir Khan 4th period

Nike Shoe box - China
Korg Metronome - Vietnam
Band-Aid - Brazil
Paper Mate Penicls - India
Gildan White T-Shirt - Honduras

Anonymous said...

David Edquilang
Period 6

1) Screws - Taiwan
2) Tripod - Thailand
3) Painter's Tape - USA
4) Aluminum Plates - USA
5) Camera Hand Grip Strap - South Korea

Michael Enyioma said...

Michael Enyioma
4th Period

Whiteout EZ correct- Mexico
Five Star folder- China
Jacket- Nicaragua
Sharpie- USA
Glue- China

Ayesha Parvez said...

Ayesha Parvez - 4th Period

Elmer's School Glue- USA
Rimmel Makeup- London
Pashmina Scarf- India
Composition book- Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Stricklin Snyder - 2nd

Sheets - Thailand
Converse - USA
Shirt - Thailand
Pillow - UK
Phone - iPhone

Unknown said...

Nicholas lemon
Pye 6

Bed made in China
Soap made in USA
Toothpaste made in USA
Phone made in China
T shirt made in Japan

Unknown said...

Katy Kaiser
Period 6

hand towel- China
aqua net hairspray- USA
Black tights- El Salvador
Box of Envelopes- USA
Black Sharpie- Made in Canada but assembled in USA

Unknown said...

Stanie Clement period 2
Sandals made in India
Alarm clock made in United States
Headphones made in United States
Blankets made in China
Lamp made in China

Andrew Olson said...

Period 6

Hand Soap made in the USA
Lamp made in China
Coffee Maker made in China
Oakley Sunglasses made in the USA
Duck Tape made in the USA

sfvfdfv said...

Maria Francis
Period 6
Bed sheets- Egypt
Candle Stick- Vietnam
Crystal Vase- Poland
Iron- Germany
Bar Stool- China

Unknown said...

Paige Price
6th period

1) Crest Dental Floss- Made in Ontario, Canada
2) Aveeno Lotion-. Made in Canada
3) Soffee Shorts- Made in Costa Rica
4) Screen protector- made in China
5) Jansport Backpack- made in China

Unknown said...

Amira Nickerson
2nd Period

Febreeze- USA
Tuner- China
Stapler- Mexico
Dasani- USA
Shirt- Vietnam

Unknown said...

iPhone China
Lightbulb China
Toothbrush USA
Pillow case Texas USA
Shirt Guatemala

Unknown said...

Jenny Dyess period 2

Unknown said...

grandfather clock- Germany
plush pillow - china
baby play gym- china
doggy diapers-china
china cymbal - turkey

Anonymous said...

Joshua Harper
2nd period
1) iPhone -China
2) Nissan - Japan
3) Ray bans - u.s
4)screen protector-China
5)Nike -u.s

Anonymous said...

Anna Lee
1. Sam's Choice water - USA
2. Kia Sportage - South Korea
3. Toyota Corolla - United States
4. G2 pens - Japan
5. Bath and Body Works Lotion - USA

Anonymous said...

Imani Windom
1. Papermate pen - USA
2. Bed Comforter - Haiti
3. Adidas Backpack - USA
4. iPhone Charger - China
5. Hair Gel - USA

Anonymous said...

1.Hair brush- Korea
2.Makeup brushes- China
3.Sweater- India
4.Ford Taurus- USA
5. James Avery ring- USA
Hannah Kaplan 6th period

Saidya Kistow said...

Saidya Kistow
6th period

Toyota- Japan
James Avery Rings- America
Mascara- America
Birkenstocks- Germany

Anonymous said...

Ulises OSorio
2nd Period
4)Phone case-China

Unknown said...

Quentin Collins
2nd Period
1) Iphone-China
2) Comb- China
3) Dodge- America
4) Backpack- Thailand
5) Headphones- China

Timothy Chang said...

Timothy Chang
4th period
1. Safe- Taiwan
2. Pens- China
3. Hand soap- USA
4. Notebook- Vietnam
5. T-shirt- Guatemala

Giovanny Dominguez said...

Giovanny Dominguez , 4th period
1.Red-Bull - Switzerland
2.Headphones -USA
3.Iphone - China
4.Nissan - Japan
5.Towel - China

Anonymous said...

1. Degree deodorant- USA
2. Neutrogena makeup remover- UK
3. Banana- Guatemala
4. White Out- Mexico
5. iPhone charger- China