Friday, August 31, 2007


Check out these predicting tools from Ian Ayres, a professor at Yale Law School who also has a Phd in Economics. As Economists one of the things we do is try to anticipate and predict future events.


Kelly Hines said...

HAHA, the one about how long you will live is pretty amusing. Stuff like this is fun, but i would never take it seriously. For one, it is all formulated like a Computer Science Lab, and two, Not everything could be taken into consideration. For example, who is to say that I have a more likely hood to get cancer than somebody else who lives nearly the same life style as me? Whatever, if I spend my life worrying about how long i will live, i will miss all the fun and life and miss the really important question of how i will die. (just kidding, but im putting my money on falling Anvil).

Anonymous said...

oh kelly.