Check out this fascinating website. This world clock is keeping up with numerous events. Can you see the trends? Did any of these trends surprise you? Check out the numbers for the year, month, week, current day, or just how fast they go up from the moment you start the clock.
Wow, again I am not supprised by the enginuity of internet people. It is kind of interesting to see the statistics of what going on around us, but other than that, those numbers really cannot be proven. But if you ask me, the only thing i'm going to believe is the clock.
Like Kelly said, I don't think the exact number can be proven but the statistics are probably very accurate. Whoever made this has a lot of time on their hands to find all the statistics for how many people die every second and what they die from, etc. I was surprised to find that Death By Monkeys wasn't a category, though, Mr. Pye!
That is quite an impressive combination of php/javascript code and raw facts. I am sure after watching it for a few minutes that the numbers are set to increase by a set amount depending on the statistics that the creator has gathered. It may not be one-hundred percent accurate, but it is definitely amazingly well thought out and complex compared to many other clocks created and placed on the internet.
It's quite an amazing site, the rapidly changing information is impressive. I found it interesting to see how the increase in one stat affected another. I'm curious of were they get their data.
It is so interesting to see that "world clock". It's almost scary to know that though the exact numbers cannot be proven, there is still a basic rate at which people die and are born, etc. The numbers are huge and it is so weird to think that there are so many people in the world and we will never even come close to knowing a good percentage of them. WEIRD!
Even though the statistics are not quite accurate, it is still tremendously shocking to see that the numbers are incresing so rapidly as time progresses. The approximations are so large that it's CRAZY!
Hi, Brian Liu, here.
I find one of those stats to be false. Only 204,000 fires this year!?
In the US alone, there are approx. over 500,000 structure fires a year...
If you factor in outdoor fires, you can add around 700,000-800,000 fires to that list. That's the US only. And this year is nearly over...
Last year, HFD ran over 44,000 fire calls. Multiply that by a few thousand departments.
Take everything with a grain of salt!! But overall, a very interesting program. I give it three fortune cookies.
It really is pretty amazing to think that so much can happen in such a short period of time. It makes our everyday lives seem quite insignificant, as if we are just another statistic in the world. it is also nuts to think that some guy sat there and made that clock. some people have too much free time, like Brian Liu
I have to wonder how someone created an algorithm to reproduce this data. At any rate, it is impressive program - or at least interesting. I do have to agree with Kelly though - how can someone really prove - or want to prove - the validity of these numbers?
It's amazing that someone could put something that detailed together and I would have to agree that it isn't going to be 100 percent accurate. Never the less it is still informative and interesting to look at and watch the numbers change as you go from day to year.
I am amazed by the complexity of the clock. Although I agree with others that it cannot prove the actual numbers and statistics, it does reflect how rapidly some rates are increasing and constantly changing with time. That enough is shocking. I found the clock pretty cool, too. It's also pretty crazy just how complex and intricate the program is.
i agree with everyones that its not 100% accurate but i still think its kind of an eye opener and once again reminds us of the fact that we arent the only ones here. We have a tendency to forget about the rest of the world and those cancer and HIV stats are really sad to see, but the population stats are really interesting.
As sad as it is to see the death rate so high, it interesting that the birth rate is even higher. However, I wonder when that is going to start becoming a major problem? Then again, maybe the population growth will end up benefitting the housing industry which is currently not doing so well. Also, the numbers or statistics on the types of deaths is intriguing; I never knew so many people died in car crashes. I still understand that all of these numbers are not necessarily "correct," though.
Whoever is in charge of the "World Clock" has alot of free time on their hands. Some of the information given doesn't look accurate.
Brian, I think it might mean number of deaths from fires, not number of fires. Am I right?
Wow, it is so crazy to watch how many deaths and births there are in a second. The statement that people are dying all over the world every second is definitely proven here. I just wonder how the creator of this had enough time to put the whole thing together? And i would have to agree with Kate on this one.. it's the number of deaths by fires.
Yeah, these number definitely put things into perspective. When you click on now and you see the rate of people dying from suicide and other diseases and whatnot, it's really kind of eerie.
Of course the numbers aren't going to be exact but I'm sure they aren't far fetched either.
I agree with Tej, go do some Calc Brian
This world clock is really awesome! I find it interesting how there is about 3 births to every car produced. And I also find it interesting how there are more new internet users per day than there are deaths daily. But I find it kind of sad to see the more common ways people die in the world. It really opens my eyes to see the problems that developing countries face when they do not have proper medicines to fight certain diseases.
This clock scares me because I don't like seeing all the different ways i could die. And i guess Oprah was right, Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of people. I was also surprised to see that the number of births is over twice as many as deaths and i wonder if we will ever run out of room on earth. That would not be good. I dont really like this clock, it makes me nervous.
Wow i started a timeclock and in only one minute 105 people had died in this world. It's really sad to see time just takes away people so quickly. It also was sad to see the high death rate of cardiovascular disease. I did not realize how much that disease is affecting people around this world. It is so unfortunate to see a new cancer patient entering into our world every second.
wow this thing is pretty amazing! i never thought i would see something like this. its crazy to think all of this is happening around us in such a short period of time. its really cool though...even if its not 100% accurate.
Unlike most everyone else i wasn't thouroughly impressed by the numbers, the world is huge, i expect nothing less.
I would have like to see a breakdown in percentages of some sort on where all the deaths are happening, some places have more dying people than others.
I noticed as well that the fastest moving gage is the barrels of oil. It is alot of oil, yet we still pay $3 for a gallon of gas. Is oil so heavily consumed that we need even more? It makes me wonder if we will run out of this resource..
Speaking of which, I found it funny that cars produced goes at exactly 1/sec. So don't count sheep to sleep, count cars.
Well, It really doesnt make me feel happy to watch deaths by number on a computer screen while i just sit and watch. Although, it is not exactly accurate, it still gives us a good idea of whats going on in the world aroung us. This clock is a good eye opener for someone like me!
This clock is shocking. Like everyone, i don't believe in its validity, but i'm sure the 'facts' are somewhere in the ball park.
At my location, it's about 8:30pm and 200,000 computers were (or are being) produced today. That's somewhat reasonable, but most definetly not correct. Wish i could hang this clock on my wall.
Very impressive clock, although the numbers are more than likely inaccurate. None the less, it's still impressive. It does worry me that we may actually "run out of room" from the look at the birth rate compared to the death rate. Also, when looking at the deaths by cardiovascular disease, I wonder exactly what percentage would be American?
Funny that Cody should mention "running out of room." One of the economists that we will study, Thomas Malthus, said exactly the same thing. That we would run out of resources primarily food if the population kept growing. It scared the bejesus out of the civilized world at the time.
I thought that those numbers were proven to be precise. I guess you can't always believe anything these days. But once a person figures out a new formula, the internet will be revolutionized. That clock will probably be the only thing I believe for now.
Wow this is so amazing, it actually scared me a little bit just to know how many people die each day or week, or how many people get cancer a day. We never really think about those types of things until we actually see it.
Wow, I cannot believe all the statistics that are on there.What I'm wondering also is where all that information came from. Whoever put the clock together is truly informative.It is truly amazing how it all comes together like that.
The "world clock" is amazing. i agree with everyone else, that the statistics aren't exactly accurate, but it amazes me how they get all of this informaton.
this clock is awesome! I know its not completely accurate, but it really puts things into perspective. It's sad to see how many people's lives are affected every minute by cancer. I knew cancer was a growing disease, but i didn't know it was growing so rapidly that you could keep track of it every minute. Can someone PLEASE find a cure for it?!
P.S. the person who made this clock needs to find more things to do during the day :)
Really interesting clock.
What really gets to me on a personal level is how fast the death toll rises every other second. Hey, it might be false but I'm willing to bet at least some people around the world are dying and that makes me ... sad. Other than that, I came to realize that the time on my cell phone is wrong. Interesting site, I likey.
It's amazing how people are able to make such accurate predictions.
It's all done with complex formulas based off of data from previous times. It's strange how the main area at the bottom is dedicated to deaths and how people died. 0_o
This "world clock" is a really informative site eventhough it is hard to believe it can be completly accurate. Also it is scary to think that the deathrate is increasing every second, but the world is huge so i guess it is to be expected.
This is pretty amazing how all these statistics keep rising. Although there is no way to truly prove that these stats are accurate, its still crazy to see the numbers increase faster than seconds go by. Its so impressive what technology can do now.
Julie John
I just couldn't help but notice how war has claimed 113,000 lives and everyone is shouting this and that when they don't even know a single thing about why we're fighting or what might happen if we don't fight, but that things like cardiovascular diseases have claimed 11,000,000 lives, and nobody says a word about it.
This clock is very interesting, but it makes me sad because the numbers are growing every few minutes or seconds. It makes me appreciate my life alot more.
No wonder the world is so overpopulated. There are so many more people being born than are dying. As bad as it sounds though, I have to wonder what the world would be like if we did cure every disease and virus out there.
Its kinda scary to watch the death poll go up, but at the same time really interesting. I read some of the comments on here and thats really cool that yall know all those facts!
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