Check out Conan O'brien's speech to the graduating seniors from Stuyvesant High School in New York.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Sounds like a typical Conan O'Brien monologue. You can't help but laugh at his humor, since it truly is funny. However, his message, though marked at times with humor and funny bits, is accurate in telling people to give other things in life a chance rather than sticking to some rigid, uncompromising plan for the rest of their life. Nothing is certain at our age aside from the undeniable fact that we have options as long as we intend to look into them.
Yup i agree, although it was a little long for me and very difficult to explain to my mom that this was homework, I got a really important message out of it. Now what I want to know is what will it take for us to get somebody like that to do our gradaution commencement. When my sister graduated from Texas Tech, before it started to go down the drain, Pat Green had been invited to do their graduation speech, and it was pretty rockin'. All im askin for is that nobody give Mrs. Carol the microphone, because if she starts doing shout-outs durring my graduation, im just gonna lose it.
This reminds me of the graduation speech involving sunscreen.. does anybody remember that one? Anyway, I thought it was funny and interesting. I liked how he mentioned the part about people only doing things in high school because they helped their applications or GPA. I wish high school was not as competitive (even though I know I am competitive & worried about GPA) and more laid back so students can actually try out random classes to see what they would like (even if they are "advanced credit").
I didn't have a chance to read the entire thing because my laptop battery is about to die but I thought it was very funny! I love Conan! haha
I actually enjoyed this graduation speech. I was surprised the speech actually seemed to have some semi-useful information in it. I never knew that Conan went to Harvard. Anyways, the speech was long, but informative - I agree with Kelly I would be distraught if Ms. Carol finagled control over the microphone at out graduation.
I enjoyed his speech. I thought it was funny yet insightful. It basically true for most students. People strive to do things that look good on their college application instead of things that they actually enjoy. I also agree with how a lot of students do not know what they want to be when they are 18. I thought it was a truthful speech and that it is better from the other cliched speeches.
That wasnt a bad speech. It wasnt like the average speech that tells you about life and how to cherish it. I went to my brothers graduation and the mayor used a serious speech about a guy being trapped under a tractor and a farmboy freeing him. And at the end we found out it was Winston Churchill that was trapped under the tractor. And the farmboy went to the same schools and churchill and they both became world leaders. or something like that. But I like Conan's better
Typical of Conan O'Brien to do what he does, be extremely witty and funny. Even with as many jokes that was in the speech, it was quite inspirational. And as Laura already said, I wish that high school wasn't so competitive, so not everyone is doing things they don't like, and get a chance to try something new. Hopefully everyone who listened to Conan took his advice. Take a chance, try something new when the opportunity arises. Because who knows, maybe you will find what will truly make you happy.
I wish that we could have someone like that speak at our graduation. Conan is hilarious in everything he says and it really was true what he saying about only doing things that look good on an application. I know thats the first thought that goes through my mind when I'm doing stuff for school.
The speech sounds typical of Conan O'Brien, but the insight he gives the students made me respect him more, since what he had said was true. School is competitive for a lot of students and a lot of students do aim to succeed rather than to actually learn the material. Though hilarious, he really marked some interesting and thoughtful points on choosing a career in something that you're actually passionate about. I was especially surprised that he graduated from Harvard. So really, it means a lot more coming from Conan O'Brien, who atually experienced what he talked about.
Conan O'Brien is basically amazing. Not too many people can pull of being hilarious and actually insightful at the same time. Like Kelly, my mom didn't believe that it was homework until I finished reading it and explained to her the useful parts of it. Is there any way we could have somebody like Conan speak at our graduation? I tend to stay awake for comedians who have points.
I LOVE CONAN! i want to know what we have to do to get him at our graduation. i also agree with kelly about mrs. carol getting the mic at our graduation. also, conan made me feel a little bit better about having no clue what im going to do with my life.
Wow, first of all, I didnt even know you could even try to get someone like O'Brien to come and make a speech like that.I wonder how much they paid for that. Also, my mom didn't believe me when I told her this was homework! :( At any rate, it was worth it. Conan was hilarious, as always, but he gave them a great lesson. It kind of shocks me considering all of the nonsense (funny, of course, but still nonsense) he says on his show. Anyway, it was really cool of him to come and do that for them. Can we get Conan at our graduation???
Indeed. All of us, especially when facing the expanse of freedom known as college, need to remember that it's important to do some things just because we want to. Unfortunately, while it would be nice if that could also happen in high school, gpa, rank, and college admissions don't particularly allow us to do so easily.
This is so funny! That is such a lucky senior class to not only see Conan in person, but get the privilege of receiving a farewell speech from him! It was interesting to learn that he went to Harvard as well.
This was a loooong speech, but this guy is hilarious, I don't really know him but he is funny. He actually gave good advice to the students.He knows how to keep them focused.
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