Sunday, January 27, 2013

World Clock

This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check out the world clock. Click the Now button and watch the numbers fly. Do you see any trends? Any of the numbers surprise you? Leave comments on at least two of the items on the website. Check out some of the other features on the site.


Unknown said...

1. Births more than DOUBLE the death rate!
2.cardiovascular diseases are by far the number one cause of death per year

Adam Pye said...

1. Non-communicable disease deaths far exceed infectious diseases and injuries combined.
2. Desertification is surprisingly consistent with replanted forests.

Ashwin Antony said...

1)Military expenditure is increasing at alarming rates. 7 million in 4 minutes.
2) 230 abortions in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This number is very surprising to me.

Joshua Gicana said...

1. Over 3 minutes there were 0 species extinct, a very good sign.
2. The Earth temperature is slowly increasing. Creeping up every second.

Gregory Hsiao said...

1. how every second the world population increases by one
2. there is an abortion every two seconds

Nico Teran said...

1. In a single minute we emit over 50,000 tons of CO2!

2. Bicycle production exceeds the production of computers.

Emil Simon said...

1. In two minutes, there were only 3 deaths caused by traffic accidents around the globe. I had anticipated a much higher amount.
2. I find it interesting that the abortion values are counted separately from the death data. Both the values increase at about the same rate, however.

Albert Wang said...

1. every minute internet users increases by 155 people.
2. STD/HIV/AIDs is the primary cause of deaths of infectious diseases.

Stephen Harris said...

1.Every 3 seconds forest(ha) are cut and are offset by
2.forest(ha) being replanted every 6 seconds.

Carlo Ruano said...

1. Every 3 seconds ~6 abortions occur
2. In contrast, every 3 seconds the world population increases by ~9 people

Unknown said...

1.every three seconds there is about 10 births (far exceeding the numbeer of deaths in 3 seconds)

2. there is about one death per second by cardiovascular disease. This is the leading cause of death.

Unknown said...

1.every three seconds there is about 10 births (far exceeding the numbeer of deaths in 3 seconds)

2. there is about one death per second by cardiovascular disease. This is the leading cause of death.

Ann Johnson said...

1. Nearly two times the number of forests are being cut than they are being replanted, which is very surprising and scary at the same time.
2. The fact that there are more bicycles produced than cars and computers!

Logan W. said...

The amount of forests being cut is almost double the amount being planted. I was also surprised to see that the amount of bicycles being produced is almost triple that of the amount of cars being produced.

Tyler Powers said...

Tyler Powers

The three glaring things I saw was that the amount spent on military is low, 1/7 of the world has internet, and traffic accidents is the leading cause of injury by over three times that of the next leading topic.

Unknown said...

In a minute and thirty seconds...
1. we emit over 80,000 tons of CO2
2. the world's population grows by 200+ people

Beth Sutton said...

1) In one minute, there were about 88 abortions.

2) Since the beginning of the year, there have been about 4 million deaths and about 3 million abortions. Happy note? Over 10 million births! Lots of population growth...

Reinier D. C. said...

1. It takes 5 seconds for desertification

2. 38 abortions in 35 seconds... 103 children are born in 35 seconds...

Paula Salmon said...

1. Within a minute there was 2 suicides and 1 poisoning.
2. Also within a minute there were about 256 babies born :D

Alexis Buck said...

1) I have noticed that our birth rate far outweighs the death rate, like about two times which clearly shows why the population growth is significantly high.

2) I also noticed that the car production is rather slow, and not very high considering how dependent we are on them. Weird.

3) ABORTIONS ARE RISING ALSO ): This makes me sad.

Alexis Buck said...

oops, i didn't know we had to have a specific time on how they change..

Well, I don't see any too significant trends that I notice.

1) If i am reading the clock right, every minute about three abortions take place.

2) And about every five minutes approximately seven cars are produced.

Most of these numbers are pretty shocking, especially looking at the diseases.

Kevin Sabouni said...

1. The military expenditures increased rapidly exceeding one million dollars after only 25 seconds.
2. The number of bicycles produced exceed the number of computers produced which exceed the number of cars produced
3. Too many kids are on the internet!

Unknown said...

1. Less than half the amount of forests being cut down are replanted again
2. The number of computers produced and the number of bicycles produced in a single day are almost equivalent

Jacob Fisher said...

1. There is an abortion around every second around the globe.

2. Amazingly, the Earth's population increases by around two individuals per second.

Dana Rodriguez said...

1. Two people die from drownings, poisonings, falls and from fires every three minutes.
2. In the first three minutes, there are more bicycles produced than cars.

Seena Keerikattu said...

1. Cancer is the second leading cause of Deaths.
2. A computer is being produced each second.

Saket Jha said...

1. There are 2 traffic accident injuries every minute.

2.There are 69 cars produced every minute.

Brandon May said...

1. More people die from psychiatric conditions than from nutritional deficiencies.
2. Each minute, the number of bicycles produced is more than the number of people who die.

Savannah Milligan said...

1. In ten seconds, 7 people died from cardiovascular diseases.

2.In two minutes, only one person died from war.

Jeralyn Laran said...

1) An abortion occurs every second.
2) Diabetes causes death almost every thirty seconds.

Chris Gallagher said...

1. After one minute, there was more than 100 births than deaths.

2. There was about 2 people who committed suicide every minute.

Milan Doshi said...

1. It was surprising that the number of bicycles produced was approximately equal to the number of computers and cars combined. Even though this statistic seems surprising for the Unites States, I don't find it surprising because I've seen the pervasiveness of bicycles in other countries.

2. It's odd that the population growth is not equivalent to the number of births because it would seem that each birth would be growth to the population. However, it's also surprising to see that population growth is very close to the number of deaths.

Michelle Kuo said...

1. There are about 90 abortions every minute! But even then, the number of births is more than twice the number of deaths.

2. I'm surprised that the number of cars produced is so little compared to the number of bicycles. I would think far more people are dependent on cars rather than bikes, but I guess that was just me taking into account the United States and the standard of living that I've grown up with.

Charles lewis said...

Every second the worlds population goes up one.
In one minute two suicides have been committed

Payton Dugger said...

1.) Every 5 seconds= 10 abortions
2.) Every 1 minute= 2 suicides

Sidney Okon said...

1. Military expenditures are increasing at a rate of $1,000,000 every 26 seconds... that's amazing.
2. Cards are being produced at a rate of almost 1 per second. That alone summarizes the transition of this era to automobiles on a global scale.

Frank Li said...

1. Holy guacamole, every month, 220 species go extinct!!
2. Oh my goodness gracious, cardiovascular diseases outnumber cancer diseases. I thought it would be the other way around.

Aaron Rajan said...

1. There are 155 new internet users every minute
2. The world population increases by one every second

Jay Shah said...

Sorry Mr. Pye, my internet wasn't working properly until around 20 minutes ago, which is why I'm still up doing homework.

1.) Military expenditure has gone up by around a million dollars in the last 48 seconds, which is quite troubling to see that much money go away this fast.

2.)Over the last 40 seconds, 100 new internet users have been made. This shows the spread of the information age's rapid expansion very well. On average, 2 and a half people become internet users every single second, which is quite impressive.