Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is Paying Kids for Good Grades Wrong?

There have been several experiments by school districts at paying students for attendance, good behavior, and good grades. The most recent attempts in Washington, D.C. and New York City have shown some promising results. Money is a powerful incentive. Click on the title link, read the article and leave your thoughts about "money for grades." Posts should be 50-75 words.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Keynes vs. Hayek: The Debate Continues

Read the article and decide which famous Economist you most identify with. Then watch the two youtube videos at:
Fear the Boom and Bust:

and Part II of the Epic Battle at:
Fight of the Century:

Identify at least 3 points from either Economist that you agree with. List the point and the video that it came from. Don't copy your classmates responses.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Does Apple Stand a Chance?

I came across this article from 6 years ago that didn't give Apple much of a chance with their new iPhone. Read the article and answer the 4 questions at the end of it. Then tell me why you think that Apple was such a success with the iPhone.