Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday Wishes

Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. See you in 2008.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Quick Quiz

Demand, Supply Hip Hop Style

All right you hip hop wannabes, check out this rap. It actually makes some good points about the principles of economics. It is the last song on the index.

Push Presents; Are you kidding me?

Apparently this is a new phenomenon, giving new mothers gifts of jewelery particularly diamonds just after they give birth. Is this an example of materialism run amok? Or does it show that men are more compassionate these days after seeing their spouses go through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth. Perhaps its a creation of the jewelry industry in order to sell more products. What do you think?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Death of the U.S. sock industry

Check out this story from NPR about the Invisible Hand at work. You can also listen to the story if you prefer. It is an excellent article about the pros and cons of globalization in the once thriving U.S. sock industry.

Goalies, Stop Jumping.

Staying with our sports theme this week, check out this bit of economic research on goalies and penalty shots. It might surprise you. Isn't it funny how economics can be used to explain almost anything?

Should College Athletes Share in the Revenues

Check out this local story from the Chronicle. It is an old argument, that college athletes (especially football players) are bringing millions of dollars into their schools, and that they should be getting some of that money. Would that be the end of college fooball as we know it, if we started paying players? What about the free education these players are getting? What do you think?