Saturday, October 11, 2008

What happened to all my money?

editor's note - There will be two articles to comment on this week to make up for last week.

Read this interesting article about what constitutes money and what doesn't. Will the events of the past few weeks cause a fundamental change in our assumptions about the market, and how we invest our money? The Great Depression caused our grandparents to lose their faith in banks. What lessons do you think we will come away with from this current crisis?

Law of Unintended Consequences

When the government gets involved in situations, we often see that unintended and unanticipated consequences arise. A perfect example recently occurred when the Nebraska state legislature passed a "safe haven" law designed to protect mothers who drop off newborns that they are unable to care for at Nebraska hospitals. Read the article and leave your comments. Can you think of any other examples of the law of unintended consequences when the government tries to fix something but messes it up even more?