Saturday, September 22, 2007

Every Breath You Take

Columbia Business School's Dean Glenn Hubbard sings about wanting Alan Greenspan's job that went instead to New Fed Chair Ben Bernanke. Parody created by Columbia Business School students.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I will say that that was not as interesting as the Conan video a few weeks ago. It's true that everyone is watching Bernanke. >_>

Kelly Hines said... gotta love parodys! If Weird Al were dead he would be rollin in his grave. But he not so he probably rolling somewhere else. Any who, Great video, great message, great dream about punching Bernanke in the face, gotta love it.

Anna Smith said...

He is such a good singer. I didn't really get the message because I was so distracted by his sweet dance moves. Why did they give Greenspan's job to Bernanke? I bet he can't sing and dance as well as this guy.

Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAHHA...that was a really well done parody...
did the columbia students do that in their free time?..geez they must be bored at school. hahahah
but that was one of my favorite songs..really well done!

Anonymous said...

That was incredibly random. I think Mr.Pye should break out into song and dance about inflation rates during class. It'd be great, haha. I think it was a good way of this fellow showing how he didn't agree with Bernanke,and I think it's much more light-hearted than a gossipy tabloid exploiting Bernanke's faults, so more power to the students of Columbia =).

James Breuleux said...

That was pretty sweet. Id have to say the best line was "I dream at night that i punch you in the face". I think they should give him the job after seeing this.

Anonymous said...

haha that's pretty corny to say the least, so corny I couldn't help but to keep watching. Where do you find these things Mr. Pye?? Anyway, it was a pretty good parady. I wanna know who made up the lyrics so I can shake their hand. Also, I like how the one cigarrette at the beginning turns into 3 opened packs and an ashtray filled with used ones at the end. That can't be the least bit healthy.

Anonymous said...

That was inspirational! Whenever I want something, from now on I will sing and dance like this guy. I probably won't get what I want, but it will be very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

HAHAH.. that was entertaining.The dean really seemed to want Greenspan's job and despised Bernanke for getting it. What I don't understand is how he is the Dean of Columbia University and still has time to make a video, or was it just the students who created it? Overall, it was a pretty good parody.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that video was amazing. Someone had too much time on their hands! I think that anyone who puts forth the effort to make a wonderful video like that should get Greenspan's job!

Patrick Giesler said...

I think his version was better than Stings. I also liked the backup voices. Very nicely put together. Was there a message in it? hahah probably so but i missed it..

Anonymous said...

Wow. This was a very comical yet immature way to be jealous of someone else. It was very funny how he was so serious about being angry that he didn't get the job. It was a great way to make a fun of the situation.

kathryn said...

wow - such talent...I never thought I'd see someone like the dean of a university doing something like that! It was pretty funny (and very creative!), I must admit. I thought that he sounded pretty good,too.

Anonymous said...

the guy made me feel really uncomfortable during the close up shots, i had to look away,. i feel really bad for him, i know how he feels, kind of. i wish many good things for this man. the students at cbs must have a lot of fun with that guy. the version by sting makes me cry but when pdiddy does his version i get so sad . it reminds me of all the people that died in my hood. but anyways watching that video im gonna really WATCH this greenspan guy, like the video directed me to.

Anonymous said...

pye will you go to homecoming with me?

Anonymous said...

haha this video made my night :] it was entertaining yet slightly educational...and i even knew what he was sayin some of the time from what you taught us in class :] his dancing made me laugh and i wouldnt mind of pye did some lessons like this one i feel like i would really learn a lot more with a song and dance!

Anonymous said...

That was the weirdest video i have ever seen. My mouth is still open from watching it. I understand thewhole thing but whoa, and i agree with Mr.Pye doing the economics dance i would tape it and put it on youtube

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love the Police so basically that was really funny! My favorite was the "hope your beard is fake" part hahaha

Anonymous said...

that is almost as good as the original. the black and white had a nice touch. But i have no quarrel with bernanke so i won't pick sides.

Anonymous said...

hahaha..this was a great remake of a popular song from the past.

Rachel said...

Wow (the same reaction as so many more) that was incredibly funny. I really enjoyed watching it and reading the economic twists to the original lyrics. I wish all people could find ways like this, it really pulls in an audience. I couldn't help showing this to my dad and brother. Love the video!
Rachel Wiley

Anonymous said...

First, I want to say that he sings really well! I find it hard to believe that he's the Dean of Columbia University, though. It was kind of immature how he approached things, but he entertained me a lot. The video was pretty amazing. I agree with Nina. I think Mr. Pye should break out in song, too!

joann said...

Lol, Its funny cause i like the original song. But it was a funny video

Britni Baker said...

LOL THAT WAS pretty cool i must say, for a ,PARODY, I really didn't get the whole aspect of the message but its has sort of a point.

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