Sunday, August 30, 2015

Best Blogs for Economics Students

Click on Post title to be taken to list website

Review two blogs from this list of the 100 best blogs for economics students. Make sure they are from different categories, and don't repeat one that someone else has already done. Yes I realize that this means you will have to check the previous posts to see which ones have already been reviewed. The sooner you do this one the easier it will be. Reviews need to include:

1) Content
2) Appearance
3) Ease of Navigation
4) Apparent bias

Once the best ones are taken click here for secondary list

**Due Sunday before midnight**

Friday, August 21, 2015

Blog Quiz due Friday August 28

This assignment is due Friday August 28, 2015. Click on the Reffonomics link on the right side of this page. Click on Basic Concepts. Page through the four power point presentations in the Introduction to Economics Unit. 2004 - 2009 2nd ed, "What is Economics", "Opportunity Cost", " Resources", and "Fallacies". Click on the first "Multiple Choice Questions" link. Fill in your first and last name and take the 10 question quiz. You will then print out your results and turn them in to me on Friday at the beginning of class.

Greetings Future Economists

Greetings Class of 2016!
Your first task is to show me that you are able to find this site and leave a comment. So tell me one topic that you think that we will study this year. Be sure to leave your name and class period at the bottom of your post. You may not copy anyone else's post, so posting earlier is better.