Friday, August 21, 2015

Greetings Future Economists

Greetings Class of 2016!
Your first task is to show me that you are able to find this site and leave a comment. So tell me one topic that you think that we will study this year. Be sure to leave your name and class period at the bottom of your post. You may not copy anyone else's post, so posting earlier is better.


Anonymous said...

Isabelle Tzeng- 3rd ; Inflation

Nataniel Farrar said...

Nataniel Farrar period 4
we are going to learn about what is going on in the stock market.

Jonah Yu said...

Whats up y'all. One topic i think we'll talking about is Inflation.

Jonah Yu said...

Or GDP.....

Charith Wijeyesekera said...

Charith Wijeyesekera 6th period; Debt vs equity

Unknown said...

I think we are going to learn how the markets in the world work.
Linda Li,2nd Period

Anonymous said...

i think we are going to learn about the economy
-carly freker 6th period

Unknown said...

Marketing Techniques
Jerome Roy- 2nd Period

Unknown said...

Demarcus Davis 6th Period; Trusts in america

Julia said...

Julia Mathew 2nd period

The Federal Government

Unknown said...

Shanika Jacob 6th period
Supply and Demand

Meghna George said...

Meghna George 6th Period: supply and demand

Meghna George said...

meghna George 6th period

Kyle Newby said...

characteristics of the stock market
Kyle Newby 2nd period

Anonymous said...

Joyce Varughese
6th period

US Federal Reserve

Shreya narayan said...

Shreya Narayan
6th period

Economic security

Russell Wong said...

Russell Wong
6th Period
Global Currency compared to the US Dollar

Aadesh Brahmbhatt said...

Aadesh Brahmbhatt
6th period

How money changes and flows through different markets

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haben Mikaele said...

Top 1% and china's black Monday
Haben Mikaele Period 2

Unknown said...

Madison Bettis
6th period
Monetary policy

Nicholas said...

Depressions and Recessions
Nicholas Singleton Period 2

Anonymous said...

Kayleigh fulmer
6th period investments in the stock market

Unknown said...

Ryan Phu - 2nd Recent stock market crashes

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu
2nd Period
How business use their capital to fund themselves and how to get that capital

Unknown said...

Noah Moussoki 2nd period

A topic I think we will talk about is the stock market

Katy Kaiser said...

Katy Kaiser Period 6
Economic Patterns through History, what has and hasn't worked through history

Unknown said...

Sunny Patil 4th period
Stock market

Unknown said...

Jillian Sara Gicana 6th period
Economic growth & debt within the US

Anonymous said...

Effects of Chinese uutsourcing on the American economy.

-Jeremy Tanueco, 2nd Period

Sarah Gosch said...

-Sarah Gosch, 2nd period

Anonymous said...


my bad Mr. Pye (Jeremy Tanueco)

Johan Johnson Period: 6 said...

I topic we can talk about is Elasticity of Demand

Amanda Hong said...

The importance of scarcity and opportunity costs

-Amanda Hong
6th Period

Anonymous said...

Why the economy is susceptible to crashes and recessions - Rolando Pineda, 4th period

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Supply and demand.
-Elizabeth Abraham, 2nd period

Michael Enyioma said...

The impact of a country's economy on another

Dakota Bernhart said...

Leading Indicators
Dakota Bernhart 4th period

Mi said...

4th Period

The impact of a country's economy on another

Unknown said...

Arun Christopher 2nd period

Unknown said...

Bush did 9/11

Hanna Shanar~ 4th

Ben Joel said...

"Ima dog with it"-FOE G4NG
Benjamin Joel-2nd Period

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Economics of the United States
Stanie Clement 2nd period
9:15 PM, August 24, 2015

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Phillips Curve

Tiffany Chan 4th Period

Unknown said...

Trade Policies
Sahir Khan - 4th period

Unknown said...

Mackenzie Johnson -6th period
What causes the stock market to decrease and increase.Also what the affects may be pertaining to our economy.

Anonymous said...

Timothy Chang - 6th period
The difference between GDP and GNP

Unknown said...

free gucci

- mocity rick 2nd period

sfvfdfv said...

Maria Francis
6the period
Effect of human capital on industry and economic growth.

Jonah Yu said...



Anonymous said...

The impact of people's behavior (i.e. buying and selling) in national and global economies

Matheus Menezes
6th period

Unknown said...

stop spam @jonah

Anonymous said...

Factors that effect the stock market
Chris Thottasseril Per.2

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah Kaplan said...

The stock market and what effects it
Hannah Kaplan 4th period

Unknown said...

Stock markets

Paige Price per. 4

Unknown said...

The ways other countries regulate their economies

Unknown said...

margins and marginal changes
Imani Windom per. 6

Anonymous said...

Economics in past and present US markets
Marcus Thompson

Alexis Zamora... Alpha:) said...

How different resources effect the economy
Alexis Zamora 6th

Unknown said...

Vinit Shah-4th
transfer of money to differet parts of the economy

Anonymous said...

Veronica Wang
Period 6

Distribution of wealth between different classes

Unknown said...

Nick lemon
Period 6
the factors that influence income,

Unknown said...

Hello Lovelies!lets learn about capital
Mackenzie Laird
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Stock markets
Giovanny Dominguez - 4th period

Angela Gantt said...

What companies do in response to the changes in the stock market.
Period 4

Anonymous said...

how the stock market rises and falls.
Ulises Osorio - 2nd period

Ayesha Parvez said...

How the changes in economy affect everyone on a daily basis.
Ayesha Parvez- Period 4

Anonymous said...

Barriers to trade

David Edquilang - 6th period

Anonymous said...


Camdyn Brocail - Period 4

Anonymous said...

William Mitchell, 4th period, how certain countries economy affects others

Anonymous said...

How countries come out of debt

Maya Ewens
2nd period

Anonymous said...

famous economists

-Amira Nickerson, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

Opportunity cost
Camdyn p.4

Anonymous said...

How imports and exports of different countries affect their economy

-Kyndal Evans, Period 6

Amber Muhammad said...

What people do for money to change in stock markets and how to keep up a stock market
-Amber Muhammad,6th period

Gabriel said...

Famous Economists.
Gabriel Martinez Period-2

Unknown said...

Hannah Reyes
Period 4
Why is China's economy doing so poorly?

Anonymous said...

Stock increase and decrease throughout history
Tea Thomas, Period 2

Unknown said...

Keynesian economics
Anna Lee
Period 2

Unknown said...

Karina Harris Period 4
call me Kari here we go econ.

Olivia Chaney said...

The ups and downs of the stock market and how it effects our economy.

Tim Cummins said...

The differences of domestic and foreign trade and how either effects the everyday person.

Tim Cummins 2nd period

Unknown said...

The fluctuations of global and domestic markets and what causes them

Francis Patience
Period 6

Anonymous said...

How the economies of different countries interact with one another.
Hannah Stone
2nd Period

Sabrina said...

The stock market's function in the economy as a whole, factors that go into determining its fluctuation, and common misconceptions about it
Sabrina James, 2nd period

Unknown said...

How the stock market effects the economy

Quentin Collins- 2nd period

Unknown said...


Anthony Mourad-2nd period

Anonymous said...

how the economy fluctuates and the factors that make up those changes
Thanh Vo, 2nd period

Beauty_DayjaRay said...

Which stocks are rising and falling
-Dayja Mathews 2nd period

Unknown said...

Camdyn Brocail Period 4-

commodity market

Unknown said...

Mary Bonojo 6th Period :
debt and the rise and fall of other countries economies.

Anonymous said...

Nadeel Momin 4th period-

about different types of businesses and corporations.

Anonymous said...
