Check out this facinating website. Did any of the numbers surprise or even frighten you?
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
So I clicked on the "Now" button just for fun. It's been a minute since I've done so and 15 people have (I guess) been diagnosed with cancer. 120 something abortions. That blows my mind and scares me at the same time. I never believe all those commercials when they say "Every 15 seconds, there's a burglary in the United States" but I guess I will now! 2 minutes and $5,055,309 in military expenditure. That's just funny and sad.
KZ 2nd
thats kool how they got all the numbers all calculated out
I have never been a fan of this type of thing.
It even says "However, due the contradictory and dynamic nature of much of the data, we cannot guarantee their accuracy."
That is exactly why I don't put much trust in these "world clocks."
If the website itself admits it may be wrong, why do we believe it?
Yeah I've never been the one to put much trust into these supposed statistical clocks. I know that even though the data may be slightly skewed or wrong, its supposed to frighten you with its ridiculously large numbers of people dying, diseases increasing, and expenditures going out the roof. But, again I simply tend not to look at that stuff as the whole program is basically an estimation (in numbers) of what is wrong with the world.
The saddest part is that we are just looking at the numbers, and in reality the numbers are meaningless. We read that 81,000 people are dying of malaria and think "Gee, that's a big number."
But 81,000 people. Dying of a completely treatable and preventable disease.
For me, that is devastating.
I think it is way too easy to ignore numbers on a screen and say "Oh well, nothing I can do anyway."
The scope of these problems are huge, but the solution has to start somewhere. Rarely in life will things get better by simply putting them to the side and leaving them for another day. Eventually, we have to wake up and pay attention.
This is one of those things like thinking about how big the universe is- I don't think we can truly comprehend it, so we basically just try not to think about it too much. It's a whole lot easier to just not care than to have to deal with such devastating numbers (which, while they might be pretty wrong, even if they're off by like a million, it's still a LOT). I'm not saying it's right that we ignore such numbers, but I can understand why people do
The thing that made me the most shocked is the fact that nearly 80,000 people have died of suicide this year, which is more than violence, war, and a menagerie of infection diseases combined. This is shocking as well as sad.
The planet is getting closer and closer to its ineviatble capacity every day. We have almost double the births that we have deaths. Oh yeah, and we have almost the same amount of abortions that we do deaths. Kind of sad.
the numbers are definitely very alarming because it all just seems negative to me...all those deaths and too many births..diseases adding up each second..
its very sad that so many murders are taking place every second..(abortions)
i think someone needs to inform the military to watch their huge budget! our tax money is being "wasted" in a sense..
I agree with pretty much everyone else. WE don't really know if these so called numbers are that reliable. But even if not, it's still pretty devastating to see all of the statistics.
It's interesting how the numbers only sort of reflect today.
Wow, I just can't stop staring at the abortion and birth levels. It seems that for every two new beings, one is killed. After clicking on the "now" button, 15 people died of AIDS, in 2 minutes! As Lauren stated, these statistics are more than numbers, they're PEOPLE! The more I look at this site, the more I'm terrified! 48 forests cut down in 2 minutes. This is our home people! These are people we might know that are dying! Yes the numbers aren't exact, but they are growing.
Wow, I just can't stop staring at the abortion and birth levels. It seems that for every two new beings, one is killed. After clicking on the "now" button, 15 people died of AIDS, in 2 minutes! As Lauren stated, these statistics are more than numbers, they're PEOPLE! The more I look at this site, the more I'm terrified! 48 forests cut down in 2 minutes. This is our home people! These are people we might know that are dying! Yes the numbers aren't exact, but they are growing.
The numbers can be used to scare anyone they want, but what I think about is the number of people that I didn't meet. The number of people I didn't care about. The dead are dead, so if anyone lets these statistics affect them, they should be moved toward change for future, not regret for the past. The people you have around you, don't let them be a statistic, just another person you see and forget, however cheesy and abstinence advocacy/drug and alcohol prevention commercial that sounds. Statistics like these can bring along all sorts of cheesy sayings...
It is so weird to think that these numbers are actually true. It's sad how we just look at that for a second then blow them off. Our military spending is also quite extreme and a shame. Living in America is great, but things like this really ut other countries ways of life ino perspective.
yes many of them did there so many things that I didnt expect to be as bad as they are. this world is CRAZY !
Like Kelly Z. said, I honestly never believed those commercials either. But when I saw the World Clock, my jaw dropped to the floor. It's incredible, but even more shocking than anything. When I clicked on the "Now" button, I wanted to cry. It made me question, "I could be on this clock one day!" SCARY!
I have never been one to believe these types of things. It doesn't help that most of the time they give some stupid fact like the forests cut down, which, to me, takes the credibility away.
It also doesn’t help that these counters all admit to being inaccurate. Why would I believe something that tells me it could be wrong?
well that was weird... i liked how we make more computers than bikes, it made me laugh and reminded me of the reasons america is so fat!
That is quite interesting, and most likely not fully accurate. Most of the numbers like these, they receive from statisticians. Yet these numbers are true to some extent, like the military will spend nearly $1.2 million every 30 secs.
the clock is wrong. it even said so, but it is a ballpark guess as to what is happening so im okay with it. there are a lot of shocking statistics on this inaccurate clock and it should serve as a sort of wake up call to people that our planet kind of sucks. we waste tons of money on war, are making entirely too many babies, and have people dying from unnecessary causes (treatable diseases). basically we need to change, and do it fast otherwise the world will continue to spiral downward due to overpopulation leading to deforestation and other stupid things like that.
Even though it is a statistic, it is still a near truth. I was uneasy to see that withing just a minute of starting on the now clock that there had been so many deaths due to cancer and AIDS. Well, I like the statistic better that shows there are more people that are alive today than have died in history.
the world clock is awesomeness, Pye you cease to amaze me with your intriguing stories and articles.
wow...seeing the numbers rise so high after clicking "now" is tooo scary...yet, it makes me wonder if these numbers are totally legit
Well this world clock thing is certainly not one of my favorites. It's gross, really. And the numbers are merely estimates I bet. I'd rather not know the (supposed) number of certain devastations and other mess going on around the world. Yeah it's alarming, but why don't we stop staring at rising numbers on a website and start making change happen. Word.
Wait...did Josh just say that Pye "ceases to amaze him." That was either a typo or a major insult to Pye's amazing-article-finding-ability...
I'm always a little skeptical - Those honestly cannot be exact numbers. However, it does help me put my life in perspective. Let's face it - many of those infectious diseases have a far greater negative imapct outside of our country. I just look at the long list of things that could go wrong and thank my lucky stars that so many things have gone right in my life and the lives of thsoe around me.
wowowow this is pretty cool.. now i realize that some of these illnesses that i thught were common are not as common as i thought. and vice versa.
I was surprised that the birth rate was significantly higher than the death rate. The cardiovascular disease numbers also frighten me.
This is pretty cool i always imagined a person counting this one by one. However this seems inaccurate.
Is this for real? What?! That's tight. I didnt know all that. thats really cool thorugh, however a bit sad that that many things happen in such little time..i guess i better be careful to not be a statistic...lol..(But for real).
Its just crazy how much stuff happens in the world at the same time. the amount of births is crazy compared to deaths. But hey we live in a large world and lots of stuff happens
OH MY GOODNESS!!! What suprised me the most was the number of animals becoming extinct just today! When i looked it said 45 have been confirmed and that is amazing!! I always thought that extinction was a longgg process and happened like once every half a year! I guess i was obvlivious to our wildlife :-/
---chelbi jackson
I just wish there was a clock that counted up positive things. Then the world wouldn't seem like such a deplorable place. This is scary, but it also reminds me of how big the world is and how relative these numbers are to the size of Earth and the human population.
Wow... That was pretty amazing. Seeing those numbers change right before me,is mind blowing but is also really sad. It is crazy that so many things are happening at once.
Wow thats pretty crazy, and scary. But just like most people said already those numbers really arent that reliable, and all they try to do is scare us. But it also makes us realize that we should start taking action in our lives and try to help those around us.
its actually pretty intrestin how it tells you just about anything. the thing that intrested me the most was about diabetes since it runs in my family i wouldnt mind sharin this wit some people
its very interesting to see all those numbers. i mean you dont realize how many things are happening out there every second. it just blows your mind to think at this moment multiple people have died. it also is kind of scary if you actually take a moment and think about it....
I agree just as much as the next guy that these statistics are devastating in the sense that we all realize the mortality of man as the multiple death tickers roll forward, but what next? Regardless of its reliability down to the precise digit, every single person posting is capable of both noticing that people die often and the pathetic contingencies of such a thought can be unbearable. However, just reading the numbers and dropping your jaw for a split second is worse a crime than any which may have caused these deaths. I know that it may be hackneyed in this day in age, but causing people to become mere statistics, symbols, or martyrs after death devalues the only thing that we may be sure of them: life. Thus, we need not simply marvel at the numbers, or even become more introspective as to what this means personally, but vow to act against the needless fatalities so that such an endeavor is not fruitless.
Although I am bit skeptical in regards to the validity of this world clock, in all respects I feel this clock is fascinating not frightening. This is simply the world that we are in and we must adjust and swim with the tide if we are to succeed
i think that's pretty cool! i dind't know more bikes were produced than computers! i would've thought it was the other way around!
That's sad. Way to much money spent and a whole lot deaths. That clock is cool though, but you can't put too much trust since it does admit to being accurate. In one minute, over 200 deaths in 2 minutes. i also did not know that bicycles were produced so quickly.
I don't like these kind of things because they're so unrealistic. Sure the counter goes up based on a statistical gathering, but it still is too random. Luckily the species extinct counter hasn't progressed as I've been watching because I would have to call shananigans on that. I would think more computers would be produced than bicycles...
although some of the countings were random and kinda funny (bicycles?), a lot of them when you just sit and watch them blow your mind. to see the amount of CO2 emissions and how the number of abortions increases every second saddens and frightens me and makes me wonder what it's going to be like in a matter of years.. :/
I completely agree with Mallory. There is way too many deaths and too much military spending! I also couldn't believe the number of abortions just this month. However, I do know that websites such as these cannot always be trusted.
I dislike these sorts of programs. They simply take averages and apply them to a counter. Certain parts of the world are much more partial to some of the data represented, so it does not accurately depict any specific society.
Well I feel it was an eye opener to actually see such numbers because it isn't something i think about everyday. People are dying all around the world and one can't help but be oblivious to it all. You get caught up in your own life that you forget about everyone else.
i think the most astounding aspect of the "clock" was how many people die from cardiovascular diseases. If people would just take care of their bodies, get regular check ups, and actually listen to their bodies, I believe our world would be a healthier place. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer for women, and it could be preventable!
i think the most astounding aspect of the "clock" was how many people die from cardiovascular diseases. If people would just take care of their bodies, get regular check ups, and actually listen to their bodies, I believe our world would be a healthier place. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer for women, and it could be preventable!
To me its just a way of saying Heya look! We are going to kill are selfs with thousands of new people being born and half the number dying! Then the website goes on and says we may not be accurate but please be scared.
What does that mean? Thats like me saying, Heya Everybody im a vegitarian. But then go to wendeys and get the #4 BaconMaster with 3 layers of beef and cheese with bacon.
You just dont do that. Its just a bunch of NONSENSE!!! World Clocks are opinions not facts.
This website was a pretty interesting deal. It was kind of unexpected to see some of the numbers i did. But it also made me realize how much we take our lifestyle for granted and we don't realize how lucky we are that we dont have to worry about alot of the issues on this website.
I dont think that trusting these world clocks is such a good idea. Even though the statistics are interesting, how do we know that they're accurate. I think that they're just trying to scare us so that maybe we will take more precautions to these certain "misfortunes".
For me, the statistics from the site reveal the great disparity of lifestyles on Earth; less than 17% of people in the world use the internet, and malaria, something utterly foriegn to Americans, has taken nearly a hundred thousand lives this year. It places my life in perspective and makes me appreciate my own society.
However, this feeling of saftey also reveals my own igorance and sense of complacency with suffering in the world. As I don't directly perceive them within the scope of my own life, the injuries and diseases that afflict many in the world are unknown to me. This site is a great tool to be utilized in helping Americans understand the efforts that must be taken to uplift the societies beyond our own borders.
its a little scary how true these things sound, but overall it's just statistics being generated so that we have something to get interested in. regardless of the reaction to the clock, these kinds of things happen in the real world and have done so for quite a while.
It is much easier to just not care than to have deal with such horrible numbers. I know it is not right just to ignore the numbers, but I understand why people do.
It is devastating in the sense that the mortality of humans as the death tickers roll forward. However, I don’t think we can truly comprehend the numbers, so in a why we basically need to try not to think about them too much.
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