I did not realize that the use of bailbondsmen was unique to the American Justice system. Read this article and comment; What are your thoughts on allowing people to pay a percentage of their bails to bondsmen in order to get out of jail while awaiting trial? Is it free enterprise at its best? or Is it a practice that needs to be done away with?
this is one of thoughs subjects where the rich can get away but the poor cant
I think there are some serious issues in our judicial system that need to be addressed, including the bail bond practice. It is not a fair process, and the potential for corruption is huge. At the very least, the bail bond system needs to be regulated more closely. I would support doing away with the entire business. We need to find a new system--just give everyone ankle monitors! :) Why not model the system after the existing parole or house arrest systems? Or use collateral that doesn't involve a commercial bail bondsman making a profit off someone's troubles? I think we could create a much more efficient and fair system...
it seems like some private bail bond companies are bankin with cash while they let out potential criminals out of their partial punishment...doesnt seem right 2 me..
I didn't know that the bail bonds were strictly American. However, I agree with other countries in making it an illegal business. It is true, bail bonds are only beneficial to the rich. If someone is arrested then they should be contained in a cell until their trial. However, in America, we believe in being innocent until proven guilty, which can explain why people are let out of jail on a bond. The only comforting thing, though, is that in extreme crimes, such as murder or rape, the arrested can not be released on a bond.
I dont think its good because its unfair that theres people do not get the same opportunities as to get out of jail and it should be defenetly be considered illegal
I think that the private bail bond businesses should be illegal:
1. It is not fair for poor and middle class individuals. They are only beneficial to upper class individuals.
2. Criminals that are released on bail are released in to our society. What are they going to do from there? Create more crime? WOW! That sounds like a plan!
Bail bond businesses are dumb and should be considered ILLEGAL!!
I see it has being a very corrupt practice that needs to be done away with completely. Who cares if you have money or not that doesn't make you more or less of a criminal than when you were put in jail.
I dont see how you could argue that bail bonds aren't fair, "Don't do the crime if u cant do the time"
"American tradition?" No way. And plus, of course, bail bond services aren't fair. Life isn't fair anyway. And criminals, stupid celebrities and rich pigs shouldn't be running the streets anyway if they have done something worth being put away for.
I personally have just experienced the forces of our criminal justice system and i am bias towards the defendants. Bonds give a person a way out, giving them a chhance to talk with their attorneys and develope their case while outside the horrific jail environment. THrough my just recent experiences over the subject, the defendant is not always guilty. I love the idea innocent until proven guity, but in todays world that simply is not the truth. In conclusion i am in support of bail bonds, because they attempt to cheapen the overall cost of the dredful court syste, I mean why would an innocent person wish to go all the way to court and spend all that money if they truthfully didnt do the crime. Our society, like the Nazis are feeding off the week and often searching for scapegoats to pin their problems and to me that is currently one of the possible tributes to America's downfall. We can never feel safe in an environment when you cant trust your neighbors.
I can understand how he owner thinks that his practice is efficient and worth while.....because he is getting all the money!!! But then again i look at other corpoorations and wonder what they think when they look at his business? He is collecting just as much money as someone who is working twice as hard with a more successful business but isn't getting profit off of someone else's problems! I believe that company is only looking out for itself by collecting money then just letting crazy people back onto the street for just a little extra tip.
--chelbi jackson
i disagree with all of the people that just said it shouldbe an illegal practice. Number one, we preach free enterprise in America, and to start regulating is hypocritical, because that goes against the free enterprise system. Beggars can't be choosers, so if you want free enterprise you have to accept the other practices that come along with it. Second, some of the alleged criminals are only accused, and have done nothing. Why force someone who's innocent to endure a period of harsh treatment for a crime they haven't committed. Allow the business, it may be partially unfair but that's life.
Man, I thought it said Barry Bonds and this was going to be about baseball. Allow bail bonds, barry's sister is probably good at baseball, too. Remove the asterisk!
I think our system is better. why should we pay for criminals. Since the bail bondsman have more power let them. besides if we live with the rest of the world we wouldn't have the right to a jury in the US. The system is in ok shape taking the bailbondmen away would worsen the judicial system.
i think that bail bonds should be illegal because not everyone can afford to buy their way out and i don't want criminals running around! ahhh
i think bail bonds should be illegal because not everyone can buy their way out and i don't want criminals running around! ahhh
I also disagree with most of the comments posted. Not only would banning commercial bail bonding ( which 4 states already have done) contradict the free enterprise system, but they actually require people paying these percentages. Meaning: more money into our economy! Yay for a richer America!
I think the practice is a bit wierd, but America is the land of free enterprise. There is no true legal basis for it being illegal, just some angry lawyers' opinions. Thus, I believe that this practice is legal until abused.
Seems a bit unfair to me. I personally think it should be done away with. It's a way for the rich to pay their way out of trouble and I don't want a criminal running free. Everyone should have to stand trial, guilty or not, because since there's no way of knowing whether they are guilty, we can't let someone we think is innocent free and not others. If the bail system is gotten rid of, we don't have to worry about it. Everyone will have to undergo a trial and will be punished accordingly. No more loose criminals!
Sorry for responding sooo late but I havent had access to a comupter with internet for four days now.
I think the process of bails bonds creates a faulty system becuase of how it associates money with the judicial process, which kinda defeats its purpose as the judicial system is supposed to be free from bias and cash definitely creates that.
again sorry
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