Check out this local story from the Chronicle. It is an old argument, that college athletes (especially football players) are bringing millions of dollars into their schools, and that they should be getting some of that money. Would that be the end of college fooball as we know it, if we started paying players? What about the free education these players are getting? What do you think?
Student football players already recieve their payment in scholarship money. They are able to recieve a full ride to some of the top schools in the nation. If I played footbal I would be happy with that. You wouldn't have to worry about tuition or paying for dorms. You get to go to college for free by playing a sport you love. That to me is as much payment they should get.
I think that it is a good idea that football revenue goes to help other less popular programs. When it comes down to it its about the school spirit not about the individual. The whole school should prosper, not just one fooball player
I agree with Titi, the atheletes shouldnt get paid more to do what they are already supposed to be doing. Plus if you started paying them in actual cash, most of them would feel even more above the law and would cause more trouble. Fans and spectators spend money to watch them, so the atheletes should see it as their way of helping the economy, by creating a demand for football.
No the student athletes should not get paid because then whats the point of the NFL if they start to get paid. Besides most of those athletes are getting a free education because their on scholarships. If they did start to get paid I think it would be the end of college football because of the fact that you see how these pro athletes are spending their money and how they are abusing it. Would you think that could happen to these young kids. These kid have enough to worry about like being elgible for the next game. Sports can only take you so far but an education can last you forever. You see how most of these athletes do not know what to do after their career is over and they think the money they earned will last them forever but it will not. No the athletes should not share the revenues. Most of these people should be happy that their going to college because of their athletic ability. They should just play for the pride of their school and be happy that their getting a free education.
College athletes are entertainers, but I don't think they should be getting payed to do what they love. Playing a sport in college is life consuming, so a player has to really have the drive and passion for that sport to play it in college. These athletes love what they do, and should expect nothing in return except the satisfaction of entertaining thousands.
Yea,I agree with the rest of you (above) about the whole "pay the players" deal. It just isn't fair for them to be paid, even if their schools are receiving a lot of money. They already receive more than most college students for their college fees, an they probably won't be in debt because of that like many college people will be. They're still in school and football is not their profession (yet), its their past time.
You know, college athletes are great. They can play some great ball games AND maintain a reasonable GPA. yay them. But there are absolutely NO circumstances where college athletes should get any of the revenue earned from sports events. Not only is that the most ridiculous idea (hmm...a kid who's already getting college paid for getting....CASH? when the rest of the student body is eating ramen noodles every night??!), but it goes against any code of honor that the college system still has. One more thought I have to share is this: Who saves the world; football players or physicists, diplomats, biologists, doctors, teacher, etc.? I certainly don't remember ever hearing about a football player finding a way to cure cancer, end war, or solve the problem of world hunger.
ok, that is all, i promise.
I dont think college football players, or any other college athlete, should get paid for playing a sport that they obviously love. Its not like we have to pay them to keep them playing, because they are already voluntarily playing without any pay. Why start paying them now? And most college football players plan on playing in the NFL, and playing in college obviously helps them do this, so why should WE pay THEM when we are the ones helping them get closer to their carreer? Its not like colleges pay for a students medical school who is becoming a docotor, so why should colleges pay for college football players to play football?
Alright i'm a huge college sports fan, especially football. I agree that the players are bringing in an enormous amount of money a year especially those teams that go to the bowl games or the national championships (LSU!) but i dont think the players should get paid to play. They are getting paid technically, they're getting an education, and if they're good enough they can take that education and the experience of the game and maybe go pro. Also in most college teams there are a few key players who might go pro but the majority wont, paying them would just boost their ego and eventually they'd want more and more money, and might begin to think they are above the rules because they are getting paid so much... i think they should play because they want to and love the game.
These players are bringing millions of dollars into their colleges and universities. I think they should get some of that money. People are paying for a ticket to see their skills, why shouldn't they see some of that money. I'm not talking about million dollar contracts, just some extra cash to help these guys out. It only seems fair.
Here we go again with the whole "getting paid for school" ordeal, although this bit is a little different. This is COLLEGE, and seeing as we have to pay arms and legs for college educations anyway, I really don't see any problem with this. Just take it off of tuition fees.
we shouldnt have to pay college football players to play football. its obviously a hobby. if they really want to get paid they should continue on to become pros. its good the school is getting so much money, even if it is from football.
I believe that college students are already being payed in scholarships. Athletes play for a college for either free money for school or hope to one day play in the pros. If you were to start paying them, the entire world of college athletes would change.
In some respects I believe that a student athlete should be paid because the sport takes up so much time. I understand this because soccer takes up so much of my time that there would be no way for me to have a part time job on top of this sport. I believe it is the same for athletes in college, and in this respect, they do not have time to earn their own money. However, my final opinion is that college athletes should not be paid because I believe the effects of this would be worse than the benefits of getting paid. the sport is what the athlete loves, and he should not need any pay.
First of all, they do get paid in scholarships. They also get alot of perks that other college students don't have. This would also take away the upset factor of college football, b/c all of the good recruits would be going to the big programs that make the most money. It would also take away some of the heart, playing football because they love the game. It would turn in to the nfl.
For one thing, it is privilege to play at the collegiate level in any sport. These players are getting scholarships to perform and represent their school. Since they are getting scholarships from the schools, in a way they are getting money, but they shouldn't be getting anything more on top of that.
I think this is absolutely ridiculously that college athletes think they should get paid again - they are already there on scholarship, stipends, and academic assistance why should they again receive yet another reward? I have a rugby contract pending with Georgia Tech and by no means do I plan on asking for a salary. Maybe this is just because rugby has a different atmosphere, but I am happy with the book stipends and privilege to represent Georgia Tech on the rugby pitch. Sorry mates I don't see how the blots on the footie field think they should get a salary.
As a future collegiat athlete even I believe that it is not necessary to pay college athletes. The spirit of college football is embodied by the theme of two teams fighting with their hearts and souls to bring a victory to their school. As far as Im concerned, it is the purest form of football available in America. Paying players would only diminish this image and create the same environment present in the NFL.. A bunch of guys playing below potential and waiting for their paychecks. Leave college football as it is. Let it be for the love of the game and your school.
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