Staying with our sports theme this week, check out this bit of economic research on goalies and penalty shots. It might surprise you. Isn't it funny how economics can be used to explain almost anything?
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Interesting. I guess that would all make sense, especially the psychology behind why goalkeepers tend to jump instead of stay in the center.
I think it's interesting that economics can relate to any type of study in this world. Soccer is a good example because it portrays smart skills and ideas for goalies to improve while on the field. I am not sure if by not jumping improves chances of not scoring on them, but it could be a strong possibility of actually making a difference.
This was interesting because it pointed out at the end that although staying in the center is smarter now, once everyone started doing it then it would be smarter to start going to the sides again...and that's a cycle like the business cycle! I guess you could apply economics to anything if you tried hard enough.
i'm a goalie, and i know when i have penalty shots on me at practice i just pick a side and dive. But in a game situation i usually stand in the center and try to react to their kick. I am surprised by this statistic though.
I thought this was pretty cool since I had to play goalie earlier in our season when our 2 goalies were missing and I absolutely believe this. I didn't move the whole time and ended up keeping them to one point.It's really cool to see how eco. can tie into sports.
I think they are looking way to far into this! Soccer is extremely complicated, but at the same time it is so simple! Its a kick and a shot. One vs. One. The attacker and the keeper. I say let the keeper decide what's best and that will give the greatest results, not all of these statistics.
I'm not sure about that. I'm not seeing how economics can be related to soccer. The goalie jumps the direction the shooter gives off. No goalie just guesses. The way they line up or take certain glances at the corner they want to shoot in gives away where the goalie should move too
Its pretty cool how economics can be tied into soccer who would have thought that it could happen.
There remains the consideration that goalies who stand in the center have probably already guessed the ball's path and decided that there is no need to move. Furthermore, the fact that jumping to catch a ball looks much more exciting than standing still and catching a ball might make players more likely to subconsciously decide to jump.
I think that is cool how you can link eco. with sports. Now that i know you don't stay in one spot as a goalkeeper i might can play that position better.
Intersting I guess. But I think reading body language is how a goalie can sort of predict where the striker will score. Standing in the middle might be a good thing, but in the end it's all about luck and skill, not the position on the goal.
I think it is really cool how you can apply economics to soccer among many other things.
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