Apparently this is a new phenomenon, giving new mothers gifts of jewelery particularly diamonds just after they give birth. Is this an example of materialism run amok? Or does it show that men are more compassionate these days after seeing their spouses go through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth. Perhaps its a creation of the jewelry industry in order to sell more products. What do you think?
This is RIDICULOUS! If this isn't selfishness I don't know what is. If a wife is so shallow that she wants material rewards for the intangible benefits of giving birth-giving life-then why is she giving birth in the first place? She's not going to receive material rewards (or bribes) after every bit of suffering in life. Plus, all of the hundreds of dollars being spent on jewelry and purses could be spent on something much more worthwhile, such as preparing for the new changes that are going to be happening in the couple's lives (and if they're rich, well then they can help some others who aren't so fortunate). This materialism just blows my mind.
I would think a baby would be a perfectly good reward...in a way, expecting diamond jewelry is undermining the joy of having a baby...like, "Oh, I like my kid, but what I really like is my diamond ring!" One of the moms in the article said it was nice to have a token of appreciation...well, I would think a bouquet of flowers or a cute card or a teddy bear would be enough. And wouldn't it be a better use of the money to buy something for the baby? I don't understand how having a baby wouldn't be enough. All new parents I've seen (which granted isn't THAT many) have eyes for nothing else but their new child.
Well the ladies have spoken (Amanda and Kate). I feel the same way, but I wasn't about to start bashing another sex, especially one that I am not apart of. But to say the least, self interest and selfishness is the root of all evil and it is a darn shame to see these qualities paired up with such a beautiful gift. I disgusted, but in the world we live in, thats really nothing new.
-Get Some (not diamonds)
Giving a mother a diamond jewelry is a type of bribe. Maybe the husband gives it to her because he is happy or a way to say thank you. But a mother should be happy without a gift.
The baby is a great gift as it is. Why would someone ask for more? You produced life and your not satisfied. I mean that is priceless. That more than all the diamonds combined. One should be honored to have a baby. Yes, the 9 months are hard, but it is worth it in the end.
Although a baby should be enough for a mother to be happy, I don't see anything wrong with the mother receiving a gift. The mother did just spend months and months feeling horrible and miserable.
But, I don't think that anything as huge as diamonds is necessary. Maybe just a small gift would suffice. I don't believe that a small gift given by the husband should be anyone else's problem.
Yes, I think mothers deserve at least a token of appreciation for bearing a child, but to say that all of "the discomfort was ultimately worth it" because of a pair of diamond earrings is ridiculous. A baby should be a reward in itself. I would think that bringing a child into the world to raise and love it should be the ultimate reward for the nine months of labor. It's sweet that a husband would go so far as to buy jewelry to show appreciation, but I think that it is a bit selfish for mothers to expect jewelry when her own baby is about to be born.
I definitely would not complain if my husband gave me diamond jewelry after I had just given birth to a child, but to actually expect such a thing is completely pathetic! I would think that having a new baby would be a sufficient enough reward for all the work put into it. And, of course, babies are not cheap. The money going toward the jewelry would be much better spent if it were going toward the baby and all the additional costs that come with it.
Just saying, maybe the mothers aren't demanding the diamonds but the husbands are going out and spending the money on their wives. I also agree with Chelsea in that this isn't anyone else's problem. If this tradition started centuries ago, no one would be saying this was materialistic.
This isnt like COMLETELYYYY rediculous.... i mean yes women who have just had a baby should notttt EXPECT jewelry, but it certainly would make her feel better. personally, if i had a baby, that would def. be enough, but there is nothing wrong if a husband wants to show his wife how much he appreciates her by giving her a gift =] but kate is right, flowers or a card should be enough to show that.
This is crazy. Is not having a healthy beautiful baby enough of a reward?! Its upsetting to know mothers see materialisic things as a reward. This just goes to show how materialism is causing people to become more selfish and therefore causing them to loose sight of what is really important in life, in this case giving birth, a priceless reward in itself.
I don't understand how a gift such as diamonds can outshine the experience of having a baby. In my opinion, if a baby is overlooked because of a gift the mother recieves, that mother is not very fit for a motherhood. I think on the day you give birth, there is no greater gift more special than holding your baby in your hands, a part of you in your hands.
OK...seriously?! The reward is the child and if a momma needs a prize after giving birth, then she probably needs to re-evaluate. Ugh this is sickening. Have the baby when you are ready to think about more than yourself...because when that kid comes into your life, you probably won't even be thinking about those diamond earrings!
I think it really doesn't matter who gives what to whom. If it were me giving birth, I would not feel it necessary to have any extra gifts, but my husband would know that. If there is a woman who had a really hard time with the pregnancy and the husband felt compelled to show his appreciation this way then so be it. Some women might like a physical gift on top of a new born baby, even though I would never consider any gift as good as a baby.
I think this new idea is kind of dumb hoenstly because the focus no offence shouldn't be mainly spoiling the mother but celebrating the birth of a new child. I think it is more romantic for a husband to give his wife jewelry on a random occasion then just doing it because he feels he has to. Jewelery companies did not create this new idea for the sake of mothers but just another way they could make a nice profit.
This is complete craziness. The baby should be enough of a gift, the baby will bring more joy than any other materalistic thing could. People are becoming way to materailistic these days.
"Although jewelry is the most common push present, virtually anything heartfelt will suffice."
Apparently "heartfelt" now means "excessively expensive and impractical." Perhaps the "push" refers to the husbands being forced into giving more gifts.
Wow. You're suppose to be rewarded for your child by diamonds?
Isn't the mere satisfaction of HAVING the child enough? Isn't that little bundle of joy worth more than all the diamonds in the world?
A mother's most precious gift should be having a healthy baby and a caring husband and family. The tough times she went through during pregnancy and childbirth are rewarded by having a baby. But a symbolic gift is a sweet thing from the father, it is up to the husband if he wants to give her something cute or a symbol of their love or something that represents the baby. But it shouldn't have to be something so extravagant. I think the mother should recieve some sort of meaningful gift that means something to both parents. It could be taing care of her, cooking, helping around the house, a portrait of them, a stuffed animal, idk.
I think this article is completely ridiculous. It's completely selfish and self centered. Yes, giving birth is extremely hard on the woman and her body but the real present should be the baby. Yeah diamonds are nice and everything but give them for christmas or for a birthday, not to overshadow the baby as if you're saying "well since the baby's not good enough here are some diamonds" come on that's just sad.
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