All right you hip hop wannabes, check out this rap. It actually makes some good points about the principles of economics. It is the last song on the index.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
I love this. The rap follows the same things we have learned in class and if someone were to listen to it a few more times, they would probablly be able to memorize it. I had no clue there was such a thing as educational rap, but I think the beat really helps the learner grasp the concept.
I would not recomend this to anyone that does not know what economics is. I would recomend it to present day economists that understand every aspect of economics and our economy. Though this is fun, it is not educational because of how distracting it is.
Hahaha, this is funny! I felt smart knowing a lot of the jokes! I disagree with Sami in that it's not educational; sometimes making songs helps me remember things.
I guess it depends on the person. Shannon likes to use songs to help her understand concepts, while Sami thinks songs can be distracting. Personally, this rap is not very helpful. I'll probably just stick to the notes and book.
This rap is educational for all people. Now days the youngins listen to their music way too loud and they will lose their hearing and not be able to hear their granchildren or children talk to them. Plus we will have a mandatory deaf translator on the bottom of the screen of all our TV shows. I hate that, it takes up my viewing hole space of my HD tv. This rap also has no economic reasoning, "Turn it to the left".
This AMAZING song reminds me of the "music video's" at the end of BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY. I mean you can possibly use it to trigger your memory by memorizing the song and singing it while taking a test.. maybe? :) Unfortunately, I do not believe this song is a very successful way to transform the economically uneducated beings out there into economic pros! However, This song is genius! Props to Rhythm, Rhyme, Results.
"Demand Supply Demand SUpply"
"We work We Buy" hahahahah
yes i now know the lyrics!
ok..that song was AWESOME!
i think the song is a great way to reinforce materials we learn in class. You couldnt economics from the song unless you had some previous knowledge.
I really liked it!!!
Hi everyone,
Popping in to say hi and hope you are enjoying the song. We had a lot of fun writing and producing it.
To address a common concern: the music is designed as a supplement, not a replacement for teaching, which means it assumes you have already been introduced to the material. It simplifies the lessons in a form that can be memorized and recalled; it's also a fun way to connect with the material in a less boring manner than usual both in and out of the classroom.
Please feel free to drop us a line if you have feedback or suggestions. info@educationalrap.com
Robbie Mitchell
Rhythm, Rhyme, Results
Cambridge, MA
HAHAHA, learning the rap would definantly make some of the tricky economic concepts easier to learn. However, The nonn-economic knowing however many percent would be like what the heck...anyways, this is funny.
It seems that somebody from the actual website for this rap wrote on the blog. I personally agree with him, as these songs are not really meant to teach, but instead to supplement in a sense, but then again, more more concept and thought based studies, a rap won't really help that much unless it clearly evaluates and explains the concept, other than defining certain words, and it also lacks the graphs and charts that would allow one to make connections visually (I'm guessing they're saving that for some music video). Rap songs (to me are not the kind of music I would casually listen to), but could be helpful in memory based studies like history where one would have to remember dates and names.
This is quite humorous. This is really helpful if you already have knowledge of economics because you are able to understand it and since it is in the form of a song it may help you remember it.
I thought this was amazing. The thing is it actually sounds good and isn't lame or corny. Its kind of hard to understand what they are saying but if you listen closely it makes sense. This would definitely be a good way to review some basic things about economics in the classroom.
HAHAHA this is kind of funny, but I actually understand what they are talking about, something that isn't very common, when I listen to rap. I liked it, my dad was like what are you doing, I told him this was hw, I don't think he believed me though!
Mr. Mitchell, thank you for your candid comment.
Now please leave our house.
Im Really tired of everybody Bashing ALL Hip-Hop, granted most of it is a far cry from the original concept of rap and has elementary subject matter.. But its yalls fault because no matter how much yall hate it you still tend to buy a song like "Crank that Soulja Boy" over songs like these that you never really hear of.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UruJKq5kaUM
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