Check out this slide show about the money that Americans spend on Halloween. It is very interesting and eye opening. Remember consumer spending is the key to keeping the economy going. Maybe we should create a few more holidays in order to fend off recession.
Yes,yes,yes...it is true that during the holidays, people in general spend quite a bit more. However, the problem with having more holidays is that it would split the spending of most consumers. Thinking ahead to Christmas time and the annual hustle and bustle of present buyers, creating more holidays to purchase for would only divide the limited amount of money that each individual household has. Surely, this would create a spending force that occurred year-round instead of only near the last few months of the year, but instead, that overall spending for the year would not be any different. Thinking in terms of most consumers, an average family is not going to spend any more than they have to on a holiday. In fact, Christmas and other large religious holidays see the largest amount of spending whereas national holidays such as President's Day see very little in terms of true spending for that day of celebration. Therefore, more holidays wouldn't mean more spending, but it could mean more leisure time for workers which as we all know does not help GDP.
"more than 90% of parents swipe candy from their kids' trick-or-treat bags" that is too funny yet so true. It is baffling to think that just because of this one holiday, Americans spend over 1.8 billion dollars just to buy candy to give freely to other,random people. The concept doesnt make complete sense (on logical terms)but yet i would never complain. free candy always sounds good to me.
I think it's pretty insane that people spend so much money on Halloween because when you think about it, most of what is bought for Halloween goes to waste. The decorations aren't used for very long, half of the candy (at least at my house) gets thrown away because there's either too much of it or it's not good candy, and who really needs or wants a greeting card for Halloween? But if it's good for the economy, then I guess it doesn't matter that much. It just amazes me that people waste so much money on things that aren't really needed.
I think all of this silly spending for Halloween just shows how pathetic are nation's priorities are. I mean, what is even the point of Halloween-celebrating death? (I doubt if any Americans know the historical origins of Halloween-from All Hallow's Eve-and how meaning has gradually faded away). So, there is all of this massive money spent (that could be better spent on other, more important things) on Halloween stuff that just gets thrown away after one use, like Kate said. This disposability also implies wastefulness, which, while it keeps manufacturers happy because consumers spend money on the same goods over and over again, negatively impacts the economy through the environment, etc.
Spending is an american past time. Hence our economic growth as a nation. Another american past time is commercializing holidays. That also stimulates the economy. Therefore creating more holidays would be ineffective in boosts, but creating hype and goods and other baloney for the "other" holidays like Arbor Day, or Columbus Day, that kind of good stuff.
I did not realize Halloween made that much money. I know I helped with those numbers this year. Go dumb holidays that let us dress up and give us free candy from strangers!
I think it's good that people spend so much on Halloween because i feel that Halloween gets left out sometimes around Thanksgiving and Christmas. I use to think that Halloween was a dying tradition but after seeing this I am reassured that Halloween will live on forever as long as people keep spending thier money on it.
How much Americans spend on Halloween candy and decorations is crazy! I went to CVS to buy a bag of candy that would have probablly normally costed 4 bucks, but since it was "Halloween Candy" it was 7 to 8 bucks for a small assorted bag. I guess it helps as far as the economy, but I think its nuts :)
$5 billion on candy, decorations, and costumes for a one-day holiday for children. Wow. Instead of spending money on anything that might be useful in a month or even a week, people prefer splurging on that stuff? I guess it just means that everyone wants to be a kid at heart.
First of all I LOVE Halloweeen! Second of all if it helps the economy somehow then stop complaining. If you don't like it that doesn't you don't have to celebrate it. Don't get upset and say it's stupid just because you weren't out trick-or-treating and partying like me!
i never realized just how much we spent on Halloween and i never expected it to be 1.8 billion dollars! but hey if it good for the economy why not! but i dont find the fact that 90% if parents taking candy from their kids to be very surprising since i steal candy from my little brother
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