"It found that over the past decade or so increased female participation in the paid labour force has contributed more to the growth of the world economy than either booming China or new technology"
Let the battle begin.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Not to be sexist or anything, but the truth is that women make up half the population, so of course having women participate in paid labor force rather that just the men is going to substantially increase output. It's not that women are the "defining force" or that women are somehow superior to men. It's just simple logic: doubling the workforce will double the output. Seeing feminist after feminist take credit for absolutely nothing is getting pretty old.
Of course it's logical that women would eventually make up part of the work force, but the reason it's such a big deal is because women broke free of the stubborn housewife stereotype of the ninte-fifties that stuck to us until the sixties and seventies. And it's taken thirty more years for women to really make their big impact on the economy and work force.
I think it is simply fabulous that it's just a fact of life that men and women are complete equals in the work place. Of course there will always be gender tensions, but overall it's really cool that women can do anything men can do, and earn as much or more than men.
The statistics speak for themselves; women are thriving in their new-found economic niche. That's actually really encouraging for all of us as we step out into the real world and earn degrees and start jobs. Women have a place in the workforce, and we're not going anywhere.
More women are now participating in a more involved manner in the economy and even "traditionally male markets," which actually describes quite a few industries. It's not that surprising that a larger influx of women would cause changes in said economies.
On a side note, the fact that more women between ages 25 and 35 use the Internet than men seems to help remove the old stereotype of the geeky male nerd sitting in the dark staring at a computer screen though. Now there's geeky female nerds too!
This was a really interesting aricle Mr.Pye! I did not know that women have become such a powerul factor to the economy, in that "women have a greater effect on the world's economy than the booming China and new technology."
GO WOMEN!!! (I'm a feminist). I am glad this change is finally occuring, men and women have equal effects on the world not one more than the other.
Rachel Wiley
It was just a matter of time before women take over! On the serious not, though, women are becoming a big part of the growth of our society and this article is proof. From being just house wives since B.C. to powerful beings in the world is a great advancement for women. You go girls!!!
I found this article very interesting. I had no idea that women were making such an impact on the work force. Go women! It's something that encourages women to be independent and have the confidence to be who we want to be. I'm glad to see that equality in the workplace is something that is now established. I hope this never changes and that more people stop being sexist.
It was inevitable, but it's nothing to get exited about. Just because women are working "all of a sudden" (meaning the past 100 years), doesn't mean this growth is anything special. There's a difference between substancial and special.
Well written article.
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