Say it ain't so. A ban on cupcakes, could anything be more un-American? What are the economic implications?
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
It is foolish to try to ban cupcakes and unhealthy things in general that might lead to a child's weight problems as that attempt is only trying to solve a secondary cause of weight problems instead of trying to eliminate the primary cause (and thus by the elimination of the primary cause, the secondary is eliminated as well). The primary cause is lack of education from the side of the parents when they teach their children about eating well (or not). Its not the school's fault. If you teach a kid to eat healthy at home and reinforce that belief, odds that that kid will eat normally and in moderation with fatty things. Trying to ban such things from schools is just a lazy and apathetic way of solving a problem which just shows how slothful parents are getting if they want everything done by somebody else. Oh yes, and I think this article made cupcakes seem "too important" *cough*symbol of America?*cough*. A cupcake is a cupcake. Its tasty food...
The government has absolutely no business imposing their views on kids of what and what not to eat, particularly since it the issue is not whether schools can sell cupcakes, but whether kids can bring them to school. If kids are obese, it is not the government's obligation to compensate for lack of personal and parental responsibility. It is the parent's right to determine what their kid will and will not eat and their job to raise their kids with a healthy mindset. The fact that this is a serious debate on the federal and state levels is ridiculous.
Yeah, I'm going completely with Amanda here. This seems to have a little too much "Big Brother" in it than it should. It's been said for years that it's the parent's obligation to set the rules of what their child does or does not eat. However, I also see how parents are failing in their own obligations. Hearing about a child on TV who weighs over 400 pounds and whose mother feeds him hot dogs and other excessively fatty foods more than too many times a day is disheartening. I hate to say that government regulation into the ordinary lives of parents is a good thing, but sometimes, there has to be a push to get the ball rolling.
i think its silly to even try to ban cupcakes. People dont need to take out the fun of everything! Why is it necessary? Yes, People do need to know to eat healthybut a harmless cupcake for a birthday party is not a big deal. One cupcake is not going to hurt anyone, therefor, parents should just teach their kids to eat in moderation.
Banning cupcakes is probably the most ridiculous thing i've heard in months. First off, all the article talks about is sweets in school, and how children shouldn't be eating them when the rate of diabetes is high. if you have diabetes, then of course you shouldn't eat cupcakes; otherwise, you should be allowed to eat whatever you want. Eating an ocassional cupcake will NOT make you fat, and it's stupid and irresponsible to blame someone's excessive eating on a cupcake. People need to grow up.
Wow, the government has bent down pretty low if they're going to try and snatch cupcakes out of kids hands. Dont they have bigger issues they could be dealing with?? Whether or not a child shoud eat a cupcake is up to their parents, and as long as they eat them in moderation, just like every other food [healthy or not] that we consume, there shouldn't be a problem. Yes, diabetes is high in the U.S. among kids, but its all about the choices they make and the food their parents choose to by them. The government shouldn't have a say in this, and niether should schools. If the school system refuses to BAKE cupcakes then fine, but there's no harm in having one cupcake for a special occasion such as birthdays and all that jazz. Leave the health awareness to the parents and health teachers of this nation and let us eat our cupcakes!
Wow banning cupcakes, that is the one of the craziest things i have ever heard. Banning them is not going to fix the problem. The popualtion just needs to be more educated in eating healthy. Which involves not banning anything from any food groups, alot of health experts, who don't have something against cupcakes are saying. Plus why would want to ban such a happy food, cupcakes just make the world a better place.
What a should child eat and should not eat is something that is to be taught by parents and by schools health classes. Banning cupcakes from a child will only upset them and will not solve the actual problem, the lack of parent concern and implemantation of a healthy diet. Taking away sweets from a child is cruel and almost seems like a punishment. Kids are kids. People that know better (like adults) are the ones that should explain the consequences of unhealthy diets to these children. Banning cupcakes is not the solution.
oops sorry... the anonymous is julie john.
This article about banning cupcakes is ridiculous. Kids, including 5 years old, should not have to be worrying about their wieght at this time. They should be able to enjoy dessert while they can. I am not saying they should eat 5 in a row, but by a having a treat after supper or a birthday party should not be banned for kids. If you are worried about your child's weight then don't over feed them or let them snack all the time throughout the day and keep them active.
Um banning cupcakes will not happen as long as I'm alive. Maybe the solution here is to put a LIMIT on cupcakes and who should eat them, but banning them alltogether is not helping anyone. If cupcakes are born, kids will just find something just as unhealthy to replace them.
For starters maybe this was just me, but that article seemed to be ambiguous and kept rambling on for an excessive ammount of time. It appeared to be another literary example of "beating a dead horse - or in the case an irrelevant issue."
I understand that obesity is a major problem in the U.S. - Sesame Street has renamed the "Cookie Monster" the "Veggie Monster" because the former name promoted obesity and poor eating habits - and serious measures should be enacted immediately to combat this escalating health crisis. But one must ask, is eliminating cupcakes truly the answer? I do not believe so, I think better dietary plans and healthier food choices should be enacted at school through health promotion classes - not cupcake elimination schemes. However, eliminating cupcakes may help to combat obesity (at the expense of bonding and the celebration of special occasions/achievements) I do not believe it would have that big of an affect because at least for me cupcakes are a very minute - actually, no existent part of my diet. However, the removal of food as an incentive or reward has shown to psychologically promote positive eating habits and eventually better self-esteem. Therefore, it seems that the elimination of cupcakes in the classroom may be more psychologically beneficial as opposed possessing major dietary benefits. In short, although cupcake elimination may pose a limited benefit to the reduction of obesity in the U.S., other measures may prove much more effective while still allowing for the enjoyment of the "nostalgic cupcake."
that is a bunch of nonsense. You can not soly put the blame for an increase in obesity in children on cupcakes. If kids are getting fat from one meal they eat at school, they need more physical activities. Banning cupcakes from a birthday party is like banning pepperoni on pizza. (ok maybe no the best analgoy..but you get the point :o) )It just doesnot make sense.
I think banning cupcakes is ridiculous. I believe if people are educated and understand the nutritional values of what they're earting, then there should be no reason for the government to have any say if someone can eat a cupcake or not. Obviously, eating many cupcakes in a row is unhealthy, but still i dont believe the government should be allowed to ban this favorite dessert. I think it should be up to the parents to decide what their childern should or shouldn't be allowed to eat.
i love cupcakes. I wouldn't have been the same without them. We can't take that away from the kids. Kids are going to find ways to be fat no matter what foods are banned. Can anyone imagine a kid getting in trouble for having a cupcake..like its a drug or something? 100% with Mr.Pye on this one: "BIG BROTHER-ish"
I love cupcakes.
Long Live the Cupcake.
WHAT!!! Banning cupcakes! That is just stupid. Banning the cupcake from schools will not solve anything to obesity, since kids can still eat these sweets at home. It is up to the kids and their parents to learn to control overconsumption of certain foods. The government should not be wasting its time on something as silly as this.
Why would you put a ban on cupcakes. Its not like its crack or cocaine. I mean GOSH!!! We come up with some of the dumbest things to put bans on. Yeah I know it is unhealthy and causes more people to get fat. But that does not mean you should put a ban on cupcakes because some people do not have any self-control on how they eat. Putting a ban cupcakes is almost as stupid as those two women who tried to sue McDonalds because they fell down stairs and caused them to be overweight. People have a choice on what they want to eat or not. Today we as humans are always trying to find more ways to blame more people for our own problems. But you know what its cool for them to take some of the sweets out of the school to try to get kids to eat healthier.
Wow a ban on cupcakes. WOW! Well this is so dumb. It is not up to the government to determine what kids shouold and should not eat at school. Obesity is a problem that starts from bad eating habits or just some genetical condition, one less cupcake consumed at school is not going to change anything. Parents and kids are the ones who can solve the obesity problem. Yes the problem with child obesity and especially teenage obesity, acording to a report I saw on tv today shows that American teens are the fattest age group, but a ban like this one won't help. They can't be serioous can they? I love cupcakes I will continue to aet them wherever no matter what!
Honestly, I think this is completely absurd! Banning cupcakes just because "fat" kids tend to eat them is ridiculous. If parents stopped giving their kids fatty foods and started feeding them fruits instead, maybe schools wouldn't have to ban something that is not their fault.
This really upsets me, for one a homemade cupcake is healthier than skittle and what not because there not processed and covered with preservatives like candy. 2nd aslong as the kids are eating a balanced diet, it is fine to have a cupcake after a meal. Finally its not the governments job to watch what kids are eating, if the parents know diabetes runs in there family, dont over load your kids with sweets.
Cupcakes are not making children fat! It's not like they eat cupcakes everyday, or atleast I never did, maybe just for birthday parties. What makes children overweight are the constant consumption of junk food like candy, coke, and chips. They already took this away from children by serving healthier foods at school lunches. Why can't they altleast just let the kids have their cupcakes?
wow. I can't believe that anyone would even think about banning cupcakes! It's absolutely ridiculous. First of all, it's none of the government's business what kids eat; that's a job for the parents. Also, it isn't like cupcakes are the sole food item that causes kids to be overweight. (There is no one food that causes obesity!) Banning kids from eating one unhealthy (but oh so good) food isn't going to make a difference in kids' weight! The government needs to leave kids to their cupcakes and find something more important to debate about.
Once again, here is our government taking a parent's problem (Child Obeisity) and making it everyone's problem. Although it should be a growing concern, I have a soloution. When I was a kid my paretns allowed me to have sweets as a REWARD, not an everyday occurance. In today's caffeterias, children are having this junk rewards everyday! No wonder everybody has ADD HADD and needs to go to AA meetings. The human system can take only so much junk food. Although I do not see the answer in banning food, I think liitations should be placed, but just not from the government. The weak link in the chain are these parents who are not particularly watching what their children consume. They let little Jonny play on the X-box all day and eat cheetos. Well heres a solution. Turn off the TV, save it for another day, and let go. Let your children outside to play. And if his large self wants a snack, fix him some carrot sticks not fried cheese sticks. But i didnt say the rare cupcake would kill anybody though, just keep it rare.
Wow the government is debating over the ban of cupcakes. Shouldn't they be doing more important things like... I don't know, fixing schools and building roads. Its the parents fault if their child is obese so the parents should contol what their children eat and how they exercise. This is really unnecessary
It is wrong to ban cupcakes. Instead of banning cupcakes they should teach kids to eat in moderations. Cupcakes are eaten at birthday parties not every day.
Banning cupcakes from school? SERIOUSLY? That doesn't solve the child obesity that Americans face today. Think about what the kids do when they get home from school...eat MORE SUGAR! They also sit their little behinds in front of the T.V. for a good 2-3 hours, or until dinner is ready. So, all that sugar they ate when they got home goes straight to their behinds from sitting for 3 hours and banning cupcakes got us...nowhere. The government has no right to barge right in and ban cupcakes. That's seriously stupid.
There's a great solution in solving this problem: EAT IN MODERATION. That's it!
Cupcakes are delicious and I cant believe that we get to comment on them! Let the kids eat, they'll be fine. Besides that if you told a kid they were fat when they were 8-12 years old, they would feel like crap and probably hate you for it. Its no one's fault they get fat, they just do. Some do and some dont, its science ... or the Democrats! Let them eat what they want while they are still young.
i think banning cupcakes from schools is going to far. i understand that there is a serious obesity problem among children in America, but if they already have all these other regulations is school, then it should be OK if parents brought cupcakes everyone once in a while.
All this talk of banning things all of a sudden is a scary thing. First violent video games and now this? Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
This is so stupid. People need to be educated on healthy eating and life choices but we don't need to be forcibly made to choose healthy foods. If people want to be fat let them eat!
The consideration of actually depriving individuals from eating a pleasurable food is absolutely proposterous. Of course, if this legislation were to actually pass, it would only lead to an assuring domino effect. Food after food, snack after snack, the nation will be watching all of us, making sure that their restricting laws are being inforced. No one and no government should ever have the right to deprive an individual from any food that does what all foods do - make people gain weight. If we are so concerned about gaining weight, why don't we all just toss out all fatty foods and fill our pantires with letuce and letuce only. Even better, why don't we just not eat and starve our selves. If the models and idols of America do, why shouldn't we.
It is totally crazy that they are serious about banning cupcakes! Out of the all the harmful, and bad things in the world that need to be banned, they choose CUPCAKES! The government telling parents what and what not to feed there children does is unethical! A ban on cupckaes will not conquer obesity in the US, however better education and knowledge about junk food might do the trick.
I never knew cupcakes were this big of a deal...
Still, I think it's silly to blame weight problems on cupcakes. And banning cupcakes wouldn't solve much - parents would just find another sugary fatty treat to replace them with.
I can't believe our government wastes time discussing cupcakes.
Thats just dumb. Cupcakes are not the cause of kids becoming obese. Im pretty sure no one eats cupcakes non stop to where they become obese. Parents just need to develop new eating habits amd [ass them on to their kids. Problem solved.
This is almost as rediculous as that whole thing in Venezuela with the list of only 100 names that you could name your child. If someone wants to eat cupcakes, its their own business. Unless it's affecting people not actually involved in the action of eating the cupcake(Like second hand smoking affects thousands and thousands of people who don't even smoke everyday), then let that person dealwith the consequences,notthe entire American population.
I think this is completely ridiculous. I remember hearing my little sister (who is in the 4th grade) come home one day to tell me that she was not allowed to bring cake or cupcakes to school to share with her class on her birthday. I don't think it's fair to put such restrictions on little kids. If the parents don't want them to eat that stuff, then that's the parents issue, but it's irrational to make up a school rule that bans the enjoyment of eating cupcakes.
BANNING CUPCAKES?!?! YA RIGHT! Not only is this ridiculous because the government should not have a say on what children can or cannot eat, but it is also redicilous because, ITS CUPCAKES!! Cupcakes are a traditional form of celebrating birthdays, especially for children, and it would not be fair to take that away simply bc the government says its bad for you.
That has to be the stupidest thing that the government could do. Ban cupcakes?! Personally, I don't think the government should regulate how people eat, that is none of their business. Also, they shouldn't regulate how people's children should eat. The government isn't the child's parent.
Banning just one kid of unhealthy food is not going to help the child obesity problem. In order to solve the problem children must be educated at a young age about making the right choices. Influences at home also have a lot to do with the choices kids make at school. Parents need to set a good example by making the right choices themselves and that will in turn teach kids by learned behavior how to eat outside of their home when they are on their own.
Whoever says banning cupcakes and other fatty foods will help obesity is a complete moron. If the parents are concerned than dont go out and buy the stupid cupcake. Kids at that age shouldnt even be worrying about it, because most of the time they dont start to get fat until they hit puberty. The government shouldnt need to come in control of this issue, they shouldnt be focusing on the kids who eat too much but the kids that dont even have anything to eat. WOW
I love cupcakes. These people are ignorant. A ban on cupcakes is possibly the most childish way of dealing with the problem. The government shoulnt butt into the issue either. This is all too creepy. Big brother for sure.i love cupcakes
I love cupcakes. These people are ignorant. A ban on cupcakes is possibly the most childish way of dealing with the problem. The government shoulnt butt into the issue either. This is all too creepy. Big brother for sure.i love cupcakes
Banning cupcakes is a stupid idea. What are the people who own Cupcake Cafe going to do?? I'm pretty sure America has plenty of other issues to worry about.
cupcakes are very delectable but most Americans are either are fat or on their way..... they should stop eating them
Banning cupcakes, eh?
Wouldn't McDonald's be a more viable option? After all, how many cupcakes does one eat on a frequency basis compared to an artery-clogging cheeseburger and a supersized drink and fries?
I feel that the government has gon too far on this issue. It is between the parent and the child to discuse the problem, no one else. I also don't agree about schools putting the students weight on their report card. This has nothing to do with the school at all and is just useless in resolving the problem. A ban on cupcakes solves no problem.
“Over here people think it’s a bit like this innocent cake,” said Jemma Wilson, owner of Crumbs and Doilies, a new cupcake bakery in London. “And it seems more dignified and civilized to eat one portion, unless you kind of eat 10, which obviously happens a lot.”
i think this is the real problem. we cant control how much we eat. if they ban cupcakes, we'll move on to something else and probably something even more fattening. we need to solve the real problem: our eating habits. The government cant fix that.
“Over here people think it’s a bit like this innocent cake,” said Jemma Wilson, owner of Crumbs and Doilies, a new cupcake bakery in London. “And it seems more dignified and civilized to eat one portion, unless you kind of eat 10, which obviously happens a lot.”
i think this is the real problem. we cant control how much we eat. if they ban cupcakes, we'll move on to something else and probably something even more fattening. we need to solve the real problem: our eating habits. The government cant fix that.
but as for the economic implications...
ya the demand for cupcakes might go down..but we Americans are known for listening to our stomach rather than our brain. it's all good. i'll still buy cupcakes.
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