Saturday, February 03, 2018
Is Paying Kids for Grades a Good Idea
There have been several experiments by school districts at paying students for attendance, good behavior, and good grades. The most recent attempts in Washington, D.C. and New York City have shown some promising results. Money is a powerful incentive. Click on the title link, read the article and leave your thoughts about "money for grades." Posts should be 50-75 words.

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I do not think that paying kids for good grades is wrong, but its effects may go either way. Paying kids for grades can provide a learning experience for earning, saving and managing money. However, paying kids for their grades may fail to teach them to equate the value of an education with the value of a dollar and can even cause a larger incentive for cheating.
Lauryn Ewens
Pd. 2
While paying students for grades may be an indirect incentive for cheating, I believe paying students for their grades is an overall positive force. Primarily, it teaches students to value their time spent learning, and as a secondary effect, paying students for their grades allows students to focus on their education in the case where students are working in addition to studying to help support their family.
Henry Zhang
7th Period
Paying kids for grades isn't necessarily wrong but could have negative or positive effects. It is a positive reinforcement to motivate kids to want to get good grades, which can help them learn to earn, save, and manage money. However, there could be unintended consequences, such as cheating, which can fail to teach them the value of an education.
Ashley Odstrcil
7th period
I don't think paying kids for good grades is a good idea, like the article said because kids might cheat to get money. The idea of getting money for a certain grade can provide a motive of cheating rather than learning. If people saw money as a reward for good grades, that's okay, even though the reward for good grades is maybe a better job opportunity.
Camryn Pugh 6th period.
I believe that paying students for good grades would not be the best way to solve poverty. In fact, it could create some amount of poverty. Although offering a financial incentive for good grades would increase the likelihood of a student to earn a good grade, the focus would be shifted from learning to earning money, preventing the students from retaining information in the future, which could be valuable for the workforce.
Samuel Shteyman
1st Period
Although paying students is a good incentive for improving aspects such as grades, attendance and overall behavior, it may also increase behaviors such as cheating and morals. For example, even though providing incentives such as money would probably result in an increase of grades and attendance, more children would be prone to cheat off their fellow students which will not only decrease the amount of information one has learned, but will take away from the truthful students who may have actually studied and received a lower grade. On the contrary, incentives should be provided but none with any monetary value because it will create more harm than good. Therefore, paying students is not a good idea because it will take away the true purpose of education which is ones personal desire to learn without incentives to better themselves for the future.
Sahib Oberoi
2nd Period
I think money is a good incentive for students who aren't doing well and need something to motivate them, but once you start improving i don't think its necessary. I think it will improve studying habits and have an increase in attendance during tests. People have brought up that the goal now will be "money" and not education, but i disagree because any incentive, is a good one, whether positive or negative. If it gets kids to learn then so be it and if cheating is a problem the school should just enforce stricter rules.
Paul Pullan
1st Period
While money is a great motivator and incentive to students to achieve higher at school it would push the wrong message. With the inclusion of money as an incentive students would in fact be achieving higher scores yet their true knowledge and understanding of the novel would stay stagnant or decrease. “The love of money is the root of all evil” Paul in 1 Timothy 6:10. This incentivization would end up backfiring on the schools who implement this tactic because it would only increase that cheating that already goes on in schools.
Dhilan Patel
Period 7
I personally am against the idea of paying kids because it goes against the purpose of knowledge. By allowing kids to get incentives for good grades it encourages cheating and therefore is morally wrong. There is more of a benefit if children worked towards their goals without expecting a large reward. This will then teach kids that life is not always going to give rewards, and prepares them for the real world. Also, by paying kids for education we are making kids focus on the idea that money is the only valuable thing in life and they will miss out on the actual values of life.
Jeslin Johny
1st period
Although positive incentives, such as money for good grades, can have some motivational factors, there is a downside to this. Kids need to understand that achievement is something to be proud of, but should not be bribed to try hard and do well. I think that kids should learn to be strive for their best, with or without a reward at the end. These kids end up being the most successful as they understand that not every basic task that they are expected to succeed in needs to be rewarded with. In my opinion, verbal Praise and positive feedback for good grades will always be the best incentive for school aged children.
Reba George
Period 1
I believe using money as an incentive to get students to do well could better and worsen the education system. As the author of the blog mentioned, a cash reward for doing well is a positive incentive to do better in school. However, for those students who do not care about the education aspect of the deal, this provides a negative incentive to cheat during exams.I think that money could be used as an occasional award, but most of the incentive should be verbal.
Sarah James
2nd Period
I believe paying kids to get good grades as an incentive will help motivate kids to get better grades and to study more. Although it could help kids for the better , kids will start relying on incentives in order to do good. In the real world , you can not always rely on your parents, so there for getting money for good grades is not always the way to go. Also you need to be motivated within , and without the money.Kids need to be able to want good grades for the good of themselves, not just for the reward of it. Just because a kid can get good grades does not necessarily mean they are actually obtaining the material. Using money as an incentive should be used occasionally, or kids will not understand the value of money.
Mykaela Llacar
I believe paying kids for grades would be a great investment and an positive incentive that any school district could make. Not only would they have a higher academic rate but they would also be showing kids that hard work pays off with a paycheck at the end of the day. It would also make kids want to go to college with knowing they have a opportunity to make even more money.his will then teach kids that life is not always going to give rewards, and prepares them for the real world.
Milton Moore
6th Period
I believe paying kids to get good grades is idiotic. It may seem to be a great investment, but it's really not. It would surely motivate them to get good grades, but how? Working harder, studying more efficiently, cheating more? It just depends. Kids should not think that for every good thing they do, they receive an award of some sort. Kids should not rewarded and should simply excel in what they do.
Abel Abraham
6th Period
Paying kids for getting good grades is not a good idea. For one, it would increase instances of cheating. Children should be instilled with the idea that they should hard regardless of what they can get out of it. Paying them for what they should already be doing would cause them to think that getting rewarded is the norm, instead of the exception. In addition, paying children increases their need for instant gratification. By forcing them to wait to reap the rewards of learning, you are teaching them a lesson in investment.
Alisha Zute period 6
Paying kids for good grades is a smart choice. A child needs to know the benefit for getting an education because, for most kids, the ideological benefit of an education would not be an understood incentive. The amount of cheating shouldn’t change due to the morality of the child, if a child is going to cheat, they will cheat no matter what. Also, getting paid when doing something your supposed to do is a way of life, when you get a job they promote you when you do a good job and a raise usually comes with that promotion.
In my opinion, i think that paying kids for good grades is both a good idea, however could be damaging in the future. The kids will work hard for their grades, however they will always expect to receive some type of reward for doing something good. So, that sense it will hurt them in the future for when they expect to get a reward for doing something that they are supposed to. Kids are supposed to want to make good grades for themselves, not just because they are getting money for it. However having money will encourage them to try harder.
I think paying kids is a good idea. Although sone many think that this may lead to cheating, students get paid for good grades and good behavior so if a student were to cheat they wouldn't get paid. In their future adult life employees are promoted and are given raises based on how well they do their job. This is similar to the idea of paying students. The better they do in school the more they are paid.
I believe paying kids for good grades is a good idea simply because it motivates kids to keep the good grades going. It encourages the kid to work harder knowing that they will be rewarded for it. However, sometimes the kid may expect to get paid all the time for doing something they are supposed to be doing. They are only able to work hard if the money is handed to them all the time.
Tobi Ogunmodede 6th
I believe paying kids as an incentive to get good grades is not a good idea. Although at first thought, one might think that this would improve their education by influencing them to study more, etc. However, this humanly desire for money will ultimately cloud their moral judgment and cause them to cheat. This also instills a false belief that they should always be rewarded for completing a task.
Angie Mancino
period 6
I think paying kids is a good incentive to get good grades because it’s a good way to teach them about good work pays off. You don’t have to pay kids with actual money. You could used other incentives like playing video games for an extra hour or getting that toy you always wanted etc. you want your kids to pass school with good grades and some kids require a little motivation and sometimes incentives are the way to go. Therefore, I believe it’s a good idea for kids to get paid for good grades.
Elizabeth Melchor
2nd period
Although paying students to do well in school can have some potentially detrimental effects like potential cheating, in theory, its supposed to be a good idea. Due to financial incentives being important to kids, we can assume that they hold enough value over the kids to merit some kind of good reaction, so that they can get that money. Although this may lead to potential cheating as a way to get more money, in the end, its still a positive reinforce of good school behavior, making a good idea for them to try.
Benjamin Sunny, 6th Period
I think that paying kids for grades is a good idea. Although that paying kid could create some negative incentives, like cheating, overall it would make kids motivated to do good in school. Getting paid for grades would create a higher level of academic excellence because the kids would want to do excellent in school in order to get more money.
Hannah Golding
I believe cash rewards for good grades are a good incentive for students to improve and focus academically. It teaches students to value their education since only good grades are rewarded. Students will not have to waste time in a McDonalds to fund their families or earn side cash; instead, they can be earning money while learning. Cheating seems to be a counterargument against cash incentives. Cheating is already rampant due to the pressures of the GPA system, so accusing cash incentives as a factor in increasing cheating is just an act of pointing fingers and blaming. The cash rewards can also be reinvested into a student's scholarship fund or tasty snacks that will only provide students with academic benefits. Exposing students to the responsibility of handling cash will also teach them practical skills in money management.
Henry Feng
7th Period
After reading the article "Is Paying Kids for Good Grades Wrong," I have been able to conclude that paying kids for attendance, good behavior, and good grades is an excellent idea. Everyone in the world is motivated by incentives, and a positive incentive such as money will greatly improve the performance of students as a whole. Also the statistics do not lie. This experiment in the northeast has showed that monetary rewards is very useful.
Christian Toy
period 1
I think that paying kids for good grades is a great incentive. It awards kids for doing well and school and allows them to spend that money to replenish the stress from school. The world revolves incentives and can help a child prosper at a young age. The attendance rate and grades would increase dramatically. It might not be the best possible way, but it is the easiest way. Giving negative incentives would only cause the children to give up completely but positive ones force the kids to do well.
Tiffany Huynh
period 1
Many of us have heard the phrase “school is your job” so why not treat it as such? Granted, cheating may be a consequence due to greed, however, children cheat regardless for good grades and better ranks and GPAs. With power and fortune comes responsibility, therefore paying kids for their good deeds will educate them on how to handle money better, resulting in a brighter economic future. Since this may be harmful towards government budgets, however, I believe a compromise can be reached where students are rewarded with illegitimate “school” currency where they can purchase items that the school offers. While I firmly believe students should be rewarded for their good behavior and results because their great efforts more often than not seem to be going to waste, I think it should come with restrictions because not all students can be trusted with such responsibility.
In my opinion, I believe paying kids for their good grades is an effective form of positive incentive. It gets the students to understand the importance of maintaining good grades and receiving an education. The parents are able to recognize their child's achievements in school and praise them by giving money. The act would not encourage much cheating since the students are doing it for themselves as they see that their hard work does pay off.
Nia Eugene
Per. 6
I personally feel that paying students to maintain good grades is a damaging idea. For one thing, this would increase the amount of cheating in schools nationwide. Although numerous students already do cheat their way through school work, adding a materialistic incentive, especially one as powerful as money, into the equation will only motivate kids to cheat even more. Additionally, although in the "real world" people are paid for working when it comes to their careers, not every good deed or smart choice results in a materialistic reward. Ideally, life's projects and ventures should be fueled by passion and genuine intentions - not by dollar bills. By paying students for working hard and learning, the school system is simply teaching them that all investments of time and effort in the real world should be rewarded. Thus, kids will start expecting awards for activities that are supposed to be done out of kindness, such as volunteering or fundraising for an important cause.
In the short term, paying kids for good grades, behavior, and attendance, would prove beneficial to the students and the schools performance as well. However, this bribery of students would result in unintended consequences such as cheating and promoting a collective society driven by only incentives. In addition, going to school is a right that many in the world do not receive, therefore students should strive to do well in school and in life.
Angel Yeung
Period 6
Paying students for getting good grades would have an unintended consequence that would cause an increased amount of cheating and instill negative moral values. Furthermore, it would give students the idea that everything has a monetary value and one can advance in life through wealth only rather than just intelligence and talents. In addition to these unintended consequences, parents who do not have a high socioeconomic status would struggle financially as to where this money to pay their children fro grades would be coming from.
Period 2
I think paying kids for good grades to a certain extent is beneficial. The reward for doing well should not be high enough or often enough for children to expect a reward for everything they do. Morals should still be instilled from a young age but the extra bit of incentive may be what some of the kids need to put more effort into their education. Obviously, there will be some drawbacks such as cheating but the positives balance out the negatives if executed well.
Bonita Hall
Period 6
I think paying kids for good grades is influential on the kid's motivation toward school work. Sometimes kids need the external factor that will make them work harder in school. However, financial rewards should not be given often because it could result in complacency and laziness despite the positive enforcer. They should be given for end of the semester/year results, not daily rewards.
Brandon Wong
Paying kids to get good grades is pretty easy way to get them to work harder as they have an incentive to work towards. This can work as a great incentive due to many kids not really seeing a point in doing anything good in school as there are no immediate rewards. However this could have unintended consequences as seen with colleges changing the automatic admission percentage the same thing could occur in this situation which could result in cheating becoming even more common.
Peter Martin
I believe that paying kids is an incentive that is positive to them as it could be very motivational since having no reward for good grades won’t really push them as they would not find any purpose into doing so. But also, this could have some negative outcomes as it would make the kids cheat much more because they might believe that cheating would be easier for them to receive better grade rather than studying.
Godwish Tom
1st period
To pay the students money based on their performance in school has its good and bad effects- however, the bad side effects mostly only concerns the national or state government.
Paying the students money or incentives would incite a very competitive setting in schools. The students would definitely work harder to get higher marks. It is technically an investment for the future of the nation. An intelligent competitive society would provoke innovations and then see improvements in technological advances, which will foresee an increase in production as it would be more efficient.
However, this incentives towards students would most likely encourage the students to cheat and 'pay' for the answers regarding exams and such. In addition,since the government would have to allocate more budget to education, the country would have to be further in debt -dealing a heavier blow to the national credit rating. Also despite the importance of education, a high intelligent society would deny most hardworking or physical labor jobs- leading to a higher unemployment, which would also backfire on the production and thus the GDP of the nation.
Michael Ibay
7th Period
I believe that paying kids for good grades is definitely an incentive that will produce results. Those results being improved grades overall and improved test scores. However indirectly, paying kids for good grades will possibly encourage more cheating, thus instead of students studying harder and seeing who can perform better in school, it will merely be a competition to see who can cheat better. Therefor, it would be most beneficial to the learning environment if financial motivation was left out of it so that students can learn to be more self motivated instead of just chasing the money.
I believe that paying kids for good grades will produce positive results if done correctly. If schools were to give incentive to getting good grades, they must limit it so kids will not be inclined to cheat. Schools must not make money the sole motivation for students to perform well so they should only give a small money incentive such as giving 5 dollars for perfect attendance. I also believe that schools shouldn't just hand out cash. There should be a system where the money gets saved on an account that the student can use to pay for field trips or prizes at the end of the year.
Andrew Yang
I believe that paying students as a reward for good grades is beneficial. As the article said "people respond to economic incentives." If parents decide to reward their children for good grades they should do it accordingly. Perhaps give them more money for a higher letter grade such as $10 for an A and $5 for a B. This act of paying students has resulted in a positive incentive and doesn't just teach kids to try and get good grades for the sole purpose of receiving money but, helps them for the future as well.
Jessica neal
Although paying students can be beneficial, it should not be done. Will it drive students to work harder toward a higher grade? Absolutely, however this unorthodox practice will create unfavorable indirect incentives. If students begin to struggle in school they will resort to money instead of actually working toward a better grade. There is already a cheating epidemic going on, adding money to the equation will make it a larger issue, inspiring students to buy and sell grades. There are alternative incentives that can be used to motivate students. The ultimate positive incentive in the school system is working to get into college, it should stay that way.
Luke Leblanc
Period 6
Paying students in order to do better in their academic career should not be prohibited, for it will defame the purpose of school. Providing such incentive will alter the mindset of every student to make good grades in order earn money rather than knowledge. This will also promote cheating and students will not be familiar with any subjects that are provided at their school.
Erin John
Period 2
In my opinion, paying students for good grades may be a positive incentive depending on how you let your kids handle the money. Paying students for good grades gives them a motivational boost to stayed focused in school. However, students may have the desire to cheat as they accumulate more money. This could be prevented if you explain to your kids the value of money and how to use it wisely.
Anson Sam
6th Period
I believe that paying students to perform well in school does not harm them in the long run. When you are older, most of the time you get paid for performing well in the work place, so why not do that for school. We spend roughly seven hours in school and those who study hard and have extracurriculars spend even longer there. Therefore there is no harm in paying people to perform well if they are performing well and investing a lot of time and energy in it.
Juliana Quintana
6th period
I believe the idea of paying kids for good grades is not right because it goes against the real purpose of education. If a student gets paid to get good grades, they will do anything to get those good grades. This could encourage cheating and other bad ideas. Students are supposed to earn good grades no matter what, so paying them for what they should be doing is defeats the purpose of learning.
Reeba Abraham
Period 2
A increase in the motivation of students to attend school successfully will be seen through the use of money as a reward, but this will cause the goal of school to change, in a negative way. Students will be determined to go to school and get good grades in order to earn money, rather than to acquire knowledge. This will lead them to act in negative ways hoping to earn the most money possible. Things such as cheating, selling homework, and much more will increase in schools.
Camila Ferrero
Period 1
Money is a strong motivator, and the fact that keeping up good grades is a lot of work, I believe that paying students for grades would be a good incentive. However, this may lead to rampant cheating, forcing schools to be strict on students, or paying very little to the students. As a student, I would love to be paid for grades, but it would be incredibly difficult to facilitate a system that would be fair and honorable.
Keegan Jones
I believe that that paying kids for good grades is beneficial. In that kids will be even more motivated to good grades by a positive reinforcement. Kids with little motivation in school will have motivation to achieve the money incentive. Also it helps the problem of poverty in some communities by which students can buy food and supplies they once could not buy.
Jacob Aickareth
2nd period
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with paying kids for good grades. I actually think its a brilliant idea. It is just another way to reinforce getting good grades and it is helpful later in life. Also it helps develop good study habits.It is a better idea to give good incentives to kids rather being punished for bad grades. I know I would definitely study more if I knew that I was going to be rewarded. It is a tough balance but people should at least give the system a try.
Sumeyye Islamoglu
I think that paying kids for good grades is not a bad thing. It provides an incentive for them to do better, and it shows how hard work is paid off, especially in real world jobs. But it depends on the families' financial situation and the child's responsibility. The child may expect a reward every time they get good grades, and rewards aren't always available when it comes to education.
Angela Fang Period 6
I believe that students should be awarded for good grades is a beneficial thought. However, the awards should not come so often that it brings along with it dependance on the money by the children. Rather, long term awards such as scholarships and easily available student loans should be a reliable award for such students. Though consequences such as cheating arise with awarding students with money, such circumstances are unavoidable, thus the punishment for such heinous actions while awards should be high for the good.
Jibimon Noby
Pd 1
I think that paying your child for good grades is a great incentive. However, they may expect to receive an financial reward for their effort frequently and sometimes may cheat because they are getting money for the excellent report card. The perception of the child may shift to money for grades instead of for beneficial that can probably use to pay for some book for school, groceries or to make an emotional purchase in going to see their favorite music artist. The education is their responsibility so it shouldn't matter if they are offered incentives and can be detrimental to the child's thought pattern.
Kenan Edwards 6th Period
While most people are not a fan of students being paid for receiving good grade, I believe it is something that should be done more frequently. The general public might feel as if your job to go to school and your reward is the education you receive from it and while that is true if adding financial incentive to it help the kid perform better than why not. Same way people in the real world work a little harder, better, or faster whenever they know they are getting a reward for it at the end, whether a bonus, raise, or promotion. This continue to give the kid to work toward to.
Albert Tzukam Tamdjo
Period 2
Based on the article and my personal opinion, I completely disagree with the fact the students should be paid for keeping good grades and attendance. Although, this money students would receive could help pay for their college tuition fees or help out their families, it still shouldn't exist. My reasoning being that school is setup for students, to help them succeed in life, to eventually get a job that will pay them for their services.
Paying your kids for good grades is a great incentive, but different cultures and society may disagree with this concept as it may bring about unintended and negative consequences or can be seen as impolite because some may feel that it is a way for people to show their wealth. Despite these consequences, I do feel that paying kids for good grades is a great positive reinforcement, but the amount you are paying the kids may be questionable. Also, the people that fear paying your kids for good grades may bring about the unintended consequence of cheating have a valid point, but may be forgetting that some kids still cheat with or without the incentive.
Bailey Corley
6th period
In my opinion, children should not be financially rewarded for getting good grades. While it can be argued that money acts as positive reinforcement, kids will also begin to be motivated by money alone. By not giving children a financial incentive for getting good grades, children are learning how to set goals and achieve them by becoming intrinsically motivated. While parents may see results when adding an extra financial incentive, children never truly learn to achieve their goals because they want to, but instead, they will constantly expect a reward for their success.
Angella Baby
Period 1
The concept of paying students for achieving a certain level of excellence in their academics should not be enforced as it takes away the true purpose of receiving an education. Money, grades, or other incentives should not be encouraged as students will by whatever means try to achieve their goals even if it means cheating. Students should learn because they have a passion for getting an education, however this is not possible with the bribing of students, thus everything they "learn" will be of waste.
Edward Joseph
Period 2
Although paying students to accomplish a successful feat when it comes to grades is a great incentive, I don't believe it is an idea that should be practiced in society because it ultimately diminishes the purpose of an education. Incentives can lead to students doing whatever is possible to accomplish a task whether it is by correct or incorrect morals. The only reason students should be trying to be successful in their education is solely for themselves because they want to accomplish and be something in life, not for a bribery of some kind.
Raza Muhammad
2nd Period
Paying students to make good grades in school should not be allowed, as it destroys the main purpose of learning in the first place. If students are offered money they’re only desire will be to get good grades, which can be achieved by the means of cheating. Paying students to learn is also bad because it won’t prepare them in life. If students constantly get paid when they make good grades it will be drilled in them that they will always get rewarded for doing what you’re supposed to do, which is not true.
Matthew Manalel
Period 2
I believe that having students being paid for their grades is a great idea as it is a powerful source of motivation. In today's school system, there are many students who lack the motivation to study in school as they believe education has no purpose for them in their lives. Like many other people, students like money so rewarding students with what they enjoy is a good idea as it makes them want to get more of it and as for the cheating issue if a student is caught cheat they lose the money they have earned since they pay out for their grades are at the end of the year.
Kids being paid to get an education is something that does not have simple, direct results. Sure, most likely the kids will get better grades. However, the kids’ goals change from learning and obtaining knowledge to then use later in life, to memorizing data and procedures to get good grades on standardized tests. Many kids will resort to cheating to achieve these new goals. Also kids will not know what it is like to motivate yourself and achieve something for yourself. For the following reasons, I do not support paying for grades.
Javier Bermejo
Period 2
I do not think paying kids to get good grades is a good idea because the whole incentive behind learning for the sake of it is thrown out the window. When money is being compensated as a reward for something that they should already be doing, it not only places a benefits system through it, but also reinforces that life is going to be like that in the future. By implementing this system of methods, the education system would soon fail their students and have them incompetent for the real world.
Blesson Chacko
Period 7
I believe that paying children as an incentive for getting good grades is an excellent idea. The school system today, unknown to many parents, is corrupt and discouraging with teachers that do not give, and sometimes destroy a passion for learning. With such a competitive system that values the comparison of students and scores over learning and knowledge, it is hard to continue or be motivated to get good grades if it doesn't come easily. With money as a reward, students will at least feel like their perseverance is paying off and their hard work is not going unnoticed. The incentives for getting good grades is indirectly money anyway. Students get good grades so that they can go to school, which results in getting a good job, that does what? Pays good money.
Nicole Jean
1st period
I believe that paying children as an incentive for getting good grades is an excellent idea. The school system today, unknown to many parents, is corrupt and discouraging with teachers that do not give, and sometimes destroy a passion for learning. With such a competitive system that values the comparison of students and scores over learning and knowledge, it is hard to continue or be motivated to get good grades if it doesn't come easily. With money as a reward, students will at least feel like their perseverance is paying off and their hard work is not going unnoticed. The incentives for getting good grades is indirectly money anyway. Students get good grades so that they can go to school, which results in getting a good job, that does what? Pays good money.
Nicole Jean
1st period
Paying students to get good grades is a great idea. It could help by giving students a reason to get up and waste their time learning somewhat useless material they'll most likely take again within their first two years of college/university, which, if you didn't already know, is very expensive. Most kids do not care about school now since they do not like it, and so they make efforts to cheat just to get into a good university, so giving them money won't really change anything, it's going to continue to be the same.
Mark Mufarreh - 1st period
Paying students will create a positive incentive by gaining good grades along with better attendence, and tuition fees, but it demeans the purpose of obtaining of knowledge gained to help students in the future. It defeats the purpose of an education and can lead to indirect negative incentives such as cheating, an excessive way of showing wealth, and causing students to get lazy. Overall, these following reasons is why I don’t support the implementation of paying student for grades.
Amaani Nazarali-6th Period
Paying money as a positive incentive for obtaining good grades may have a temporary benefit at the time of the reinforcement. However, the long term effect of it is not the best. Kids will equate the idea of education to money. This, the desire to intrinsically do well in school will be replaced by the idea that good grades is good money. It is not a real life application and creates some disillusionment about monetary rewards in the future. Although paying money for good grades works as an incentive for kids, there are better incentives that teach strongee values that stick versus the value of money. Some students will even resort to obtaining good grades in unhonest methods just to gain more money. It creates a blur between what's really important: a good educational future or a twenty dollar bill.
Bryanna Godfrey
Period 1
I feel that kids shouldn’t really be paid for getting good grades since education itself is a reward. However, in order for our economy to benefit, I feel it is necessary to pay kids in order to increase good grades so that they have better skills when going into the workforce, leading to them getting into higher paying jobs. This in turn increases our country’s standard of living as we strive for the better.
Divya Aaloori- 6th period
Paying kids for good grades could possibly be a very effective way to get students to take school more seriously. However it should only be to a certain point. Younger children do not understand the importance of getting a good education. Also, younger children are satisfied with a much lower amount of money than say a high school student. For example, if you give an elementary school kid a quarter to get a gumball as a reward, chances are they will be satisfied. However, giving a quarter to a middle or high school student would not motivate them. Thus i feel that young students should be paid little amounts as a reward so that they understand the importance of good grades. However, once they are old enough to understand why they need good grades, they should not need to be paid. If they want a good job and economic stability than they will take care of their work, and if they do not, than that is on them.
Matthew Benton
6th Period
Paying your children for achieving good grades acts as a positive incentive that shows them at an early age that hard work ends with a well-deserved reward. The money motivates them to do better in school which will help with maintaining their GPA, and keeping up with their class work. Children will also learn responsibility and the value of money; rather than just begging Mom and Dad for all the toys and video games they want, they will work harder and save up for their next purchase.
Gaby Bonus P.2
I believe paying your kids for their grades is overall a positive and effective idea. It doesn't undermine the purpose of learning because whether the money was involved are not, kids tend to have a means for learning and they still must have willingness to learn and do their work. Paying them for their grades allows them to learn while their young that hard work pays off. This allows them to work for what they deserve and give them the opportunity to know what it is like to earn a reward for their hard work. Paying them encourages them to do better. It doesn't hinder them from learning the proper way, it only enhances their overall will to learn which is a positive good for all people. This can equip them for when they become older and realize that in the real world everything you get Is from what you worked for because things aren't just handed to them on a silver platter. All things must be earned.
Christopher Tilford
6th period
Paying kids is an excellent incentive towards good grades as long as the proper safeguards are put in place. The fact of the matter is that high performance in school translate to more money and higher standard of living once they are part of the work force. Giving kids money early is a way to show them the possible rewards of education at an early age when the long term benefits are not so apparent.
Jahrid Clyne 6th Period
Paying students to earn good grades is not a good idea. It has a lot of negative long-term consequences which can impact the kid’s future. Paying them will attribute a “what’s in it for me” attitude and would motivate students to go to school to fill up their wallets rather than their minds. It will also promote the mindset of giving to get something back which, as human beings, we should demoralize.
Alan John
Period 2
I think paying kids in school in accordance with higher grades and performance in the classroom is a god incentive.It pushes kids to get better grades and act better so that they can earn enough money to get what they desire.This will get the kids' attentions and have them focus to get better grades and actually study and learn.
Christian Young
2nd period
Schools should not be paying their students for earning good grades. Most districts are already short on money and are cutting essential programs due to budget shortfalls. Hence, it is not a feasible idea for school districts to pay their students for getting good grades. Lastly, it is a student's responsibility to get good grades in school, and there should not be any incentives for it.
Jerin Jose
Period 02
I don't think that paying children for good grades and better performance in school defeats what separates the good from the great. However,the higher the education increases where you stand in today's society so enforcing this behavior is good but it has its downfalls. So paying kids for what they should already be doing alters the idea on why you work hard in school.
Danielle Davis 6th
I personally believe that paying kids for getting good grades is a terrible idea as it leads to student aiming for good grades and not necessarily obtaining the information they learned. This then becomes an indirect incentive for cheating in order to achieve those good grades. This is a false representation of how life will actually be like for them and they will be expecting a reward for everything they do.
Paying students for grades is a great incentive to get them motivated to perform well until that desire is internalized. I don't believe the reward should be grand or necessarily in the form of money, but that it should be present, so the child knows that their efforts are being recognized. This reinforcement would only work for so long, and should be stopped once children depend on the reward or only become motivated in their school work if its for the money. If it continues past this, only then would the child turn to cheating and other immoral behaviors to obtain the things they want. It is up to parents to find the perfect point of equilibrium that fits their student's personality and circumstances to make this incentive successful.
angelica miranda
period 2
I believe that paying students for good grades is a good incentive because it acknowledges their hard work with an actual award other than verbal praise. With only grades as a result of good work, it is hard to feel as if efforts towards school is worth it with no gain other than a number in the grade book. I was personally rewarded with money for grades as a child and I felt like my hard work was being recognized. It provided a feeling of accomplishment and motivation.
Irene Gratil
Pr. 2
Paying for grades makes sense you give kids an incentive they do better. But incentives can have unintended consequenses such as cheating. Also paying for good grades will have added stress on children on top of it colleges already strees you for good grades so adding more would be negative. Also the main purpose which would be giveigg kids an incentive would be pointless because kids already have an incentive which is getting out of school and move if on with there lives. So no kids should not be paid for grades.
Reece lasris period 6
Paying kids when they get good grades is a great incentive, even if it's a little amount. It helps kids to learn how to manage their money from an early age which helps them later down the road when they're an adult. The money that they made in school can be saved and put into: prom, a new car, senior trip, or their college fund. Also good grades can lead to scholarships from colleges. And even further down the road, good well-paying stable careers which is what most kids strive for. A points system should be set up to track the grades and there should be very strict rules prevent any academic dishonesty.
Getting rewarded for achieving good grades is a good incentive for a student, whether it be in the form of money or an object, but to a certain extent. This gives them a goal to work towards and makes them consciously aware that their efforts are not going unrecognized, although it can lead to them getting grades dishonestly. When young, the only way to build good habits is through positive reinforcement, which leads them to complete tasks with consistency when they grow older, so overall it is good to reward them when they are young, but as they grow older teach them that not everything is necessarily done for a reward.
Kollin Chang
2nd period
I feel the need to give kids money may work against the main goal of motivating kids to do better in school. To some extent, a kid should understand that doing well now can only benefit them in their future endeavors. It could lead to a more materialistic mindset, whereas the kid expects to doing something good should result in some form of reward, but in reality that doesn't happen often in life. The idea of using money as an incentive can be harmful, but if done correctly, it can lead to results.
Ayush Singh
6th Period
Although paying kids for attending school may seem like a good idea at first, making money the incentive might lead to the students losing focus on more important matters of life. Rather than taking care of their education out of a sense of genuine responsibility and passion, kids would only do it for the sake of money. Such a message can be detrimental to the heart and purpose of education.
Stephen Iype
1st period
I feel like paying kids money for going to school would actually motivate me to do even better as when I was younger and had no reason to really try in school my parents would incentivise me by telling me if I got all A's they would pay me $50. So I know for a fact if schools were to pay me for making higher grades and attendance then I would show up more and improve my grades for sure.
Tammam Alhiraky
1st period
I believe that paying kids would actually benefit them long term. it would serve as a motivating factor for the students to work there best for good grades as they would carry that to there feature caries. All we are working for is money, why not start early? it would also serve as a lesson for the kids that,you'll get nothing if you dont give your best.
Amilcar Rivas
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