Sunday, October 01, 2017

Is Paying Kids for Grades a Good Idea?

There have been several experiments by school districts at paying students for attendance, good behavior, and good grades. The most recent attempts in Washington, D.C. and New York City have shown some promising results. Money is a powerful incentive. Click on the title link, read the article and leave your thoughts about "money for grades." Posts should be 50-75 words.


Anonymous said...

Sahil Shah
Period 2

Students should not be paid for good grades. When students are paid for good grades, it detracts from the real purpose of education: learning. All students are focused on is memorizing the material for the test then forgetting about it after. It also encourages cheating. Because money is involved, students will find more creative ways to put a dollar in their pocket. After all we are broke high school/college students.

danganne said...

I believe that the idea of paying kids for their good grades shouldn’t be implemented. If children keep receiving money just for their high marks, then it will become a habit for them to do well in school for the sake of money. Paying kids for good grades can also lead to some unintended consequences such as kids cheating on a test or being focused on wealth while hindering their motivation to learn.
-Anne Dang, 4th period

Unknown said...

I believe students should not be paid for good grades, because it creates the mentality that money is greater than education. The incentive only promotes students to ace the class, rather than learn material to add to their knowledge. This false perception of education then promotes cheating and other ways to bypass the system to disregard the education and gain the money.

Epstein Jacob
period 4

Michelle Phan said...

Michelle Phan
4th Period

I believe that students should not be paid to attend school because students will start going to school for the wrong reason. Rather than having a desire to learn more, they'll just start attending for the money that is unnecessary for a kid to even have. Also at such a young age to give kids money, they'll have the mentality that everything they do well at should always be rewarded, so when they don't get a reward for something, they'' give up on it completely, without even trying. Although they might try harder to do well at school, they won't be learning anything, since they won't actually be retaining any information, as they could easily just cheat to achieve the money that comes with good grades. Especially after their school career, it would just hinder them, as they never had the self-motivation to do well at a task and get discouraged if they don't get positive reinforcement constantly.

Unknown said...

I believe that students should get paid for making good grades because school is like a job. When students come home with their report card that has all A’s it’s just like a pay check for the parents showing that their kid has been doing things correctly in school. Incentives like this replicate the real world because it’s just like a job, you do your job well you get paid.

Michael Chan
4th period

Unknown said...

Students should not get paid for getting good grades. If students get paid for good grades, cheating would considerably increase, making the school system even less fair than it already is. Giving money for good grades would seem like a good idea initially, but in the long run, qualities that colleges look for in students, such as being hardworking and motivated would become invisible among the grades earned by students who cheated or studied only for the money.

Tom Joseph, 4th Period

Unknown said...

I believe that students should get paid for getting good grades. Most kids will do anything for money. So when they get offered money for keeping their grades up, they will make sure that they take care of their grades. This will also benefit students that do not care about school or have any interest in school or their future. Money could be their motivation, so they will at least attempt to try in school

Joel Thomas
1st Period

Anonymous said...

Getting paid for good grades is not a reasonable idea, as it completely alters the students' perception of what is important to them. Since they are so young, they will be easily influenced by money, unlike adults, who are taught how valuable money is to them, so they know how to use it properly. Additionally, it would tear apart the idea of working hard on one's own, as getting good grades is nowhere near providing for oneself.

Elwin Mathew
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Ali Noorani Period 1

In my opinion, I believe that the idea of paying students for good grades is a very reasonable idea. This is because one of the most powerful incentives for anything is money. As a student, I would personally be very open to this. Money as a reward would be a great way to stay motivated to do well in school.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I believe that school districts should not be the people setting incentives and giving money to students for them to get better grades. While students may be getting better grades because of their money incentives, this can also promote cheating. Students should be responsible for getting better grades themselves and they should have the common sense to set their own incentives to achieve better grades.

-Rithvik Bommareddy, 4th Period

Unknown said...

Jackson Stanley
4th Period Economics

Although money is indeed a very powerful incentive, that does not necessarily mean it is a good incentive. If children are raised from Elementary School up on the belief that they should do well in school solely for the purpose of money, it will be increasingly more difficult for students to find their calling and passion of what career they want to have later in life.

Alan John said...

Alan John/Period 5
Paying students for their attendance/good grades is a valid and reasonable idea. One of the main reasons why students are pushed through the school system is so that they can eventually attain a career with the highest payroll thats corresponds to their skill set. Paying students to get good grades with get students comfortable with the idea of getting rewarded for good work, which will then translate to their mindset in the workforce.

Unknown said...

Rendon Reinarz
Period 5

Children should not be paid money for good grades. By creating this incentive, parents give children the mentality that the best reason to have good grades is for money and not learning. Rather than going to school for education, children will work for the money and will receive no educational benefits. If children receive money for good grades, they will receive a temporary gain but will not retain any knowledge long term.

Anonymous said...

Paying children for attendance and scores is a good idea, becuase it give kid motivation to go to school. Also it helps kid to try to do better, this helps kid understand the true value of the world to. The more work you do the better the payment, so the better you do in school the better they should be paid. As they get to higher level of education and classes the more they should be paid.

Kevin Sani
Period 1

Aleena Mathew said...

Paying children for good grades is not a good idea. Although money is a strong incentive, it should not be a motivation to get students to make good grades. The idea of receiving money for good grades will alter one's long term perspective and change how they view every choice in life. Children should have the mentality to work hard for different factors such as their parents or their educational advantage, not for money.

Aleena Mathew, 1st period

Unknown said...

Anna Mayzenberg
Period 5

Children being paid for good grades is a generally good & successful idea, but only for particularly impressive goals, such as consistent A's on a report card. Money can be a powerful incentive for major things like report cards or SAT scores. However, money should not be the only form of education support; it should be paired with a consistent home environment that supports actual learning, not just memorization for money.

Unknown said...

Paying students for attendance, grades, and behavior would be a great incentive for improving education. Paying students should definitely have its restrictions but it would help students better grasp the concept that. "knowledge is power." Also, many high school students would be relieved of the constant stress of working and severe AP courses because school would be the students job.

Unknown said...

The concept of paying students for achieving a certian level of excellence should not be enforced as it takes away the true purpose of receiving an education. Money, grades, or other incentives should not be encouraged as students will by whatever means try to achieve their goals. Students should learn because they have a passion for getting an education but that will not be possible with bribing the students, thus everything they learn will be of waste.

Jestin Raju- 4th period

Anonymous said...

Receiving money for good grades is an incentive for students just as an educational advantage, satisfaction with a sense of achievement, or any other incentive, but the incentive that appeals the most is money. This article is about the effects on students who are mostly in poverty. Many people would see it as a bad incentive, but those people may not be in poverty and might not be as influenced by the offering of money. Ten dollars is more meaningful for a child that has always been in poverty than one that has never lived in poverty. The bigger problem would be how much more to give as a reward for a student that is is poverty, if anything more at all, than a student that is not. Much like the debate on taxes for different incomes.

Robert Slaybaugh
4th period

Anonymous said...

Aileen Ramirez 1st Period

While students should be rewarded for their efforts/achievements, providing money as an incentive creates a working class that is extrinsically motivated rather than intrinsically motivated. While most jobs do offer monetary reward, not everything in life does. For example, starting a business, while the end game might be a high pay out, the steps to get there will not always offer a reward, and those kids will be less motivated to take such risks.

Unknown said...

It is most reasonable that money should not be used as an incentive for school. Although there have been several experiments that indicate better test performance, the students should be motivated intrinsically to want to achieve an education to improve their own future. If they need to be motivated by money to do well in school, then it shows the student lacks the concern to want to create a better future for themselves.

Jun Hin Loi
4th period

Unknown said...

Matthew Reyes
Period 1

Although there is strong evidence on the effects money has on people, students should not be given economic incentives for their academic accomplishments. Having a payout for the grades students earn leads to students expecting instant rewards for everything they do and leads to a future of increased "what benefits me now" people in society leading to an overall decrease in risks and innovations for society as a whole.

Unknown said...

Alwyn Joseph`
5th period
Although the idea of rewarding students with money for their academic accomplishments seems smart at first, it will have many unseen side effects. Kids will not learn how the real world is under the money reward system, they will expect rewards for every little thing, even when they grow up. Also, they will do whatever it takes to get their money reward, and may cause them to cheat through classes, which will cripple them when they get jobs.

Unknown said...

While a positive incentive should be incorporated into our education system, it should not be monetary. One of the most important concepts which the education system is responsible for teaching is delayed gratification. By using monetary incentives to 'jump-start' a student's will to learn, it diminishes the delayed gratification they experience, which is an essential concept members of society should be acquainted with.

Unknown said...

Nikita Thomas
1st period

Rewarding students with money may be a good idea at the time, but later on in life, they won't have the lessons they learned from school to make them be more responsible and motivated to achieve their goals. The kids will be dependent on receiving tangible rewards, such as money, for every accomplishment and won’t complete tasks or achieve goals for their own satisfaction or improving their future.

Unknown said...

Yash Parmar
The concept is a great idea. Giving students financial incentives to study, behave well, and attend school would be very effective. The only concern about this would be where this money came from and academic integrity. Due to schools being a government entity, taxes would go up. Academic dishonest would increase as well because the students will get cash out of it.

Unknown said...

Nathanael Tan
1st Period

Students should be paid as society itself runs on the concept of this for that. By paying students during their education, we are giving them early exposure to how the real world works and preparing them to go out and make a living. Paying students would also help with the financial burden of school on students and their families however much. Students would also be further incentivized to go to school and participate and learn.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion kids should not receive money for getting good grades because although it may be a good incentive, the idea may start to face a plethora of problems in the long run. In our age and day, without an incentive, many people are not encouraged to participate or put in effort. In a world where money runs everything, getting paid for getting good grades will allow kids to be motivated to earn good grades and strive to do better in the short term. However, someone always manages to find a loophole and cheating would start to increase significantly as there are people who would do anything to get what they want, in this case money.

Ashel Jaimon
4th Period

Priya Thomas said...

Paying kids for good grades is a good idea. Similarly, adults perform better when a promotion or bonus is at stake, this concept of rewards for good behavior and decisions can be taught to children in the same way. As wrongful and immature as it may seem, children will most likely only do something if it benefits them. The idea of learning to be smart simply isn’t enough for children, therefore money can substitute as a motivational factor for the time being until they learn the true value of education.

Priya Thomas
2nd period

Anonymous said...

Getting paid for good grades creates a bad message to children. By paying kids to get good grades, you are preventing them from learning the idea of responsibility and doing something for one’s own benefit. This creates the false idea that we will be given rewards for every good deed we commit, when in reality that isn’t true.

Sarika Vura
1st period

Roshan Mathew said...

Paying kids to have good grades is a bad idea, because it creates the misconception that kids should get paid for something that is already expected of them. Kids should want good grades in order to have a good career in the future rather than wanting the latest video game.

Roshan Mathew 1st period

Steve Raju said...

Offering money to kids for having good grades establishes a small goal to motivate them. This can teach kids that hard work is worth it and it can teach them to strive for what they really what in life. It can change a kid who is lazy into a scholar because of the incentive of money.

Steve Raju
5th period

Unknown said...

Josie Henry
4th period
The incentive of giving money to kids for good grades is a good idea, but it needs to be paired with actual learning. No child should be rewarded for not going the extra mile in school. Money gives children a goal and if the goal is reached in the proper manner I think any child should be rewarded.

Unknown said...

I think the “money for grades” is a good idea, especially in a scenario like that of the NYC public school system where kids are not living in a great environment. I also agree with the article in that it is human nature for anyone to respond to economic incentives regardless of age. Since this practice is recognized by former President Obama, I believe that “money for grades” should be implemented across the nation.

Cameron Walker
Period 4

Unknown said...

Jamie Chaffer
Period 1
The article brought up many good points. Personally, I feel paying students for grades can be a good idea. The value of good grades would go up, therefore cheating and short cuts to get the grade might go down and learning would become more valuable. The example was brought up that students may get accustom to reward and loose the drive to get goods grades because it is the right thing to do. Although, even in a part time job teenagers often take pride in their work there regardless of pay.

Waseem Khalil said...

Waseem Khalil P4
Kids should not be paid for getting good grades. Going to school is not a job, it is something you do to get a job. We get paid a shelter, clothing, food and other things by our parents, we don't also need schools to pay us.

Anonymous said...

Sanyoni Desai
5th period

I believe that paying kids for good grades is a bad idea because as the need for good grades goes up, cheating will also increase as students are determined to get good grades no matter the cost. On top of that, it will just create resentment between students as someone may get more money than their friend. The competition between students on rankings and gpas will grow to include the amount of money which leads to hatred amongst students.

Jeff k said...

Jeff Kue
2nd Period

Money as an incentive is how most professional work is done; it is effective because workers need the income to survive. As students, the majority of us are not independent yet, so it would not act in the same way. We still rely on our parents to shelter, feed, and raise us; therefore, it would be ineffective as we do not yet have the experiences to actually simulate real work for money. It would encourage being rewarded for half-hearted work.

Anonymous said...

Pamela Gheriafi
Period 4

No matter how much parents and students want school to be paid, money can’t buy smarts, motivation or school success. Even though students might show an increase in motivation, eventually they will get used to the prize and demand more, and more, and more. Realistically the only thing that can determine if a student studies and is motivated is on their own terms, rather than goals set up from an outside source.

Anonymous said...

Harshada Kulkarni
Period 1

The incentive to give kids money for grades is a bad idea.The kids will not learn responsibility and the importance of education if we pay them for getting good grades.It will promote cheating in schools and the students will not gain any long-term knowledge.Students should be motivated to go to school, to learn, not to earn money.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

jacob rice
period 1

I think that students should be paid to attend school, school takes a lot of time. between the late nights studying and the early mornings it makes it hard for people who need to support their family their needs yet school takes up so much time they end up dropping out to work more to make more money to help support their family. and it also gets students ready for the real world where you are paid for working. school can be a very hard thing and with the help of money for students could help that be the only factor in the students life

Elizabeth Stech said...

Elizabeth Stech
Period 4

I do not think that paying kids for getting good grades is a good idea. It is expected of us to succeed in school and if kids are only wanting to do well in school for a monetary reward, the concept of learning is not enforced. In addition, providing a financial incentive for kids to do well in school will lead to an increase in cheating due to their want for good grades.

Kyuri Baag said...

Kyuri Baag
Period 4

Students should not be paid for good grades. Formal and informal arrangements to reward students with money are significantly different. Giving rewards unexpectedly encourages students but doesn’t imprint the idea that good grades equates to money. Regularly paying students creates an expectation and could lead to negative consequences like expecting money for any task. Ultimately, ambition to succeed should be the motivation for good grades. Students' performance in school is in their hands, not parents'.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I believe that kids should not be paid for grades for several reasons. It is economically unfeaseable because of the income inequality that is present in today’s society. There also runs the issue that the amount a student gets paid is not of an equal amount due to external reasons that may or may not be financially related.The last reason is that while students do become incentivized to learn and study more,it’s not morally apppropiate to do so whatsoever

William Anderson
Period 2

Housna Kadrie said...

Housna Kadrie, Period 2

Students should not be payed to be successful in school because it is not a good motivation and it will discourage students from learning for themselves, but rather for the incentive of money. Secondly, it is not economically possible to pay every student who performs well. Being paid for grades means kids will not learn the responsibilities and value of education. Students should have ambition to do good in school for themselves, not for money.

Ashish Singh said...

Ashish Singh
Period 1

I don't think paying kids for grades is a good idea because the whole point of school would be lost. Kids are meant to learn for the sake of learning; giving an incentive like money would lead kids to try and find easier ways to get higher grades and the focus on getting good grades through learning the material would be more blurred than it already is with the grade point average (GPA) system.

Anonymous said...

I believe students should not be getting paid for good scores and attendance. Students won't learn to work hard if they are influenced by money and they will not understand the true purpose of education. This causes them to believe that they will be rewarded for every little things as they grow older.

Jibin Philip
2nd Period

Unknown said...

Alvin Yolanda Ewaldo
Period 1

Getting paid is an incentive that drives people to work another day in order to self-sustain, and by paying students who are excelling in their education is an effective way of preparing them for their future. This Positive and direct incentive provides them a source of feedback that if they want to earn more money, they must work harder and push themselves. Therefore, this system will influence the young minds to improve for their future opportunities that await them to either earn more or less money depending on how their incentives were when they were once students.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Aolin Yang
Period 5

Kids should not be getting paid for their grades. They need to know that in real life, payment does not always come in the form of money. Being able to graduate and get into a good college is payment enough. If money becomes the main motive, soon more important motives like benefiting society or leaving good impressions on people around you will be replaced by the "worship" of money.

Unknown said...

Aolin Yang
Period 5

Kids should not be getting paid for their grades. They need to know that in real life, payment does not always come in the form of money. Being able to graduate and get into a good college is payment enough. If money becomes the main motive, soon more important motives like benefiting society or leaving good impressions on people around you will be replaced by the "worship" of money.

Unknown said...

Stephen Kelly
Period 4

I think the idea of giving kids a monetary value could be beneficial in trying build a good work ethic and a certain mindset that would be useful later on in life. If you offer a child money for good grades and behavior, it would give them more incentive to continue getting good grades and later on in life, when they do start working, they will already understand they will need to work hard to move up in their field and make more money. where a problem may present itself would be at what level of achievement do you award the child and how much should be given.

Unknown said...

Sena Pecen
Period 5

I am against the idea of paying kids, especially of younger age, for grades. It goes against the purpose and lessons learned by unconditional knowledge. So much more benefit actually comes from doing things, or in this case working towards a good education, without the expectation of a large reward. It teaches and engraves into our growing minds that life is not always going to reward us, and therefore prepares us for the real world. Also, paying kids for education will fixate to kids that money is the only valuable thing in life and they will miss out on the actual values of life which are friendships, family, love and so much more. Also, in the long run the kids expectations of life will become too unrealistic.

Unknown said...

Janice Wilson – Per. 5

I don’t think we should be encouraging good grades with money, I think this will distort kids’ view of the world that follows school. In school and jobs that follow college, no one is paid for getting “good grades” because what matters is the work you put into the experience in the field. Kids should want to put work into things that matter to them because they want to succeed, not for monetary value.

Anonymous said...

I do agree paying students for good grades is a very interesting incentive that may very well increase their motives to study and earn good grades, however i believe paying students for good grades would backfire in the long run. Students may only want to work hard for the money and not for their own educational benefits. Like the article said, students may think everything comes with money.

Matthew Yee
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I personally think that paying students for grades takes away the importance and value of what they are learning. When using money as an incentive to study, students are extrinsically motivated to get good grades rather than to truly understand the information and gain knowledge. It also sets up unrealistic expectations about life after school for students.

Shweta Mathews

Unknown said...

Ambareen Virani
4th Period
I believe that paying kids for good grades is generally a good idea. It is a great incentive, a self-serving reinforcement; just the same as the incentive for a better future career. I do not think that people will take education for granted due to being payed, contrastingly; I believe it will bring light to the truth that in order to make money one needs an education and, therefore, make them more appreciative.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that kids should be paid for getting good grades. If kids just work towards getting good grades just for the money and not for learning the actual curriculum, then the main point of education and learning is gone. The rewarding of money also does not help a child prepare for the real world and also makes them focus on earnings, instead of striving for what they may be passionate for.

Cassie De Leon
4th period

Unknown said...

Paying children to attend and do well in school is a promising idea because they are given are source of motivation. Not all students have a passion to learn and can set their own goals, but by giving them an incentive that guarantees a reward we give them a reason to work hard. For comparison: children who don't get paid to attend school aren't necessarily extremely passionate about learning something new every day; so giving rewards doesn't do much harm but instead increases the willingness of the children to actively participate in school.

Kriti Bansal
5th Period

Unknown said...

Lauren Chamberlin
Period 5

I believe students should not be paid for going to school. Not only would it be an unnecessary payment for the school or government, but it promotes the idea that the world revolves around money. The students' would start to put the idea of receiving money before their education or increasing their knowledge. Money can also give students a lot of power at a young age, which is not the best idea, and it also brings up the question if the parents' would receive the money until the child is at a certain age or if they'd make a section designated for their money made from school. The parents could also become greedy for the money their child receives, and they might influence their children to work harder than their limits or even cheat. It just brings a lot of issues for not only the government, school, and parents but also the students. Money is not the answer to everything, nor should it be a tool used to compel others.

Unknown said...

The article “Is Paying Kids for Grades a Good Idea?” describes the idea of paying students for good grades as a both positive and negative. In my opinion, if the good outweighs the bad, students should get paid for their accomplishments. Although it encourages some students to work more, once they enter the real world after college, not every accomplishment will be guaranteed a reward. This will result in students burning out or having less incentive.

-Sarah Sultan
4th period

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe that students should not be rewarded money for performing well in school. One reason being that it just introduces the idea of doing something just for money rather than it being their passion. It's an unnecessary addition to the amount of money schools are given because money is something that comes naturally after a student performs well in school and acquires a job with good income.

Kevin Yu 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

Jubin Joseph
5th Period

I believe that providing students with a reward of money is a good thing because it will give motivation to all kids to try harder in order to get good grades in school. By providing the students with positive reinforcement helps to create a good mindset of working hard as they prepare for college and the real world.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, though there might be some benefit to paying students for good grades, in the end, the possible results are just too risky. Paying students to get good grades can be a fatal mistake. Students, now motivated to go to school mainly to earn money, will start to resort to any method that will get them the cash, such as cheating. They lose even more focus on what their goal is supposed to be while at school, which is to learn. They may also end up relying on their parents throughout the rest of their lives, as they lack the self motivation to learn and do good to get ready for the real world.
-Mohammad Ejaz
4th period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

With the idea of paying students to get good grades in school, I believe that there's a negative effect and a positive effect. I think it benefits students in a sense that students wouldn't have to depend on parents for money for little things, such as snacks or activity-related things (like movie tickets and such). However, paying students to get good grades could result in them looking forward to a reward towards every task that they do, and no one would be doing things for their own good. Also, along with this idea, kids who fail will proceed to look for methods to keep their financial reward, such as cheating and possibly even bribing

Camille Trusclair 1st

Unknown said...

I believe that students should be payed for good grades. As someone who received financial incentives in her academic career. I can only see how this affected me positively. Paying students for grades can create a positive reward/ punishment system which encourages students to achieve higher. This can especially help students with lower motivation. I think that that students that receive money for grades won’t lead them to going to school just for money, but to challenge themselves to achieve higher goals.
Mia Harris
2nd pd

Alvin Saji said...

I believe that students should be paid for good grades. Students are already motivated by money as those who achieve more in life through hard work and focus on education already tend to make more money than those who slack off. By giving students a taste of this early on can show them what opportunities lie ahead if they continue to focus on education.

Unknown said...

Aylin Sanchez
2nd Period

In my opinion paying kids to get good grades is not good at all. Yeah sure they might be getting good grades but that's not the point. The point is for them to get good grades on their own, not bribing them with money. This is because it takes the whole purpose of learning away. By bribing them they won't actually learn anything since all they're gonna be thinking about is money. Paying kids can lead to many terrible consequences in the future.

Anonymous said...

Although money can be a powerful incentive, and can make some students work harder for grades, in the long run, it is harmful to the student's psychological well-being. Paying students to make good grades leads to the mind-set that they will be rewarded for everything that they do. In the everyday world, people are not paid for doing things such as emptying the dishwasher or feeding the dog. Getting good grades should be self-motivated for wanting to better yourself and get into a good college and have a better education, not just to get money.

- Danni Hertel
Period 1

Unknown said...

Paying kids sure is one way of way of motivating them. However, this can lead them to forget the true purpose of education. Education should be thought of as an opportunity to improve oneself and not as a burden that requires compensation. That said, it is not always easy or practical to convince kids of the value of education and thus motivate them to do well. So, if there is no other way of motivating a kid who is wasting away his/her potential, paying the kid is nothing but providing a harmless incentive. But one should make sure that sooner than later, he/she realizes the true value of education.

Rakesh Johny
Period 1

Unknown said...

If children are rewarded with money for good grades, there is the idea that working hard in school is to enhance your wallet, rather than your knowledge, which sends the wrong message. The focus shouldn't always be on getting an "A," and cramming information last minute, but rather truly understanding the information at hand. With dominant issues of cheating in todays schools, with money for getting good grades added in the equation, cheating would become even worse of an issue.

Taryn Gheen, 5th Period

Raoof Ali said...

If kids were paid for better grades, they would want to exert more effort in school. When kids are paid for good grades, they learn that putting in that work and effort does have nice benefits. Kids will also try to make better grades, in the hopes of earning more money. Kids will also learn the value of money; rather than just begging their parents for money. Also kids these days don't listen to teachers because they believe it is a waste of time but if they get paid for good grades, they would listen and they would be smarter and better off. Money is the key for a kid to study.

Raoof Ali , 5th pd

Unknown said...

I believe that kids should be paid for good grades. Getting paid will encourage success in academics. It would give the kids the incentive to work harder, which would then make them strive to do more. After all, it is the same concept as adults receiving a bonus at work.

Alexis Chan
5th Period

Unknown said...

I believe that students should get paid for good grades. The money will be an incentive for them to work harder in school. It also teaches them to set a goal and reach for it, which in this case would be money. The money will motivate them to work harder and actually learn what’s being taught in school.

Raina Abraham
5th period

Unknown said...

I believe that making good grades should not involve any transaction of money. The primary reasoning behind this premise is the fact that the primary incentive for grades is money; going to college, getting a nice job all imply that good grades are the internal trigger for success. Also, a direct result of the startup explosion post-2008 is the reduction of prioritization of academic aptitude and an increase in the number of students using their creativity and ideas to create success and completely deviating. From institutional education. Since learning can come from both the startup "game" and a normal 4 year degree, how can a standard exist to measure aptitude and fairly distribute income? Monetizing academic ability must answer these questions and more.

Kedar Pandya - 2nd period

Anonymous said...

Erik Shoga - Period 2

Students should not be paid for having good grades since many students would likely be motivated by materialistic reward rather than by goals for the future. Being paid for good grades would also devalue grades as a whole since students would view good grades as money and poor grades only as a missed opportunity rather than as a part of their academic record for their future and in college admissions.

Unknown said...

Crystal Obaretin, Period 1

Students should not be paid or bribed to receive good grades. It gives them the idea that in order to succeed on their own they must be compensated somehow. It also is detrimental to their work ethic and overall just causes kids to become lazy. Instead, encourage children to get good grades in order to excel in the future.

Jyotis Joy, 5th period said...

Jyotis Joy, Period 5

I think that paying students for getting good grades is only a temporary reward. Students will memorize instead of actually learning the material and that will lead them not to be successful later on. Giving monetary value is a positive reinforcement that does not benefit the student in the long term. The motivation for students will be the money and they will memorize and cheat just in order to attain the money and not value the education.

Anonymous said...

Zoheb Khawaja 5th.
I personally believe that students should be getting paid for the good grades that they receive. This will obliviously help them achieve better grades in school. This incentive will allow the kids to be more focused in their studies and follow their decisions in life. Especially kids at a younger age, need to start being productive so that they can continue it throughout the rest of their school years.

Charli Escobedo said...

I believe that students should get paid to make good grades. I believe that getting paid would motivate students to want to do better in school. It would also motivate students to want to study and work harder. Getting paid for making good grades can also help students who need money to pay for textbooks, supplies, school clothes, and etc. it also shows students that working hard will get you a positive outcome. It also teaches students how to make and handle money at a younge age.
Charli Escobedo
Period 4

Unknown said...

I believe that students should get money for good grades and other things in school. Since money is such a powerful incentive, it will definitely show powerful results in the outcome of the school as a whole. It also helps students get in touch with the real world. This is because when they are adults, they will be getting money from whatever job they will do in the future. It is important that school teaches students how to handle and control that money. This will eventually pay off in the future.
Naomi Samuel
Period 5

Unknown said...

Daniel Martin
5th period

I believe students should get payed based on their grades. The better your grades the higher you recieve. It will result in students trying much harder to get higher scores and study more for the check. Plus i feel as if it will teach students that a reward comes out of hard work

Unknown said...

I believe that the payment of students for good grades is a good thing and should be replicated in other places around the country. There are so many places where kids have grown up in poverty, and their parents grew up in poverty, and so did their grandparents, and these kids think that there’s nothing they can do so they just give up before they even enter school. So this is like telling them that if you do good in life you will be rewarded.

Jordan Jacobson
Period 2

Unknown said...

I don't think paying kids for good grades is a good thing to implement. If a child grows up always expecting a reward for something, it never teaches said child the importance of integrity. They will grow up thinking the only time to do something right is when their is a reward involved. To me, this is a argument that is similar to things like participation awards which awards even minimum performance.

Julianna Hastreiter
Period 5

Unknown said...

I believe that paying students as a reward for good grades should be implemented in our school system because it gives students an incentive to try their best. Financial rewards could also help students that come from underprivileged families pay for books and supplies as long as they continue to maintain good grades. The system would also teach children that hard work results in reward and slowly condition children to do their best in every aspect of their lives.

Abraham Pazhoor
Period 1

Unknown said...

I think that paying students as a reward for good grades should not be implemented in the school system. Money is a powerful motive but I think it will negatively influence students. Students will try to get a good grade for the money and will end up probably cramming for the test and forgetting the information. School is about knowledge and putting money as an incentive takes the purpose of school away.

Bryan Ta
Period 4

swati kundra said...

I believe that there is no harm in giving students financial incentives to get good grades. This may motivate more students to achieve better grades. The money given will also help the students pay for college, or extracurricular activities they may want to participate in. this will enable the child to become more involved in their learning experience. Therefore, I believe that the government should pay their students to get good grades.

Swati Kundra 1st

Unknown said...

Abin Manuel
5th Period

I believe that students should be paid for getting good grade. This will be a positive reinforce for students to learn that if they work hard, they will get money. Students should learn this so when they do they get jobs, they know that the more work you put in to get a better result will give them more money/rewards.

Unknown said...

Luke Matthews - Period2

Although it would be nice to earn money in school, students should not be paid for earning good grades. If they are only worried about making money, then they won't really absorb the information that they're supposed to learn. They will only work to memorize answers and after a few days it will be forgotten. It would be a good idea to motivate students to earn good grades but not with money.

Unknown said...

I think that the "money for grades" idea is brilliant. This will be a positive incentive for students to demand for higher grades. If school curilculums pay more for each time a student earns a higher grade, then overall students will gladly listen to class and do their best. If the curriculum also takes away all the money the student has for cheating or being dishonest, then this will create a negative incentive for students to not cheat.

Unknown said...

Meryem Pecen Period 1 ^

Unknown said...

Natalie Dye Period 5

Rewarding children for good grades with money could be more detrimental to them than helpful because it gives them more of a motive to cheat for that good grade. Additionally, it sets children in the mind set to only do things for the monetary gain for it, and not what is also important. Giving children money for grades could mess up their motives for accomplishing things, with their only incentive as money and to get it no matter what.

Unknown said...

Students should not be paid for grades. School has a significant impact on the habits that children develop. Teaching children to set a goal allows them to learn determination. Utilizing money as an incentive will teach kids that they should only work hard if there’s money involved. I believe that placing a monetary value on grades diminishes the student’s drive to succeed.
jenina bianty
period 5

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justin Kuzhippil said...

period 5
I think money for grades is an interesting idea as then students would feel more motivated to do well in school. Many students don't really put the effort into making good grades and only see school as something mandatory in getting to the next level. With all that said, I do not agree that including money to inspire kids is a good idea because that will make them not want to work unless there is money or some type of reward involved.

Unknown said...

Rayomand Hormuzdi, 1st

From pre-school all the way threw college your life becomes an endless cycle of 7 hours of school, 2.5 hours of free time, 1 hour or more of homework, 30 minuets for dinner and finally about 10 hours of sleep which u repeat for the next 13 to 17 years until you get a job. My point is it's a boring life for the first 13 to 17 year of endless studying, homework, quizzes and tests. Kids in school deserve a little amount of pay monthly from there parents for all the amount of work we do every day just to keep are grades up. It's the least we deserve for all the hard work, detection and time we slave toward a endless goal of high grades.

Anonymous said...

Shiv Patel
Period 2
Students should not be paid for getting good grades because that defeats the overall purpose of receiving an education. They would focus simply on earning money instead of truly learning the information they are taught in school. Students would simply memorize the information for the assessment and after receiving their money, they will let go of what they’ve have learned and look forward to their next “paycheck”. This mentality can lead to their ultimate downfall, as they will not retain or learn anything that could be beneficial to their future careers, so they can not be successful. Furthermore, students will be more inclined to cheat under the greed for money. Therefore, if a student truly wants to learn, money should not be needed to motivate them to do something good for themselves.

Unknown said...

Jeremiah John P.2

I believe that paying kids for getting good grades is a bad idea. If this were to happen, the value of learning to be enriched with knowledge will be lost and replaced with a necessity of money and greed from learning. I believe that it will also cause kids to cheat more or plagiarize more in order to get good grades so they could receive the incentive of money.

Unknown said...

Denise Doyle
Period 5
I do not find it surprising to hear that kids work harder in school just to receive the outcome of money. It is human nature to accept something of value by doing whatever it takes. However, I believe it is not a good incentive to reward kids money for good grades. It should be a life lesson to succeed and fail without expecting something worth value.

Unknown said...

Dominic Kochen 1st Period
I believe that using money as an incentive for students is a bad idea. While some positives may come of this, an important concept of grades is learning that not everything comes with a reward. Students who are consistently rewarded for their success often expect repayment for all of their work which in the real world is unrealistic. It also would encourage cheating as a means of gaining wealth which is unethical.

Anonymous said...

Although adding monetary incentives may raise overall grades, I do not believe that students should be paid for grades. Kids begin receiving grades at a very young age; growing up with a materialistic mindset will have a negative impact and they will grow greedy. Adding money will undermine the importance of the grades themselves; students will just do it for the money. Kids are expected to do well in school for their own benefit. They should not be paid for something that they are already supposed to do.

Period 2. Elaine Thong

Unknown said...

Although the immediate rewards for paying children for good grades may make the practice seem beneficial, long-run it can cause more harm than good. If kids are monetarily rewarded for their high scores in school, as they grow up they will continue to have their perception of the world shaped by the idea that success always deserves immediate positive rewards. This mindset can severely limit their success in the future as they will be less inclined to put in effort and hard work into any aspect of their lives unless they believe they will receive immediate positive results from said actions, thus limiting their potential in the long run.

Radhika Daru
period 5

Anonymous said...

Lauryn Weller 4th period

Although rewarding kids for their good grades could motivate many to try harder and put forth the full effort they are capable of, in reality it would not be beneficial. Getting good grades and doing well in school already has the benefit of getting degrees and masters that kids will need graduate with to obtain and hold a job. By rewarding kids with money, they lose that benefit, self motivation, and looking into the future because not all things need or should be rewarded. People should do things because it's the right thing to do even if it may or may not benefit them. Therefore, paying kids to make good grades sends them the wrong message about life: not all things come with an imeditate benefit or reward.

Unknown said...

Shane Samuel, 1st period

In my opinion, I believe the use of money to motivate kids to get good grades is completely absurd in the fact that there will be a sense of jealousy and rivalry among the students who do not receive the same amount of money in comparison to their fellow peer. Also, student who actually do receive money due to good grades will get into somewhat of a “money frenzy” and this would possibly lead to illegal activity and illegal transactions in the nearby future to obtain more money. This will also lead to petty theft and threats within the school that will in turn cause in outrage in the social media and lead to cyber-bullying. Then, comes the factor of cheating in which they do not actually obtain the knowledge and the money reward will motivate them to repeat this process to the point that they truly haven’t gain the experience that their parents are paying for.

Unknown said...

I believe by offering students a monetary reward for performing well in school it would show that those who work hard for good grades will be reward in the future and now. Also there are times where due to family issues some students have to choose between having a job now but can't focus in school, or staying in school but with no extra money around the house.

Unknown said...

Oghenetejiri Okukpe
Period 1

I personally do not think students should be paid to get good grades. I think this because it prevents the student from seeing the real reason to get good grades. A student should get good grades because he or she wants to, not because of money. Paying students to get good grades may result in cheating or being dishonest about their grades. Also, if students were paid to get good grades, they would not know how to actually study or work hard for anything in life. It is better off that students are not paid to get good grades.

McAnthony Benson-Okey said...

McAnthony Benson-Okey
Period 2

Kids probably shouldn't be given money for good grades. Getting good grades is mostly a matter of discipline; if a kid wants them, then they will work to get them, regardless of material incentives like money. As we go through school, studying and turning things in on time are supposed to grow into habits that shouldn't need any incentives, but adding a pay to the mix messes that process up. Other than that, it makes kids think more about the short-term rewards, even though grades are really supposed to be about the long term results.

Sarah Faraone said...

Personally, I believe student should be paid for good grades, perfect attendance l, etc. Nowadays, students have very little incentive to work hard. Cheating is a large contributor to good grades, and there is no longer an incentive to work or learn. The opinion that paying students would "alter their ideas on what school is truly about," which is learning, is almost irrelevant. School lost its "learning appeal" a long time ago when school districts and colleges put more stress on a grade point average, rather than the consent of curriculum. Paying students might encourage many student to learn more, whilst giving them money that might help them in their future. College requires hefty sums of money, so earning money for good grades might help some teens acquire money for it. For others, due to large amounts of clubs and homework, students may not be able to find a job that fits into their schedule. Money from good grades might help those who are less opportuned than others. In all, there are many reasons why student should be paid for their success in school.

Unknown said...

Jessica Merhav
Period 2

While offering students money for good grades sounds like a good idea at first, it reveals itself to be a bad incentive in the long run. If students begin their lives with the idea that they are entitled to a reward for every good grades, they might expect rewards outside the classroom. Not only that, but students may lose the real focus of getting good grades and may resort to cheating just to receive the money promised to them.

Sophie Wedgeworth said...

Sophie Wedgeworth
Period 4

Personally, positive reinforcements for good behavior are a great way to push for greatness through the youth. I believe that the program Mr. Canada employs at his school is a healthy way of providing children with “recognition for [their] achievements.” I agree with the notion that Obama said in his speech that this program should globalize; therefore, changing the world of academics to be more competitive.

Anonymous said...

Jerry George
Period 2

I believe it is a disastrous idea to reward students with incentives such as money to get good grades. If the idea were implemented, the focus of some students would shift from learning and gaining more knowledge to getting good grades. Sometimes good grades can be earned through cheating, which would increase if the idea was implemented. Due to the cons such as an increase in cheating and a shift in students focus on gaining knowledge, overwhelming the pros, the idea of giving students incentives such as money for getting good grades shoud not be implemented.

Unknown said...

Emily Tran
Period 2

Rewarding students with money as the incentive for receiving good grades may be beneficial for a little while, but in the end it causes kids to have a wrongful mindset about how easily something can be obtained. Being able to have a successful and well paying job is something every kid works to accomplish throughout all of their schooling. By giving students money right away for every good grade they get causes them to only work hard for that particular task not for the long term goal, getting good grades to receive a good job. Thus, kids should not be paid to get good grades.

Anonymous said...

I believe that positive reinforcement is good for children. I for one believe in the positive reinforcement and that it gives a good incentive for kids to do well in school. I can also agree with this because I receive positive reinforcements for getting good grades as well. It is good that kids are made responsible for their actions, especially when something good comes out of it.

Kyra Sowells
2nd period

Sang Kirsten Ebueng said...

Sang Kirsten Ebueng
Period 2

I believe that money should not be used as an incentive for good grades. The grade system is already bad enough, for students throughout the years have perfected a way to finesse the system and gain good grades without actually studying or learning the material. Adding money on top of an extremely flawed system would most likely be detrimental to children in the long run, for monetary rewards might cause a sense of entitlement in activities outside of the school system.

Unknown said...

Ayana Mathew
4th period

In my view, Students should not receive monetary reward due to many reasons. First, students will only work hard if you pay them. Second, they care more about the money than learning. In order to receive money, students will cheat and make good grades which will less motivate other students who are working hard. As said in the Article, kids would not help others if they kept getting paid for every work they do. Therefore, students should not get monetary rewards.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Mallory 5th Period

I believe paying kids for good grades is a good idea. I agree with the fact that one should be reward for going above and beyond what is traditionally required of an individual, and in any work place environment, usually, an individual who has been preforming rather outstandingly is often given monetary compensation for there efforts, so why should it be any different for schools? School is equitable to work, and is supposed to prepare us for the real world, so it'd only make sense that it should be subject to the same reward-centric as real world jobs.

Isaiah R. 1st said...

I think students should be paid to get good grades because not only will it motivate them to do well in school it will over all help them because they will not be failing any classes because if they fail classes they wont be able to get any money but if they pass they do.But there is a limit to this, they should not be paid for barely passing any classes like a 70 they should only get paid if they have an A in the class and that will surely push them to work even harder and spend their time studying more. This will prepare them for the future when they have jobs because if they work harder they can get paid more.

Kyle Okeke said...

Kyle Okeke Period 2

In the early stages of childhood I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing the provide monetary incentives for kids to get good grades. At that stage of life, children simply can not see the abstract value education might have. If positively reinforcing children with money to make them smarter works, I say why the heck not. Much of the most studious people are motivated by some future high paying job in the first place.

Ronald Hood said...

Ronald Hood
2nd Period
Incentivizing attendance, good behavior, and good grades with money is definitely an option that more school districts should look into. Firstly, it provides a short term benefit to education, which is usually only said to have long term benefits. Secondly, it prepares students for the real world, where people conduct activities and are paid for those activities.

Unknown said...

Being paid for something that is expected of a student should not be promoted. Being a student, there are many responsibilities and lifestyle changes that must occur. Schools that pay students to make these are not helping the students, but rather, are making them worse by giving them rewards for doing something that they should always be doing. When the monetary incentive is taken away, this could cause the students to fall off and not pay attention to their studies.

Kenneth Easo
4th Period

Anonymous said...

Madison Panetti, Period 5

I think paying students for good grades would be a good idea if it were implemented midway through their academic carreer. It would motivate them to push themselves academically from the start if they knew they had something to look forward to. While cheating would be a concern it happens without cash incentives anyway and rewarding students for good grades would prepare them for adulthood when they would be working for a paycheck anyway. providing cash incentives to students could also hold the potential to relieve some of the financial burden that parents face as their students go on to high school and college.

Unknown said...

David Lowery
4th Period
I believe that paying kids for getting good grades is a good idea. I say this because of multiple things. The first is that it will give the kids motivation do better in school. Money motivates me personally and I would love to get paid for grades so that would help other kids as well. It could also encourage kids who’s interest in school isn’t as strong as others to do better in school. This does not only benefit the kids but it benefits the school as well because the could have more participation within the school since people’s children are doing well. Which means more money for them as well.

Anonymous said...

Wesley Cherry
Period 4

I believe kids should not be paid for getting good grades. Although money is a good incentive, it may create a dependancy on money for motivation. For example, if a child grows up beleiving that if he gets A's in school he will recieve money, if at any point the family becomes too poor or for some other reason unable to pay the child, he may cease to earn good grades. Motivation to work hard should not be taught with a physical incentive but as something that should be done even without incentive. Thus, a dependancy on physical incentives does not limit a child's ability to perform.

Anonymous said...

Kale Wicks
4th Period

I disagree with paying kids for good grades. While I do believe that it works as a motivator through positive reinforcement and will lead to results, I also believe that it will corrupt the child's understanding of how much they should be rewarded for something. If you teach a child early on that doing something as simple as getting good grades will lead to a big reward such as $50-100, it will ruin their perspective on the balance and weight of being rewarded for the work you put in.

Unknown said...

Bryce Del'Homme
Depending on the situation and area that this method would be practiced in, then i believe that paying kids is a good stepping stone to them wanting to be great on their own. Kids who are raised in places that are generally less fortunate economically or have high crime rates usually tend to make children drop out of school due to either needing to help support their families or disciplinary issues. With this monetary method, it would heavily incentivize kids with no other reason to go to school to stay and learn and hopefully change their point of view on education for the better.

Joseph McGuigan said...

Joseph McGuigan Period 1

Students getting paid should be implemented into schooling. Teachers are always telling students about "The real world", and in the real world almost everything you do will be motivated by money. You would not work in the real world if you did not get paid. Why should you be expected to be as responsible as an adult with a job if you are not getting rewarded as such. It would also allow for the situations in which the student has to work instead of getting a high school education to not be a thing anymore, as they would get paid while they went to school.

Amber Montemayor said...

Amber Montemayor
2nd period

I do not think paying students for getting good grades is a good idea. I believe that in order to maintain high grades, students must make sacrifices while understanding that doing so will not produce a tangible reward like a paycheck, but a long-term, intangible reward like knowledge. In my opinion, having a genuine education not influenced by materialistic incentives is more beneficial than having a few extra dollars in the long run. This point of view – that we should make choices based on the long-term benefits – is one that I think everyone should have. But, if they are rewarded with money, I do not believe students can develop such a perspective.

Unknown said...

Isabel Zhou
Period 5

Students should not be bribed or paid in any sort of way for getting good grades. Even though this method will encourage students to work harder and study more, it will change their perspective on doing something beneficial and will seek a reward from everything that they do. This mindset will cause them to put in less effort unless they will get a huge reward from it. Furthermore, students will also be more likely to cheat in order to obtain the reward and will not learn any information.

Unknown said...

Sainath Krishnamurthy
Period 4

Students should not be paid for going to school. This distracts from the main purpose of education which is learning. Students should understand that school is provided and they are required to attend for their betterment. Paying students also create a mentality that everything that they do in life, they will be paid.

Unknown said...

Kevine Jaimon 5th Period

In my opinion, students should be rewarded with money for earning good grades. Not only does this help students to be more motivated and dedicated about their education, but also helps students prepare for the real world. Money is said to be one of the most powerful incentives, which is why implementing this idea will help students to reach their full potential.

Unknown said...

In my opinion student should get paid for their grades because it gives them an incentive to get better grades and it will eventually help the student in the future.

Jonathan Ngo said...

In my opinion student should get paid for their grades because it gives them an incentive to get better grades and it will eventually help the student in the future