This is a bonus blog, to make up one you may have missed during the 9 weeks. It will be extra credit for those students that haven't missed any blogs.
Discuss three things that you will be giving thanks for during this Thanksgiving. Minimum 50 words and written in complete sentences.
p.s. one of the things cannot be this makeup blog.
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This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my ability to learn at a good school. I am also thankful for my ps4 for keeping me entertained and distracted when I should be doing actual work. Finally I am very thankful for my parents and everything they do to help me succeed in life.
I am thankful for a lot of things in my life. One of them being my beautiful family. I am also very thankful for my friends and their never ending support. Last but not least, I am thankful for the life I live, I am very fortunate to have everyone and everything that I've been presented with.
Varsha Martin
There are many things that I am very thankful for where one is my parents who supported me for everything.I am thankful for my grandparents who give me an important advice that helped me in life.Finally I am thankful for all the blessings and gifts that are been given to me from the almighty.
Mervin Cherian
I am thankful for many things in my life. One thing that I am thankful for is my family; my parents and my siblings. Another thing that I am thankful for is the every day basic things that God has provided me; food, water, clothing, and a roof over my head. I am also very grateful for my education, because I know that not everyone has this opportunity to learn and build a successful future.
Kendall Truong
Period 2
I'm grateful for a lot of things this Thanksgiving. I am glad that I have all this delicious food to myself while there are others who have unfortunate lives. As well, I'm thankful to have family and friends who care for me and accept me for who I am. Lastly, I'm thankful to have a home with all the necessities and comfort that I desire.
Rizna Noorani
2nd period
In our busy lives we tend to forget to stop and take into consideration how life would be without family and friends. On this day I am going to be giving thanks to many things that I might forget to give thanks for. These things are my friends, my family, and technology which enables us to connect with both of the previous things. My friends and family are a major part of my life and have shaped me into the person I am today. I am very thankful to have them in my life. I am also thankful for technology because without it I wouldn't have been able to keep in touch with a lot of my family and friends that don't live in the U.S. happy thanksgiving!
Minnu Augustine
Period 2
I’m very thankful to have so many choices in life. Whether it is food or clothes, I have a gracious amount of possibilities. I am definitely thankful for my family even though they might not always be close by. They truly help and support me so much. Lastly, I’m thankful for the numerous experiences I have that continue to help me grow.
May Liew
I'm grateful this year because I am lucky enough to be able to spend this Thanksgiving with my family and to have everyone that I cherish at my side. I'm thankful to be in good health and to be able to get up everyday is more than enough. I don't have to worry about food or shelter, so I'm grateful for my parents for providing a roof over my head and food to eat.
Marcella Winfiele
Period 6
This has been a pretty challenging year for me, but in all honestly I am thankful for the life I have been given. This year I have truly realized how much my family means to me. We have been dealing with the impact of a disease that has decided to take control of my mothers body. I give thanks and I am sincerely thankful for my mother and the relationship I have with her as well as the fact that God has given her the strength to fight through this battle that she is facing. Not only has this disease allowed for my mom and I to grow closer, but it has also brought my family together, more than what we were. With that being said, I am also thankful for my family, as well as friends, and the support that they give. Lastly, I am thankful for all the opportunities that I have had and will have in my life, for not all people in this world have the chance to have the opportunities that most of us take for granted on a daily basis.
Victor Varghese
Period 2
I am thankful to my family for their love and care, I am thankful to my friends for their support, I am thankful to America for providing good education and many opportunities. I am also thankful to all my teachers for their endless support to learn and discover.
This thanksgiving I am very thankful for many things but because were limited to only three things. First I am thankful to my family they're all "goats", Secondly I am thankful for my friends who are always with me and thirdly I am thankful for all my teachers.
Lloyd Videau
For thanksgiving this year I am thankful for having a home to live in, as i know that is not something everyone can say they have. Also i am grateful for my amazing loving family that i know will always be there for me no matter what. Lastly i am thankful for living in the United States of America. Although this country has it's ups and downs i still and always will believe it is the best place on this globe.
I'd say I'm most thankful for getting an entire week off from school, for one. Secondly, I'm thankful that I got to see my Mom and Brother over break, even though my brother seems to prefer video games to me at times. Finally, I'm thankful all the people in my life that make getting through everyday a possibility for me
Gabrielle Le
Period 6
I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My family has had an especially difficult last few months, but in the end we have managed to persevere through everything. I am thankful for my family and their never-ending support and care. They have given me everything I have, and I can always count on them being there for me. I am also thankful for the opportunities I have been given through school, from applying for college to just getting an education in general. I've seen so many people who must go without the schooling that I have. Finally, I am thankful for the friends who have really stuck with me this year so far. Senior year has proven to be pretty difficult, and my friends have made it a lot easier and more enjoyable.
4th period
I'm thankful for Charles Dupre for allowing us clutch opportunities to miss school and not have to make them up, also for giving us an entire week to "catch up on homework" aka catch up on binge watching shows. In addition, I'm especially thankful for my family. They have been so encouraging with my education, my future, and my job this year. I am also thankful for my past and future. The past has shaped me for who I am today and I am thankful for the lessons and challenges that have helped me mature. The future is such an exciting and anxious journey that awaits. However, I know whatever happens will bring lessons to learn and opportunities to behold. I could not have any of these without God so I must thank him as well. Also, I'm thankful for Pye. Thank you for dealing with me these past four years and letting me call you "Pye" and "Franklin" Its been a lovely opportunity and I will lowkey miss our interactions.
Jasmine Patience
2nd Period
I am thankful for my dog Finn he is supreme. I am thankful for lots of tasty snacks that I don't eat during class. I am also thankful for chapstick because it's life saving.
This Thanksgiving, I am most grateful for my family. Even though I only get to see them twice a year, they are the people who give me motivation in life and call me once a week to check if I'm doing fine. Being away from home during most of the year makes me cherish the time I have with them much more, even though the goodbyes are always bittersweet. I'm also thankful for my close friends in America because they are my family away from home. They are the ones who give me rides, take me places, and provide me with the support that I really need in my life over here. On a less serious note, I'm thankful for Black Friday sales since they allow me to shop for new things that I'd normally feel guilty for buying at much lower prices.
Shaban Momin
Period 4
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my friends and family for the unconditional love they give to me. I am thankful for being fortunate enough to buy the things I want and eat the things I want because it always keeps me happy. I am also thankful for my teachers who educate me and always support me and want me to do my best in school.
Period 6
We always tend to forget the simple things in life that may not seem like much to us. I am beyond grateful for everything in my life, but being limited to only choosing three things is a difficult choice. One thing I am extremely grateful for is my family. They are always there to help me through anything and they always give me the best advice. I'm also very grateful that I'll be getting two future brothers (in-laws). Another thing I am thankful for are my friends. I couldn't ask for better friends in school and outside of school that I love so much. Lastly I'm very thankful my education. I complain about school a lot but I know my cousins in other countries would do anything to get an education here. Also, there are so many kids around the world who don't get an opportunity to study due to many reasons like financial problems, health issues, gender inequality, and more, so I'm very thankful I'm getting a good education.
thanksgiving is a great time to think about your life and see what you should be grateful for. there are many things in life that I am grateful for. I am extremely thankful for the public education system that we have in the U.S, provides many routes to being successful in the future. I am also thankful for my great friends who give me a lot of wonderful memories and help whenever I need it. and last but not least, I am thankful for my family who provides me with everything I have and has my back whenever I need it.
There are several things I am thankful for this thanksgiving. One thing I am very thankful is a very helpful and supportive family and extended family that helps me through any sort of struggle that I'm going through. I am also very thankful for the large amount of opportunities afforded to us because we are able to attend public schooling in the US. Finally, I am thankful for all of my friends who are able to make me laugh and keep me engaged whenever things do not go well.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my wonderful family that loves and supports me through everything. I am also thankful for all of my amazing friends who I have shared many great times with. I am also thankful for my well paying job as well as my reliable old truck that gets me from A to B.
JIgnesh Mehta 6th period
I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving. I am most thankful for having a loving and caring family to rely on each and every day. I am also thankful for the opportunities I have had because of my parent's decision to move to Houston. I am also thankful to have the opportunity to go to a great university next year and knowing that I will have a steady job as a result. Lastly, I am extremely thankful for getting to spend this break with my siblings.
The first thing I will be giving thanks to this thanksgiving is the food. I know only a small percentage of the world has the ability to eat whatever they want, and I am thankful for that. Second, I am happy my parents have enough money to live comfortably. And lastly I am grateful for having a wonderful girlfriend in my life
4th Period.
Thanksgiving is a time to be appreciative and be thankful for everything we take for granted in life. This Thanksgiving I am beyond grateful for my family and friends that love and will forever support me. I am grateful to have food on my plate and a home to live in. Lastly, I am thankful for being healthy and having so many opportunities due to living in the US.
Period 4
I am thankful for my circumstance in life. I am attending a great, diverse school that consists of wonderful people, I have been accepted into the colleges I have applied to, my teachers are very calm and cool people, my family is so loving to me, my friends are second to family, and my future seems to be secured thanks to my parents' hard work and determination to get me fixed on a bright future ahead.
I have so much to be thankful this Thanksgiving. I am so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. I also have so many amazing friends that truly care about me. I'm especially very thankful for the roof over my head and food on my plate. This Thanksgiving I really have realized how lucky and blessed am I for everything I have.
Vanessa Marcano
Period 2
This thanksgiving I am particularly thankful for my family, we have become so close and I am so thankful for it. I am as thankful because I was accepted into college and because I have a future ahead of me. I am thankful for the food that I ate and for the people in my life. Lastly, I am thankful for me health and my family's health because I think that is the most important thing of all.
Sabrina Tortolero
Period 6
I am thankful for many things this year. Firstly, I am especially thankful for the Earth we live on that provides us with everything we need for life, although we take it for granted most of the time. I'm thankful that I am healthy, and able do almost anything I want to. I am also very thankful to live in the USA. And of course, we can't forget about black friday shopping starting on a day where we're supposed to be thankful for the things we already have.
I want to give thanks for my family. They push and support me in my endeavors; I would be nothing without them. I want to show my thanks to my family this Christmas with gifts. I am thankful for our glorious new president who will "drain the swamp" of Washington D.C. of the corrupt politicians and the lobbying groups. I am thankful for my strong faith in God in this black pit we call reality, I can thank God for my sanity and perseverance in the face of the past four years of school.
This thanksgiving I am thankful more many things. First off, I am glad for a week off of school before we begin getting ready for finals. Also I had a great time seeing my brother as he came home from school for the first time since this semester which I am thankful for. And finally, I am thankful for good food and good company this holiday season.
Kristina Iakounina
2 period
This thanksgiving I am mostly thankful for my wonderful parents who decided to move to this country for my education. As the year gets closer to the end and college keeps coming closer and closer, this has been the main thing on my mind. I'm incredibly thankful to have gotten into the University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE) and I'm insanely excited to go there in the fall. Although TCU is still a maybe, I'll be happy wherever I end up going because both schools are amazing. I'm thankful for my cat who spent hours staying up with me and being a pal when I was doing college essays and applications, all of which take FOREVER to complete. I'm also thankful for TCU beating UT, and Bama beating Auburn this past Saturday and Friday. To sum it up this week has been incredibly full of blessings and only made me more excited for my future!
The thing im most thankful for would be the people in my life. I appreciate my friends and family and i can genuinely say that i would not be who i am today without them (primarily my parents). Im also thankful that i can buy the things i want at one point or another and that I can live healthy life. I learned in the past year that life can be short and im simply glad to be here. Another thing im sure everyone is thankful for is my phone, im not proud of it but i spend a lot of time on my phone, haha. It helps us keep in touch with people.
Laura Rezmer-Cooper
Period 2
This Thanksgiving i am thankful for my family and i to be together this year. I am thankful that my dad does not have to travel anymore for the rest of this year, and is finally taking days off of work to be at home, as well as my mom getting a new job. I am also thankful for my aunt beating cancer and her and my uncle finally quitting smoking. They have been sober for 6 months and i am so proud of them. I am thankful for the friends that i have and their encouragement towards me to help me reach my dreams. I am also thankful for Liverpool FC being at the top of the league and continuing to be on their winning streak towards victory.
This thanksgiving i am thankful for all of my friends who have been at my side and supported me. I am thankful for my family and the things they have taught me throughout my life. i am also thankful that i am healthy and am able to live a life with the various foods i enjoy.
Nima Jamshidi
Period 2
I am thankful that Mr. Pye a.k.a The Grand Puba has decided to grant us this bonus blog to make up for missing a week. I am pretty forgetful, so I already forgot to do the very first blog this nine weeks. I am also thankful that soon, college applications will be finished so I will not have to stress out about them anymore. Lastly, and most importantly, I am thankful to be a member of the TINSTAFL. This secret society is a large part of my life, even though I feel like I'm not spelling it right.
Yash Bindal
Period 6
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my friends and family and the wondeful times I have had with them. I am thankful that I have a week off to not focus on my work. I am also especially thankful for the wonderful food.
2nd Period
I am thankful for many things this year, but primarily i'm thankful for all of my friends and family who came from out of town to celebrate with us, another spectacular year with my dog friend Pancho, and I am thankful for the opportunity to take this amazing economics course.
Hannah Enyioma 6th
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for a lot. I am thankful that I am a senior and about to graduate because I am ready to get out of highschool. I am thankful that I was able to see a lot of my family this thanksgiving including my brother who came back from college. I am also thankful for all of my teachers and educators who have actually helped me this school year.
Erica Wong
Period 2
I am very thankful for not having to worry about my GPA anymore, because three years of that is enough. I am grateful for being able to listen to all the music that I can to drown out the rest of the sounds in the neighborhood. I am happy for my metabolism for letting me eat around 2x what most people of my weight can eat.
6th period
I am thankful for many things. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and all the things we've been blessed with. Although things aren't perfect & things can get a little difficult, we are so blessed and it's important to never forget that. My family works hard to keep a roof over our head, food on the table, and clothes on our back. And I'm thankful for the friends I have who genuinely care for me and my wellbeing as I do for them.
Jose De Leon
2nd Period
I am thankful for many things this time of the year. One of the things I am thankful for are my friends. They are always there for me whenever I need them. Another thing I'm thankful for is my family. They support me in any situations good or bad. Finally i am thankful for the food and shelter that is put in front of me.
I am thankful for lots of things this year. I'm thankful that I am in good health, and able do almost anything I want to. I am also very thankful to live in the USA. And of course, we can't forget about black friday deals starting on a day where we're supposed to be thankful for the stuff we already have.
Jake Hudson
Pyle 6
I am gladly thankful for many things this Thanksgiving. I am firstly thankful for my family who helps me no matter the situation, They also provide me with whatever I need to succeed in life. I am also thankful for my good health. I think it is very obvious as to why I am grateful for this. I am also thankful for college. Even though it is stressful in college, it is a new chapter in my life that I can't wait to experience.
Period 2
I am thankful for having a family who cares about me and helps stay on the right path in life. I am thankful for being well and alive. Finally, I am thankful for the opportunity to go to college and not worry about the expensive tuition.
This thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family, my friends, and the opportunities I have ahead of me. My family has always kept me grounded and given me everything I have ever wanted. My parents always look out for my best interests and help me through any difficult times in my life. Also, my friends are amazing people who i love to talk to and hang out with. I love that I can be myself and my friends accept me and my weirdness. I am also thankful for the life I have been given and the opportunities that I have been exposed too. The education I receive is something some children only dream of, and I am grateful that I have been given so much!
Zain Bhai
Period 2
This Thanksgiving, I gave thanks to my family for always being there whenever i need them the most and to always motivate me to strive for my best. I also gave thanks to my friends for also always being there and to prove to me that not everyone is alone in the world. Finally what I am most thankful for is the life i live. Personally i think i live an awesome life with extreme amounts of opportunities and amazement from sailing in the Bahamas to getting accepted into college. My life is awesome and i am very thankful for it.
6th period
Period 6
Firstly, I am thankful that I am alive and well on this day. I am immensely thankful for my family who have guided me throughout my life. I am also thankful for the many opportunities that have been given to me that not everyone in the world is able to have. In addition, I am thankful for my friends who make each day better than the last.
This thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the life that god gave me, I'm thankful for my family and my close friends also I'm thankful for God making me able to see my first thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the things that I have received and the things that I haven't gotten but what I am mostly thankful for is that God had allowed me lived to see my 18 birthday and still be close to my family.
This holiday season I’m thankful for my family and friends that support me and keep me company. Similarly, how those around me motivate me and keep my spirits up when I'm in doubt. I’m also thankful that despite some of my family’s hardships, I can sleep at night in the protection of my home and be with them every day. And lastly I am thankful to have been accepted into Baylor and UH as I still await responses from other universities.
Namisha Mithani
This Thanksgiving, I am extremely thankful for my family. My parents have always been there for me supporting me through every step of the way and loving me no matter what. I am so thankful for my mother who makes a thanksgiving dinner no one can beat. I am thankful for my father who works so hard day and night so that my family can live a happy life. I am thankful for my friends who are there for me when I need someone and shower me with lots of love. Lastly, I am thankful to God for blessing me with all what anyone would want.
Nicole Aguilar
4th Period
This thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my family and my parents for supporting me and every single day. I'm also thankful for my life and how privileged I am to be in a loving family and home where I can do mostly whatever I want, and have total freedom of what I do outside of school. Finally, I am thankful for the teachers at Elkins high school, for teaching me all I know and enhancing my learning every single day. I have a lot more to be thankful for, but I can't list everything, so I'll just say that these are the things I will be thankful for this thanksgiving.
I am very thankful for my family that has been with me every step of my life. I am also thankful for all the academic success I've had so far and the teachers that have guided me throughout the years. Finally, I am thankful for all the great people I was able to meet during the time I've been at Elkins.
Dennis Laison
2nd Period
Aneeka Khan
Period 4
This thanksgiving I'm thankful for living in America and the friends that I have made here. I'm also thankful for my family supporting me through tough times and supporting my educational choices. Lastly, I'm grateful that I changed and became the person that I am today.
Anu Thomas
Period 2
There are many things that I am thankful for. I am thankful for my friends and family who are there for me and support me when I need it most. I also thankful for all the oppourtinities that I have than millions around the world do not have access to, like healthy water, freedom of speech, education, and saniitation facilities. Lastly, I am thankful that I have a healthy and alive and well and I am thankful to God for all the blessings he has given me and for supporting me when I need it most.
Tess Matzakos
Period 2
During the break I was able to reflect on many things I am thankful for. I am very thankful for my family and friends who have always been there to support me consistently throughout my life. I am also thankful to be a part of the dance team which is like a second family to me and I'm grateful for my role as co-captain on the team. Lastly I am thankful for my health and well being and to have the opportunity to live in a place where I have endless opportunities and a good education.
I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful I am able to receive a proper education.
I am thankful for the opportunity to get a proper education and make something of myself. I am thankful for an ever-loving family and home. Lastly, I am thankful for my friends and the memories we harbor.
John Abraham
Period 6
I am thankful for many things in my life. Being able to go to a wonderful school with many great teachers such as my economics teacher is truly a blessing. I am thankful for my family back in New York and i am also thankful for all the friends i have here in Texas.
Wara Maknojia
Period 4
I have realized this break that I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for being able to receive proper education. I am thankful for the being able to have a place to live and to have a food on the table. But most importantly, I am thankful for the wonderful people in my life who are always there to support me no matter what. I don't know what I would do without them and I am really glad that they are a part of my life.
6th period
I am thankful for my health and my family's well-being. I am grateful to be in this land of many opportunities in which I have the choice to pave my own path. I am also thankful for all the people who have made me who I am today, whether it be my family, friends, mentors, teachers, or just anyone I have interacted with.
I am thankful for my family, more specifically my mother and sister. They accept me for who I am and push me to be the best that I can be. I am thankful for the teachers that I have because they are not stuck up and distant and really care about me and other students and our success.
Jithin Joy
Period 4
I am thankful for the time I get with my family and friends. I am thankful for all the opportunities I get. I'm also thankful for having a good home to go at the end of everyday.
Milen Thomas
Period 6
I am thankful for my family and friends who are always there to support me throughout everything that I face through in life and push me to be the best I can. I am thankful for my Church and having the faith that I do which helps me to be a better person throughout my life and finally,I am thankful for my health and well-being
I am thankful for my family who support me through the thick and thin. I am also very thankful for a place to live and food to eat. I am thankful for the good health that I am blessed with. I am also thankful for my church and a place to worship.
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