Sunday, September 27, 2015

Illegal Immigration; Not an Economic Debate

Check out this article by Jason Welker about the Economics of Illegal Immigration. It is a refreshing take on an issue that has gotten a great deal of publicity recently. What are your thoughts after reading the article? Is this different from what you have been hearing from both the Republicans and the Democrats lately? Leave your comments before Sunday at midnight.


Anonymous said...

Rolando Pineda, 4th period
I'm surprised by how beneficial illegal immigrants are for our economy, contrary to what many border control enthusiasts claim. From an economic standpoint, it would make more sense to simply leave them be than to try so hard to keep them out or kick out the ones already. It's amusing that neither the democrats nor the republicans have ever bothered to look at this debate from an economic perspective as opposed to the strictly political/ethical point of view that they have been rehashing for the past decade.

Unknown said...

Sarah Gosch, 2nd period

I found it interesting how the author of this article took the time to acknowledge the major opponents of his argument and used his refutation to strengthen his own argument. According to economics, increased immigration gives the US a comparative advantage when it comes to production. Interestingly enough, the author used statistics and logic as opposed to idealistic claims that are commonly used on both sides of the aisle.

Unknown said...

I found it interesting that this article stated in order to keep jobs in America that we should give it ones who are willing to do the jobs. According to this article, America has the greatest output in goods and service due to the fact that we are able to have these products produce at a low opportunity cost by immigrants who is willing to be paid low wages. Rather than stating political/ideal views politicians have, the author looks at immigration strictly from a economic view point.

Hannah Stone said...

Hannah Stone, 2nd Period
I thought it was interesting that the author points out the flaws in the counter argument that is seen in most political settings today. The author points out the benefits of immigration rather than sicking with the argument that immigration takes jobs and opportunities away from American-born citizens.

Meghna George said...

Meghna George Period 2
I thought the article was interesting because it showed the benefits of having immigration, even if it is illegal, and how it actually helps our economy. Even though in the news people make a big deal how illegal immigration affects the jobs of Americans, the author shows that is not necessarily true. The author also says how without illegal immigration America would probably not have some of the job opportunities our country has now, which I thought was interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanh Vo, 6th period

It is surprising how the US economy can withstand and even benefit from immigrant labor. While the diffusion of labor from low-wage countries to high-wage countries should theoretically be more accepted in a free market like America's, political media blows immigration out of proportion and convinces the public that it is an overbearing issue. For example, presidential candidates are continuously asked about the need for illegal immigrant deportation laws, legalization processes, and border control which exaggerates immigration issues. Welker states that in actuality, more immigrants are leaving the US rather than entering. All in all, I found the article to be very eye-opening and educational.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Hong Period 6

It is interesting how many Americans believe that illegal immigrants are tearing apart American society, when their labor is very beneficial to our economy by providing some job opportunities that the U.S. didn't have before. According to the article, several studies have shown that illegal immigrants do not put a downward pressure on American wage rates and it is shocking that many American's still decide to blame unemployment rates on them anyway.

Gabriel said...

Gabriel Martinez Period 2
This article is very intresting due to the author idea and concept of immigrants in the United States. He talks about the benefits of immigrants with jobs, wages, and the market. We should give the opportunity of labor to those who are welling to work. Some believe having illegal immigrants is only destroying our economy but other think differently.

Johan Johnson Period: 6 said...

This article is very interesting in that the author (Jason Welker) mentions that illegal immigrants are actually very beneficial to the economy of the United States. Research shows that these people put in more work, more passion onto their work than a normal citizen. He mentions that we as Americans should give these individuals an opportunity to live in this place- therefore they can prove to us that they are indeed worthy to settle here. Many Americans including me thought that immigrants are a hinderence to our economy; however the author proves it otherwise.. Both Democratic and Republican politicans are so prone to get rid of illegal immigrants. They should focus more on the economic advantages to this country rather than focus on political point of view.

Unknown said...

Vinit Shah-4th

I was surprised at the fact of how much the illegal immigrants benefit our country- specifically from a economic standpoint. If we removed all of them, there would be many jobs available, but most Americans would not take them, so we would either outsource or pay higher wages to people who do take those jobs, which ends up raising prices of everything and makes total income less for everyone.

Unknown said...

As it turns out illegal immigrants are bad for the economy; bad in respect that they take natives jobs therefore natives income, as well as corrupt the culture. An interesting point was brought up in this article sharing the ideas of Arizona and the law she passes separating immigrants from the natives stating that if an officer has even the slightest Inkling he is allowed to check the accused proof of status. Another interesting fact brought up was in regards to the anchor babies who are native born therefore automatically a citizen bit of mom or dad are illegal immigrants baby can anchor the parent causing many to plea unfair.

Mackenzie laird
Period 2

Ben Joel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben Joel said...

Benjamin Joel, 2nd Period
The article by Jason Welker is enlightening in the way it brings the attention of the reader to the hard working characteristics of immigrants. Democrats and Republicans overlook these characterisitics when debating about immigration. My personal view, immigrants who show clear passion to work hard and benefit the country as a whole should be allowed citizenship, has not been changed. Illegal immigrants are proven to be beneficial to our country and its economy, which should be considered by our politicians. The process of trying to remove illegal immigrants would cost us more money than what its worth and there will be many unwanted jobs with no one to fill them.

Anonymous said...

Veronica Wang
Period 6

Reading the portion where any person suspected of being an illegal immigrant having to present proof of citizenship makes me wonder about the room for legal discrimination that this clause allows. It leads to influential figures like Donald Trump to be able to openly discriminate upon immigrants from Mexican and garner a large amount of support. Much of the information is very different from what the media presents immigrant and migrant workers as. Many Americans see them as low class workers that are leeching off of America's prosperity and taking it away from those that "deserve it." This ignorance is caused by the failure to recognize what these works bring to our economy, and what it would be like if 1) they all entered legally, 2) what our economy would be like without these workers. This new point of view is refreshing after the one sided presentation of immigrants by the media.

Nicholas Singleton said...

As Americans we mainly see the negative impacts that immigrants have on our country; however, I like how this article points out the positives. Personally, I respect the determination that immigrants have to enter this country and become citizens, as the process is extremely challenging and takes many years to achieve. With laws such as the one in Arizona, immigrants are still seen as second-class citizens and do not gain the same respect from the general public. Ultimately, we should appreciate their willingness to provide valuable work to our nation. Furthermore, presidential candidates should realize their importance and provide legislature to make the process of becoming a legal immigrant easier, rather than attempting to force them out all together.

Ayesha Parvez said...

Ayesha Parvez 4th period

I really liked how the author of this article talked about illegal immigrants in a positive light. It is really sad to see most people in America, and certain presedential candidates, discriminating against them. Whether they are from Mexico or the Middle East, they come to the US and benefit A LOT to our economy. If somehow they all leave, sure we will have more jobs available, but most people wont take those jobs, since more illegal immigrants are the ones to have them. Without them, the economy will be bad and although they are illegally here, America should focus more on keeping them than kicking them out. Just like the article stated, America is the land of freedom and opportunity today, just like it was throughout history. It wouldn't be what it is today if we kept them out, ESPECIALLY when they are very beneficial to us.

Anonymous said...

Marcus Thompson
2nd period

As a person who has immigrants in there family this article was actually very eye oping. I have uncles, Aunts and cousins here from Spain and Germany, but when ever they say that they are immigrants from Europe they dont get as much "heat" from non-immigration advocates and are even admired for being so foreign. However when an immigrant illegal or dont say they are from Mexico or South America it is almost as if they receive a sort of 2nd class view from other American. It shouldn't be like this immigration is actually helping the economy by doing jobs that the average American wouldn't do thus creating a whole new market, enriching the economy. If Americans really wanted to stop immigrants from "taking" jobs that are supposedly already theirs, then they would be working those jobs not complaining about it.

Russell Wong said...

Russell Wong
Period 6
I found this article to be extremely intriguing considering the many viewpoints he give and justifications for his arguments. This article is thought provoking in the sense that he makes the complicated and outspoken of the words of politicians to be plain and simple. The facts laid out totally disproves the need to create such a fight over it on social media. If comparative advantage and people willing to do jobs so important then I don't understand why so many want them out. I thoroughly enjoyed this article for its simple insight into the missing facts that both Republicans and Democrats leave out when they try to advocate for further border control.

Anonymous said...

Matheus Menezes
6th period
As an immigrant to the U.S myself, this article made me face the issue more openly. It is a very different point of view than we, as immigrants, are usually presented with. It is reassuring to see that immigrants actually boost the economy instead of hindering it. I also like the point he made that immigrants do not just boost the economy, they are needed for its advance. It is also interesting to regard the fact that all economic arguments against immigrants are unfounded and that our political leaders have only political reasons to stop immigration. Very enlightening article.

Unknown said...

My favorite part of the article was when the author addressed the comments of the readers, which voiced some of my own concerns with the economic take on the illegal immigration argument. While the argument made is still political in its origin, whether to be more accommodating to immigrants or to step up the security around the borders, the economic perspective allows people to separate themselves from their political viewpoints and assess the problem objectively and see that immigration isn't a problem in of itself but something that we have created and believe to be a problem.

Unknown said...

Welker's article discusses an intriguing and disputable subject. He conveys that there are always going to be people who object and detest immigration, while there will be others who support and view it as productive. I agree with the fact that these illegal immigrants are more willing to preform the jobs that American are not willing to do. In that point of view, immigration is a beneficial need.

Anonymous said...

Haben Mikaele
Period 2

I think that this is a very written article about how illegal immigration isn't what many people think it is. It gives us a different perspective on how these immigrants are actually helping our economy, and not taking our jobs, and getting away without paying taxes. It is proven that they are helping our economy as seen by examples in Europe. This is very different from what Republican nominees have been saying recently, and I'm sure that Donald Trump wouldn't be too happy with this article. This should definitely be used as an argument to allow legal immigration.

Unknown said...

Sabrina James
2nd period
Honestly, the only real negatives I've heard from politicians seem vague and pretty baseless, so it was nice to see clear arguments and objective data. I appreciated the way the author broke it down simply: the fact is that labor will go where it is needed, and it's neither necessarily positive nor negative, but it does ultimately build up the productivity of the economy, which IS positive. The type of people who complain about immigrants "corrupting American society" or "taking American jobs" forget two things: a) American society is pretty much entirely built from immigrants and their descendants and b) most immigrants end up in lower-paying and lower-status type jobs that most American citizens with other options try to avoid, so it's not exactly a big competition. Honestly, someone putting in so much effort and taking such a big risk to come to another country where they don't know anyone and aren't familiar with the culture or language and work their butts off deserves the same respect or more as anyone else, and there's really no way to justify the incredibly harsh reactions they frequently get aside from thinly veiled racism.

Anonymous said...

Anna Lee
2nd period
As with a majority of other issues in America, politicians from both sides are basing their statements about illegal immigration and immigration in general without clarity. Their opinions for decreasing the volume of immigrants in America lacks a strong sense of reasoning. This article, however, clearly lays out facts and actual reasoning in not only an economical sense but also cultural and historical. It's refreshing to read about someone's opinion on immigration without having to pick out the parts of underlying prejudice. The article plainly says that if the jobs need to be done then they'll get done; many Americans have given up on job searching and depended on welfare even though they could uptake meager jobs. Ergo, immigrants aren't stealing jobs away from 'rightful' citizens. If anything, they reiterate and remind the world that America is and has always been a nation produced by immigrants, outcasts, and dreamers who hold the right for wanting a new life for themselves and their culture.

Kyle Newby Period 2 said...

After reading this article, I feel that there is more reason to not trust what politicians tell us. I have heard multiple times that illegal immigrants hurt our standard of living by lowering our wages but this article has finally shed some light on the truth. I agree that illegal immigration is only a problem because we are making it one. The United States government should spend its time and efforts on more important issues and focus on making the American Dream possible for everyone.

Hannah Kaplan 6th period said...

After reading this article I was able to see a different perspective on immigration in general. Yes, illegal immigrants take the jobs that us Americans do not want to do but there are also things I do not agree with in this article. Both the Democrats and Republicans are saying things on immigration that focus controlling the amount of immigrants that come to America. This article focuses more on the facts than opinion and it was interesting to read about the statistics as well. I really liked how the author answered the comments of the reader as well because you got to see different perspectives and how the author addressed those perspectives. It was nice to read an article with a different perspective and that the author was respectful of other perspectives.

Giovanny Dominguez said...

Giovanny Dominguez , 4th period
It is very surprising to see how immigrants are perceived as very horrid to the US economy , but actually they really aren't . Immigrants are actually helping the economy , they don't steal jobs , but actually do the jobs that many Anerican citizens won't even bother attempting to do . Also this articles states many facts that you never hear in political debates , like how immigration is decreasing rapidly , but yet politicians like Donakd Trump make it seem like they're coming in numbers of millions . The author does great with this article because he only focuses on the facts and not being prejudice , racist , or opionated .

Giovanny Dominguez said...

Giovanny Dominguez , 4th period
It is very surprising to see how immigrants are perceived as very horrid to the US economy , but actually they really aren't . Immigrants are actually helping the economy , they don't steal jobs , but actually do the jobs that many Anerican citizens won't even bother attempting to do . Also this articles states many facts that you never hear in political debates , like how immigration is decreasing rapidly , but yet politicians like Donakd Trump make it seem like they're coming in numbers of millions . The author does great with this article because he only focuses on the facts and not being prejudice , racist , or opionated .

Unknown said...

I'm DeMarcus Davis
6th Period

I found the article very informative of how there is a misperceptions about how illegal immigration affects the nation. The article was very good in explaining how immigrants actually positively affect our economy and nation as a whole. The fact that the author mentions how the nation can suffer in the future as a result of discouraging immigration and his response to the counterarguments against his own shed a very enlightening perspective on immigration and its effects. The article was very entertaining for me especially to hear a different aspect to the situation where many politicians are promoting their presidential campaigns on how they will do all these different things to limit and stop immigration if they're elected.

Unknown said...

I find the author's perspective very interesting and I agree with a lot of his points. The immigrants coming to our country aren't evil or trying to hurt us. They come here for the same reasons that we all came here. They want to find that opportunity that we Americans love to brag about. This is a country made by immigrants and the fact that there are those who think that these people should "go back to where they came from" is insulting to the ideas that this country was based on as well as hypocritical. It's disappointing that so many americans have taken this xenophobic approach due to the situations that these immigrants have had to go through. Some of these people are merely trying to escape the crime that many of our politicians are blaming them of bringing. Whether you like it or not, immigration is a part of the fabric of this country and the best approach to this is not to shun them with angry crowds and bigoted language but rather to embrace them and help them get accustomed to this new environment because it will help us all in the long run.

Unknown said...

This is pretty similar to what I've been hearing from republicans and how they view immigrants as people who just left their countries for a better life in the U.S. This article makes me wonder just how many people come here in search of a new and better life but don't actually achieve it. It makes me wonder what hardships legal immigrants face because people sometimes lump both legal and illegal immigrants together and automatically assume these immigrants go on welfare rather than work their tails' off to make a living to provide for their families.

Jenny Dyess
Period 2

sfvfdfv said...

Maria Francis
Period 6
This article was very enlightening because it made some very good points about immigration that I had never thought of. From what I have seen in the media, it is completely different. The media portrays illegal immigration as a bad thing that causes unwanted effects on the economy and causes the loss of jobs from american citizens. This article made it very clear that labor travels to places that need it and if it is allowed to proper naturally then it benefits both countries. It would only make the US economy stronger and its output greater. These ideas really opened my eyes to the other perceptive of illegal immigration that is different from what the media, republicans and democrats have portrayed.

Joyce Varughese said...

Joyce Varughese
Period 6

I found this article interesting as it cleared a popular misconception concerning the relationship between illegal immigration and the unwanted effects on the economy. This article presents an argument for a reform in illegal immigration policy which allows for freer movement across the borders for those who are looking for jobs, allowing for an osmosis like effect. In relation to the Democratic and Republican parties, the Democrats want to bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows and their platform calls for a reform in illegal immigration laws. The Republican's platform wants to prevent illegal immigrants from entering into the labor force.

Anonymous said...

Maya Ewens
2nd Period

I did not know how much Immigration affected the economy. I have heard a lot of how immigrants "take" people's jobs and buy a lot of houses making it more difficult for Americans. Although I had a neutral stance on illegal and legal immigration, this article helped educate me that we need immigrants more than we know. Instead of their being an outflow of capitol, Immigrants help keep it in by providing their labor. They also help jobs that do not have enough workers or do not have workers that are willing to work. I also did not know that illegal immigration barely affects American citizens. This article helps give a better perspective on illegal immigration instead of Republicans and Democrats stating how horrible it is.

Angela Gantt said...

Period 4

Reading the article made me realize and think more about the positives of immigration that are not talked about by Republicans and Democrats today. Some people believe that a large amount of immigrants are illegally entering the United States at a rapid rate, bringing crime and unemployment with them, but this article showed me that that is not the case. Immigration rates have actually fallen drastically and many immigrants come to America seeking new opportunities rather than just fleeing from persecution. I thought the articles viewpoint of immigrants stealing jobs was also very interesting. Many people believe that immigrants are stealing the jobs of Americans, but jobs then by immigrants are mostly jobs that Americans are not willing to take. I liked this article because it clarified many misconceptions made about immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Madison Bettis
6th period

I found this article very enlightening as it puts a positive and much needed perspective on an topic that usually attracts negative attention. The article goes into all the benefits of immigration on the economy and the mistake of thinking negatively on immigration that many Americans seem to fall toward. The points the author made were very interesting in regards to his take on how the US government should make immigration an easier process in order to benefit the economy and labor force.

Karen Kurian (6th Period) said...

I learned about illegal immigration in a few different classes - both the pros and the cons, but this article did share a few more points that I was not previously aware of. I think both the Democratic and Republic sides exaggerate many reports on illegal immigration. There are an abundant amount of problems that follow with both increased measures of keeping illegal immigrants out and a welcome-all immigration policy. The author of this article believes immigrants are a needed function in America and while I mostly agree, I still am mainly neutral over the topic of illegal immigration.

Aadesh Brahmbhatt said...

Aadesh Brahmbhatt
6th Period

Indians are ranked as the most successful immigrant group in America, which is why I often roll my eyes when hearing claims about immigrants hurting the country. Thus, I was glad when the article pointed out the fact that labor flows. By providing abundant opportunities, America is able to attract talented and skilled individuals from around the world, which can only help our country. That being said, I still believe that illegal immigration is a problem that should be fixed since it is unfair to those who enter legally. Overall, The article was very informative and easy to understand in this aspect. However, the article does not seem to address the economic implications of asylum seekers, which was disappointing since the European refugee crisis is going on right now.

Unknown said...

Charith Wijeyesekera
6th Period

I found it fascinating that illegal immigration has the exact opposite effect than what is portrayed by the media. The fact that illegal immigration helps the U.S. was quite surprising, but the fact about the movement of labor was even more thought-provoking for me. Just by blocking out illegal immigrants, the U.S. could effectively spell its own destruction. Both parties seem to ignore the benefits of illegal immigrants and focus on whether we should kick the illegal immigrants out or reform immigration law to help immigrants.

Shreya narayan said...

I thought this article really clarified the misconceptions on immigrant flow in America. Not only does the article prove the natural flow of immigrants are decreasing, but it also sets the idea of immigration in a new light. Certain politicians against "illegal immigration" argue with virtually no foundation and neglect the fact that immigration is a positive addition to the economy. This article justifies the need for less prejudice towards the illegal aspect of immigration and refers to an "osmosis" of labor that benefits both countries. The author welcomes immigration with open arms- a stark contrast to politicians who make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Alexis Zamora... Alpha:) said...

I personally found this article very interesting as it addressed the controversial issue of immigration by showing how immigration is beneficial and simply a natural economic proceeding. By showing data and statistics of the decreasing amount of immigration in the country, it opened my eyes in that it may be a problem that many are fabricating in their mind despite its actual effects. This side of immigration is generally not brought forth in political debate and is a refreshing take on illegal immigration.

Seyi Soyebo said...

I found this article extremely interesting because it spells a new way to view illegal immigrants in the economy. It opened my eyes to how we view them and how we should handle our immigration policy. Immigrants shouldn't be viewed as problems to the economy. Rather than, they should be seen as benefits too it

Michael Enyioma said...

Michael Enyioma
4th Period
This article is very informative on the topic of illegal immigration. I do agree that the influx of undocumented immigrants do have a negative influence on the U.S. economy and it replaces American workforce to give lower paying jobs to them. But I also do believe that these countries where immigrants are coming from are not doing enough in their country to where people have to flee in order to live a better life. If the U.S. and these particular countries were to come together to help each other, then will there be any change.

Unknown said...

Illegal immigrant have a positive and negative outcome on society. They are very beneficial. Without the idea of them basically not having to pay taxes I still think it's a good thing to have him here for help with jobs that most Americans are too lazy to do.

Unknown said...

Jillian Sara Gicana
6th period

I found this article to juxtapose how the media portrays immigration. Politically, many see that immigration is a problem that needs to be controlled and stopped. But economically, there are many advantages and benefits. In my eyes, immigrants should be able to have an economic opportunity due to effort they put in to come to America. Without them, America's economy would drastically fall.

Julia Mathew said...

Julia Mathew
period 2
I liked how this article gave a different view of how immigrants impact our country in a more beneficial way than immigrants are usually depicted. I found it interesting how the article pointed out that the amount of immigrants going out is more than the amount of immigrants coming in because I feel like a lot of people do not know that. Some political parties have portrayed immigration as completely bad because they are only focusing on negative things rather than how they can help our country economically.

Unknown said...

Paige Price
4th Period

This article clearly points out the topic of immigration. The author discusses the negative side and positives side of illegal immigration and the fact that illegal immigration is not an economic issue it is a political issue.

Carly Freker- 6th Period said...

Although this article has opened my eyes to all the benefits that immigration can have on the economy of our nation, I still firmly believe that ILLEGAL immigration needs to be handled better than it currently is. If people from foreign countries want to come to America, then I believe the only just way is for them to follow the correct legal steps to enter our country. Only then will the United States truly benefit from immigration.

Unknown said...

Noah Moussoki
2nd Period

This article highlighted the benefits of immigration. Surprisingly, the United States is now seeing more people migrate out more than migrate in. Most politicians don't like immigration but they need to understand that that is one of the consequences of having a successful economy.

Anonymous said...

Ulises Osorio 2nd period

this article enlightened me to the fact that illegal immigration actually benefits our country economically. immigrants take jobs that most Americans would not. although the down side to immigration is the fact that they may not always pay taxes. politicians may make it seem that all illegal immigration is a bad thing, but despite this, i still believe illegal immigration has an overall positive influence on our country.

Hannah Reyes said...

Upon reading this article, my viewpoint on immigration mostly was just based on what I hear politicians regularity complain about. Illegal immigrants "steal" job opportunities from American residents and therefore raise the unemployment rate, they are draining Americans' hard-earned money through taxes that pay for their welfare, ect. The article definitely has changed my perspective on the whole debate. If immigration is looked at as simply the natural flow of labor to where it is most demanded, immigration is not a problem. Those who immigrate here are actually helping the economy because they are willing to work the jobs at a lower price than the original residents in this country would normally do. In fact, the immigration rate is actually now negative, meaning there are more people leaving America than entering it. They are starting to recognize that the demand for their services are not as high as before in the US.

Unknown said...

Tiffany Chan
4th Period

The article definitely sheds light on different perspectives of this issue. I like how the author addressed the economic part of immigration. The author's comments on this issue is different from what I have heard in the media from the views of Republicans and Democrats. Although some illegal immigrants come in search of economic opportunities, I still believe that they should follow the rules set for gaining citizenship first.

Anonymous said...

The article is definitely different than what I've been hearing. Usually, politicians just talk about immigrants taking Americans' jobs. The article proved that immigration is actually economically beneficial and stated that immigration has actually decreased, which is surprising.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave my name...

David Edquilang
Period 6

The article is definitely different than what I've been hearing. Usually, politicians just talk about immigrants taking Americans' jobs. The article proved that immigration is actually economically beneficial and stated that immigration has actually decreased, which is surprising.

Unknown said...

Imani Windom
2nd Period
What piqued my interest about this article is the substantial economic benefits granted by immigration that are typically ignored in Republican debates, which makes me question,'what is the real reason they don't want immigrants here?' Are the politicians who are suppose to better our society as a whole truly ignorant to this data, or do they have ulterior motives?
However, the article did remind me of how Democrats talk a lot about the Melting Pot that is America. Part of what makes America so great and so unique is the history of being a land of salvation and opportunity. The author definitely shines a light on hypocrisy in America.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


This article opened my eyes to what's actually going on with illegal immigrants, but that doesn't change the fact that they are illegal immigrants who have basically cheated their way to the US . And I believe it's not fair for those who went through the process and did it legally. This article also helped me open up my eyes to what politicians are saying most of them according to this article would be wrong about the immigration problem. I think its most likely the media's fault for blowing something like immigration out of proportion just to make it a hot topic to talk about. All in all immigration is great but illegal immigrants need to be handled in a better way.

Anonymous said...

Timothy Chang, 4th period
I found this article interesting in that it looks at immigration from a global economic standpoint, not just a political one. Since the "invisible hand" will naturally allow labor to flow from where there is a low demand to where there is a high demand, there is no need to construct higher walls along the border as some Republican politicians suggest. Furthermore, if we continue making it harder to immigrants to come, capital will just be exported to those countries and our economy would decline as a result.

Unknown said...

Karina Harris 4th period

I never cared about the imigration thing honestly. To me it was like "the more merrier." Honestly the anchor baby thing drives me insane, It's really upsetting that families rely on these babies to get in the U.S. it's not fair to thoes who go through the long process with the papers and the lawers ect. personally i think that the anchor babbies thing along with the other "strategies" in getting into the U.S. need to be controlled. let imigrants in (after all, all americans are imigrants) but do it in an orderlly fashion.

Isabelle Tzeng ; 6th said...

I feel like these days, the topic of immigration has been more widely discussed due to Donald Trump's call for a stop to illegal immigration. However, in the article, I found that it was interesting that it says the media has been greatly exaggerating the numbers of illegal immigrants. It was shown that the numbers had dropped. This was news to me since I've always believed that illegal immigrants were everywhere, since I've seem so many of them wandering around the streets of Houston looking for work. However, I do have to agree with the author's point that by making it harder for immigrants to enter doesn't really protect American jobs. This seems to be true since most immigrants do not seem to have the same skill levels as most Americans that grew up in America.

Anonymous said...

Katy Kaiser
Period 6

The article is interesting because it sees immigration at a purely economic standpoint, entirely different from the highly politically charged views that we get from Republicans and Democrats. It makes sense that having more immigrants moves the jobs to those willing to do them. Personally, I've always thought it was strange that people insist that illegal immigrants or immigrants in general are 'taking our jobs' when in this modern day, most people aren't willing to work long hours in the sun to mow lawns or work in factories for extended periods of time without a huge pay check increase. Which, in an economic standpoint, makes no sense considering manual labor is a less specialized task, and therefore, gets less income because more people are able to do it. I don't know. Personally, unless Americans want to stop progression, immigrants will continue 'taking out jobs' even if in the long run, they're just doing the things we aren't willing to do. Most debates simply see the shift in who's getting what job, and see it as a bad thing without seeing how the US has changed. It just seems ignorant to me to not try to see all the perspectives.

Unknown said...

Socially, this article references the image that the United States has of being "free" and "a land of opportunity" yet we prohibit those who are in dire need of freedom and opportunity from receiving any. The country was built and created by immigrants, an obvious assessment, but we shut out those who seek the benefits of our creation. I appreciate the articles awareness of this fact. Likely, the article mentions the idea that immigrants not only provide labor, they also can provide revenue and innovation, all necessary for the expansion of the economy.

Unknown said...

Camdyn Brocail-Period 4

After reading the article, I liked how it gave a more positive view on immigration. Normally it has many negative connotations, but this article highlights how immigrants benefit the economy and how important they are to it. I was unaware of the fact the more immigrants leave America than enter. This piece was definitely different from what I hear from both Republicans and Democrats these days.

Unknown said...

Nabeel Momin 4th

After reading this article I can see how immigrants are actually helping the economy then hurting it. Unlike what all the politicians say. They are the ones that help the economy because they're the ones that take the jobs that most people don't end up doing. They also do the jobs for less then the residents here. Without this our economy would change tremendously.

Unknown said...

What I liked about this article is it gave a very positive outlook on a very controversial and negatively connotated subject. Illegal immigrants should stay, in my opinion, because they do jobs that no one wants. When people say that there are no jobs, that's not true. People are just too lazy to do something physical. I believe illegals increase the ouput of the economy tremendously. My only wish was that they would do their proper dues like the rest of America and pay everything they need to pay. I don't know much about politics but I know that Trump wants them out which I oppose.

Unknown said...

Quentin Collins-2nd period

After reading this article, my opinion is that immigrants actually help the economy rather than hurt it. Jobs that are not very high in demand like lawn care or cunstruction laborers are taken by immigrants. Without them, we would not have our basic necessities like shelter. Those who view immigrants as a negative factor in the economy have not taken into account that if we were to deport them, we would have to find people to fill the spots of those unwanted jobs.

Unknown said...

Tea Thomas
This article shines a positive light on a subject that in retrospect has been debated over for years. Immigration is seen as something that does not benefit our country and what was interesting about this article is that it raises awareness of the good that it does for our economy. I agree that immigration allows for the pursuing of low wage jobs that are necessary for the flow of the economy that US citizens are not willing to do and I liked that the author brought a note to this. In order to be successful as a country and stay true to our reputation of a "free land" it is necessary to allow immigrants in w more opening arms instead of building up walls and threatening their freedom in order to keep them out.

Unknown said...

This article completely spanked Trump's idea of, "building a wall", by providing evidence that illegal immigrants are not neccesarily degrading for the economy. With ideas explaining how illegal immigrants are willing to work for cheaper wages, illegal immigration is mutually beneficial for business owners and investors. However, negative for those looking for employment, as illegal immigrants willingness to work for cheaper pay, also makes business owners expecting of cheap laborers, which could potentially drive down minimum wage. Thus, I do believe illegal immigration should be stopped over time, but an immediate solution is not necessary nor vital to sustaining economic prosperity

Andrew Olson said...

The article gave publicity to illegal immigration for a completely different reason that today's politicians do. It tried to highlight the positives that come from illegal immigration and tell you that immigration was not an economic issue at all. Maybe it's how the press presents the subject, but even after reading this article, I will still see illegal immigration as an economic issue. The article presents statistics that illegal immigration is going down and that illegals are leaving the country faster than they are entering. What these statistics fail to incorporate is that once an illegal immigrant has a child, the child is now a U.S. citizen. So really, the more likely reason is that some of the earlier waves of immigrants that started families are now dying. More than two-thirds of the 11 million immigrants don't even have a high school diploma, that's a little more than 7 million people. 7 million is also around the number of unemployed people in the U.S., meaning clearing out illegal immigrants could actually help the economy and open up more jobs.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Phu
Period 2

This article disproves a single misconception that most Americans believe: illegal immigrants are taking over American jobs. This article proves how the news and media has drastically increased the number of illegal immigrants entering this country from those that actually are. Furthermore, the jobs they are taking Americans have a preference not to do since most of the work is manual labor. Illegal immigrants are taking the jobs that Americans don't want to work and these same Americans are complaining about the job loss.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting to finally see a piece over illegals with positive effects they can cause to our country. It was a very nice comparison to use osmosis to show how immigration can be viewed rather than "they are here to sell drugs and cause crime viewpoints" viewpoint. In how this compares to what politicians view, I would say that it is much more informative and competent. While this article uses common sense and economic terms to describe what the author believes, politicians tend to just cater to there audiences of mostly their donors.
Tim Cummins

Unknown said...

Stanie Clement
2nd Period
This article proves that illegal immigration is not hurting the U.S. economy, but rather it is helping fill up jobs which are not high in demand. Also, media is over emphasizing illegal immigration's effects on the economy because statistics presented in the article show that these immigrants do not result in mass job loss. Although security measures to prevent such cases would be ideal, it would be better to turn a cold shoulder to these subjects considering that is beneficial for the economy.

Chris Thottasseril Per.2 said...

After reading this article, the first thing that came to my mind was the illegal immigration policies of Donald Trump. What is said in this article disproves Trump's and supports it with facts. Most of what is said about immigration in this article argues both sides of the matter an takes into perspective the immigrants and also the poor Americans as well. Most of what is portrayed of immigration is greatly influenced by media and facts like this is needed to show both sides of the matter and then let people decide.

Anonymous said...

Arun Christopher
2nd Period
The article was very interesting, and it cleared up misconception about illegal immigration. Many Americans think that the population of illegal immigration is growing in number while in reality the population has decreased, and the number of illegal immigrants coming in the country have gone down as well. The articles also highlights the fact that the problem of illegal immigrants is more of a political issue than an economic issue.

Amber Muhammad said...

This article takes a positive perspective on how illegal immigrants affect our country, rather than the negative. Typically, you would hear the negative parts of immigrants in the United Sates rather than the positive. In this article, I became aware of the fact that there are more immigrants that leave the United States rather than entering it. Many politicians do not portray how immigrants actually help our economy; rather they speak about how they negatively affect it. This article was an eye opener to both sides of immigrants being a part of the United States.

Unknown said...

Kevin Koruthu. 2nd Period
This article gives the average American much needed information on the hot topic of illegal immigration. Many people in today's society see immigrants as a negative as they are outsiders. But this article shows just how much we need these outsiders to help our economy. The contribution of immigrants towards the American economy has gone overseen in the election's discussion. The main politicans that have taken a stance on this topic have completely focused the political correctness of immigrants, and whether we should allow them in when they don't even look at how dependent we are on these immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Stricklin Snyder
The idea that immigration is damaging the economy is one that many people accept as fact. This article helps stand up to that misconception. Politicians attempt to use immigrants as easy points toward their campaign to show that they want to keep America American. Gaining passage into a country is not an easy task either. It takes months or even years to gain citizenship, and then be rejected a job. Should these people, who are so hardworking, be refused admission to a country that would benefit from their hard work?

Anonymous said...

Jonah Yu 2nd
This was a fairly interesting read. Although I dont know much about this controversial topic, I can say I learned from this article. It was interesting to say the least to see a view on the positive side of this issue. The statistics and the way he talked of the issue made me think over the stupid views politicians tend to send out and infect us with.

Beauty_DayjaRay said...

Dayja Mathews

What I read in the article is similar to the actions of the Republican candidates that are currently running however, it's different from their words. For example, Donald Trump's family are German immigrants and he's married to one, which shows he believes that they're benefits to them, but he's trying to get rid of them. Both parties fail to look at immigrants in all aspects. In reality, immigrants have benefited the country more than hindered. The only negative claim that the Republicans can argue is that they're taking over America and are trying to take over are jobs however they have no evidence to support it. This article explains how immigrants benefit the economy through factual evidence.

Unknown said...

This article is refreshing in its positive outlook on immigration. It frustrates me to constantly hear politicians bark about how immigration is ruining this country and taking jobs from our people. Being an American and against immigration is completely hypocritical, as this country was founded and built by immigrants from many countries. Immigrant workers contribute in great ways to this economy, and should be protected.

Unknown said...

I found the article engaging. Immigration is made as a completely negative thing that is only there to ruin the country and leave us unemployed. Though the view in the article was switched from only the negatives of immigration to a view of the positives that the immigrants contribute to america and the economy.

Amber Muhammad said...

I found this article interesting because it addressed the issue of immigration by showing how it is beneficial and a natural economic proceeding. Through providing evidence by showing data and statistics of the decreasing amount of immigration in the country, it shocked me to learn that the problem could be coming from ideals rather than actual effects. This side is usually not presented as many people only look at one side.

Anonymous said...

I thought this article was very interesting because I found out things that I didn't even know about the issue of immigration. Usually you only hear negative things about immigration, but this article shows that there are positive things that come from it. This article shows that there are benefits from immigration, instead of saying that they're just taking all of our jobs and making us unemployed.