Check out this game created by the Federal Reserve. It deals with exactly what we are studying right now, monetary policy. The game puts you in the position of the Fed Chairman, and you must manipulate interest rates in order to balance unemployment and inflation. Click on the learn more button before playing. Investigate the Fed Toolkit and the other items in the help section. After this play the game. Give me a short summary of your strategy and how it went.
I tried to keep the Federal funds rate between unemployment and inflation. it worked pretty well until The bitter end. the inflation rate soared and it was about 2.87 percent in the end. Unemployment on the other was well under 5 percent . It end up being in between 2 and three percent.
Nevin Thomas
Period 2
Around the 5 quarter the unemployment and inflation rates were around the targets, I alternated keeping the inflation rate to target then the unemployment rates to target which worked well, in the end though my inflation rate became a little lower than the target (1.5) but unemployment was around 5.
Paul Stallings
Period 2
My strategy was to keep alternating the federal funds rate above and below the inflation rate. This worked for a short period of time though. Throughout the whole game, my employment rate was very low, it was around 2%. However, my inflation rate began to rise at a steady rate towards the later quarters.
Patrick Stallings
Period- 4
My strategy was to keep the funds rate somewhere in between the inflation and unemployment rate. This worked pretty well and kept both rates around the normal line. My inflation rate rose a little over the two percent and my unemployment rate rose a little over the five percent. All in all the economy was decent when i was in charge.
Aadithya Srivatsav
4th period
I attempted to curb unemployment rate by having low federal fund rates at first. However, even though my unemployment never went below or about 4.25%, my inflation was seemingly too high. This would lead to my downfall as inflation ballooned up to 6 and even 7 my first time.
I really don't understand this game at all. First, I tried to go against what the newspaper expected, which only increased unemployment and dropped inflation rate into the negatives. I'm pretty sure this is all wrong. Second, I got my unemployment and inflation rates to look like DNA, so I got fired before the last term because I decided to do exactly what the newspapers expected and recommended, which only resulted in polar rates to solve, which is impossible for me. Third, I'm reappointed because I let the economy fix itself, which only ever lowered inflation to much, so I had to raise the rates, which unemployment a little bit as the stock market crashed, so I'm improving! Lastly, because the game is kind of boring, I tried to let the economy fix itself while following the recommendations in the newspaper, which kind of kept everything steady until the stock market crashed and inflation decreased, so when inflation increased, unemployment decreased near their stability, but I was still reappointed. It's a good thing I'm not emotionally attached to this game because I am an absolute terrible Federal Reserve Chairman (nothing can be stable constantly, so people just help themselves, not necessarily the economy, so this job is like a dead end in this game).
Amy Krauhs
Period 4
At first, I tried slightly increase federal funds, which increased the inflation rates, but lowered the unemployment rates. I kept on with this until the unemployment rate was slowly, but steadily declining, but the inflation rate was dramatically rising. To compensate, I decreased federal funding to 2%. The unemployment rate was still declining, but now the inflation rate was going through roof. Then I dramatically increased federal funding to 8% to compensate, but neither of rates had seemed to change their course. I changed the rates rates back and forth every quarter, high and low, until the end of the game. Not surprisingly, I was dismissed.
My strategy was to keep the federal funds rate in between the blue and red dashed lines. When the energy crisis occurred, I pushed the federal funds rate to 16%, and it helped the inflation rate to return back to 2 percent, however unemployment began rising sharply. I quickly reverted to my old strategy, and everything turned out fine again.
Nima Faegh
Bethany Williams, Period 2
My strategy was to not increase or decrease the federal funds rate too much. If something bad had popped up at the end of a quarter, I would increase the funds rate, and if that seemed to decrease inflation and unemployment, I would drop it down by .25. I was able to keep unemployment pretty stable, ending at 4.26%, but inflation was a lot harder to manage. It never spiked too high but I ended at 2.52% , not the best, but not the worst either.
Nikhil Njaravelil, Period 4
Well the main strategy is to keep the inflation from following too low due to the various obstacles popping up as it is less volatile than the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is more prone to change, and so it is much easier to manipulate as compared to inflation, but this also means it's harder to keep in check as it rapidly goes up or down dependent on actions. For lowering or increasing unemployment it is best to make minimal changes, while when inflation needs to be changed higher changes need to be made. So all in all it is best to find a middle ground between the two.
Kiana Anthony-Poindexter
6th Period
I'll admit to trying out a round at first to see how the game itself operated. After I figured the mechanics, I was able to manage the unemployment and inflation rate to decent numbers. Although, in the end, I still manage to lose my pace and ended up with an extreme unemployment rate as well as an untamed inflation for the nation.
Timothy Krauhs
Period 6
I tried just testing the federal funds by following the guides need to lower inflation and unemployment. It was descent work for most of the game. I did finish my term with an unemployment rate of 3.16% and a inflation rate of 5.82% which would become a future problem that would be left to the next chairmen.
After several times, it became kinda simple to match the federal funds to lower inflation rates. For example, I would increase federal funds highly when the interest rates were sloping upward and decreased federal funds to keep unemployment rate low. In the end, I reached the recommendations for both limits. Alternating between high federal funds and low federal funds every two-three quarters seemed to work for me.
Chris Sani
Period 4
Personally I kinda just screwed around with the intrest rates and saw what it did to the economy as a whole. It was pretty fun but caused me to be dismissed to to either high inflation or high unemployment.
Jacqueline Gann
Period 2
My strategy was to try and not increase/decrease the federal funds rate too much as well as frequently changing between raising and lowering it. This worked near the beginning of the game, but near the last few quarters the inflation rate plummeted below 1% and attempts to recover increased unemployment.
Renuka Gondi
4th period
First, I just experimented with the game and tried to find one method that would work. After many failed attempts of doing this, I decided to actually read the instructions/suggestions! This helped me very little though because every time I started with a high interest rate, there was some headline(dollar value increase and dollar value decrease)which would bring down the interest rate terribly and hike up unemployment rates. Then I would desperately try to fix the situation by moving interest rates up and down, but it did not work. The closest I got to perfect interest rate and unemployment was 2.35% interest rate and 5.19% unemployment rate.
Justin Hoang
6th Period
My strategy was to keep the federal funds rate low, then increasing it once unemployment rate was high. The strategy worked but at times it did the opposite of what I wanted it to do.
Brian Huynh
Period 4
In my first game, I played around with it, to learn what federal fund rate does to unemployment and inflation. Increasing federal fund rate lowers inflation but will push unemployment higher. Decreasing federal fund rate increases inflation but will lower unemployment. In the beginning of the quarters, I increase federal fund rate to 5%, unemployment decreased but inflation was exponentially increasing. So, I set an unchanged rate of 3%, and my inflation and unemployment rates were close to the recommended percent. The lines went outward and then inward after my 3% strategy to move the lines recommended values.
For the first few quarters I was doing fine at keeping the unemployment rate and inflation rate at around their desirable percentages, but then it just spiraled out of control. The inflation rate refused to move up even though I was moving the federal funds rate everywhere. In the end, it just got out of hand and nothing I did could fix it unfortuantely.
Jeffrey Zhou
6th period
Laura Luo pd 4
At first the game went by well with the inflation rate being at a constant 2% and unemployment dropping slowly. However, the trend changed once there was a oil crisis which the prices went up. I tried fixing the problem, by dropping the federal fund rates and it worked to a certain extent. Then, the whole graph went crazy and interest rates slowly rose again. I redid the game again and still the same problem emerged again: the interest rates kept going upwards. Following the newspaper article is very helpful in counteracting the rising interest rates. Now, I know that I will not be the Fed Chairman because I'll probably be fired!
Jocelyn Dang
6th Period
My strategy in this game was to slightly raise the federal fund rates to counter the inflation rate, while still keeping the unemployment rate around 5%. However, despite my intentions, once the oil crisis hit, inflation rates soared, and no matter how much I adjusted the federal fund rates, inflation soared. The unemployment rate remained where I wanted it to be though!
Tosin Olabinjo
4th period
While playing this game I made sure to keep a close eye on the graphs. My priority the first time around was to keep unemployment low and then, then it was at a reasonable level, get inflation low. However, since the actions to solve these to problems counteract each other I often ended up switching my focus to the other goal too late. Trying to keep both inflation and unemployment stable rather than trying to get either extremely low seemed to work best for me.
In reality I tried a bunch of things, and I didn't really have a way or set method. The best moment I had at the game was at the eighth quarter when I made the federal funds rate four. The unemployment rate was very low and the headlines read "inflation ok". For the most part I always tried to keep the federal funds rate higher than the unemployment rate but lower than the inflation rate and some how it worked out.
-Jenifer Galan
Sherin Johnson
6th period
While playing the game I mostly analyzed the effects of how increasing and decreasing the federal funds rate affected the unemployment and inflation rate. When you lower the federal funds rate you increase the inflation and decrease unemployment and when you raise federal funds rates you decrease inflation and increase unemplyment. This inverse relationship between the two didn't make it easier to balance the unemployment and inflation rate and in the end of the game my unemployment rate was stable but my inflation rate was really high.
Akintunde Sowunmi
4th period
My strategy at the beginning was to keep everything as balanced as possible, and i tried to do that by not changing the fund rate for the first 3-4 quarters. Then i started trying to balance getting the target rate of inflation by make the fund rate well above the rate when it was high. I tried to also juggle the unemployment rate and make it go down and I made the fund rate go less when it was low. I ended up with getting 4.85% of unemployment rate and 1.17% of inflation rate.
Rachel Chang
2nd period
At first the game went pretty well. I tried not to change the federal funds rate too much, and when I did, I analyzed how increasing or decreasing it changed level of unemployment and inflation. I was able to keep inflation close to 2% but towards the end, it seemed to go out of control. The inflation would dip so low that it was in the negatives, and I didn't know how to fix it. In the end, as expected, I was fired from the chairman position.
I tried to just not do anything at first then there was an oil shortages. I lowered the federal funds rate to try and get unemployment up. After the unemployment started to gradually go down, i had to fix the inflation so I put the funds back to the starting position. This strategy was somewhat successful although the inflation did end up being a little high.
Steve Philip
6th Period
Jacob John
My strategy was to lower the Federal funds rate at 0% all the way and wait till the end for when it was ready to bring the rates up and put them at 19%. This plan obviously failed and I didn't make the parameters causing me to be dismissed.
Jesse Avila
At first, I played the game once to see what should I expect. Also, the newspaper headlines give you somewhat of a clue of what you should do. My main strategy was to pay attention to any trends that slowly arise and counteract it with somewhat small to moderate, effective change in the federal funds rate. As for sudden changes such as a stock market crash or energy crises, I did drastic changes to the federal funds rate and slightly lower or rise it over quarters to stabilize it.
KAren George
6th period
I kept the federal funds rate low because it was keeping inflation low and unemployment rates as well. Then everything started increasing so I increased and decreased the federal funds rate to see if it would bring everything back down as it started shooting up. That strategy did not work as I was fired at the end due to high inflation.
Cecil Sabu
Period 4
My strategy was to follow the instructions on the side. If unemployment got too high, I lowered the interest rate to around the inflation rate. If inflation rate got too high, I increased the interest rate to well above the unemployment rate. This strategy caused the inflation rate to skyrocket, but in the end, both rates were around their normal rates: Unemployment at 5.3% and Inflation at 1.98%.
Christian Do
Period 4
My strategy was to alternate between periods of low and high federal fund rates based on the trends of rising or falling inflation and unemployment levels. It took so quirking out to do and what level to stabilize at, but in the end I was reappointed as my policies give good economic recovery. My unemployment was in the low 4's and my inflation was around the high 2's but it was very close to where it was supposed to fall.
Luke Emery
Period 6
The strategy I used was to maintain the funds rate so that it stayed between the inflation and unemployment rates. It worked decently for a short while, and stayed around normal. Inflation rate just barely rose, coming over 2%; and unemployment rose just a tad, getting over 5%. The economy went pretty well under me. I'm the best.
My strategy was to follow the red and blue lines. Not to go over or under too much. It was much harder than expected.Keeping at those expected values is very difficult I could not get it to do that no matter what I did and I eventually ended with a very high inflation.
Amitabha Mitra
6th Period
Lillian Nguyen
Period 2
My strategy was to increase the federal funds rate whenever inflation kept increasing, but I went well over the inflation rate. Then, I will wait out a bit, but the unemployment rate would increase so I would decrease the federal funds rate. The unemployment rate went well under. Throughout the game, I just increased and decreased the federal funds rate dramatically.
Amy Nguyen
6th Period
At first, I tried to keep the Federal Funds rate between inflation and unemployment. Then, that didn't work, so I changed the Federal Funds Rate drastically to attempt to fix the drastic deflation rate. It slowly worked and the inflation rate was 0.81% and unemployment was 4.5%. However, I end up getting fired my first term, as expected.
Annie Jiang
Period 4
My strategy was to keep the Federal Funds rate in between the inflation and unemployment rate (2-5 %); I tried to keep it around 3% because it would set the inflation and unemployment rate just a little higher than it should be, so there won't be a severe rise in a specific category.
Cameron Molfetto
Period 4
Throughout the game I attempted to keep the federal funds rate anywhere between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. This worked decently well and my economy was stable. However, my unemployment rate rose above 5 percent and the inflation rate rose over 2 percent.
Minh Le
4th Period
YO. This game is rigged. So the idea is to not make any drastic policy changes to avoid a recession and run away deflation/inflation. However, THERE IS ALWAYS THAT ONE NATURAL DISASTER THAT DESTROYS PRICES AND MAKES YOUR ENTIRE ECONOMY CRY ITSELF A RIVER. Then you have to go against everything you were taught and leave your interest rate at a big ol' 0, fluctuating between extremely low and high interest rates to balance unemployment and inflation. You manage to repair your numbers with only 2 turns left. Then guess what? BOOM ANOTHER NATURAL DISASTER IN THE FACE. GOOD GAME.
Celine DeLeon
2nd Period
My strategy was to focus on the inflation rate first and keep it low then focus half way through on the employment rate and trying to keep it around 5% and alternating between turns. This ended however with inflation in the negative and the employment too high.
Zachary Frazier
2nd period
My attempts to create the best possible situation for the economy was a complete and utter failure. I tried to stabilize employment and inflation, but it ended poorly with a few incorrect decisions on my part. BY the end of everything the economy was in ruins.
Zachary Frazier
2nd period
My attempts to create the best possible situation for the economy was a complete and utter failure. I tried to stabilize employment and inflation, but it ended poorly with a few incorrect decisions on my part. BY the end of everything the economy was in ruins.
Zachary Frazier
2nd period
My attempts to create the best possible situation for the economy was a complete and utter failure. I tried to stabilize employment and inflation, but it ended poorly with a few incorrect decisions on my part. BY the end of everything the economy was in ruins.
Rachel Kuruvila
Period 4
The strategy that I attempted in order to maintain stability was alternating the federal funds rate up and down. I would make it higher and then lower. While this worked for a short amount of time, it ended up hurting my economy in the end. Unemployment was at about 3%. Inflation rate was going up throughout my game.
Rachel Kuruvila
Period 4
The strategy that I attempted in order to maintain stability was alternating the federal funds rate up and down. I would make it higher and then lower. While this worked for a short amount of time, it ended up hurting my economy in the end. Unemployment was at about 3%. Inflation rate was going up throughout my game.
Joe Ridyard
period 4
I started out by adding unemployment and inflation and taking the average and keeping the funds rate at that number to try to keep it balanced but somewhere down the line it started not to work anymore, unemployment shot up so I adjusted it slightly higher and it came back to equilibrium, then inflation took off and I made the funds lower and inflation kept taking off and no matter what I did after that it just kept going up, I ended with 2% unemployment but a badly inflated economy.
Lindsey Jones
2nd period
I tried many times to keep the inflation rate to a minimum; However, inflation in the economy seems to be the primary issue. As inflation started to increase, I increased the federal funds at least 2% above the inflation in order to decrease it; however, as I increase federal funds, unemployment increased. This strategy worked until to the very end, but only barely. I ended with 7% federal funds, 4.58% unemployment rate, and 3.55% of inflation. This taught me that trying to perfectly adjust these three components is impossible. I was only able to correctly manage the federal funds rate and unemployment rate. The inflation rate ended up too high, which is why I am not fit to Federal Reserve Board Member.
Amanda shah
Period 4
I didn't really understand the game for the first round and was just seeing what worked best and read the directions. I noticed if interest rates were going up it was because I increased the federal funds. If the unemployment rate was relatively low it was because I lowered federal funds. That was interesting to play with. That's my strategy but towards the end it started tanking.
Alyssa Wilson
6th Period
For most of the game, I did very well with keeping unemployment where it was supposed to be, because I kept the Federal funds rates low, however inflation went up alot, and by the time I felt comfortable trying to reduce inflation I did not have enough terms left to get unemployment and inflation where they were supposed to be.
Manon Hughes
P. 6
My strategy was to mainly try and keep the federal funds in between the two lines, it was mostly around normal for the game until the end when all re sudden it just went really wrong. I didn't change my strategy towards the end when it started doing badly so maybe that's why.
Sheryl Machado
6th period
My strategy was to keep the federal funds rate between inflation and unemployment. It was working till the 6th quarter where the inflation rate was high and ended with 2.95%. The rate of unemployment was under 6% and by the end it dropped down to 3%.
Kimberly Mendez
Period 4
My strategy was to alternate between inflation rates and unemployment and try to find a happy medium. I increased federal funds once unemployment rose and vice versa. However, this method did not work and then I tried to follow the newspaper's advice which gave me slightly better results. Overall, I definitely think I should NEVER be in charge of the economy.
Reeba Mathew
Period 6
My strategy was to keep the keep the federal funds low although even when I did that my inflation rate kept rising. By the time I worked out a good way to satabalize the unemployment and inflation I ran out of terms. Towards the end I realized that looking at the newspaper would give me the best solution as to what to do with the economy.
Jonathan Winfiele
2nd Period
My Strategy was to keep the Federal funds between the inflation and the unemployment rate. My strategy worked for the majority of the game until the last Quarter where interests rates went sky high. Unemployment kept decreasing the entire game, but I was battling the up and down of the interest rates.
Tiffani Weir
Period 6
My strategy was to focus on maintaining a relatively low and stable unemployment rate. I foolishly believed if I kept the people happy I would not get fired, I was greatly mistaken. In trying to keep a low unemployment rate, I had high inflation. I did it a second time, and when the oil crisis hit I had to sacrifice some jobs to keep inflation down, and once that recovered I tried to lower unemployment. Even though I got reappointed, I did not like my strategy because it was not consistent. Hopefully they are not this in real life.
For the most part I just kept up with federal funds unemployment and inflation. Afterwards I saw what it did to the economy as a whole. Then I squirtled. And then I charizared. Happy Thanksgiving. Catch em' all Grand Puba
Justin Freker
Period 4
The strategy i used was to keep the federal funds rate right in between unemployment and inflation. I saw results that were decent but could have been better. Inflation and unemployment both rose in the end though.
Todd Podbielski
I started by raising the rates high then managing the economy from there. Eventually the unemployment shot up above preferable levels. Also, inflation turned to extreme inflation. I was able to solve the issue by lower the fed rates more and more.
Ashish Jain
4th period
I tried to keep the federal funds rate in between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. When I realized that inflation began to rise, I just decided to experiment and go up and down with the federal funds rate. At the end of the game my unemployment rate was around a 4.32% while my inflation was around a 3.68%. The inflation rate was a little high but other than that the economy didn't do too bad
Christine Nguyen
period 6
The strategy I tried was alternating the Federal Funds rate and the inflation rate. It seemed to have worked at first as the unemployment remained steadily low. However, at the end, the inflation rate randomly skyrocketed in the last few quarters.
I started of the same at a good rate. Everything was running smooth, unemplyment rate was reaching a new low and inflation was barely increasing. After a couple quarters I realized the only was to lower inflation was to alter the federal funding. I started of raising it slowly but it was too late. Inflation rates shot through the roof and i was kicked out of my position.
Joshua Joseph
Period 6
I tried to lower the inflation rate by raising federal funds rate. It worked until about the end becay use inflation was already too high.
Ryan Igbinoba
Period 4
Christian Beduya
Period 6
My strategy was just to keep the starting federal funds rate until something in the economy caused problems which then forced me to adjust the federal funds rate. I kept the fed funds rate around 3.25% and 4.50% and ended up with the unemployment rate and inflation rate at or around their target rates and I was successful. I was reappointed.
Well, I really tried to keep the inflation low. First I just kept the rate at 4.5 while experimenting. Then I let the funds go down and the inflation was going down then started rising again. So I let the funds increase and it started going down then up again. But then after that, no matter what I did, it just kept rising! Then I was kind of fired... Maybe I should just never work for the Federal Reserve
Shivani Doshi
Period 2
I started off doing well by keeping the inflation rate at 2% and the unemployment rate at 5%. However, no matter what I did, the inflation rate seemed to keep on rising and the unemployment rate kept on sinking. In the end my inflation rate was at 8% and my unemployment rate was at 2%.
Tom King
Period 4
I tried to to use both extremes to keep the price even. I had some success in the beginning. But I didn't account for the fact that the initial motion creates a trend and its hard to reverse the first policy. Once reversed with another policy, thats hard to reverse as well. I learned that economic policy has to be manipulated in ways fast enough to match the economy which changes all the time. This is quite hard. I almost won the game with 4.67 unemployment rate and 2.73 inflation rate .
Brayden Theriot
4th Period
After several times, it became simple to match the federal funds to lower inflation rates. For example, I would raise federal funds to a higher extent when the interest rates were sloping upward and lower federal funds to keep unemployment rate low. In the end, I reached the recommended limits for both things. I switched between low federal funds and high federal funds every two-thirds quarters and this seemed to work for me.
Muizz Soomar
2nd Period
After playing this game a couple of times, I think I found out a strategy. When times were bad, I lowered the federal funds which kept the inflation steady. When the news was good, federal funds went up which helped keep inflation where it needed to be. By doing this, by the end of the game, inflation and unemployment was well under where it needed to be and I could say that I beat the game
Troy Lilly
Period 6
The strategy I used was to maintain the federal funds rate between the inflation rates and unemployment rates. First off, Luke. You're not the best. Oh and how did that MRI go? Can you hangout sometime this week? Maybe go see hunger games? Jordan can come too. The rate of unemployment was under 6% however inflation rate was at a high of 3%. I didn't do the best, but I could have done better than Luke.
Krista Killam
Period 6
My strategy was to keep unemployment rate and inflation rate at an average spot. At first, I was able to keep everything in a good spot. Later into the amount of tries I had, the inflation rate just kept rising. It seemed like no matter what I did, the inflation rate wouldn't go down at all. The unemployment rate would drop and rise as I changed the federal funds rate, but inflation rate kept rising. It was stressing me out by how fast they were rising.
Jennie Chen
Period 2
I tried to keep the lines of inflation and unemployment as close to their recommended lines as possible. I alternated the Federal Funds rate from low to high and tried to keep a balance. However, my inflation rate went incredibly low but the funds were dropping as well. Although my unemployment rate was close to 5%, I was still dismissed at the end.
Yvonne Thong 2nd
My strategy was to use the default federal funds rate of 4.5 in the beginning. Both the unemployment and inflation rates were falling, and this appeared to be good. Then, as the inflation rate got well below the normal rate (less than 0.5%), I lowered the federal funds rate significantly. Using this lower rate for some time eventually brought both rates to their normal levels, with inflation at about 2% and unemployment about 5%.
Benjamin Kurian
Period 4
My strategy was to keep the federal funds at a point where both the unemployment rate and inflation rate stayed at a stable rate. If inflation was high, I increased the federal funds rate to decrease it. Overall it was a good game and pretty fun.
Joshua Roy
Period 2
My strategy was to was to continuously alter the federal funds rate below the unemployment rate. My unemployment rate constantly dropped as it stayed around 3%, which is relatively low. However, the inflation rate steadily increased, as it reached about 6%
Tia Lal
Period 2
I played the game twice, and both times I was fired because of rising inflation. My main strategy was to increase interest rates to reduce inflation and to decrease interest rates to reduce the unemployment rate. This worked well until inflation rose without control. Once inflation started to rise it was really hard to bring it back down.
Elyssa Buntzel
4th period
I played the game twice, and got fired both times due to mass unemployment. My main strategy was to try to stay ahead of the curve but the oil prices got me off guard. I learned that you never know what to expect and nothing ever goes perfectly in monetary policy.
Period 2
Sylvester Inyang
The one time i didnt get fired i first raised to rates then as i went along with my term i lowerd it but i tried that strategy 2 more time and still got fired due to high unemployment rates
Julie Joy
period 6
The strategy that I used was to keep alternating the federal funds rate above and below the inflation rate. This only worked for a short period of time. Throughout the whole game, my employment rate was very low. But, my inflation rate began to rise at a steady rate towards the later quarters
Carlo Torres
2nd Period
I tried to lower inflation rates, making unemployment very low (below 2%). However, there was a raise in the inflation rates as unemployment became stable. I had a decent end of my last quarter, where unemployment was still 2% while inflation rose to 5%.
Joel Thomas
Period 4
I moved the federal funds rate as rarely as possible to make the smallest changes at first. As inflation decreased i would change the federal funds rate in the direction that would increase it and would do this over and over. I finished my term right above 3%.
Yash Mahur
Period 6
My strategy was to keep the Federal funds rate at a balance use. however in order to control the unemployment rate the federal funds had to be inreased and decreased.
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