Sunday, November 02, 2014
Its all about the incentives
Read the following article about how the Swiss deal with the negative spillover costs associated with garbage. Answer the three questions at the end of the article. Your examples in #2 and #3 must be original and not copied from previous posts or no credit will be given.

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Jacqueline Gann
Period 2
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because it puts the responsibility and cost to dispose garbage on the household as opposed to the local government, this forces households to think about how much garbage they are actually producing. Making the trash bags more expensive also leads to more awareness in the households about how much trash they produce.
2) My parents have use money to encourage me to do cores.
3) The government uses laws and their subsequent punishments to discourage unlawful behavior amoung citizens.
Nevin Thomas
Period 2
1)The people of Zurich internalize it themselves, each individual makes it their own responsibility to reduce, re-use and recycle so there are less spillover costs. They are motivated by many things such as the price of garbage removal if they had garbage.
2)My parents tell me if i do certain things like take out the trash i can have more privileges around the house
3)The government discourages murder with jail, if you don't want to go to jail don't kill anyone, also you are encouraged to do things like work for with the incentive of money.
1) Zurich's system of garbage internalizes the externality associated with household consumption by making people reuse their garbage inside their own communtity, instead of shipping it off somewhere else where it can pollute their resources more. By reducing, reusing, and recycling their garbage, they keep it within the community itself as it does not move from place to place, but thing to thing that consumers would still need to use more than pollution as a good/service.
2) An incentive that my parents have tried to use on me is that whenever one of them caught me sucking my thumb when I was younger, I would have to wear this stupid mouth guard thing that was also around my neck. I would have to have it in my mouth for 10 minutes in public. They tried that with a baseball glove on my hand too. Before that, they even tried to shame me saying that everyone would laugh at me and not want to be my friend if they saw me sucking my thumb. Some terrible tasting nail polish on my thumb was disgusting, but their dumbest incentive yet. My daycare even tried getting me to quit by dipping my thumb in vinegar and then making me put it back in my mouth. It was mean and gross, but I used my own incentives to stop (threats don't work). Not even quitting for a day and being rewarded with a piece of candy is very persuasive. Incentives are hard on stubborn people, I guess.
3) In a market, government can discourage a certain behavior like reading hard copies of books by closing down all the libraries and confiscating all books that aren't in digital format, or by just making them more expensive to check out and have by taxing them more or something in order to reduce the waste of paper that isn't recycled or save the trees to have more oxygen to counterbalance the greenhouse effect.
Incentives can be used to encourage a behavior like buying more children's toys. If Toys'R'Us receives a subside from the government, then it can expand production and maybe build more stores. Because of such greater output in efficiency, they can then put more of their products on sale, which no buyer can resist, so their sales will increase as the buying of toys is being encouraged for profit.
Amy Krauhs
Period 4
Christian Do
Period 3
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection has internalized the "externality" by making the price of throwing away trash more expensive, thus making the public more prone to recycling. This also forces the public to maintain how much trash is produced and what can be reused or recycled instead of being trashed.
2) My parents has always put an incentive on me to stop playing video games by saying there are health problems with playing too much video games, however it doesn't persuade me in the least.
3) Governments has placed harsh incentives on people not to drink and drive due to the fatalities on the road tied in with drinking and driving. Harsh laws persecute anyone caught to be drinking and driving thus makes more people think twice about drinking and driving.
Aadithya Srivatsav
Period 4
1. It forces each individual to reconsider how much waste they are producing and instead focus on the 3 r's to help reduce the amount of trash and also be environmentally friendly.
2. I used to cry all the time when I was a kid. My parents told me that if I stopped crying every day, they would buy me chocolate.
3. The government gives us tax breaks to encourage economic activities such as investments. The government discourages texting and driving by imposing fines.
1) In America, "taking out the trash" usually means to take the trash bags, leave it on the curb outside your house, and then forget about it because it's going to disappear by morning. Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because citizens of Switzerland have to pay attention to what they throw away because they have to pay for it. This prevents them from throwing out whatever they don't want to pay for it, so this entices them to recycle more.
2) My parents said that if I get accepted into a college, they'll buy a new phone for me.
3) The local government discourages people robbing or harming other people by sending police officers to schools so that they can talk to children and tell them what would happen if they break the rules. On the other hand, the government encourages young high school graduates to apply for federal aid so that they can afford to advance their studies.
Patrick Stallings
Period- 4
1. Zurich's garbage system internalizes the negative effects that are common with household consumption by making it cost more to the homeowner and not the government. They make the price of each garbage bag more to try and limit the waste that is produced by each individual citizen.
2. My mom has used incentives to get me to do well in school by saying if i don't i wont be able to play soccer.
3. A national government might try to limit the amount of guns bought by imposing a tax on them. On the other hand, they might promote clean electricity by giving tax cuts to homes who go green.
1. Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality by implementing higher costs associated with garbage and encouraging recycling programs. This keeps the externality in the community and reduces garbage being shipped out of the community and effecting others.
2. An incentive that my mother used on me was that if i failed to do well and try hard in school I would have to pay for my own college.
3. A government uses incentives such as homeowners association notes to discourage people from certain behaviors dealing with their house. A government uses incentives such as marathons and walks to increase exercise in the community.
Paul Stallings
Period 6
Troy Lilly
Period 6
1) The Zurich system of collecting garbage calls for a high price of disposing of garbage, while recycling is free. This creates a reduction in the negative externality which is not recycling and just throwing everything in the trash.
2) In order to get me to do all the chores and stuff around the house I should be doing, my mom gives me incentive by letting me use a car to get to and from places.
3)In America, you can get paid a minimal amount for each ounce of aluminum you recycle and do not just throw away. In an attempt to discourage people from doing tobacco, there is a high tax on tobacco products.
Rachel Kuruvila
Period 4
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption by making throwing garbage away a person problem. Households are more likely to do things when there is a way to escape a negative effect on them economically. By making it more expensive to throw things away, people recycle more in order to save money.
2) My parents told me that they would get me a new phone if I scored well on my SAT. This was an incentive to make me study.
3) The government funds programs like the Mayor's youth commission in order to promote being a good citizen, and to increase the amount of people that stay out of trouble. The government also imposes taxes on companies that produce a lot of pollution in order to lessen the amount of pollution they emit.
Laura Luo pd 4
1) Zurish's system forced households to care about garbage collection loads through internalizing the externality of consumer's (the household)spending. Compared to the United States, the Netherlands mandate households to buy trash bags (costing more than the US). Because of this expanded cost, the household recycle instead of throwing out their wastes.
2)To this very day, my mom would often scold me for staying up late at midnight and ask me to sleep earlier. Her threats did not work against me for a very long time because I needed the extra hours to do homework. (Yes, it's the opposite: my parents complain me to stop doing homework while I keep doing it.) I would often break my pledges to them simply because I value less time sleeping to more time studying. Then, my mom bribed me to buy me a plush Pokemon only if I slept at a curfew at 12. This incentive helped somewhat. It only worked on me for a month (after I got that adorable plush through another method). I guess incentives work if they are of lower opportunity cost.
3)Society wants more of freedom (leisure activity) and less of implemented policies that restrict it. For example, recently when I was a freshmen, Texas mandated enrolling high school students to take a STAAR test (15 tests!) before they graduate from high school. They wanted to use this incentive to encourage higher performance on test scores and widespread the curriculum . However, this incentive failed because parents, students, and teachers complain how the state is forcing education.
The government (I believe in China) issued the "one child policy" stating a couple could only have one child. The Chinese government used this incentive to limit their population growth. Rather recently, their policy worked to a certain extent. True, their population grown slowed; however, their gender distribution is skewed more towards less woman and more men.
Rachel Chang
2nd period
1) The externality, the environmental costs that everyone is Zurich pays, is internalized because it puts the responsibility on not just the waste removal companies, but on every individual. Thus, the issue is no longer an externality because everyone shares an equal obligation to protect the environment.
2) When I do well in school, my parents reward me with a nice dinner and my favorite foods.
3) The government encourages education by giving everyone the equal opportunity to attend school. A tax imposed on cigarettes or laws forcing all cigarette boxes to provide warning labels are two ways the government tries to discourage smoking.
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection is internalized because it become the homeowner's responsibility to pay for and maintain their garbage levels, instead of the local government. Because of this, a problem which would be externalized in the US, due to government organizations collecting our garbage, becomes internal, in which households shoulder the cost and responsibility.
2) When I was in 4th grade, I was getting bad grades in a few of my classes. My parents told me that if I could end every class with an A, they would buy my brother and I a Wii. I worked as hard as I could and fortunately achieved the goal, and got the Wii.
3) The national government places heavy restrictions on pirating software in order to stop people from doing so. These restrictions include jail, extremely heavy fines, and the confiscation of computers. One market where incentives are used is Chuck e Cheese, or children's play places in general. They have incentives like toys and candy, but you must play their games and earn their tickets in order to receive these incentives.
Nima Faegh
Period 4
1.Responsibility is all on you. If you choose not to recycle then you choose to pay a boat load of money in order to throw away you garbage, so recycling is you way to go.
2.Parents you incentives all the time. In my household they do not usually involve money though. I need to make good grades in order to be able to do stuff. I need to clean up to benefit me in the future. All the incentives involve ways to better me in the future.
3.Society encourages you to go to college. They make it so that you wont get a good job otherwise. They discourage texting and driving. They invest in lots of adds to warn you about the dangers, and some insurance company's give you money.
Lindsey Jones
2nd period
1. The Zurich’s system of garbage collection doesn't necessarily force the citizens of Switzerland, but the use of incentives for the greater good of the community makes payment for creating trash a social norm just by being a custom. Instead of this being a harsh law slapped in the faces of Switzerland’s inhabitants, it applies positives to the community. Since this custom is applied in Switzerland, who would complain about creating pollution? About wanting to have greater trash bags in order to dump more “garbage” at a mysterious place that many don’t know or care to know. By having Zurich system of garbage collection, the people become instinctively aware of the environment and how they are affecting it.
2. My parents apply incentives all the time. One of the incentives they use is giving small rewards when asked if my brother and I do well in school. If I do well academically and conduct-wise, my parents, especially my father, find ways to show their appreciation of my good work. An even smaller incentive could be if we finished our dinner, we get to have dessert, especially ice-cream. These incentives, no matter how small, taught me important life skills for the greater good of my health and sociability.
3. When there is an overproduction of crops produced on a farm, the government are known for giving money to the farmers in order to “sway” them to stop producing a certain amount of crops. The local government also gives money to citizens who give information to the police about criminals.
1.) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because it puts the responsibility and cost to dispose garbage on the household as opposed to the local government, this forces households to think about how much garbage they are actually producing. By making it more expensive to throw things away, people recycle more in order to save money.
2.) When I was 6 years old I hated eating vegetables but my parents told me that if I eat all my vegetables then i will get a candy bar.
3.) The government discourages murder with jail, if you don't want to go to jail don't kill anyone. Some encouragement would be if you go to this restaurant a certain amount of times you get a meal for free.
Nikhil Njaravelil
Period 4
Cecil Sabu
Period 4
1.) Zurich internalizes the externality associated with household consumption by making the cost of throwing something away significantly higher than the cost of recycling it! This method will encourage everyone to produce less trash which will decrease the total amount of trash produced by the city!
2.) Over the summer, my parents tried to get me to finish my summer reading by telling me that I couldn't hang out with my friends until I finished both my books.
3.) The government discourages littering by fining those who do it. They encourage people to drive electric cars by creating special parking lots for them in the front of certain stores.
Brian Huynh
Period 4
1) The Zurich system of garbage collection internalizes the externalize by encouraging the individual to create less garbage through expenses.
2) I love soda so much that it would frighten my parents. However, I despised water and would never drink it. My parents said if I drink more water, we would have American food for dinner instead.
3) One example would be recycling plastic bottles. The government pays the consumer a few cents for each bottle they bring in, giving the consumer an incentive to recycle.
Renuka Gondi
4th period
1) Zurich reduces the externality of household consumption by offering free recycling and charging garbage bags.
2) My parents sometimes bug my sister into doing something weeks before its actually due just so my sister won't procrastinate. I come into the picture because I get money added to my gas card if I help her finish it at least a week before its actually due. If I don't help her then I have to babysit my sister when she has her friends come over.
3) The government and school districts come together to educate people against bullying and its consequences to students. The government provides scholarships and grants to students that are exceptionally intelligent.
Yassin Bennis
Period 2
1) Zurich's system of garbage helps make people reuse their own garbage in their own community. They are influenced by the price of garbage being removed therefore are motivated to reuse what they have.
2) My parents use money and things I like to encourage me to do what they need me to do around the house.
3) The government puts harsh laws for people not to drink and drive and the consequences are fatal. They do this to help reduce intoxicated drivers.
1. The externality of disposing garbage is internalized by giving the public of Zurich initiative to throw less garbage away and recycle.
2. I didn't like to eat fruits when I was little so my parents would buy me toys if I did.
3. The government puts excessive amounts of tax on cigarettes to discourage consumers from buying it.
Steve Philip
6th Period
1. In Zurich, the people pay 57 times more for garbage disposal than we do here in America. Therefore, the people of Zurich are basically forced to internalize garbage collection and save money by throwing away things that have fully been used and cannot be recycled.
2. My parents often have rewards for good grades and behavior to motivate me to achieve more in school. For example, if I can go good for 2 semesters, I could potentially get a new XBox.
3. Our government warns people who are driving on the road with speed limits. If you break a simple speed limit, you are hit with a very heavy and unfair fine, but at least you learned to not break the speed limit in the future.
Jeffrey Zhou
Sherin Johnson
1. Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality in ways that the US simply will not. By making an incentive for people to decrease their garbage removal or recycling,the true cost of their garbage disposal is knowledgable by the people of Switzerland whereas in the US individuals seem to pass the true cost of their garbage disposal and forget the other effects that are produced from their actions.
2. As a child, I could never sit still and be quiet during church services and so my parents would tell me that they would take me to the zoo if I behaved well during church services.
3. Click it or Ticket. In order to make people wear their seatbelts,the government and local police encourage individuals to wear their seatbelt or else they'll receive a ticket and have to pay a very large sum.
Reeba Mathew
Period 6th
1)Zurich's system persuades people to
recycle, re-use and reduce without actually forcing them with threats. they are motivated to recycle because of the economic rewards like lower prices for less garbage
2)My parents told me that if I kept up my grades then they will let me go out of state for college.
3) The government encourages education by forcing kids under the kids under 18 to attend school or face punishments and discourages buying alcohol by placing a high tax on it.
1.Zurich internalizes the externality by making it more expensive to dispose of trash and making it free to recycle.
2.My parents gives me incentives by saying if I do well in school I can get an apartment.
3. The government gives incentives to work such as social security. A negative incentive to not do something would be getting your car towed when its parked in front of a fire hydrants to avoid safety hazards.
Amitabha Mitra
6th Period
1) Zurich's system turns an externality into an internal deal by charging a lot on people to move their garbage to somewhere else. Now they just reuse it and recycle it in their own community. This way they are paying the cost for their externality.
2) My parents used to give me candy for every friend I would talk to in Kindergarten.
3) The government gives tax breaks on people who give charity and donations, so they encourage donations of old items and electronics. The government encourages the flow of money through banks, so they federally insure many banks up to a certain amount of money.
Jocelyn Dang
6th Period
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality related to household consumption by putting the responsibility of garbage usage on the actual users themselves and making them pay for what they put to waste. Thus, with the accompanying cost, users in Zurich monitor their waste more carefully. Zurich's system turns the people towards recycling instead.
2) My mom gives me the incentive to take care of my skin and myself in general by letting me go shopping for the products and pamper myself.
3)The government encourages people to not be completely dependent on government welfare programs by offering free job training and various programs to get them back on track. On the other hand, the government tries to discourage inadequate parking practices by having police patrol parking meters.
Fabian Romo
Period 4
1) The system that Zurich came up with internalizes the externality which charges people more to move their trash elsewhere. Now they just reuse and recycle the trash. Due to this, they are paying for their externality.
2) My parents would tell me that if I got A's and B's on my report card then I could buy a video game.
3) The government puts out laws, such as the specific handicap parking and restricted parking, and if someone parks there then they will receive a ticket or their car will be towed, making the people cautious of where they park and end up not parking there.
Benjamin Kurian
Period 4
1) Zurich's system internalizes the externality itself by their method of garbage disposal. They make it really expensive to dispose of garbage which can lead many people to be mindful of their actions. The goal is to make people to reuse and recycle more and decrease the amount of garbage.
2) My parents gave the incentive that I can get a car if I get a good ACT score.
3) The government encourages people to save energy and reuse + recycle. The government discourages smoking and creates many laws on it.
Tia Lal
Period 2
1)Switzerland's incentive system internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because the spillover costs are being reduced. When household waste production is reduced, the government does not have to spend as much money to dispose of the waste. With this system, the households must pay the cost of producing excess waste and garbage.
2)When I was little, I got stage-fright during the night of a dance performance and insisted on not performing. My mom bribed me by saying she would buy me McDonald's if I danced. I danced, but I never got McDonald's.
3)The government gives subsidies to firms that generate wind, solar, and hydroelectric energy to promote renewable energy. Public libraries uses late fines to discourage keeping the books too long.
1. Due to the decease in spillover costs, it is apparent that the incentive system is internalizing externalities. Simply put, the increase in waste adds on to the cost with its disposal. This, then, indicates that people pay for their production of waste and in turn the disposal of it, the externalities.
2. As a child I was restricted in terms of entertainment. Whether it was watching a movie or playing video games, I was put on a clock. My mother would add and take time away from Mt entertainment time according to my behavior. This gave me the incentive to behave myself for the sake of entertainment.
3. The government encourages citizens to work through social security. You do your part as a citizen and they will take care of you. The government discourages people from killing one another by enforcing extreme punishments for murder and even manslaughter.
Minh Le
4th pd
Joe Ridyard
Period 4
1) Zurich has a brilliant system in place which offers good rewards for recycling. It creates enough motivation I would think without hesitating that if I lived there, I would recycle. As opposed to the U.S. where the only thing I know is recyclable is paper... maybe, I really don't even know anymore. Either way, it defiantly helps reduce the amount of waste in their society.
2) My mom used to offer me incentives to do things with my dad on vacation so she could stay in the room and relax, the incentive was usually $25.
3) The government influences behavior of stock traders with the threat of the SEC punishing any crimes related to stocks to make sure the practice of investing in companies remains legitimate.
1)The people of Zürich or their system revolve around the idea of personal responsibility. The garbage bag collection system internalize the externality by putting the responsibility on the people. They make sure every person understands that at the end of the day, the one that pays the most for garbage would be a household, or themselves, rather than the government. In the U.S the people rely on the government and don't care as much when it comes in terms of garbage systems.
2)When I was smaller, I hated to sleep in the dark by myself. So I would sleep with my older sister in her room. An incentive they used, they would threaten my sisters with a spanking. Hence they didn't let me inside their room.
3) The government discourages the people driving with out a belt and they use a ticket as a incentive. The government encourages education with an incentive of higher page or wages.
-Jenifer Galan
Jasmine Luke
Period 6
1. Zurich's system forces the effects of too much waste to become a problem for households, by making disposal cost money for individuals. In this way, households feel obligated to limit their waste because it will affect their income. Thus, garbage disposal becomes a personal problem.
2. My parents try to give me the incentive that they will give me a car or whatever I want if I stay close to home for college.
3. Government encourages you to donate clothes to Goodwill by giving u a tax reduction. Bonus checks are used by some car insurances to discourage you from being an unsafe driver.
Elyssa Buntzel
4th period
1)Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because it forces the Swedes to really consider what they are throwing out leading them to actually implement the three R's more often.
2)My dad uses incentives to make sure that I am making good grades by paying me every time I get A's.
3)The government discourages behaviors with laws, and if you break the law you will go to jail or pay a large fine. The government encourages other behaviors with tax breaks for donating a lot of money in the year.
Christine Nguyen
period 6
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption because it becomes each household's responsibility and choice to dispose of however much garbage they want. Because they are being charged for garbage, households are forced to control the amount of garbage they produce and it also encourages them to recycle.
2) My parents would not allow me to go out the next day unless I went to bed early.
3) The government takes away your house if you don't pay all of your mortgage, encouraging citizens to pay off their bills. The government also fines you for public nudity, discouraging people to go outside nude.
Tiffani Weir
Period 6
1. Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externalities associated with household consumption by providing incentives to recycle. Since in Switzerland, households are charged for every piece of waste they produce, naturally they try to produce less to lower the charge.
2. My parents pay me for picking up my brother from school and dropping him off at his variety of activities.
3.The government encourages more people to recycle by giving 10 cents for every recycled can.
Annie Jiang
Period 4
1)Zurich's system of garbage internalizes the externality with household consumption by making their citizens recycle instead of polluting their society with garbage. Zurich's prices are high to buy grocery bags. Therefore, more people would recycle because it's free. By having high garbage prices, Zurich gains benefits with clean societies and less garbage produced.
2)To get me to do something, my parents usually tell me do something that I hate doing and then, withdraw the proposal to make me do what they really want me to do in the first place. For example, my parents would tell me to clean the whole house; they know I would never want to do that, so later, they tell me that if I don't want to clean the whole house, then I have to finish cleaning my room, which is what they wanted me to do in the first place, but they knew that I would have said no to it without a compromise.
3)The government places high taxes on cigarettes to discourage people from smoking, and the marketing institution places anti-drug campaigns to encourage people to stop using drugs or alcohol.
Jennie Chen Period 2
1) Zurich's system internalizes the externality dealing with their household consumption by forcing the people to pay more for throwing away their trash. Due to the higher price of garbage bags, the community now is more aware of the amount of trash they produce and are more likely to recycle because it is free.
2)My mother would tell me that if i did really well in school, I could get a pet hamster.
3)The government forces people to pay the toll booth when driving around the city in order to help pay for the freeway. However if you do not pay, you cannot use that specific road.
Jacob John
6th Period
1) Zurich’s system of garbage collection “internalize” the “externality” associated with household consumption by giving people in villages an ultimatum. The more trash that they produce, the more money they have to spend in order to get rid of it. By using this method they force people to reduce trash and reuse it in ways for their household. This reduces household consumption by keeping it internally within a given area, mostly.
2) My Parents tell me that if I don't go to play basketball and do my homework in a timely fashion then they would buy me takeout for dinner.
3) The government uses commercials to portray smoking as a bad thing using people who can barely function from defects. Incentives such as money back from insurance companies are given to drivers who avoid accidents or confrontations with the police for a certain period of time, promoting safe driving.
Amy Nguyen
Period 6
1. Zurich's system of "internalizing" the "externality" relating with household consumption is that to reduce amount of trash a household creates, the more trash, the more a household has to pay. They internalize money in order to make people to produce less trash.
2. My mom uses incentives by if I go to the grocery store with, which I really despise, she will pump gas for me.
3. The government uses incentives by with wind energy; with every wind turbine built, the government pays a certain amount of money in return, in order to promote renewable energy.
Lillian Nguyen
Period 2
1. Zurich's system internalizes the externality of household consumption by having the citizens pay for the waste they create. This system reduces the amount of waste created.
2. If I drive myself, instead of forcing Amy to drive as I hate driving, my mom will reward me with coffee or boba tea the next day.
3. The government encourages dairy farmers to produce a lot of dairy products by paying for the leftover products left unsold.
Karen George
6th period
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with the garbage by making people dispose or recycle the garbage they collect so that it does not become garbage they have to pay for. Their incentive is the amount of money they have to pay for the garbage they want to dispose.
2)My parents say that our volleyball and sports activities will be taken away if we do not get good grades.
3)The government discourages behaviors such as speeding by giving tickets and encourages behaviors such as donating things to goodwill or charity work to decrease your taxes.
Lynnie Dickson
Period 6
1) Zurich’s system of garbage collection “internalize” the “externality” associated with household by portraying the actual cost of underestimated spillover costs. Many, for example people in America, tend to through out their trash without thinking of the spillover costs caused by pollution. The Zurich's systems helps to motivate citizens to learn the importance of recycling and unnecessary costs that trash can have.
2)My parents have a internalize method to get me to stop throwing tantrums at the store when I was little. If I cried, I would never get what I wanted. But if I ask once and kept quiet, then they at least consider buying it.
3) The government uses fines to discourage littering. They use subsidies to encourage more production of goods.
Kimberly Mendez
Period 4
1) Zurich's system reduces household consumption by forcing people to pay more for throwing away their trash. Also, the increase on the price of garbage bags acts as an incentive for people to use less garbage bags and recycle more (since it's free).
2) On my first day of Kindergarten, my parents told me if I behaved well and made a lot of friends I would get a surprise at home. I came home to find orange soda waiting for me, 5 year old me was not disappointed.
3) Airlines give frequent flier miles as incentives for people to choose to fly with them.
Yvonne Thong 2nd
1) Zurich's garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption through its incentive system. Because of the incentives, there are no spillover costs that other corporations have to clean up for, since citizens are doing their parts to keep these to a minimum. These externalities never result because citizens are internalizing the costs by participating in recycling to earn incentives.
2. My parents once used an incentive system with "points" that could be earned for rewards. When I helped my siblings with homework, or made them lunch in the morning, I was awarded these "points" that could be redeemed for intangible rewards (example- a chance to eat dessert before dinner, a chance to stay up past midnight, etc.)
3. In Singapore, an incentive system is used to discourage littering. If one litters, he has to pay a fine. In Hawaii and Maine, an incentive system is used to encourage recycling. If one turns in a plastic bottle or soda can, he can earn 5 cents just by turning it in.
Justin Freker
Period 4
This system of garbage disposal internalizes the externality of consumption by making the poeple pay for it. This makes the people hurt by the the amount of garbage they produce, which means they will produce less trash.
2) When i was younger if i said a bad word, however many letters were in the word i had that many hours of grounding.
3)Elkins uses saturday detention to discourage kids from not wearing their ID.
Alyssa Wilson
6th Period
1. Zurich's garbage system internalizes the negative effects that are common due to household consumption by forcing citizens to understand and consider and associate themselves with the cost of consumption and waste. They increase citizens awareness and sense of responsibility by making them pay for any amount of consumption, therefore discouraging the consumption of items not able to be recycled.
2. If I wash the dishes when I'm supposed to, I get to get a new dress or shoes!
3. A national government might try to limit the amount of violence in society by overpricing tickets to boxing or wrestling matches. They could also promote dressing nicely by enforcing dress codes in schools from a young age.
Sylvester Inyang
Period 2
1. It internalizes it buy making it a personal and expensive problem by not abiding by the law.
2.My parents use freedom for me to get my grades up.
3. In America we use jail sentences and fines to dicourage people from doing wrong.
Manon Hughes
6th Period
1. Zurich's method of garbage collection internalizes the externality by making the citizens directly responsible for their actions through requiring them to pay for it.
2. My parents hardly ever give me incentives or threaten punishment. Sometimes when I was little, my mom would pay me for doing chores, but that's about it.
3. Some grocery stores offer discounts or other incentives if you sign up for their savings program. This discourages you from shopping at other places once you do so.
1. Zurich's garbage collection system internalizes the environmental externalities associated with waste disposal by using elevated prices to discourage households from producing to much trash.
2. When I was little my encouraged me to do well in school by buying gifts for me every time I brought home a report card with all 'A's.
3. The government gives incentives to taxpayers in order to encourage acts of charity by offering deductions for donations. The government also uses incentives to discourage people from not turning their taxes in on time by including a penalty for taxes filed late.
Tosin Olabinjo
4th period
1. Zunich's system of collection internalize the externality because every household now takes responsibility for their trash. They pay to dispose of their waste so people are most willing to reuse and recycle and buy accordingly, thus they also become economically friendly.
2. When I was smaller I never really cared about how good I did in class. However, they used rewards to initially push me into getting better grades and then this led me to wanting better grades and having higher interest in grades.
3. The government tries to use incentives such as low interest rates for student loans and promoting scholarships to push students into receiving higher amounts of education.
Chris Sani
2nd Period
Just Kidding ^^
Chris Sani
Period 4
1) People living in Zurich internalize the problem by reducing their waste and focus on using more recyclable matter since recycling is free and disposing of trash is not. Thus, the government has created an incentive for the people of Zurich to internalize their waste without externalizing it into the environment
2) My mom has used the incentive of in order to figure skate, I must make good grades in schoo.
3) The government offers rebates to those who purchase electric cars. The government imposes high taxes on cigarettes to discourage smoking.
Nina Jiang
Period 4
Timothy Krauhs
Period 6
1. Zurich citizens use a form of internalizes there system of garbage collection on to the household rather then the state because when the family see there trash production there more likely to start recycling.
2. My parents have resently threaten me about taking away my video games and p.c. if I don't finish all my college applications.
3.The government often puts in laws to stop or impelement new ideas such illegalizing drugs or putting in a new tax
Justin Hoang
6th Period
1) Zurich’s systems of garbage collection internalize the externality by setting a price to remove trash for each household in order for them to recycle and reduce the amount of garbage.
2)My dad told me that he would give me money each time I get an A on a test.
3)The government fine people who are driving above the speed limit. They do that to reduce the number of accidents on the road.
Sheryl Machado
Period 6
1) The system that Zurich uses only internalizes themselves, including the individuals with household consumption as it puts the responsibility of reducing, reusing and recycling. Things that can be helpful would be paying for the garbage bags or paying extra for garbage pick up.
2) I am allowed to have more freedom outside of the house if I earn them with my grades and work around the house.
3) The government funds programs to keep kids in school, to increase the amount of people that stay out of trouble. The government also imposes taxes on stores that sell alcohol, in order to sell alcohol to the people who are legal to consume it.
1. The system of garbage collection in Zurich is internalized by themselves because they themselves are responsible for collecting their garbage and to dispose of it. They are forced to realize the ramifications of their trash and they realize the price of garbage removal.
2. My parents told me that if I watch my brothers, when I was little, that they would pay me a dollar... they paid me once and that was about it! But I did watch my brothers.
3. The death penalty which is legal in certain states is there to discourage people from committing heinous crimes. It may not work as well as it should, but it works.
Bryan Nguyen-Le
2nd Period
1) The people of Zurich make it their own responsibility to reuse everything to make less spillover. They are motivated by prices of reusing such as garbage removal when they have garbage.
2) My parents use money to encourage me to help around the house.
3) The government uses laws to discourage bad behavior throughout society.
1. Because it costs less to recycle and more to dispose all of your trash as garbage, Zurich's system forces the people to internalize themselves. The are motivated by the lesser cause, thus they individually recycle.
2. My mom uses my car as an incentive to get me to do anything, from babysitting, running errands, to doing chores. She just threatens to take away my keys.
3. The government does not want drivers driving fast or unsafely through areas near schools so they created school zone around school that have lower speed limits and heightened cost on tickets for speeding and texting. They are more secure and watched as well.
Briona Caruthers
6th Period
Jonathan Winfiele
2nd Period
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection wants you to recycle and not throw away. It is free to recycle but it cost to throw away trash.
2) My parents have always put an incentive on me to do a certain task buy rewarding me with an allowance. I help around the house, so they invent me with receiving money.
3)The government discourages dumping trash into a storm drain by giving out fines if you throw trash down the drain. The city has connected the drains to the overflow or bodies of water around your home. If you throw trash down the drain you are polluting your own ponds,rivers, streams, and rivers. The government also gives out free Recycling bins as an incentive to recycle instead of throwing away.
Discussion Questions
1.The Zurich system makes the household effected (internally) by what they throw away. It switches the pressure from the local government to the households. Now the houses must be more responsible. It causes them to think about what they throw away so it brings the problem inside the house internally.
2.When I was younger, I never picked up after myself. So my parents took away any of the toys i left around the house away from me for a period of time. So my incentive was to pick up after myself or I would lose my toys. It worked.
3.The government gives tickets and/or can suspended your license to discourage speeding and dangerous driving. The government also gives foster parents money to encourage giving kids a home.
Cameron Molfetto
Period 4
1) It puts all responsibility on the household, rather than the government.
2) My parents have given me allowance for doing household chores.
3) The government uses laws to discourage bad behavior and in jails they encourage good behavior because the incentive of early release is present.
1) Zurich internalizes by making it the personal responsibily of it's people to reduce garbage output per household
2)My parents used the incentive of not being grounded/punished in order to make me study
3)The USA discourages smoking by banning ads and adding taxes while it encourages physical activity by promoting health and idolizing fitness
Christian Beduya
Period 6
1) Zurich'system internalizes the externality by putting the incentive on the citizens. They have to pay for what they want, which is for their garbage to be picked up.
2) I think my parents not giving me incentives is incentive enough. In a sense that all the responsibility is on me therefore everything that happens to me comes from my own actions. Good from good and bad from bad. Ask help when you need it. I have been taught to be very independent and responsible for what happens to me and what I want to happen to me.
3) The school uses fines to pay for ID which forces the students to take care of their ID's. Department stores uses sales for the customers to purchase their goods.
Todd Podbielski
1) Zurich essentially puts responsibility on the household, not government, to reduce garbage output.
2) Parents are offering me incentives of more money to go to a public college opposed to a private college.
3) Gov. may increase fines and punishments for drinking and driving. Venues with give incentives such as free soda for those vouch to be a designed driver.
caroline van nuis
6th period
1. Zurich’s system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption by making the citizens reuse their own garbage by using the three r's.
2. my parents tell me that if i make good grades they will get me a new car, and i really want a new car.
3. In America, you can get paid a minimal amount for each ounce of aluminum you recycle and do not just throw away. In an attempt to discourage people from doing tobacco, there is a high tax on tobacco products.
Daniel Sanchez
2nd Period
1)The people Zurich use their system of garbage internally by making upon themselves to make their environment, household cost, and living style a better place.
2 My parents have always told me that as long as I stay in school, I will have a roof under my head.
3)One way the government uses incentives to encourage behaviors is that if you volunteer in a weekly basis, you'll have a wider opportunity to be recognized for your hard work. And a way the government uses incentives to discourage behavior that if you don't follow the rules of the road, you may cause an accident and put an end to someones innocent life.
Brayden Theriot
4th Period
1. This makes people really focus on the three R's so that we can implrove our living in a better environment.
2. I would cry and complain everytime I really wanted something when i was a little kid, practically until it was given.
3. The government gives us tax breaks to encourage other economic activities that people may use. They also enfore laws to prevent horrific accidents happening like drinking a driving fatalities.
Divya Joseph
6th Period
1)Zurich's system makes the people think about the three R's and think of a better way to get rid of their waste.
2)My parents tell me if I stay home for college I can have a brand new car.
3)If you recycle certain items you get paid for it. To discourage a certain behaviors the prices on cigarettes is high.
Shivani Doshi
Period 2
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externality associated with household consumption by making garbage more expensive in Switzerland. Whereas, in the US throwing away garbage is basically free.
2) When I was little I used to take forever to eat dinner, as a result, to make me eat faster my parents used to let me stay awake an hour past bedtime to let me watch TV.
3) The government discourages littering on the roads by imposing fines. On the other hand, the government encourages donating to non-profit organizations by giving tax cuts.
Caitlin Davis
Period 2
1. Zurich’s system of garbage collection “internalizes” the “externality” associated with household consumption by putting the responsibility of garbage removal on the household rather than the local government and adding incentives to want to recycle rather than just throwing everything away.
2. My parents tell me if I stay in state for college they will send me money more often.
3. You can get fines for littering and you can get promoted for working harder in the work place
Muizz Soomar
Period 2
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection internalizes the externalities associated with household consumption by making the people pay alot for their garbage disposal. This creates people to recycle much of their disposables without a cost. It should be the responsibility of the household to dispose of their garbage in the right manner and the recyclables can be picked up by community volunteers.
2)My parents have always given me incentives to do things ever since I was a kid. They would set up goals for me to complete and then I would get something they promised. My recent incentive was getting a basketball hoop for getting A's and B's throughout middle school. Then they promised me a new car if I got A's and B's until Senior year which I HAVE :D.
3)An example of an incentive that the government encourages schools to do is accept certain curriculums that the government wants the school to learn which will give the schools grants if they are willing to oblige by the governments terms. The government discourages drivers from driving without car insurance by fining every single driver without it a HUGE fine because it is a new law. Also drivers can be fined if they text and drive in a school zone.
Yash Mathur
1)Zurichs system of garbage desposal interalizes and externality due to the fact that externalities occur when the behavior of one individual or firm causes a spill over cost, but in zurich it is up to the people to reduce, re-use , and recycle so in result their is a less spill over cost.
2) My parents told me that if I did well on the SAT they would let me put subs in my car
3)The Government distributes tasks amongst associations to maintain certain areas, for example the the home owners assiciation gives fines to people who do not maintain their house. the governments try to make people abide the speed limits by giving tickets.
Luke Emery
6th Period
1) Zurich's garbage system internalizes the externalities of common household consumption by making the trash responsibility cost the individual instead of the government/local government. They also do this by driving up the price of garbage bags, which helps to influence people to recycle for free instead of throwing trash away.
2) I have been known to be quite lazy at certain times in my life. One such time was when I was completing my college application. To get me to do it, my parents said I couldn't watch the next A&M game unless my application was finished before then.
3) The smoking of cigarettes is discourages by the incentive of being able to have cheaper health insurance. The government encourages rehabilitation of farming soil by offering money for land set aside through the CRP program.
Jesse Avila
Period 4
1) Zurich's system internalizes the externality by making an incentive for people to decrease their garbage removal and encourage recycling to lower the cost of their garbage disposal as much as possible rather than paying a flat rate like in the U.S..
2) The only incentive my parents used on me growing up was to get good grades in school and they would give me money to spend on anything I want, in the sense that in the long run, having good grades in school & good education leads to a prosperous life.
3) A credit score from the annual government credit reports and credit bureaus is a big incentive to pay bills on time, having little to no debt, and have good management with credit & the opposite. Good credit scores, for an example, lower interest rates on credit cards and loans, while bad credit scores, for an example, makes it harder for approval on a higher credit limit.
John Harris
1) externalized prices through garbage disposal are internalized through the buying of garbage bags in order to dispose of unwanted waste through garbage collection. It is the households problem.
2) My parent's offer to pay for my cars gas if they need to use my car or have me drive somewhere.
3) The government allows certain monopolies through the use of subsidies in order to "protect farmers jobs" this allows them to grow and sell their unwanted produce. The national government supported and paid for anti smoking adds in order to discourage smoking.
Rizwan Khan
Period 6
1) Zurich's system of garbage collection is internalized because the homeowners will take consideration to preserve a low garbage level so they would have to pay in a low cost. Without paying the garbage removal, homeowners would pretty much throw as many things as possible.
2) One example of an incentive would be if I help my parents run any errands for them. They would give me money.
3) The government insures that everyone does not do any illegal drugs or drinking. They make sure a group of people come to your elementary and middle school to take class time and see why we should not do drugs. Though, the government encourages everyone to eat donate charity. They do this by publicly advertise why we should and how it is a good cause.
1. Zurich's system internalizes the amount of trash by making it cost more to throw things away. Trash bags cost more and put the cost of disposing on the people, not the government.
2.My parents will give me something when I have good grades. I also get incentives for saving my money I earned from work instead of spending it all.
3. The government allows commercials or clips to be shown of teenagers driving drunk or texting while driving to show us what could happen. That is meant to discourage us from doing those stupid things.
Krista Killam
Period 6
Tom King,
Period 6
1. Switzerland employs a system of progressive pricing on garbage disposal where you have to pay for the garbage you dispose. This puts the externality associated with disposal or households as opposed to the government thereby internalizing the spillover costs of disposal on the people holding them in charge.
2. My parents gave me ice-cream for dessert only I ate my veggies (usually Broccoli) :/
3. The Nevada state government gave 1.3 Billion in tax incentives to get Tesla Motors to build their factory in Nevada to regulate the state economy.
(Encourages employment, market spending etc..)
The government puts in place a minimum wage rate in order to get rid of wages below that level and help the economy.
1. Zurich's garbage system internalizes the negative effects that are common with household consumption by causing it to be cheaper for the government and more expensive for homeowners. They raise the prices of garbage bags in order to produce less waste by citizens.
2. My parents are applying incentives for college. They would like me to stay in Houston for school, so they told me that if I left Houston I would have to pay for my tuition.
3. The government may encourage others to buy electronic products such as nooks or tablets by utilizing the incentives of offering apps and devices. The government may also discourage certain behaviors such as truancy/misbehaving in school by institutionalizing juvenile detention centers and truancy fines.
Joshua Roy
Period 2
1. Zurich's garbage system internalizes the negative effects that are common with household consumption by causing it to be cheaper for the government and more expensive for homeowners. They raise the prices of garbage bags in order to produce less waste by citizens.
2. My parents are applying incentives for college. They would like me to stay in Houston for school, so they told me that if I left Houston I would have to pay for my tuition.
3. The government may encourage others to buy electronic products such as nooks or tablets by utilizing the incentives of offering apps and devices. The government may also discourage certain behaviors such as truancy/misbehaving in school by institutionalizing juvenile detention centers and truancy fines.
(disregard the previous post)
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