Sunday, November 30, 2014

Illegal Immigration; Not an Economic Debate

Check out this article by Jason Welker about the Economics of Illegal Immigration. It is a refreshing take on an issue that has gotten a great deal of publicity recently. What are your thoughts after reading the article? Is this different from what you have been hearing from both the Republicans and the Democrats lately? Leave your comments before Sunday at midnight.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Fed Chairman Game

Check out this game created by the Federal Reserve. It deals with exactly what we are studying right now, monetary policy. The game puts you in the position of the Fed Chairman, and you must manipulate interest rates in order to balance unemployment and inflation. Click on the learn more button before playing. Investigate the Fed Toolkit and the other items in the help section. After this play the game. Give me a short summary of your strategy and how it went.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Keynes vs. Hayek: The Debate Continues

Read the article and decide which famous Economist you most identify with. Then watch the youtube video

Part II of the Epic Battle at:
Fight of the Century:

Identify at least 3 points from either Economist that you agree with. List the point and the video that it came from. Don't copy your classmates responses.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Its all about the incentives

Read the following article about how the Swiss deal with the negative spillover costs associated with garbage. Answer the three questions at the end of the article. Your examples in #2 and #3 must be original and not copied from previous posts or no credit will be given.