Check out this article by Jason Welker about the Economics of Illegal Immigration. It is a refreshing take on an issue that has gotten a great deal of publicity recently. What are your thoughts after reading the article? Is this different from what you have been hearing from both the Republicans and the Democrats lately? Leave your comments before Sunday at midnight.
After reading this article,my opinion hasn't really changed. As a child of immigrants, I do think that immigration is an opportunity to better oneself. Therefore, working hard to achieve one's goals don't mean "stealing" another's. However, like my parents,I don't condone illegal immigration because there is always the right way to accomplish something. If my parents had to wait and work for their citizenship,then others can too. In addition, I don't think such drastic measures are required to bar others from a land known as "The Melting Pot" or a land of opportunity because that stalls progress for immigrants and US citizens.
This article didnt impact my political view at all. Although, I was born an American citizen, my parents however were not. They were immigrants. I agree with the fact where the article states that immigration is not an economic debate although it does affect emplyoment, but it is a political one. One statistic did skepticize me a bit. The article stated that there is no evidence that illegal immigration puts downward pressure on American wage rates. Both republican and democratic attributes are portrayed in this article and roughly half of it represents what each party is currently stating. But in the big picutre, democrats hold their beliefts about immigration and republicans hold theirs as well. This article didnt impact my current political views which is stirctly moderate.
I think that this is an interesting article. My political views were not really changed, but it was interesting to find out that the number of immigrants entering the US illegally has declined, and the number of aliens leaving the US is increasing. Immigration is not an economic debate, but it is a political one.
Jennifer Shen-1st
After reading the article, my thoughts about illegal immigration are still not changed. Like what the article says, illegal immigration does not put downward pressure on American wage rates and jobs might not even exist in America without immigrant workers willing to work for low wages. I believe the social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. Opportunities only belong to those who deserve to get. Even if there is few illegal immigration, some citizens who doesn't have ability will lose their opportunities.
This article did give me more information on why immigration could be a good thing. My political views are still on-the-fence about this issue. My parents are both immigrants, but they are against illegal immigration. They believe that coming to America is a good choice, and those that want to should have the choice, but they would like it to be done legally. They had to go through the long process of getting permission to live in America, and they don't think it is fair that illegals don't have to go through that long process. Personally, I don't mind them coming because they do jobs that most people don't want to do, and they do it for a lower price. Without them, these jobs will not get done. However, I have been told by my parents that illegals receive free healthcare and other benefits that most American's do not receive. Although this does not make sense to me, if it is true, that would be unfair. Overall, my moderate opinion is still the same.
The debate on illegal immigration has been controversial for quite some time. To me, I do not see immigration as a bad thing for America. This country is made up of immigrants around the world and there should not be any restrictions against that.
The article explained that Americans practice a free market economy which means there should be no control of the flow of labor between two countries. I think that the immigrants only help the economy not hinder it. The article says that many of these immigrants take jobs that many Americans are unwilling to do. Thus, having immigration would help the economy grow.
Tyler Morris
1st period
My opinions haven't changed much. I believe immigration is a good thing, however, it should be done in a legal manner. Otherwise there is no way to keep track of the labor force. Immigration is what this country is built on, and I fully understand itty is a sensitive issue. Everyone has a right to grab at opportunities. However, by taking those opportunities illegally people take chances away from others who follow the rules. We need immigrants to enrich our culture, and help us stay economically stable. But we also need ways to.unsure they're protected and kept up to speed with the way our country works. Just think about the effects on society if no one who immigrated was covered by insurance. It works end up costing legal citizens more. Short explanation is that immigration is good, when done correctly.
Cortney Corley
4 period
After reading this article, my opinions regarding immigration have remained the same. I do believe that illegal immigration is as issue in the United States, but legal immigration can be extremely beneficial regarding the booming businesses and industries. I feel that immigration is a political issue, not an economic one, because there have been countless debates over it. I feel that the only thing immigration does for economics is either boost industry production or decrease it, depending on the flow of workers. I feel that stricter immigration laws, like the ones the US has started, are good for the people as a whole because they lose less threat to crimes and other issues regarding illegals. Immigration can boost opportunity, especially if moving to a more beneficial place for work and home.
Immigration seems to be a touchy subject for the more politically-adept debaters. While it introduces more people to the Land of Opportunities, it strains the United States' limited resources and job opportunities. However, immigrants don't just take jobs without benefiting the country. Every individual pursuing the American dream could potentially become something great. On the other hand, some people, even when given various benefits, find themselves unable to function in society. All in all, immigration, in my opinion, is never a definite yay or nay. There are always both sides to this controversial argument.
After reading this article my opinion hasn't' changed. I don't believe that immigration is that big of a problem in the U.S. And immigrants tend to take unwanted jobs that must be done. Who are we to say that immigrants cannot raise the status of their family by coming to America. Since it is economically beneficial for immigrants to come, perhaps politicians should look at this and reconsider their Ideas of immigrants.
My opinion is still the same after reading this article. I believe that immigration is a decision meant taken to get socioeconomic advantages. It has traditionally been what has defined America: the land of opportunity. Phrasing or suggesting it as "stealing" another's opportunity is ludicrous. Aren't we all entitled to pursue our goals in whatever manner we choose? However, the land of opportunity is sometimes abused. Illegal immigrants from the border of Mexico and those crossing the gulf of Mexico from Cuba threaten our country. Everyone should apply for citizenship rather than "skip in line."
I think looking at the immigrant issue in an economic standpoint is very interesting. Regardless, I stand by my opinion that illegal immigration is not a good thing. If illegal immigrants wanted to be in the United States they should enter our country legally. However, I do like the economic reasons that Welker gives in his article. I also thought it was impressive when he refuted the two comments from the readers. From an economic standpoint illegal immigration is good; from a political standpoint illegal immigration is bad.
After reading this article, my opinion has not changed much. I believe that immigrants are a benefit to the economy. They work hard to reach the status that they achieve. I do not support the illegal way of coming into this country and they should work hard to achieve citizenship and follow appropriate channels. The amount of illegal immigrants are decreasing which is a good thing and shows that immigration does improve the economy.
Immigration is a large issue throughout the country, not just in specified regions throughout the south. It should not be emphasized that a border need be built on the border to mexico, but rather the money needs to be spent on ensuring that everybody gets the right and the opportunity to explain themselves. There are plenty of people who illegally immigrate who deserve a chance in our country and who will benefit us in the long run, and that is important. Republicans and democrats need to work together on this issue because its one that transcends party lines.
Akshay thakor 4th
After reading the article i do think immigration is a good thing. my views didnt change. Everyone come to america in hope of better living and some to live there dreams. If were talking about illegal immigration south of the US, many of those immigrants seek better living conditions than what they receive in there country. i watched this documentary once that shows us this group of immigrants lived in like a 400sq ft apartment and they were a family of 6 and not everyone was able to work due too them trying to be under the radar. the familys father worked in jobs that even citizens wouldnt work for. if immagrants are doing jobs that we dont like, we cant refuse them and send them back after they did our "dirty" work. how humane is it when you ask for cheap labor so you save money and then you backstab the worker that did it free for you. not cool man, not cool. i think democrats and republics need to stop worrying about there party and actually try to to understand immigrants and help them, sure we cannot take all of them, but some help will be acceptable. im pretty sure if i was a member of the family that i saw in the documentary, i would not have hesitated coming over the border. the family lived in a house smaller then the apartment they lived in, the house didnt have a roof, it was a box, the house was broken down on one side, no bathroom facilities, etc. living conditions were poor.
I strongly feel that America should remain open to immigration. Afterall, America does take on the great identity of a melting pot. The fact that immigration rates are falling actually worries me. Plus wouldn't cultural immigration and diversity lead to a greater economic network as well? I don't see any reason to regulate/control immigration
In my opinion immigration is not a bad thing to have. If you really think about it immigration can help a countries economy burst at times. For example countries like the Middle East which export high amount of oil has lots of guest workers who immigrate to work and help the Saudi Arabian economy boom. But on the other hand you also have to control how much you immigrate into your country because sometimes it can lead to political issues.
The debate on illegal immigration has been controversial for quite some time. To me, I do not see immigration as a bad thing for America. This country is made up of immigrants around the world and there should not be any restrictions against that.
The article explained that Americans practice a free market economy which means there should be no control of the flow of labor between two countries. I think that the immigrants only help the economy not hinder it. The article says that many of these immigrants take jobs that many Americans are unwilling to do. Thus, having immigration would help the economy grow.
This honestly has not affected my political opinions period. I find it hypocritical that proponents of the free market think that it's bad that people are immigrating. At the same time, I find it hypocritical that Democrats think that putting more poor in the streets is somehow going to fix things. True there needs to be people doing some of the grunt work, but at the same time these somehow "inferior", as some people like to call them, immigrants are coming in with more qualifications and actually starting up businesses while the average "citizen" is mired in sloth while unable to take a pay cut. As Milton Friedman argued, the ability to take lower wages makes those prejudiced against those earning a lower wage pay a cost for being bigots or in this case wanting "diversity". I applaud these immigrants for surviving on what they need as they are showing the hard working American spirit than some citizens. At the same time, allowing those unable to survive on their own and making them dependent on the State as to make them loyal voters for the party that provides them welfare is just as underhanded. Allowing those who do not wish to work to stay on the streets and making them dependents is unjust.
Prerna Kamnani
Period 1
After reading this article, my views on immigration have not changed. Coming from an immigrant family, I believe that America is truly the “land of opportunity.” Also, immigrants have to work just as hard if not harder to obtain and achieve their goals. However, I do not think that illegal immigration is good. In fact, I do not agree with that at all. I also do not think that America needs to put barriers on immigration because that will not change the fact that illegal immigrants will still find a way to come in. If anything, it will stop the legal ones from coming in. I think immigration is the reason why America is such a unique country. The melting pot aspect is also a reason for its success.
Allen Jose
1st period
This is an interesting article but yet it hasn't made much of an impact on my political views. It was extremely surprising to find out that the number of immigrants entering the US illegally has declined, and the number of "illegals" leaving the US is increasing. I personally thing that immigration is good, but at a controlled level.
Immigration has been one of the main topics discussed in today's time. It has been viewed as a problem towards most people whom search for jobs and believe that all immigrants take the americans jobs, it can be good though, it brings more of a variety to the U.S. Overall, reading this article did not change my political views on the matter. As long as there is a balance between people coming in and doing what every citizen does, there should be no problem. Everyone contributes to creating a new and better world.
Mohammad Abdel-Aziz
Period 3
After reading the article my political views haven't been changed. As a son of immigrant parents who waited for their papers to be finished and worked through the entire process I think immigration can be a stepping stone to bettering one's situation. However, I believe illegal immigration is ridiculous. With hard work and patience anything can be accomplished, there is no need to cheat your way to your goals. Immigration is a political debate and not an economic one.
Seth Jokinen
4th Period
Although, I enjoyed this article. My opinion on illegal immigration remains unchanged. If they do not bother to do the paperwork to become a citizen of the United States, then why should we let them stay? Even if their circumstances back home leave them desperate to move to another nation, they should not be exempt from the rules that our nation has put down.
Illegal immigration refers to the migration of people across national borders, or the residence of foreign nationals in a country, in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country.Illegal immigration is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. One measurable factor is the ‘push-pull’ incentive - the quality of life in the host country against the home country. But it is also noted that illegal immigrants tend not to be the poorest within their populations.[dubious – discuss]
Some countries have millions of illegal immigrants.When potential immigrants believe that the chances of successfully migrating are greater than the risks/costs, illegal immigration becomes an option. The benefits taken into account include not only expected improvements in income and living conditions, but also expectations in relation to potential future residential permits, where illegal immigrants are given a path to naturalization or citizenship. The costs may include restrictions on living as an illegal immigrant in the destination country, leaving family and ways of life behind, and the probability of being detained and resulting sanctions.
The article have not changed my opinion on immigration. I believe immigration is a good thing. I believe in harmless individuals who are wiling to hard and contribute to society are welcome to enter in this country legally. I understand that we are all immigrants, but we are still a nation of laws so illegal immigration should be just that... illegal!
Saimol Edaparampil
4th Period
This article has not changed my view on immigrants at all. My parents were immigrants who worked hard and due my mom being sponsored at a hospital, my family was able to settle in the US. As long as the people who immigrate to the US are doing it legally, there is no problem. However, it doesn't seem right to illegally enter unless there may have been an extremely important situation. US is a land of opportunities and to get there, one must work hard.
After reading the article, my thoughts haven't really changed. Rather I agree with many of the points the article makes regarding the notion that immigration shouldn't be actively prevented. The U.S has constantly been trying to filter the people that immigrate to it, going against the fundamental ideas of equal opportunity it was founded upon. If this country really is the "World Police" it claims to be, it should redirect the resources and efforts put to restrict people from bettering the lives and actually try to make itself a place where people can enhance their lives. Instead of simply advertising itself as the land of opportunity, the Republicans and Democrats should make it a common goal to truly make the U.S a place where immigrants can move to despite their situations. People in dire situations sometimes don't have the time or resources to do so so there should be more measures of gaining citizenship.
Period 4
This article hasn't really changed my opinion on immigration much. With immigrants coming from around the world many come for better opportunities provided by the U.S. Knowing my family's intention for moving into the U.S., it was hard for both my parents to find jobs let alone attend a university. With this I see that if a immigrant makes the best of the opportunity they have been given by entering this country then I see no problem.
I found it funny that the actual immigration rate is lower than the emigration rate. This is ironic in that everyone thinks that the we are constantly getting more and more immigrants. I do not think that immigration is that huge of a problem. Or at least, it is not as bad as many people are making it out to be. If a person was qualified enough for a job, they should be able to fight against other immigrants and be able to get the job of them. Overall, my opinion did not change much.
My views have not changed from reading this article. Merely strengthened and reassured. I believe that a certain percentage of illegal immigrants are needed for our economy. Before moving to the scope of things, think about the personal gains of illegal immigration. With illegal immigrants we as the middle and upper classes have a class below the blue collar worker to do the menial labors for us, and cheaper too. The best part for the government is that they can take all the money owed to them in back taxes on everything earned, and that would be a lot of money. Immigration is an economic debate as well as a political one, because one cannot run a functional government without the necessary and proper economic support.
Reading this article hasn't really changed my poitical views, I feel that the united states as a whole is really overpopulated because of immigrants but i know that is had to change because a lot of people become citizens when the get here. Illegal immingrants on the other should be deported because they are taking job opportunities for people that were born here.
With the issue receiving a lot of publicity recently, my views remain unchanged. I feel that illegal immigrants have been an essential part of our economy, for many do tasks that we, as citizens would not take on ourselves. Thus, they boost the economy and allow us to focus on our own tasks. However, there are some which do create an unfair job market. For example, an illegal immigrant may receive a job over an unemployed American, which I find unfair. Thus, I feel that there should be some sort of regulation for which jobs immigrants can and can't do.
This article echoed a few things I've thought before with regards to immigration, which are that immigrants, those not citizens, help the economy in the way that they provide labor and capital that cannot be taxed and social security does not need to be paid. Sometimes the worker can be paid less, which is more money in the corporations pocket. It has always confused me that republicans hate illegal immigration so much because they are actually the ones who benefit the most from immigrants. All in all, big picture economics tend to shy away from politics, and that is the attitude often taken. But the politic prejudices tend to be hate the economic benefits.
John Moore
3rd period
This article did not affect my political opinion in any way. Although the article was insightful and engaging the decline of immigration makes no difference to my political stand points besides the fact that it is now not as big a deal as the Government is making it out to be. We should not be focused on immigration as much as education.
This article really didn't change my opinion on immigrants working in the US. I feel that immigrants should be encouraged to work in the US especially if it means creating more opportunity or the chance for a better life for their families. I do not agree with the statements making it seem as though immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans. If Americans waned to work those jobs they have the opportunity but usually some think some of the jobs are beneath them. Any type of job that others want to better their lives with should be encouraged and looked at from a global standpoint instead of a US standpoint.
This article did not change my opinion of illegal immigration. I still believe that this is a political debate. I still think that people should not immigrate illegally, but I still do not believe that it hurts our economy.
Brookley Torres
This article did not change my views on the subject of immigration. I believe that the flow of people is fine and should not be as big of a deal as it has become. I think that people should do it the right way and become citizens but overall in a capitalistic economy it should not matter who does the work as long as it is done the most efficiently. Again I have to agree that immigration is not an economic debate but a political one.
Alvin Mei
4th period
After reading this article, my opinion has not deterred. There is nothing wrong with the flow of illegal immigrants into America. There is also nothing wrong with the system of allowing how many immigrants to cross its country boarders. This is a free world for everyone to take part in, but most leaders don't see it that way. I agree that illegal immigration is only the movement of labor from one region to another. That is all, people come to America to live the American dream so that they can lead free and happy lives. Illegal immigrants do not pose as invasions, because most of them are sincere people willing to put their lives on the line for whatever they desire.
Alexander Pappan
4th Period
After reading this article my opinions have not changed. However i feel like jobs are being taken away from actual citizens of the US that deserve them and are being given to others, but also there are some illegal immigrants that do more for economic stimulation than citizens themselves
Harrison You
4th period
After dissecting and digesting this article, my opinions have not changed. Illegal immigrants hound tax monies that citizens pay, burden public services, and generally are uneducated. I believe immigration should be legal and that immigrants should have useful skills that will add value to our society. We can't just allow anyone in and let them reap the rewards of our hard work. We have enough low skilled workers already and we don't need anymore.
In my opinion, the American dream is just that, a dream for Americans,. Despite being the "land of opportunity," America refuses to allow immigrants the equal chance of attaining "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." Granted, illegal immigration is becoming a growing problem, it is not surprising that individuals would want to move to America for better opportunities. It is also not surprising for businesses to manipulate immigrant's situations by offering lower wages to immigrants knowing that in their desperation they will accept. What is surprising, however, is the way that immigrants are portrayed through the myriad of debates between Republican and Democrat. Immigrants are depicted as thieves of american jobs. Who is to blame really when immigrants are forced into taking lower wages often times for jobs that no one wants. The article did not change my belief; instead, it strengthened my argument by providing examples of how immigration (even illegal) can strengthen America: through comparative advantage that is the increase exportation of goods due to increase in cheap labor. Furthermore, according to the article, illegal immigration has no effect on U.S employment.
Period 3
As the son of immigrants who legally came to the US, I feel privileged to be born in a country that provides opportunities for anyone willing to work hard for it. I believe that this privilege, like any other, must be earned by one's self or their ancestors. Illegal immigration is an issue of equality to those those who have earned it. "Some people are more equal than others." Typically, the jobs the immigrants take are dangerous and underpaid, but those jobs are American jobs which people who are desperate for anything are willing to take. The malpractice of businesses employing underpaid people and abusing them can be curbed by American citizens who have the proper workers rights. But it is nice to know that illegal immigration does not affect US employment.
saira sultan pd. 3
A lot of people come from families of immigrants that end up becoming very successful. My dad for one came to America when he was 18 to study and is in a good place economically. I do not think it is fair to take jobs away from Americans but to be honest if an immigrant is more efficient than an American as far as completing a tasks for a job goes it is only right that they are able to have the job. overall i feel immigrants should be able to come to America, because they too are capable of achieving great things and it is only right that they get the opportunity to do so. however, i do feel that they should have to pay taxes and play a role in benefiting the public just like every citizen.
After reading this article, my opinion on illegal immigrants has not changed much. Although illegal immigrants can sometimes be a burden, many of them have good intentions and contribute to the economy by performing certain forms of labor that some Americans may desire to do. Illegal immigration is definitely a prevalent issue that should be addressed in modern politics, but I do not think immigrants pose as serious a threat as many right wing conservatives suggest they do. After all, the article states how illegal immigration does not really affect or push down American wage rates, so if "immigrants stealing American jobs" is not as big of an issue as it it made out to be, that entire argument is proven less valid. Immigrants can often be an asset to this country, and have made this country what it is today, politically, economically, and in many other ways. Immigration should not be done illegally, but rather than taking extreme measures to eradicate current illegal immigrants, we should focus on making coming to the country (with good intentions) and trying to become a citizen easier, since it is currently an arduous process that may promote illegal immigration.
The article had little to no affect on my political views on immigration. The majority of my family including my parents were born in India and Pakistan and to me the "stealing" jobs argument has always seemed ridiculous to me. Illegal immigration is a bit different in the regards of immigration. In understand why it may not have economic harms but their are other risks when considering illegal immigration that makes me iffy on the subject.
Matt Louis
After reading the article I still feel the same about immigration. The United States broadcasts to the world that we are the " Land of Freedom and Opportunity", and I believe people coming into the country in search of that dream should be welcomed. Immigrants also help to encourage diversity to the nation. While Democrats embrace diversity, they understand that the increasing number of illegal immigration is not good for the future. Immigration is part of America's foundation, we just have to find the right balance.
Immigration should not be done illegally, but rather than taking extreme measures to eradicate current illegal immigrants, we should focus on making coming to the country (with good intentions) and trying to become a citizen easier, since it is currently an arduous process that may promote illegal immigration.It is also not surprising for businesses to manipulate immigrant's situations by offering lower wages to immigrants knowing that in their desperation they will accept
Immigration shouldn't be perceived as a bad thing. Immigrants usually come to America seeking employment to provide for their families and live the American dream. They deserve an opportunity to become something in life just as much as we "natives" do, they're just like us always seeking more.
Mansi Inamdar
period 1
This article didn't really change my opinion. Immigrants come to the country for a better opportunity and a new life to start over from the past. Becoming a citizen should also be easier so that these immigrants can live a proper life and not be known as illegal.
In all honesty this article didn't affect my point of view on immigration very greatly.I am a legal immigrant myself and my family included. We worked hard to get where we are now, therefore I feel if anything legal immigrants from different countries actually raise the value of America due to the diversity. However, just like my dad I don's exactly approve of the people who get here illegally, even though yes they do not do much harm economically, there is a normal process that everyone has to go through.It is only fair this way.
In all honesty this article didn't affect my point of view on immigration very greatly.I am a legal immigrant myself and my family included. We worked hard to get where we are now, therefore I feel if anything legal immigrants from different countries actually raise the value of America due to the diversity. However, just like my dad I don's exactly approve of the people who get here illegally, even though yes they do not do much harm economically, there is a normal process that everyone has to go through.It is only fair this way.
Sam Kadakia
Period 1
I haven't changed my opinion, but that's because this article was unclear. Was the author supporting illegal immigration or not? I know he was saying that it's a political issue and economically it's just a flow of labor. My thoughts, however, are that illegal immigration should not be continued but only because of the crime rates and so forth. However if people are coming in as workers not criminals then America, being the "land of opportunity", should provide some sort of opportunity.
Period 1
After reading this article, my views on immigration have not changed much. As a child of immigrants, I think that immigration provides great opportunities for people to improve the quality of their lives. Immigration does not necessarily have to mean stealing American jobs or ruining the economy. However, I am against illegal immigration. There is a reason there is a process, and I think that process should be followed. If people have to wait to obtain citizenship, others should too. Overall, I think immigration is a good thing, as it can provide opportunities and diversify the country.
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