Sunday, April 20, 2014
Distilling the Wisdom of C.E.O.’s
As we near the end of our semester together, time to start thinking
about the future. Check out this article from the NY Times, it
identifies some of the characteristics shared by CEOs of corporations.
Of those traits listed which one do you think is the most important?
List a few characteristics that you think should be added to the list.
Of those listed, which characteristics do you feel that you possess, and
which ones would you need to work on?

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In my opinion, team smarts and passionate curiosity are the most essential traits. I would add creativity to the list because innovation is what drives a company or a person to work harder in order to stay in the competition. I believe I possess passionate curiosity because I want to know and understand human nature. However, I do need to work on fearlessness. I don't like to take a lot of risks because I know that I won't be the only one affected,so I like to weigh my options perhaps too much.
In my opinion, team smarts and passionate curiosity are the most essential traits. I would add creativity to the list because innovation is what drives a company or a person to work harder in order to stay in the competition. I believe I possess passionate curiosity because I want to know and understand human nature. However, I do need to work on fearlessness. I don't like to take a lot of risks because I know that I won't be the only one affected,so I like to weigh my options perhaps too much.
Akshay thakor 4th
From this list, i think the most important is fearlessness or risk taking. In addition to the list, i would add an optimistic mindset. i would add it because with a positive attitude and personality, maintaining a company in the long run is key to one being successful.
i feel like i possess the qualities of being passionate and fearlessness. i would need to work on being confident about my ideas and stuff.
Confidence, in my opinion, is the key in business. You must be able to believe in an idea as well as your abilities to be able to sell your ideas and be successful. One can invent a time machine but if he is not confident enough to show the world his brilliance, his idea does not do any good for him. There are two traits, however, that the article fails to mention, the first being persistence. Persistence is extremely significant because success does not come with failures along the way. One must be persistent enough to keep going failure after failure. Another trait would be adaptability. In business, things don't always go as planned. People must be willing to change their approach even if it was not their first choice. I believe that I am passionate about what I do. I don't like doing extra things in my life that don't intrigue me enough to the point where I'm ready throw myself into the work. However, fearlessness is something I need to work on. I sometimes avoid things that scare me and while I know that's not always the solution, I do it anyways.
I think Fearlessness is the most important of the Habits. A CEO can't survive in a cut throat environment if he or she is not fearless. They need to be able to face problems and deal with conflicts. If a CEO expects to be successful, they need to be able to do whatever it takes to get to that point. If they can't do that, they will not be successful.
This may go under Team Smarts, however, i think resourcefulness should be added. to the list. A successful CEO needs to be able to use its resources to their fullest and needs to utilize all they can to be successful.
I feel I possess the Team Smarts and a simple mind set. However, I think I lack in the Confidence and Fearlessness. I need to be able to confidently go into situations if I want to succeed.
Tyler Morris
1st period
" Passionate curiosity. Battle-hardened confidence. Team smarts. A simple mind-set. Fearlessness." These are the qualities of leadership. I would like to see the quality of 'willingness to learn' on the list as well as a willingness to learn is always important. If you cannot learn, then you cannot continue to run a company in an ever-changing society. I would also make sure to add humility. Humility is important because it allows you to learn from your mistakes, instead of blaming others for them. These qualities are examples that i have seen in the effective business men and women that I know personally. These are highly effective qualities to have, along with the five that were previously listed.
Out of all of the qualities that were listed for CEOs, I would have to say team smarts/working well with others, and confidence. If you don't believe in your product or company then how could you convince any one else to believe in It. This line of thinking works hand in hand with working well with others. Communication is very important in the business place and the successful business accurately and fully communicates ideas in a way that all can understand and be convinced of. One trait I know I can work on is having a simple mindset, because often times I try to control too much and think about things I shouldn't worry about and it can be overwhelming and hinder my productivity and motivation.
Kaylah Moore
Period: 1
List a few characteristics that you think should be added to the list. Of those listed, which characteristics do you feel that you possess, and which ones would you need to work on?
I do not think that there should be anything added to the list. the five characteristics that are listed are vague, to where they cover all of the characteristics of a great leader and CEO.
I believe that the characteristic that best describes me is "fearlessness". I am one of those people that are always taking risk, because I do feel uncomfortable being comfortable. Taking risks is my way of keeping my mind busy.
The one that I feel I need to work on most would be "team smarts". Although I feel that I am a very good team player, I do not feel that I could run a team with confidence.
Being confident and fearless are the best qualities in a CEO. You can't back down from anyone in your way. You must set your mind to a goal and stop at nothing to achieve it, and make sure everyone knows that they're either with you, or against you.
Jennifer Shen-1st period
I think the most important characteristics is the battle-hardened confidence because as a leader, one should have the confidence to give others directions. I would like to add self-determination to the list. I think I possess Passionate Curiosity cuz I like to ask a lot of questions. The ones i would need to work on are team smarts, battle-hardened confidence, a simple mind-set, and fearlessness. I always worry too much.
I think that confidence is the most important characteristic. Although all the others are very important, confidence pulls everything together. Without confidence, people wont trust you, you wont be able to take risks and you wont be respected. It takes confidence to be able to take charge. I do not have such confidence. I have some, but not enough to do the duties required of a CEO. So I need to work on taking risks, believing in myself, and knowing that I have something great to offer.
Period 4
In my opinion, battle hardened confidence is the most important characteristic a CEO can have because they are always dealing and representing a company and a large number of people. Because of this, they need to take on whatever is thrown at them and stand their ground. A few characteristics that I would add to the list are a good work ethic, admirable leadership skills, and the ability to be open to new ideas. Of these I think I possess the ability to open up to new ideas, but I would need to work on my leadership skills.
Cortney Corley
Period 4
I think that fearlessness and the mindset are what make a person outstanding I. The business world. Mindset is everything. You have to have a positive attitude to get far and get the job done well. Being fearless is important because people should not be afraid to take risks if it ultimately benefits them and their business. I think that determination and leadership, as well as knowledge on the topic are also what make a good businessman or woman. I think that I possess the confidence and determination, but it would need to work on being fearless, because I would not want to fail.
Personally I think confidence is the most important because that is the foundation for building a successful company. Persistence, open mindedness , and good social skills are the fundamental characteristics of a successful CEO according to me. I feel like I have all of the traits to be a CEO> Without sounding cocky, I believe I have full potential to be a CEO of a company or even my own company. Although the creativeness part of me somewhat lacks, I am a huge risk taker. Risk taking is what begin a entrepreneur is all about. IF I were blessed with a more creative mind, I believe I would start my own business. Other than that factor, I have all the traits to be a CEO.
Of the five listed CEO-material characteristics, the most important one is the "battle-hardened confidence." Without confidence, the other characteristics wouldn't really exist. Even if you do have a passionate curiosity, you only act based upon your own decisiveness and will. The same goes for the 'team-smarts' attribute.
Some characteristics I would add to this list would include: patience, larger-perspective mindset, and people skills in general to create a succeeding work atmosphere.
I believe that I possess the passionate curiosity. I tend to question the way things work and enjoy figuring those things out. Nevertheless, I need the most work on the "battle-hardened confidence." Obviously, even as stated in the article, we need experience and a past filled with adversities, which most of us haven't had a chance to delve into. By continuing on my educational endeavor, I will definitely come across those occasions from which I can learn.
I believe that adversity is the most important trait listed in the article. Why? Well because I believe that if a person is not able to overcome/deal with problems at their workplace or environment then they are unfit/incapable of the job. I believe that caring for ones self should be added to the list because although being a team player is good and all it will not realistically get all of YOUR work done so therefore it is very important. I feel as I have a simple mind set however I know for a fact that I lack fearlessness,battle-bearded confidence and for the most part passionate curiosity.
Kristal Pinto
4th period
In my point of view, team smarts and fearlessness are very important traits. I would add connector to the list because as a CEO one should be very passionate towards the companies goal. In order to be successful the CEO should be able to connect various aspects of the company, such as to the customer or the products. I feel like I possess simple mind set because I personally am very frank and to the point on a lot of things. However, I do still have to try to possess fearlessness. I like the idea of playing on the safer side and not playing it too risky.
I think that Team Smarts and Battle-hardened Confidence are the most important things. You need to be a people person, able to work well with others, but you also need the confidence to know that you are right, and even if things go wrong you just have to keep trying. I Believe that I posses all of the qualities listed in the article, but I could always work a little harder for a simple mindset. I am very good at over thinking, complicating, and really, I just talk A LOT! Other than that, I think that all qualities needed with specified in the article. I cant really think of any others.
I think a balance between confidence and understanding of a team mentality and knowing that they aren't the smartest in the room is the most important quality. They are meant to lead by taking in advice and applying it in the best way, so listening to experts in other subjects is important to being effective. A trait missing from the list was business ethics, including sparing profits in order to make the company more green or more healthy for consumers.
A quality that I believe is most essential would be fearlessness. When beginning a company it is hard and could go down the drain in a matter of days. They should be able to conquer big projects and work to make the company bigger. I would add passion to the list. You should always have a passion in what you work at. This is considered the most important trait for me.
From this list, a simple mindset would, in my opinion, be the most important. So many things get overcomplicated for no apparent reason when a simpler solution could not create opportunities and save both money and resources.
A characteristic that I would add to the list would be the capability of adapting. There are always going to be unforeseen events that will change the game plan, but being able to find a solution and bouncing back will separate the normal business owners and the billionaire CEOs.
Of the listed characteristics, I would attribute 'passionate curiosity' to myself, since I tend to learn things quickly. Characteristics that I need to work on would definitely be battle-hardened confidence and team smarts. Sometimes its hard for me to communicate because it feels like it'd be easier to just let someone else handle the task of organization.
In my opinion the most important trait would be the passionate curiosity, with this trait all the other traits are innate. This idea of passionate curiosity means that not only is this person curious, where they want to see how something works, with passionate curiosity its a active curiosity, doing/taking the risk/confidence/ and genuine fearlessness all in one.
I think the trait that's missing is the ability to understand that you are wrong.
Confidence is extremely important in the business sector. Without confidence, how can you be expected to accomplish anything? If you aren't confident in your business skills, you are unlikely to even start your business on the right track. Assertiveness should be added to the list of characteristics. Some business people are compassionate and caring for their employees, but are not assertive enough to get them to do any work. A C.E.O. needs to know how to get people to do what is needed without bribing anyone, but by being assertive. I have a simple mind-set for most things. This would be great in a business environment as I would be able to easily make my point and not annoy be boss.
In my opinion, I believe that confidence is the most important trait. If the leader is not confident in the choices he/she makes, then nobody else will follow it since there is no reassurance the plan will carry out successfully. I believe that having motivation is a strong characteristic leaders should have to promote a positive working atmosphere. I believe that fearlessness is a trait that I need to work on because I often doubt the decisions I make on whether or not it is the right thing to do.
The most important trait listed in my opinion is passionate curiosity because I feel it helps people get further in life.I think that leadership and personal power should be added to the list. I possess team smarts and a little bit of passionate curiosity. I need to work on my passionate curiosity more along with my battle-hardened confidence and fearlessness.
In my opinion, team smarts is the most important trait. People must be able to cooperate at that level of business as they do in any other level. I think time tested wisdom, should be added to the list. CEO's need some experience so they wont make "rookie" mistakes. I feel that I already have team smarts. I need to work on Battle-Hardened confidence of course, because I have no experience.
I believe that being a team player is most important. As the CEO of the company, you must be able to balance conflicting views and manage your workers. You must be able to intermediate between groups, work effortlessly with them, and understand every side of the issue. I think I am a excellent team player. I can effectively lead others but balance out others. I need work on fearlessness. I have a habit of sticking to only something that reaps rewards. I have to be more of a dare devil.
Period 4
In my opinion, fearlessness is one of the most essential traits. If a leader is unwilling to take risks, his or her company/organization will never progress or may even fail. However, the other characteristics are important as well.
I would add resilience and pragmatism to the list. A resilient CEO would be able to adapt to changes and deal with difficulty while being pragmatic could help he/she make better and more realistic decisions.
Of the listed characteristics, I think I am passionately curious and have some team smarts. I need to work most on confidence and fearlessness but I could also work on having a simpler mindset.
Saimol Edaparampil
4th Period
Confidence and fearlessness seems to be the most essential qualities out of the five. A few additional characteristics I would add to the list would be open-mindedness and determination. I believe that I possess team smarts and passionate curiosity. I really need to improve on fearlessness because I do hesitate at times when I have to take big risks.
Period 4
Having team smarts in my opinion is the most important aspect for a success of a company. Even though having fearlessness, confidence, etc. are great qualities, but I feel that it wouldn't be healthy for a company whom runs on many workers and look up for help when there are problems needed to be solved quickly while the top executives are taking the first action that comes to mind before thinking it over. A characteristic that should be added to the list would be having chemistry among the top executives of the company. With this, all the individuals would understand how the others thinking is a idea came to mind, and would be easier to have solutions to problems come to mind faster. Me personally I state my opinion in hopes someone else would agree with me, if not I wait for someone else to come up with a similar solution that makes sense and take action with them.
I think the most important trait has to be confident. You can be smart, rich, and extremely good looking, but not have the confidence to use such gifts. These people with their confident attitudes and beliefs are bosses at their companies due to the confidence in what is best for the company as well as for themselves. Traits I think that should be added are diplomatic skills. Being passionate about learning as well as fearlessness are all well and good, but diplomacy is what makes the company prosper more so than anything. There is also the need to add in the ability to get along with others while maintaining an open mind. Any person can be passionate about something, but keeping an open mind on matters where you may know everything as well as communicating with others is a key skill that all people should take note of. Of those listed I have self confidence as well as the need for passionate learning about how things work. I would need to work on fearlessness, but I am of the opinion that people should exercise caution as well as being fearful for good reason. People can take risks while being afraid, and so they realize the gravity of the situation more than anyone else.
Period 1
I think fearlessness is one of the most important characteristics listed in this article. Fear is often a quality that gets in the way of success because most are scared of failure or being out of their comfort zone. To be a great leader, a person cannot let fear keep him or her from going after risky goals.
Humility and resilience should be added to this list, in my opinion. Too often do leaders get big headed, and this has the potential to be the cause of downfall of himself/herself and/or the company; the mindset of not being the best is important. Resilience is also important because not everything works out the way we want all the time, so a good leader needs to be able to recover quickly from that and use it for his/her benefit.
I would probably say I have passionate curiosity, team smarts, and some confidence. I could definitely work on fearlessness and having a simple mindset.
Mastering the technical elements of speaking is just the beginning. The vast majority of public speaking training deals with identifying bad habits, drawing attention to them, and then telling you to not do them anymore. At FEARLESS COMMUNICATORS we explore how thought, body and breath are intrinsically tied to powerful communication. Once we can distinguish and unleash the power of one’s innate voice, we can start to tackle the experience of public speaking itself.
Alone, in front of an audience, with the stage, lights, microphones, lecterns, and podiums there is oftentimes a physical and emotional separation between speaker and audience. The speaker talks, the audience listens. Information is thrown out and the audience takes notes. The speaker drones, the audience sleeps. What is missing in this paradigm is an actual conversation. This is what we at FEARLESS COMMUNICATORS distinguish as public speaking vs. public sharing. If someone on stage fearlessly shares of themselves – a story, their sense of humor, their creativity, their passion – the audience experiences the event in a different way. The act of public sharing is a profoundly generous act. It is in the revelation of this generosity to the audience that they listen and reciprocate the generosity of the speaker. . In this oftentimes nonverbal communication between sharer and audience, miracles happen.
Tori Daniels
3rd Period
Of all of the traits, I feel that fearlessness is by far the most important. CEOs often have to make difficult decisions that will in turn better their company and profits. Without being able to take risks, the company would never advance or broaden. I feel that driven should also be on the list. CEOs must want more than anything for the company to succeed. Also, CEOs must be creative in thinking. In order to be the best, companies have to present new ideas that will be in high demand and make the company profit. I also feel that sociable should be on the list. A lot of times, in order to succeed you need to make good impressions and play kind with others. I feel that of all the traits the one that reflects my personality the most is that I'm a team player. I work well with others and find it easy to utilize all the minds in the group to better a product. I feel that I am not fearless or cutthroat enough. I am very passive aggressive and do not tend to make decisions that could potentially harm others even if it bettered my company.
Gabriel Camera
4th Period
The most important trait is passionate curiosity for many reasons. Not only because you need to have passion for what you do, but also because when you have passion you take it more seriously and will do anything to achieve your goals.
I would not add any characteristic to the list. I believe all you need to be successful is somehow explained in those traits or characteristics.
The passion i possess for the things I love is unreal.
When I get attached to something I know my passion will grow stronger, nothing will stop me from getting to my achievements.
In my opinion, I believe that team smarts and fearlessness is the most important trait. One must not be scared to take risk, but also, one must make smart choices. I would add determination to the list. One have to be able to keep going when the roads get tough. The trait I posses the most is determination. I typically never give up on my goals.
I think the most important characteristic is fearlessness. The reasoning behind this is that you are always willing to take the chances no matter what, and that is the thing that can lead to a successful business. After all saving all the money in a deposit wont do much unless you invest and take big risks like entrepreneurs. I believe that I have the confidence to take the risk and make smart decisions that can help my business boom. But I think I would need to work on communicating skills because after all taking big risks also needs some kind of support beneath it so by having good communication skills I can improve my self.
Nicolas Alba
Period 3
From the list, I would say that fearlessness is the most important. If you're running a large company, you can't afford to be afraid of anything, including competition and especially confronting tough choices. I think resourcefulness should also be added. This is because CEO's must learn to make a profit, even if the company dos not have much in terms of supply. I feel as though I have the passionate curiosity but not the battle hardened confidence.
I guess fearlessness and having a simple mind set are very important traits. While having such demanding jobs people that oversee everything have to really be able to make a strong decision and take a risk at some points. I feel like I would add encouraging nature or at least a trait that helps one to really help other pick back up and keep going. I believe it is vital to have someone who will keep pushing me and have faith in me in hard times.Interestingly, enough I think i possess fearlessness. Taking risks intrigues me and keeps my curiosity flourishing. However i would probably have to work on having a simple mind set in complicated times.
Matt Louis
I think the most important if the traits is fearlessness. Over seeing billion dollar companies, CEO s need to be fearless so they can lead their company and employees through anything. A trait I would add is patience. Everything isn't always going to happen at there speed and they need not become up set over it. Of the traits I believe I possess fearlessness yet still have a long way to go with it.
Prerna Kamnani
Period 1
I believe that team smarts is the most important characteristic out of all them. Being a chief executive or CEO, you will be working with others at all times since it a high position of leadership. Teams and groups would be a prominent part of the work life. Therefore, having the characteristics and qualities to maintain the teams/groups are so crucial in order to be successful.
I think a few characteristics that good be added to the list were a strong work ethic and productivity. A position of that stature requires someone who can actually get the job done. While having curiosity and being a risk taker are all key qualities, it is just as important that they will be able to execute those ideas and bring their visions to life.
Personally, I know that I am not the most efficient when it comes to delivering information. I tend be one of those “death by powerpoint” people. I do have a difficult time deciding on what is the most important and just getting to the point. I think I do have team smarts because I am able to work with other effectively and realize what each of us can bring to the table and continue forward from there.
In my opinion, fearlessness and passionate curiosity are the major qualities a CEO must have. They must face everything coming at them head on and their curiosity about everything will help them lead their employees. I feel that charisma should be added to the list. People must want to work for you and your cause otherwise it will not be successful. I believe that I possess passionate curiosity, seeing that I do like to ask questions and get to know people. I use what I know about people to motivate them. I need to work on my battle-hardened confidence. I am not a confident person and believe it would very good for me to develop this skill.It is too easy to come across as a pushover or as unprepared if you are not confident.
Allen Jose
1st period
In my opinion, battle hardened confidence is the most important characteristic a CEO need to have because they are dealing with a large company and a large number of people that comes with it. CEO's must be able to take on whatever is thrown at them because of this. characteristics that I might add on to the list are leadership skills, and an open mind. I think I am fairly good at being open new ideas, but I would need to work on my leadership skills.
Brookley Torres
4th PEriod
To be the CEO of a company I definitely think that you need to not be afraid to fail which would probably go under the fearlessness. I think you would also need to have a personality that could act on stressful circumstances. Things don't always go according to plan with a business so the CEO would need to know how to deal with changes. Personally, I do not think I would be a very good CEO. I definitely worry a lot so I would not have the fearlessness accompanies with being a CEO. The best CEO qualities I have would probably be the ability to work in a team and also passion for whatever I am doing.
Aman Gupte - 1st Period
I think that passionate curiosity is the most essential characteristic because that is what leads people to innovate and solve the world's problems. CEOs are bound to have this if they are to succeed in fulfilling their purpose. I would add clever to the mindset because you always have to look at things from everyone's perspective, including customers, employees, and yourself. I think that I have team smarts because I work well in groups and am able to manage working with others for the collective interest of the group. On the other hand, I think I need to work on fearlessness because I am unable to complete tasks that I feel are too risky. I need to be able to do so to be called fearless.
Mohammad Abdel-Aziz
Period 3
In my opinion I believe that risk taking and confidence are the most essential and imperative traits. If one does not take big risks they miss out on big opportunity and potentially big success. Confidence coincides with risk taking. If one is confident in their idea then they are willing to act upon it and take risks to put their ideas into action. I am confident in my actions however, I do need to work on my risk taking. Not taking risks has led to a rather steady life without any real changes or excitement. However, I do prefer a more steady and predictable life style as it's easier to work around.
Alexander Pappan
4th Period
I personally believe that self confidence is the most important trait listed, as well as the one that I identify the most with. People can't tell what your personality or character is, but with the way you carry yourself, people will be more attracted to you and thus allows for promotions and such. Of course the other characteristics need to be there but confidence is the most important and one that I identify the most with.
Mansi Inamdar 1st period
From the list I believe that having a mindset is the most important so that you know exactly what you want.To the list I would add that one has to be open-minded and be ready to take in all suggestions given to help in times of need. One thing I possess is being confident and what i need to work on is having that mindset instead of changing things the way i plan before hand
Of the four characteristics listed I'd say that Passionate Curiosity and Fearlessness are the most important. In addition to those characteristics that have already been listed I'd also suggest realism. I stand firm in my belief that I posses the trait of passionate curiosity because I often ask questions to enhance become more informed of whatever subject it is that I'm learning. In contrast I know for a fact that I need to work on fearlessness. I'm always in fear of not being right and I am also afraid of the word "no."
Thank you,
Caleb Bledsoe
I believe that wisdom and piety and holiness should be placed on the list among them. And also the best out of the actually listed is battle hardened confidence because a ceo is actually a battle leader and the king of the company, along with making executive decisions, he must lead the company into battle everyday with strong wills and the passion to conquer. I lack none of the skills on the list, but if i was to say that i posses one of them, it would be this one.
I forgot the last part of the question. I would need to work on my willingness to learn. Also, I need to learn to set aside my superiority complex to accomplish things.
Tyler Morris
1st period
I think confidence is the most important because people you do business with will not believe in you if you do not believe in yourself. Trustworthiness should be added to the list as well as a strong moral core because the world has enough businessmen who like to screw people over. I think I have passionate curiosity because I love learning. I need to work on team smarts.
The most important characteristic that a CEO should possess is confidence. Your actions will be based upon your own decisiveness and will. Some characteristics I would include would be patient, calm, team player, and seeing the larger picture.
I believe that I possess the decisiveness of a CEO. I need experience and a past filled with adversities, which most of us haven't had a chance to delve into. By continuing on my educational endeavor, I will definitely come across those occasions from which I can learn.
Sara Ali 4th
I think the most important trait listed is Confidence because without confidence a CEO would be unable to do their job. A strong sense of confidence is healthy in any CEO because doubt would interfere with their job. A few characteristics I think should be added to the list are imagination and slyness because i believe in order to be a good CEO you need to think outside of the box and also be able to pull one over on the people if needed. I think I have a good imagination but that i need to work on my confidence and slyness.
From this article I think the most important trait is fearlessness, because risktaking is very important in life. Risk taking can give you opportunities to suceed in life, it also gives you a chance to learn and experience different things in life.
John Moore
3rd period
The skills that are most essential to running a company is the ability to be fearless and passionate curiosity. I would add integrity to the list because you gain respect from your employees, other companies, and the general public when you have set morals. I think I have good morals and am fearless, but need to work on my curiosity.
I think passionate curiosity is most important. With this trait comes new ideas and with passion comes a team backing. When a leader is passionate they can get others for support because they can see how much they believe in their idea. I would add outgoing to the list because one needs the ability to network and create relationships with other people in order to gain support and connections in the field. Also, common sense would need to be added to the list. Many people need to possess this trait in order to function in business. Also, a calm problem solver is a great assess because they work well under pressure. I feel like I possess common sense and being outgoing. I would need to work on calm problem solving because sometimes I get worried when a problem arises.
Alvin Mei
4th period
In my opinion, being smart and charismatic is the best combination. When you're charismatic, other people become in love with you because charismatic people know how to appeal to other people. Being creative and knowing how to get things done is another skill. A person who get things done and takes risks will always be at the top. Being smart helps a lot, but other skills and characteristics can out weight smartness any day.
Harrison you
From my personal perspective, the ability to work within a team and curiosity are the most important traits. Creativity is also very important because original ideas differentiate products and companies. That's what makes the money. Curiosity is also pertinent because you want someone who has the desire to find out the unknown and take the initiative. Personally, I need to work on taking the initiative. Sometimes I let opportunities pass me by.
To me, the most important trait listed is team smarts. Even with confidence, passionate curiosity, and simple mindset, there is only so much a person can do by themselves. One needs a good team for support. To ensure the maximum potential of success, one has to be familiar with how the team works: who gets along with who, who is more dependable, how can we divide this group so that they can specialize in the talents they possess. These are the questions that can be answered with team smarts. With a good team comes success. Some traits that should be added on there are: modesty and flexibility. In other words, a good leader must know when to step aside and be a follower. He must be modest and flexible enough to let other people voice their opinions and lead the group when appropriate. I possess team smarts, I know who I can rely on in a group and I am flexible enough to discern how my attitudes can affect teammates, overall I haven't been in a group where no work was done or someone quit. I definitely need to work on my passionate curiosity. I am only curious about what I enjoy learning about. Although Economics is fun, I would not read it in my spare time. In other words, rather than asking 'why' questions I blatantly accept knowledge provided in textbooks rather than delving deeper.
I believe the most important traits of a CEO from the article's list are team smarts and fearlessness. A leader should know how to head a team of workers through mutual cooperation and not just by their authority status. In addition, no one would follow a leader who wavers in their decisions and is always cautious to take risks. A CEO should be able to dive head first into their projects and be confident as the face of their company. I think strong work ethic should be added to the list because if you have all the qualities of a CEO, but you don't have the drive to put them into action, the company's efforts will be fruitless. Of the characteristics listed, I believe I have a passionate curiousity, confidence, and team smarts. I do not have a simple mindset nor am I fearless as I usually overthink my decisions, making me very indecisive. I'm also afraid to take big risks, making me miss out on a lot of good opportunities. .In order to be a good CEO, I'd have to work on those characteristics.
Period 3
I believe the most important quality a CEO of a corporation could have is understanding what drive is. This statement of drive applies to the CEO himself in terms of what drives him to chase success, what what drives her to take risks in order to test their beliefs. Drive is motivation in order to live past survival. Drive is to strive for the greater parts of life. A CEO must also what drives the populous. The people, the mob control the country. The mob controls what everyone wants, what everyone needs.
saira sultan pd. 3
personally i believe confidence plays a huge role in everything that we do. if you do not believe in yourself and what you are saying you cannot expect that anyone else will. i do believe that dedication is an important addition. the terms used covered most characteristics, the only reason i feel dedication should be added is because when your life is at the point that you are a ceo i think you have to be willing to go far lengths for your job.
Out of all five characteristics I believe that battle-hard confidence wold benefit the most for a company. When presenting or trying to get a point across, one must have confidence to display how strong their beliefs are to the matter and convince others of the point they are trying to get at. I also believe team smarts plays a crucial role because what is success without intelligence, better yet, there would be more ideas and creativity from the different people in that group. A characteristic that I would add to that would have to be respect. Some people may not get along, some people may not agree with one another, but as long as there is respect there can be a mutual understanding. What I believe is my best trait is simplicity- I am quite simple and I like to get to the point and not make things difficult . A trait I would need to work on though is confidence, I am not so strong at presenting and displaying my opinion only when I am passionate for something to say a word about.
I would add outgoing to the list because one needs the ability to network and create relationships with other people in order to gain support and connections in the field.When presenting or trying to get a point across, one must have confidence to display how strong their beliefs are to the matter and convince others of the point they are trying to get at.This statement of drive applies to the CEO himself in terms of what drives him to chase success, what what drives her to take risks in order to test their beliefs.
Sam Kadakia
Period 1
Most important is having a "passionate curiousity", because it enables people to learn. Learning equals growth and the more curious a person is the more potential they must have.A characteristic added should be "cleverness" or "drive". To explain, they should be able to catch kinks or find loopholes in other business deals. This trait may be dependent on whether you are smart or not, but investing time on these matters helps too. Which brings me to my next trait, "drive" and I feel that is important because that is another characteristic bringing growth. Whether it's your company growing or yourself.
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