This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check
out the world clock. Click the Now button and watch the numbers fly.
Could Malthus have been right after all? Do you see any trends? Any of
the numbers surprise you? Check out some of the other features on the
site. Leave at least a 3 sentence comment (min 50 words)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
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Nicolas Alba
Period 3
For those that don't know, Malthus predicted that eventually the human population would grow too big and we would run out of natural resources
One of the most obvious trends is the increase in population. The births that are occurring more than double the deaths in the world. We also see that diseases and injuries are occurring relatively slowly to the amount of population. The low injury and disease rates (due to technological/medical advancements) also help reduce the death rate. Over time I think Malthus will have proved to be correct, then the population will see a sharp decrease in size, then increase and decrease (like a roller coaster), eventually evening out around the earth's "carrying capacity."
Jennifer Shen-----1st period
Malthus said the population would be doubled every twenty-five years while food supplies only inch along. His prediction could be right because as we see, the births increase rapidly while the deaths increasing speed is half of the one of the births. The population grows like one for every 0.1 second. After 5 minutes, I clicked the Now button the population growth shows about 800. Let's say 160 person are created per minute. Twenty-five years are 12960000 minutes. After twenty-five years, there are about 2073600000 people are born. Although the number of world population is not doubled. However, it's amazing. The forests are cut far more than replanted. The earth temperature is going higher and higher. It's also sad to see there is one species extinct when I'm writing the comment. Human use natural resources immoderately. We should not think about this problem after the disasters come.
Malthus believed that unchecked population grows at a geometric ratio, unlike food which grows only at a arithmetic ratio. Based on the clock, Malthus is justified. The number of produced goods is suprisingly low. This stands in steep contrast the ever-increasing population rate. Thus, the principle of scarcity is reinforced as the gap widens between people and products along with growing socioeconomic disparaties.
Malthus believed that the earth could not keep up with human demand as the population grew. This prediction can be seen as correct because in the interval of a 4 minute and 30 second visit to the clock 112 hectares of forest were cut but only 49 were replanted. This tells us the for every 2.28 trees cut only one is replanted. At such a rate the earth could be completely deforested in less than 350,000 years (hey i'm no math whiz, so that figure is probably's just a rough estimate...very rough lol) and the rate at which this is happening is always increasing. Malthus is right, human want for the right now is more than the earth can provide
Alvin Mei
4th Period
In my opinion, we will not ever run out of natural resources. The Earth has a land that can occupy more people than we think we can.
I am really surprised about the amount of military expenditures. I did not know that the military requires that much money, its ridiculous. I also noticed that the birth rate is happening at a slightly higher rate than the death rate. I notice that the barrels of oils pumped and co2 emission stays relatively the same. I also notice that half of the forests being cut down are replanted. I think this is very important in keeping the environment full and rich for the future generations.
Seth Jokinen
Period 4
One of the first trends that I noticed the highest causes of death have been Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases in the top three spots. Also, about half of the trees that aren't replanted have become desert land. It is also interesting that there are about one billion internet users at this point in time. Also Earth's temperature seems to also be rising steadily.
Malthus believed that standard living conditions are lowered as a result of overpopulation, laziness, and lack of resources. In regards to overpopulation, Malthus' prediction was accurate since many of the overpopulated countries, such as India, have a majority of their people living in poor conditions. Without enough resources to sustain a population, the population must limit their supplies given to an individual so that each member may be able to obtain some resources. As a result, the overall population is living in lower standards. With the birth rate at least doubling the death rate, a lack of available resources to sustain the world population may become evident in the future as a result of overpopulation.
With only five minutes on the timer, population growth was at about 750 people. Countries with insane birth rates and population growth are definitely affecting the world as time passes. Malthus's predictions are justified seeing as Earth's arable land can only expand as technology develops while population grows exponentially for every second ticks by. As time passes, the standard of living increases as well, also boosting the unchecked population growth.
Alexander Pappan
4th Period
I personally think that Malthus's prediction will come true.
The main thing I noticed was the rapid increase in population, and the not so fast amount of deaths. Also, the number of forests being cut and being replaced is very un-proportional. With these kinds of things happening, natural resources are bound to run out at some point
Alexander Pappan
4th Period
I personally think that Malthus's prediction will come true.
The main thing I noticed was the rapid increase in population, and the not so fast amount of deaths. Also, the number of forests being cut and being replaced is very un-proportional. With these kinds of things happening, natural resources are bound to run out at some point
In the world clock the population increases rapidly but deaths doesn't increase as fast as the population growth. The steady increase of the earth's temperature was a shock and shows how rapidly global warming is taking place. i also didn't know the number of people infected with respiratory infection numbered close to 2,800,000 and counting.
The world clock is an interesting thing to look at when you pay attention to whats on it and how fast the numbers are moving.The numbers steadily increased the births had the most movement. I noticed that the population growth was going faster than the number of forest being replanted so there for I think that Malthus's prediction will most likely come true one day. Nothing really shocked me because i knew that the numbers were going to be moving like they did but i was interesting in the fact that in 10 minutes only one species went extinct.
Thomas Malthus believed that the rate of population growth will soon outweigh the rate of food supply. What I am surprised about is the rate of increase for military expenditures. By 3 minutes we have already spent $7 million dollars. Although slow, desertification seems to be increasing faster than the replanting of forests. Thus, in the future there will be far less arable land, in addition to the increased rate of deforestation.
Cortney Corley 4th Period
Malthus claimes that the world would run out of resources and the population would exceed to an undesired amount.
Certain things that i found interesting were the number of species that were extict. It seemed to be one of the only things to remain somewhat steady in the world. I also found it interesting that the abortion rate was increasing by the second. With many issues regarding this topic, I thought that people would be less likely to have them. Another trend i found very interesting is that the birth clock is moving at a significantly faster rate than the death clock. It is extremely noticable because they are placed right next to eachother. This trend proves Malthus' theory that the population is growing too big.
I found a few of the things interesting. The first thing I found interesting was the earth's Temperature. They earth is constantly raising in temperature. I am almost curious to see how long it takes the earth to heat up one degree. (i would do the math but it just seems like more work than i want to do).
I also found the amount of internet users amazing. Nearly 1/7th of the worlds population is on the internet. That's crazy!
Its fairly entertaining when you spam the NOW button. It shows how fast our military spending goes up. Its impossible to ever see it at Zero! Cancer is aso killing almost 18th of all of the people who are dying. Not to mention that our birth rate is exponentially greater than the death rate. This means that we are going to have exponential growth in our population. In the time it has took me to type this, there have been over 1000 deaths, over 18 million in Military Expenditure, and over 500 abortions. Some things need to change.
Malthus claimed that the human population would grow faster then our resources could sustain. He is correct based on the trends depicted in the World Clock, but there are some missing factors. It is shown that birth rates are lower in developed countries over undeveloped countries. So as the would becomes more developed, the lower birth rates will be. Plus there's the whole China limiting kids to one per couple, so widespread implementation of that is also possible to help stop the runaway population.
Joseph Asthappan
Period 4
In my opinion, I think Malthus's prediction will come true. If conflicts such as Wars or worldwide diseases come within our path and ruin half the earth's population it will eventually come to a point where there will be not much food left. The numbers that surprised me the most was the military expenditure, $47,794,596 within twenty minutes is outrageous. I understand that governments are looking for the safety of their own country but literally $50,000 per second?
Malthus perhaps is correct, because the population is growi g very rapidly, and with modern technology,medicine, and hygiene practices people are living longer.Because people are living longer based on the clock, there are only limited resources and they are using more of them the longer they live. I believe that our resources will long last than we can estimate though, beacuse we cannot account for future technology that can possibly elongate our supply. Even though these numbers are stunning I believe that the earth and it inhabitants will be okay.
Thomas Malthus laid out the argument that the population growth in the world is increasing rapidly. One specific trend that caught my attention was the ratio between the number of births and the number of deaths. It seems that the number of births is exceeding much faster. Also the fact that just in the past 10 minutes, military expenditures went up to about $11 million. Thomas Malthus’s theory of population is very much accurate and it will continue to grow at a fast rate.
Period 4
Malthus stated that population growth would exceed resource growth because population grew exponentially while food supply grew arithmetically. Malthus’s predictions could be correct, since the population is rapidly increasing (the number of births is more than double the number of deaths on the World Clock). However, resources are being depleted quickly, since many barrels of oil are pumped (about 60,000 per minute) and more forest is being cut than replanted. This indicates that we are not sustainably using our resources although our population is rapidly growing, which could easily cause population growth to exceed resource growth.
Go bicycles! I'm impressed with the amount of bicycles that have been made compared to cars. For every 1 car there is about 4 bikes. It's also surprising how many STD's alone as compared to other infectious diseases. STD's alone are almost 2 time that of the next most infectious disease. Just to be different, I think a confirmation of Malthus' prediction should be left undecided. Let time progress some more before we worry about lack of resources and a population limit.
Although the world does have a near indispensable amount of resources overall, Malthus's prediction of the growing population has caused for some alarming trends that may affect those resources. Alone, the clock seems to show that the births outweigh by two and a half times the number of deaths per second. I am also slightly surprised that the number of abortions is higher than I thought it would be.
Well simply put he is right, and what he says will eventually come to pass. It may not happen right now, but as we can see with the amount of emissions, insane population growth, military spending, oil usage, and production of products that will most likely not be used, the problems that humans have created are spiraling out of control. We have at most 50-60 years before the problems hit critical mass. There may be development towards renewable energy, recycling, and other improvements, but the current mindset prevents that from happening as quickly. Drastic action as well as immediate attention needs to be given to the problems at hand. Also, last of all and very sadly I might add, the numbers do not surprise me at all.
Malthus was half right. Surely, the world's population grows dramatically. If unchecked it would be difficult for the earth to sustain the growing mass of people. Indeed, positive checks such as noncommunicable and infectious diseases prevent such a thing from occurring. However, Malthus was quick to generalize. Yes, the population is increasing but at a slower rate than that of the predictions of Malthus (geometric growth of population.)
Malthus' theory certainly seems correct. Especially with the insane amounts of births, spending and deforestation. However, These numbers have been increasing rapidly like this for years. If things were as bad as he made it out to be, shouldn't we be experiencing the effects sooner? I think that along with the abundant resources that the earth has, humans create and provide different solutions to such problems. Although such numbers are scary, humanity refuses to be "extinct." So, although Malthus' theory will most probably come to pass eventually, humanity will try anything and everything to prevent it from happening.
Akshay Thakor
Malthus thought that the rate of population growth will out grow the rate of food supply and he also said that the world would run out of resources. I believe that Malthus was right, however, his assumptions are to be proven accurately much later in the world. Who knows how long earth can sustain everyone's needs and wants and who also knows when the earth will have to little. Talking from the year 2014, were still exploring earths limits, which is almost infinite right now. There's a big trend with military expenditures, we are spending a whole lot of money on the military. Theres another trend too, there are twice as deaths to Cardiovascular disease then to cancer. A number that shocked me the most was military expenditures. Another one was the forests cut. after looking at the numbers for a while, there is still more forest cutting then there is forest growing, which also shows how the population is growing and how we need more space to live on earth with.
I don't think it's any surprise that Malthus is right, eventually, the population will become unsustainable on earth,but by no means is that imminent or is this site foretelling of this catastrophic event occurring. More in more countries are transitioning into the later stages of the demographic transition model, and with that comes less births. But the standard of living does improve over time, laying a heavier burden on the earth's resources. Human ingenuity, however, is a powerful thing and any event could push back this catastrophic Malthusian, as wars like WWII did, or the green revolution apocalypse.
None of the numbers surprise me anymore, i have fully embraced my pessimism of the world's own good. On the serious note, I am interested in seeing this clock a few years from now, perhaps in 2050, when the population is meant to plateau off from its initial exponential growth as it is doing right now. I am interested in seeing how the world's technological advancements will change the population capacity for increasing and sustentation. I am aghast, but not surprised to see the world's military expenditure rising along with the increase of cardiovascular health problems. Looks like there should be a trend for yoga or climbing stairs instead of aggressive military tactics.
When viewing the World Clock with Malthus’ theory that the Earth does not have the sufficient amount of scarce resources in order to sustain human life, I get scared. Keep this in mind I am a big guy, but I get frightened. The numbers add so fast and increase so rapidly I feel as if Malthus could be right. The Trends I see is the increase in all things negative. When clicking the now button I see numbers start to appear and increase very quickly, I just hope that one of the new born babies that comes up as just a number can help future generations by not having Malthus’ hypothesis come true.
Tyler Morris
1st period
Malthus was ostracized for predicting that growth in population would be bad for out society. He said that with each mouth to feed, there would be less sustenance for every one person. He also stated that the birth of people grows exponentially, while the death-rate is much slower, and that food is produced on an arithmetic scale. He is shown to be correct about the death-rate in this website, also he seems to be right about resources. WE are running out of oil, and moving to other resources, however there certainly is less and less space for people to live on.
Kristal Pinto
Period 4
Malthus describes population grows at a explosive rate and supplies inches along. I believe Malthus theory is correct but at the same time years from now it could be proven wrong. At this point the population keeps increasing at the hit of the refresh button. As this number keeps growing there are not enough resources in the world to keep feeding the number that keeps growing. However in his theory Malthus did not take into account the technological advances. Technology has come so far along from years and years ago. Everyday someone out there is trying to invent something new that can better lives. If we have come so far along from when technology didn't even exist, imagine what types of invention can be made years from now by the population that keeps multiplying.
When i first clicked on the website, I did not expect such a detailed count with things such as noncommunicable and infectious disease that cause deaths per year. However, i did find it interesting to look at the the different causes and how many deaths are approximately caused by each disease.
Malthus believed that in the future there would not be enough food for everyone on the planet as the population will theoretically double in the next couple decades. The population currently doesnt seem to surprise me, but the opinion of Malthus does. It is astonishing to believe that in the future the human population will outgrow food supply. This can lead to another potential survival of the fittest era. I am still not sure how reliable the statistics really are. Everything seems to be moving at a pretty constant rate and I am pretty postive that there is a pretty large percent error in these calcuatltions. For example, the cars produced population increases at a rate of 1 car/second. The bicylces produced increases at a rate of 2/bicycles per second. The trends and statistics don't seem to surpirse me as much as the reliability does.
Interestingly enough, by looking at the differences between birth and death rates at this very moment it is very astounding to see that the birth rates are soaring in the matter of seconds while death rates try to catch up. Therefore, this brings me to say that despite the factors that cause the death rate numbers to grow, our population still continues to grow at great speed. Even though there are many people that are affected by leading health issues such as cardiovascular disease and STD, HIV and AIDS, they are not nearly enough in order to make a huge impact on the human population. Therefore, it is evident that the beliefs of Malthus are quite accurate about earth's population increasing, however, factors that he did not account for may be the leading reasons as to why earth has been able to sustain these great numbers of people.
Gabriel Camera
4th Period
Personally, I believe that Thomas Robert Malthus' theory of population growth with food production only inching along is correct and it makes a lot of sense. While population grows, the birth rate will also increase. The more people, the faster they will reproduce.
What surprised me the most is that there are 88 abortions in a minute.
Also there is 1 car produced per second. Looking at that number and asking myself "Is that ever going to stop?" I would think that eventually that number has to stop.
There are so many questions and concerns thinking just about one number on that website. Many people could guess what is going to happen in the future, but I don't think anybody can predict how all those numbers will come down (decrease). We have to remember the theory "Everything that goes up must come down."
I was surprised that more than two thousand species have gone extinct since the beginning of this month. I found it strange that the total internet users starts at 1.08 billion when I click the “now” button. Can anybody explain why this happens? As far as the world’s future is concerned, I am not convinced that Malthus was right because this clock cannot anticipate breakthroughs in technology that could change some of these statistics this applet is based on.
Amita Batra
Period 4
Malthus claimed that the population grows with a geometric ratio whereas food only grows with an arithmetic ratio. Indeed, the population has continued to double as seen with the larger birthrate than death rate and has reached the billions. While food is not a direct aspect observed on this website, other resources are. For example, computers continue to be produced as time progresses. Not only does computer production increase but it also increases at about the same rate as the world population. As a result, the resource is growing proportional to the population. Therefore, Malthus' idea that resources will have to be shared with population increase does not fully sustain as supported by the statistical data on this website.
Prerna Kamnani
Period 1
Malthus became widely known for his theories about change in population. His An Essay on the Principle of Population observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease. Additionally, Malthus believed that population was geometric ratio and food production was a arithmetic ratio. In hindsight, Malthus’s theory did not predict everything correctly since Malthus left out certain variables. For example, he did not account for agricultural and industrial revolution along with advancements in technology and medicine. The demographic transition depicts an accurate representation of how population growth will be according to the level of maturity for each country. Although Malthus was somewhat pessimistic, I think his pessimism might not be completely uncalled for since there will be a point in time where there will not be enough resources to support the entire population. I think the website definitely aids in visualizing the growth that is occurring constantly as well as the utilization of resources. It is also somewhat frightening to see the numbers constantly increase since we do not know what it means for our future.
Maybe Malthus was right after all. I mean, watching the numbers on the chart flip so many times over was remarkable. Based on what I can see, it appears that for every death, there are 1.5-2 births. Maybe in another 25 years our population will have double, but after studying population growth in environmental science last year, I think that our population will grow even faster than that.
I was a little intrigued on the NOW button. It was interesting to watch how numbers in the world were changing in a matter of seconds.
Katie Snyder prd 3
At first look the statistics presented by the world clock are highly alarming. Within five minutes the population had increased by more than a 700 people. Oil Pumped and CO2 Emissions both exceeded 300,000 and the earths temperature had risen by approximately 10 degrees Celsius. All these statistics assaulting you all sat once can't help but to make a person feel as though Malthus was correct in his studies.
However Malthus didn't account for many things for example human innovation. When a supply for a certain resource shortens man generally does his best to replace that resource or innovate something for better production of that resource. For example in parts of china to increase production of various food vegetation in smaller space of land they have invented a high-rise that is literarily a vertical farm.
Another thing Malthus couldn't have predicted is the decrease of population in certain areas. In other words stage five of the Demographic. transition model, an aging population. In this stage the birth rate decreases and life span increase leading to more senior citizens. Currently to countries fall into this model Germany and japan. So while at first look the world clock makes it seem as though Malthus wasn't far off in his predictions, I believe that there are too many other factors that Malthus didn't account for and therefore his predictions are unlikely to come true.
Caleb Bledsoe
3rd Period
A trend I found very astonishing when observing the "World Clock" page was the number of deaths & abortions, it really grabbed my attention. More than half the of the deaths within our worlds population are a result from the amount of abortions administered. That to me is very frightening really bathersome to say the least.
Period 1
A notable trend would be the fact that everything that is being tracked on the page is constantly and quickly increasing. That is, aside from the causes of death. Solely by analyzing this data, it seems pretty plausible that Malthus was right in that the human population would become too large, and there would not be enough resources to adequately sustain human life. In fact, this argument sounds pretty solid, based off the numbers- birth rates are outpacing death rates. However, this clock leaves out an important aspect of our lives, and that is the constant advances we are making in technology, medicine, etc. With constant improvements in many aspects of our lives, I have to disagree with the opinion that the earth will go beyond its carrying capacity. The total number of internet users is pretty surprising to me. Out of 7 billion people in the world, only 1 billion use the internet. It really puts into perspective what proportion of our world is relatively more developed and what portion is still struggling.
John Moore
Period 3
I believe that Malthus' predictions about how the world's food sources will run out because of the startling rate that our population is increasing will prove to be true with the status quo. The reason being with our vast urbanization and destruction of arable lands, we reduce the amount of land we can farm and raise cattle on. Unless we reclaim the land lost to urbanization while still allowing for a slower population growth, we can post-pone and prevent Malthus' predictions
Jessica Dove
3rd Period
Although I can see Mathus' view point, I believe that we have enough natural resources to sustain us for a very long time.
Along with the quickly growing population size, I am surprised by the constant increase in the earths temperature. Even though it is not a very significant climb, over a long period of time it will rise by a lot. I am also surprised at how many forests are being replanted in this moment.
In just twelve seconds the growth of the population was fifty people. However, for around every two births the number of deaths increases by one. For the causes of death it seems as if the number two main causes are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In just five minutes twelve people had died from traffic accidents and four people had drowned. The earth’s temperature is constantly increasing which could be the effect of the increasing number of cars being produced. Malthus’s theory of the growth of population destroying the ability of the world to sustain human life has not proved to be true and most likely will not prove to be true considering the fact that the population grows at a tremendous rate every minute and so far we are surviving. It is true that the amount of carbon dioxide being emitted is increasing which is increasing pollution and global warming however this will not affect the ability of the world to sustain human life at least not in the near future.
Saimol Edaparampil
4th Period
What Malthus predicted did occur as the population does increase continuously over the years. However, his prediction does not seem to be completely true. In addition, the fact that there is a higher birth rate than death rate proves that the population of the world just keeps on increasing every single year. Especially, due to the increase in technological advances and medicine, which Malthus did not take into consideration when he made his prediction about the world's population.
Saimol E.
*did not
Tori Daniels
3rd Period
Malthus believed that the worlds population increases at a geometric rate, while the food supply increases at an arithmetic rate. Due to the advancement of technology and medicine, the birth rates have far surpassed the death rate. I feel that, in a since, Malthus is right. In many countries the food supplies dwindle and are not enough to provide for the entire population. While developed countries do not feel the wrath of hunger thus far, they eventually will due to the resources being used up so readily and frequently.
Malthus believed that the world population would have an exponential growth while food production would not be able to keep up. I believe that Malthus could have been right. The world population is currently at over 7 billion and growing. Although I believe that food production may not be a problem now, it might cause issues in the future. One of the trends I noticed is that the number of births doubles the number of deaths. I was surprised in that chicken is the most produced and animal slaughtered.
Malthus, while seemingly correct about the population doubling every twenty-five years, fails to realize a key factor in the populations ability to sustain itself. While the population grows, so does our technology. Land may be diminishing significantly, technological innovations allow for efficiency to raise as well. Food that could feed thousands can now be produced in one place. The clock's numbers seem rather discouraging but advances in science and agriculture continue to allow us to expand. However, I believe that more effort should be put toward conservation of species and land. Humans should not think only of themselves because we live co-dependently on other species on this planet.
Malthus, while seemingly correct about the population doubling every twenty-five years, fails to realize a key factor in the populations ability to sustain itself. While the population grows, so does our technology. Land may be diminishing significantly, technological innovations allow for efficiency to raise as well. Food that could feed thousands can now be produced in one place. The clock's numbers seem rather discouraging but advances in science and agriculture continue to allow us to expand. However, I believe that more effort should be put toward conservation of species and land. Humans should not think only of themselves because we live co-dependently on other species on this planet.
The amount of births in the world more than double the number of deaths in the world. Malthus believed that the large amount of people in the world, the people would run out of food and area of shelter. The population is growing every day and at this pace Malthus' prediction could come true but due to the innovations of the world this would more likely not occur.
Aman Gupte
Period 1
It’s very shocking to see how fast some of the trends on the clock are moving, the world population increase carrying the most shock value. Because of this, it is very easy to understand Malthus’s point of view. The data on the clock makes a strong case for Malthus’s argument that the resources would not be able to keep up with the rapid growing population of the world.
Matt Louis
Malthus predicted that the population would greatly surpass food production and the clock shows he was right. The population continues to grow rapidly, as goods and services produced are just inching along. Continuing at this rate, the world will be up against something serious.
Anthony Chenevert
Period 3
Malthus predicted that with the continuous growth of the human population, over time there would be a shortage of resources for humanity to survive on. I believe that Malthus' prediction is correct because due to the over populations in a lot of countries, even though the labor will be great, over time, there will be a great reduction in the availability of resources to the public. In order to achieve equal amount of population their needs to be an equal balance of the birth rate and the death rate. Unfortunately, due to the advances in medicine, there has been a longer life span for many people.
Anthony Chenevert
Period 3
Malthus predicted that with the continuous growth of the human population, over time there would be a shortage of resources for humanity to survive on. I believe that Malthus' prediction is correct because due to the over populations in a lot of countries, even though the labor will be great, over time, there will be a great reduction in the availability of resources to the public. In order to achieve equal amount of population their needs to be an equal balance of the birth rate and the death rate. Unfortunately, due to the advances in medicine, there has been a longer life span for many people.
Mohammad Abdel-Aziz
Period 3
Something very obvious with this clock is the distinct difference in people born and the rate of death showing that the world's population is clearly growing at an amazing rate. Something also very interesting is that of all the reasons for death, death from cardiovascular diseases is the highest and most common. A few more things that I noticed and was taken back by was the amounts of bicycles produced versus the amount of cars produced and the the amount of bicycles produced was much higher versus the amount of cars. However, by these statistics and numbers it does look as if Malthus' theory of the human population growing too large and using all the natural resources will come true.
Mansi Inamdar, 3rd period
Looking at how fast our population is increasing, I do think that Malthus' prediction will come true.Natural resources may or may not run out but with overpopulation there will definitely e food shortage and shortage of space just like we have today in overpopulated countries
Personally, I do not agree with Malthus predictions. As it is true that we have a finite amount of resources and continuously growth in population, one would have to assume that these trend will continue forever, but they don't. As the standard of living increases, birthrates decreases and this has proved itself throughout the world. We produce enough food to feed 10 billion people but yet only the riches 3 billion or so actually have possession to such quantity. The UN projected that around 2050, standard of living will be so high in so many countries the we will actually see a peak in population. Like the book said, Malthus failed to realize the effects of Standard of living and the increase of technological output.
I agree with Malthus. The birth rate is multiplying every ten or so years. The amount of resources on earth are being pushed to the brink. We are produce abnormally small amounts of goods relative to the immense size of our population. The Earth's temperature is one such example that we cannot sustain forever. The temperature on Earth has risen more in the last twenty-five years that it did between 1700-1800. These type of problems signify the issues with Earth's capacity to sustain us.
Harrison You
4th Period
Malthus thought that the Earth was growing at a rate in which resources wouldn't be able to keep up. In a sense this is correct. Trees are being cut down almost twice as fast as they are being replanted and the Earth's temperature continues to rise. However, the Earth still manages to sustain itself
1) In one minute, there were about 88 abortions.
2) Since the beginning of the year, there have been about 4 million deaths and about 3 million abortions. Happy note? Over 10 million births! Lots of population growth.
saira sultan pd. 3
the population looks to be growing rapidly which supports malthus's idea. with improvements in medicine and advances in technology we would be able to survive far longer as well as reproduce more.
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