Monday, January 21, 2013
100 Best Blogs for Economics Students
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Review two blogs from this list of the 100 best blogs for economics students. Make sure they are from different categories, and don't repeat one that someone else has already done. Yes I realize that this means you will have to check the previous posts to see which ones have already been reviewed. The sooner you do this one the easier it will be. Reviews need to include:
1) Content
2) Appearance
3) Ease of Navigation
4) Apparent bias
**Due Sunday before midnight**
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Bankruptcy Beat:
1) Content: The blog contains information on companies that are in trouble, especially those that are bankrupt or close to being bankrupt. Bankruptcy Beat ranges from financial problems within the NBA to lawsuits on food to trouble with Starbucks.
2) Appearance: The appearance of the blog is simple and gets straight to the point of what is going on. There are advertisements that are more vibrant than the articles, which can stray the readers attention from the blog.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is fairly easy to navigate around, with the most recent posts found on the home page. The search bar also provides access to finding a certain post.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias through the posts but focused more on the facts.
Real Time Economics:
1) Content: The blog contains insight and analysis from the Wall Street Journal. It ranges from discussing China's economy to what the economy was like in President Obama's first term.
2)Appearance: The appearance of this blog is also very simple. It isn't too vibrant and gets straight to the point.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is easy to navigate, providing the most recent posts on the home page as well. It also provides "top topics" for readers to find what interests them.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias through the posts. It focuses on the facts of the economy.
The EveryDay Economist:
1) Content: The Everyday Economist contains articles and various other reading texts for the everyday "microeconomist" and "macroeconomist."
2) Appearance: The blog appears to be plain and simple. The pages are primarily white in color and lack attention-grabbing inclusions. Hence, the blog seems to be for the serious reader than the casual economist.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog appears easy to navigate around. Most articles and text are organized into categories and later subcategories. The accessibility to a search bar contributes to the ease of navigation.
4) Apparent Bias: Most of the information posted seem to be exclusively reflecting the opinions of Josh Hendrickson, the author of the blog.
Planet Money:
1) Content: The following blog provides information on the global economic status. It discusses topics such as "How Do Movie Producers Insure Lindsay Lohan And Other Troubled Stars?" to "Is Herbalife A Pyramid Scheme?".
2)Appearance: The blog appears to be extremely colorful, thus immediately capturing the eye of the audience.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is fairly easy to navigate around. The featured news are posted on the homepage and additions tabs and sidebars allow for further organization. Search bars also allow for easier access to wanted materials.
4) Apparent Bias: Instead of strictly focusing on the big picture of global economics, the blog specifically provides most of its energy focusing on the American economics.
The Big picture
1) Content: The Big Picture blog contains information that presents the importance of how much our government has been focused on Macroeconomics, and provides various graphical data to show how the economy has been affected by important economy turmoil.
2) Appearance: The Blog is very well organized, with more than half of the information being graphical rather than text, which makes the blog very simple to read.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog appears to be easy to navigate, and the texts, including graphs, are organized into categories.
4) Apparent Bias: There are no apparent biases throughout the post. It is more focused on the changes of our economy and some factors that could cause that deflection.
Japan Economy Watch
1) Content: The Japan Economy Watch blog contains information that mainly focuses on the Japanese economy, including the banking crisis and various policies that the Japanese government has decided to deal with their economy.
2) Appearance: The blog is very well organized, with information separated into categories and stand-out headlines. The blog is fairly short, which could make the information more apparent.
3) Ease of Navigation: The context in the blog is not very congested, and the titles are very apparent, which makes the blog page very easy to navigate around.
4) Apparent Bias; There are no apparent biases in the blog. There are only four articles explaining recent facts about the Japanese banking crisis and various governmental policies.
Citizen Economists:
1.This site has many new articles on upcoming things that may affect the economy and how that would impact on the everyday citizen such as immigration and the Gold Mania Phase that is approaching.
2.The appearance is very simple and to the point. The articles are lined up based on date, recent being first, so that readers can see what is going to affect them that day.
3.It is very easy to understand how to use this website because it is so strait forward with rows of articles and types of blogs that people can read.
4.This blog doesn’t seem to appear to have any distinct bias; it talks about mainly facts and about people everywhere.
Economics Roundtable
1.There seems to be many new blogs that are up to date and talk of today’s economy and how it is affecting everyone.
2.It looks very easy to use and it looks factual to an outsider because of the precise graphs that go with certain articles used.
3.It is simple to navigate because everything is in such a neat and orderly fashion. The rows make it very easy to find things.
4.It could be bias due to many of the articles that seem to reflect not so much on just facts, but the author’s opinion.
Welker's Wikinomics
1) Content: Welker's Wikinomics contains information in the form of diagrams, videos, and easy to read explanations about the basics of economics for both students and teachers.
2) Appearance: The blog is very basic, so as not to distract anyone from the information presented! This blog needs no gimmicks or flashy material to make it a great blog!
3) Ease of Navigation: Scroll down the webpage to see a history of everything every posted. Need to look up a specific topic? There's a list of categories on the side. Extremely easy to use.
4) Apparent bias: There is no apparent bias on this website.
A Fistful of Euros
1) Content: This blog contains information about European economics.
2) Appearance: The blog is very colorful, but still basic and white. This makes it clean and easy to read.
3) Ease of Navigation: The user can either scroll down the latest posts, or look through a list of topics to find something specific.
4) Apparent bias: There is an apparent bias towards certain particular countries in Europe. Some countries are more represented than others.
A Fistful of Euros:
1. Content - This website focuses on economic matters in Europe. The blog stories relate to important matters and changes that are happening in the various European countries. Some stories focus on a general portion of Europe while others specify changes in a particular country.
2. Appearance - The website is presented with the stories in order from most recent at the top to older news as it goes down the list, but the stories are updated quite regularly. On the righthand side of the page are navigation tools to help specify what exactly you are looking for.
3. Ease of Navigation - Like stated earlier, the website is setup to display the most recent news to the viewer as they enter the site. The navigation tools on the right can help with particular subfields of economics, locations, or even cultures.
4. Apparent Bias - For the most part, the stories do not appear to display any bias for one side or the other. The wide range of stories by locations in Europe wouldn't necessarily allow for the posters to constantly have a bias. The admittance of user comments does allow for the readers to state their opinions.
Naked Capitalism
1. Content - This website focuses on capitalism and modern stories relating to the American economy. The site seems very much like a typical news site in that it focuses on modern events relating to authors, presidential matters, and the flaws with our economy. There seems to be a lot of thought put into these posts and thinking behind ways to improve our future economy. Maybe it's time that policymakers read some of these posts.
2. Appearance - The website has the most recent stories going down the center of the page. The posts show short previews of the stories to allow easier access to wanted material by the viewer.
3. Ease of Navigation - The righthand side of the site separates the stories into categories allowing for easier access by the readers.
4. Apparent Bias - The stories have bias evident from the varying authors due to their stances on certain people or policies. The comments section allow for the readers to have an input on the discussion.
Visualizing Economics:
1) Content- The blog contains great information about the U.S economy and the various factors that help shape its economy.
2) Appearance- The appearance is some what extravagant because the colorful colors attract the reader.
3) Ease of Navigation- This blog is very easy to navigate around containing the most recent posts on the home page and top bar pages make it very easy to navigate through the blog.
4) Apparent Bias- This blog does not contain apparent bias because it is truly just a blog which is made according to the latest data on the economy.
I Will Teach You How to be Rich:
1) Content- This blog gives college students, recent college graduates and everyone interested about finance and entrepreneurship.
2) Appearance- The appearance of the blog is definitely catchy with its vibrant colors.
3) Ease of Navigation- It is fairly simple to navigate through the blogs because the top bars enable navigation through the website.
4) Apparent bias- There is sort of a apparent bias towards these posts because it is the owner's options and views on situations.
Another one because one was already used.
The Hearing:
1. Content - This site contains many different stories directed towards the American people. The postings focus on problems that U.S. citizens would be concerned about. The postings don't appear to be recent stories, but they all focus on helping the everyday person.
2. Appearance - The link leads to a short list of stories all related to helping American citizens regarding problems with the United States' economy and ways for it to improve.
3. Ease of Navigation - All of links available lead to stories. It's a very small section of the Washington Post, but the articles within it are easy to use.
4. Apparent Bias - There is no bias visible in the stories, but they are aimed at pointing out the flaws of the American economy and improving it.
1) Content: The blog contains information on many subjects that are all related to economics.
2) Appearance: Economix appears on the New York Times website and has a very professional look. Each author varies for each blog post. There are graphs and other informational links as well.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is easy to navigate around, with the most recent posts found on the top of the page. There is a search box to easily search for a blog post. Overall, the blog is very well set up.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias in the posts but focuses more on facts and statistics.
1) Content: Oikos is a blog authored from 2005 to 2009, which focuses on environmental economics and environmental policy in Australia.
2) Appearance: The overall appearance of this blog is clean and simple. It is not cluttered with ads like some blogs and gets straight to the point.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is very navigable. It includes a search tool to search for various blog posts and orders the blogs from most recently posted.
4) Apparent Bias: While the blog is mostly fact based, some of it can be opinion based as well.
Angry bear
1) content - angry bear runs on advertisements for the most part. It contains economic commentary on news, politics and the economy.
2) appearance - the overall appearance of the site is simple it is cluttered with ads of different kinds making it slightly hard and annoying to navigate.
3) Ease of navigation - the content is less accessible due to the constant pop up ads making it hard to navigate and reach the content the readers are looking for.
4) apparent bias - the website let's almost anyone to express their viewpoint under guidelines, however it seems more towards opinions rather than facts.
1) content - entries prior to August 15, 2007 appeared on the economic education blog of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Entries between August 15, 2007 and July 31, 2009 were under the auspices of the Powell Center for Economic Literacy in Richmond, VA
2) appearance - the website is simple to use and provide reader with the easiest ways possible to get to the content they are looking for through searches etc.
3) ease of navigation - the website is simple to navigate as there are apparently no ads, no pop ups etc, making it extremely easy to access economic news.
4) apparent bias - there are no noticeable bias, as the website seems to have the balance in its content.
Environmental Economics
1) Content: Environmental Economics focuses on the relationship between the environment, economics, and politics.
2) Appearance: The blog is basic and has no major distractions. However, the advertisements on the border can become annoying over time.
3) Ease of navigation: The website is easy to navigate. Blogs are regularly updated. In addition, specific blogs can be found by looking through the different categories offered.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias.
Economics Help
1) Content: Economics Help offers specific information on current economics and general economics. It aims to explain, in detail, economic concepts that can be difficult to grasp.
2) Appearance: The blog is well displayed and has no major distractions. Even the ads do not interfere while navigating the website.
3) Ease of navigation: The blog is easy to navigate and is well organized.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias.
1)Content: Robert Reich’s blog is up-to-date and informational regarding current economic issues which he combines his own opinions and economic philosophies to enlighten his audience.
2) Appearance: The blog looks like a newspaper’s website. It is simple, clear, and gives off the appearance of a modern of-higher-intelligence website. The articles are updated relatively frequently. The color scheme is a basic gray, black, and white, which gives a professional yet still casual look.
3) Ease of navigation: The blog is very easy to navigate and not frustrating to search through. He has his articles in the middle taking up the most space, an area where you can buy his books on the left, and his personal video blogs and slideshows of political cartoons and other pictures on the right.
4) Apparent bias: The apparent bias is that his articles and opinions lean very far towards the liberal standpoint. While containing facts, his articles are opinion based. His video blogs especially criticize conservatives, taking aggressive stances with a carefully chosen tone of voice.
1)Content: The website is concerned with the “inevitable” Financial Armageddon, keeping track of debts, government promises, and other grave economic topics. Most of Panzner’s posts are factual and backed by graphs and other visuals.
2)Appearance: The yellow-brown color scheme and website design makes the webpage seem more informational for serious readers, rather than a pleasing-to-the-eye layout.
3)Ease of Navigation: Navigating is relatively easy, the main content is featured in the middle in a time line format and on the sides there are various links and ads pertaining to the author of the forum.
4)Apparent bias: This blog focuses on the negative aspects of the economy, so the author makes America’s economy seem worse off than it actually might be. His posts are also very opinionated.
Beat The Press:
1. Content: The articles consist of common problems that the people are facing, such as the house bubble and budget deficits that are happening throughout the country.
2. Appearance: The articles are quite short and straight to the point. If one views the entire article, there will be a little sidebar talking about the author (Dean Baker)and his books that he has written. There are two sidebars, named Most Popular, that shows the most read articles that may attract the reader's attention.
3. Ease of Navigation: Since the articles are short, the reader could just scroll up or down to read different articles that the blog has to offer.
4. Apparent Bias: The author gives out details, in accordance from the original source.
Visualizing Economy:
1. Content: The blog consists of articles with short paragraphs and some visualization, such as videos, graphs, charts, pictures, etc.
2. Appearance: The blog was created on big font since it is only occupied majority of pictures and such. The sidebar consists of tags, or key terms, that sends the readers to another list of articles. Whenever the font is big, then the term offers a lot of articles that contains the terms in.
3. Ease Of Navigation: The sidebar filters out the articles that does not include in the categories. It also has a "You May Also Like" section where another related article can be found.
4. Apparent Bias: Some visualizations might have been created by someone who is against a certain issue.
1) Content: Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner comprised Freakonomics to reveal hidden things from various of topics.
2) Appearance: Appears to be a website similar to that of Amazon, where articles are projected on a slideshow in order to capture people's attention.
3) Ease of Navigation: It is easy to navigate because every link and tab is easy to see and access.
4) Apparent bias: Fairly unbiased, due to the fact that it covers a broad spectrum of subjects.
Adam Smith's Lost Legacy
1) Content: This blog talks mostly about Adam Smith and his legacy. It touches on the theories and claims that he came up with and the Gavin Kennedy gives his perspective on the subject.
2) Appearance: Looks like any other blog.
3) Ease of Navigation: Somewhat difficult to navigate due to the links being clumped together.
4) Apparent bias: Protects Adam Smith's claims.
Alexis Buck.
Marginal Revolution:
1)Content: As far as content is concerned, there is no specific topic that the blogger is discussing. He switches from a range of random topics, such as not recreating the Neanderthals, the movie Zero Dark Thirty, and other random discussions that rarely discuss any sort of factual intake of the study of economics. Rather, the blogger chooses to formally express his thoughts and questions on a website, for others to openly comment on.
2) Appearance: As far as the appearance is concerned, it has a pretty simple setup. Granted, there seems to be too much focus on several different economics books, which seems to stray the reader's attention for more factual information rather than what the blogger is attempting to discuss. I would recommend not cluttering a bunch of links on the side of the page, and maybe show more pictures and the like, but other than that the appearance seems rather moderate.
3) Ease of Navigation: Oh my goodness, the navigation is rather confusing if you ask me! I am not sure if the books located on the side of his page has anything to do with what he seems to be blogging about, or if they are just some form of advertisement. Then, the blogs are centered in the middle along with a link on the side to go to specific blogs that might be farther down the list, which seems too be too much.
4) Apparent Bias: Hahaha, there is alot of bias in on this website. Its a blog! Obviously he is going to be discussing certain topics and expressing opinions that correlate with how he feels about the subject.
Money & Policy
1) Content: New York Times successfully formulates several different updated news into accessible newspapers located on their website. Their website contains information on several different topics referring to the United States, such as Medicaid, Military rules affecting gay spouses, along with other topics such as police work, taxes and health care.
2) Appearance: The appearance of the New York Times website is actually pretty legit. They are formatted just like their newspapers, where they successfully include significant pictures, along with having the right sizable fonts and is able to use up the space provided on the page rather nicely.
3) Ease of Navigation: This "blog" is fairly easy to navigate around in as New York Times successfully bunches everything onto one page, without having to scroll down and without it getting all clumped and disorderly. Every blog is setup under a heading, making it all the more better.
4) Apparent Bias: Well, although New York Times tries to stray away from putting too much bias in their news stories, it is still evident nonetheless that there is indeed bias opinions in their articles, depending on who wrote it. You can tell that the writer's opinions truly influence what they are writing, especially through word choice and tone.
The Atlantic
1. Content- This online blog (actually a newspaper) talks about various current issues in society in the United States and how it has effected the economy. There are many articles about the economics behind big companies and politics.
2. Appearance- The blog is set up exactly like a newspaper. It has a black and white theme and has the most recent or biggest headline stories in order starting at the top and going down the page.
3. Ease of Navigation- This website is set up very well. One can scroll down the page and see just the titles of the articles and then click on the one that you want to read. It is very easy to find what you are looking for.
4. Apparent bias- There does not seem to be a bias in the articles as far as politics goes. Most of the articles seem to take a completely economical stance when looking at an event. In other words, the articles evaluate the decision or event solely from economic terms.
Alpha Sources
1. Content- This blog contains a lot of references to other economic related sources. This blog is very economically oriented. The author goes into long critics and mini essays/comments about recent economic events or statements.
2. Appearance- This website is set up just like a typical blog. The main page has all of the author's posts. Along the side of the page are references to other sources on the economic topics that are discussed.
3. Ease of Navigation- There are multiple links to other sources all over the blog. The other pages on the blog lead to 'comments', 'about the author', 'papers and publications', etc. This blog even has a list of blogs that viewers can go to. Overall, the set up is professional, but a little crowded.
4. Apparent Bias- There does not seem to be any bias shown in the articles. The author tends to look at the discussion through mainly economic effects.
Dollars & Sense:
1. Content- the content of this blog is about how economists perspectives and ideas about depressions. He also discusses about liquidity traps of certain economic ideas.
2. Appearance- the appearance of this blog was very easy to read, not a lot of side links to distract the reader.
3. Ease of navigation- the blog was very easy to navigate around, everything was laid out in one side.
4. Apparent bias- although there were facts to back up his blog about liquidity, there were some bias to be detected on whether he agrees to Krugman's trap.
Overcoming Bias:
1. the content of this blog is about how and what people should do if they want fairness on some topics.
2. this blog was also easy to read due to its organizations. Had a lot of links on the right hand side for further references.
3. navigating was very easy since things were organize and labeled with subtitles
4. due to this blog's topic about not being bias, no apparent bias was detected :)
Curious Cat
1) Content: This blog contains information about a wide range of topics from individual companies, like Apple, and updated news on policies and events, such as the fiscal cliff. Curious Cat displays its information through text, graphs, videos, and pictures.
2) Appearance: Although this blog only uses two main colors, white and a dull green, the pictures, graphs, and videos definitely make the blog more attractive. It is easy to read.
3) Ease of navigation: The posts are arranged in order from most recent to blogs that date further back, making it easy to keep up with the most current economic news. These blogs are all categorized, meaning you can easily find information about specific topics of interest.
4) Apparent bias: This blog is bias to the blogger's opinions. It relies mostly on personal opinions rather than facts.
Knowledge Problem
1) Content: This blog contains excerpts of articles on a wide range of subjects. I've noticed that the bloggers focus a lot on guns and related topics.
2) Appearance: This site does make use of graphics and has an eye-catching design. Although more creative than most, this blog is still easy to read due to the black text on white text boxes.
3) Ease of navigation: Knowledge Problem is easy to navigate in that the posts are ordered from most current to older posts. However, because the categories are listed at the bottom of the page, finding specific posts on specific subjects is more inconvenient than some other blogs.
4) Apparent bias: The two bloggers do not seem to take sides but merely present economic facts and ideas.
Crossing Wall Street
1) Content: This blog analyzes the market trends and what they really mean for the companies. It also reports current events that have impacted the market.
2) Appearance: It is not very colorful, instead opting for more of a sharp, focused appearance that goes straight to the point and makes it very easy to read.
3) Ease of navigation: This blog is very easy to navigate and shows the most recent posts first. There is also an intensive archive off to the side, making it very easy to find older posts.
4) Apparent bias: The blogger appears to make a concerted effort to limit bias as much as possible and uses facts and statistics to back up his analyses.
1) Content: This blog talks about the relationship between businesses and the economy and how one impacts the other.
2) Appearance: It has a very simple, plain appearance and could use more color to make it more visually appealing.
3) Ease of navigation: This blog is easy to navigate with each post categorized into various categories that make it easy to look up.
4) Apparent bias: The bias appears to be very limited as the blogger makes frequent references to published studies and findings for his posts.
The Big Do-Over
Content: The blog consists of information involving a legal wrongdoing by Goldman Sachs, an international banking firm. It highlights the fact that while what Goldman Sachs did was ethically wrong, Congress' reaction was over the top and childish.
Appearance:The blog was simply designed, and had no annoying popups, the only extra things besides the articles were links relevant to the topics discussed.
Ease of Navigation: The blog was easy to navigate with only four articles to read from. The articles are in order from most recent to least, and reflect the writer's changing opinion.
Apparent Bias: The writer in the article seems to support a completely free market without government intervention, and criticizes Congress for their meaningless involvement calling them idiots, and quoting them directly.
Content: The blog consists of information concerning economic topics such as monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, financial issues, and southeastern trends.
Appearance: The blog is splattered with links and advertisements along the top half of the entire page. This is most likely due to the site being hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Ease of Navigation: Despite all the links, the blog is easy to navigate, since all the relevant information is focused in the center of the page, and kept separate from the links.
Apparent Bias: The blog is mainly based on statistical date and not opinion, so there is no apparent bias.
1. It provides information on how certain choices and events that have risen affect the economy in a positive or negative way. It includes a wide variety of recent and trending news.
2. The layout and appearance of the website is good. It is mainly white and black with the important things in red.
3. The website is easy to navigate through. The most recent news are shown first and then the older news are shown as you scroll down the page.
4. There doesn’t seem to be any biases toward anything
1. It provides information on almost all of the main countries and it provides graphs which show the trends over many different aspects of the economy such as unemployment, etc.
2. The appearance seems to be good. It is well organized with good use of space
3. It is easy to navigate through because the search bar contains all the necessary information for where to go find something
4. It doesn’t seem to be biased towards anything. Every country has its own information regarding the economy
1. It provides information on how certain choices and events that have risen affect the economy in a positive or negative way. It includes a wide variety of recent and trending news.
2. The layout and appearance of the website is good. It is mainly white and black with the important things in red.
3. The website is easy to navigate through. The most recent news are shown first and then the older news are shown as you scroll down the page.
4. There doesn’t seem to be any biases toward anything
1. It provides information on almost all of the main countries and it provides graphs which show the trends over many different aspects of the economy such as unemployment, etc.
2. The appearance seems to be good. It is well organized with good use of space
3. It is easy to navigate through because the search bar contains all the necessary information for where to go find something
4. It doesn’t seem to be biased towards anything. Every country has its own information regarding the economy
Jeff Matthews Is Not Making This Up
Content: The content revolves around the industry of technology and the impact they have on the economy. They are very interested in companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Samsung to name a few. Also, Warren Buffet is well liked on the website.
Appearance: The website has a pretty bland background, but it is effective. My only problem with the website was there was an annoying add that could give somebody a seizure because it was flashing that I had won a prize (scam).
Ease of Navigation: It was easy to go from blog to blog because of a button on the side, without it would have been significantly more difficult.
Biases: His biases are against stupid mistakes mass media attempts to lure people into do a specific goal, and he has a biased against Apple.
Cato’s Unbound
Content: There is information about many major issues in the world today. For example, the fall of Europe, The Latin American Drug Wars, Copyrighted materials regarding technology and specifically online.
Appearance: It is very well organized and can see it is a very professional website. It has a great title page which gives informational about what they are about. It is a much more respectable looking website than the previous.
Ease of Navigation: It is laid out great and you can easily view all the materials ever published on the website with ease.
Biases: The authors based their stories on facts and how the trend will impact the future. Biases do not seem evident.
Megan McArdle
1) Content- This blog contains a wide range of information, varying from war, business, finance, and information on the environment.
2) Appearance- the blog first appears like a newspaper website, but when you click the links it sends you to an article that you can comment on.
3) Ease of Navigation - the navigation is easy. You only have to click the title of the blog/article and read through it. Once you reach the end it leaves a section that you can read other bloggers' posts and comment yourself.
4) Apparent bias- Megan McArdle appears as though she has a family and children, so her posts tend to favor benefits and things that positively affect her family.
The Epicurean Dealmaker
1) Content-This blog has a lot of art and science based blogs. Things like circuits, poems, and a picture are there.
2) Appearance- there aren't separate pages for the blogs; the blogs are posted out in full in a large webpage that you can scroll through and pick and choose which blog you would like to comment on.
3) Ease of Navigation-the navigation in the blog isn't so simple. It requires that you sign up to comment. Also, it was hard to find my wway around the page because of the somewhat scattered layout.
4) Apparent bias-There is no apparent bias in this blog. It is mostly factually based, which is good because it promotes good debates in the comment section.
1. CONTENT: Analysis of important issues for China's economy. Includes economic growth, inequality, stockmarket, shares, exchange rates, the environment, foreign direct investment, WTO, etc.
2. Appearance: Very simple and nice appearance. Traditional Chinese red and white color choice. Would not bother reader much at all.
3. Ease of Navigation: Easy to navigate through, simply by scrolling.Has the look for blog by date feature, and it is apparent that nothing has been posted for a while.
4. Apparent Bias: No apparent bias, most of the blogs are written in a point of view of a person that is just observing the current economical events.
1. Content: Contains a variety of random topics that could affect Wall Street. Many types of events are covered from solar storms to international trading.
2. Appearance: Nice simple look to the blog, nothing flashy. Many ads however may get distracting.Color is majorly white, not very distracting at all.
3. Ease of Navigation: Easy to go around the site, the blogs are in order chronologically. It is up to date, the posts are quite recent. Just a basic scroll up and down navigation.
4. Apparent Bias: No bias is quickly observable. Looks concentrated on the facts for the most part. Although, many of the responses echo the authors opinions.
A Dash of Insight
Jeff Miller talks about anything he wants to that deals with economics. A majority of what he says gives inside hints into the world of the economy. However, he also just gives general information about what is going on in America.
The appearance is white and simple. This is because he gets right to the point and doesn't need flashy extras to adorn his website. There is one single picture of Jeff Miller himself to give a face to the anonymity.
Ease of Navigation:
The blog is well organized, and isn't too busy for you not to know where to click for what. There is a search bar which helps finding specifics. Although it doesn't show too many posts on one page, which can get annoying, there is a "Categories" section for easier navigation.
Apparent Bias:
Because this is a personal blog, there will always be bias of some type. Despite this, there is not an obvious bias against or for something, but just connotations that can be felt from his words. This is because The author is very willing to put his own personality into his blog.
Calculated Risk
Bill McBride gives plenty of information about the current market conditions. He provides graphs for a visual aid and explains the information in detail. He also tells about predictions that are being made for future conditions of the market.
The blog is very simple, and does not have a section about the author of the blog. However, it is well set up, and very efficient in what it does. The blog does have many graphs of the stock market condition, which draw the eye and make it easier to understand.
Ease of Navigation:
The blog is incredibly easy to navigate, even on the mobile version of the website. On the regular site, however, there are plenty of blog posts on one page, and they are well organized by date. There is both a search bar and a "Last 10 Posts" section, as well as an archive for older posts, making it incredibly easy to navigate.
Apparent Bias:
There is no apparent bias throughout the blog. For the most part, the author simply introduces what he's going to be talking about and then quotes another source to explain about all information needed. He has little input or personality in the blog, but he has done a post where he talked all about himself to get any and all questions out of the way.
Economic Logic
Content- This online blog poses many basic questions of the economy and economics. The topics here ranges from general questions such as what makes national economies grow, to how exchange rates affect local pricing.
Appearance- The blog is constructed on a basic Blogspot website, and is very clean/simple, with no flashing icons or adornments. It makes it easy to look at and simple to read, which is great as the forum does not take away from the ideas presented.
Ease of navigation- The blog is very easy to navigate, with all blog posts being displayed vertically. The recent posts are all clearly displayed, with older posts having a link at the bottom of the page. Responses to posts are listed along the side, making for a very easy reading experience
Apparent Bias- There is no overriding bias presented in these posts. The generality of the topics presented do allow for some opinions to be presented, but they are claimed as such. The posts are however, mainly informational, with statistics and links to back up most of the claims found in the text.
The Conscience of a Liberal
Content- Paul Krugman writes this blog for the New York Times. In it, he provides arguments to why conservative economics is on its last leg of viability, and how mismanagement by Republicans and the right has led to the current crises in the economy
Appearance- The structure of the New York Times website has always been great, and it is evident even here. The articles are listed chronologically along the left side of the page, with bold headlines and short selections of the post.
Ease of Navigation- The site is not complicated, and provides many features useful to readers, such as related blogs and books, and links provided by Krugman answering various economic policy questions.
Apparent Bias- There is a very strong bias towards economic liberalism, as is evidenced even by the title of the blog. Krugman makes a strong case for a more liberal approach by attempting to reveal follies and hypocrisies made by the Republican party in economic policy.
Ideas (
Content: His blog posts do not have a very strong tie to economics but rather have commentary of current events as well as his observations during his trips overseas. Topics range from gay marriage to obesity to a comparison in the taxi industries in Milan and New York.
Appearance: The blog is very simple and easy to read.
Ease of Navigation: The blog is set up so it is easy to both read his bio, and access his blog posts and links to his novels.
Apparent Bias: His posts have no apparent bias, however his opinions are merely that: opinions. They do not seem to be substantiated by any research or facts. For example, he considered only two variables for his obesity post, ignoring the impact of people’s lifestyles.
10Q Detective:
Content: The overall content is very well written and informative, however it is not written for someone with little to now knowledge of accounting policies and financing.
Appearance: Clean appearance, with easy to read posts.
Ease of Navigation: Easy to access posts, however the links to related websites seem clustered and overwhelming.
Apparent Bias: No apparent bias. All blog posts reference the information found in SEC filings and other resources such as stock analysts.
Economists' Forum
1) Content: The forum discusses various important topics regarding economics. It focuses on topics ranging from globally to personal finances.
2) Appearance: The appearance of the forum is not vibrant yet it is not bland.
3) Ease of Navigation: The forum is quite easy to navigate. The website is organized to where everything is easy to access, through the use of labeled tabs and pictures.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias on this forum.
Cafe Hayek
1) Content: The website offers a quotation of the day and also provides information on the economics of the middle class. The website provides important information by explaining economic growth for example.
2) Appearance: The website is white and blue.
3) Ease of Navigation: On the left hand side of the website, there is a blogroll where one can access different posts.
4) Apparent Bias: There is bias toward the middle class for example in one of the posts.
1) Content - Talks about banks and their relationship with government around the world.
2) Apperence - Loaded with info, titles made big to attract attention, just started to rain outside, and deals with multi-million dollar problems.
3) Ease of navigation - Scroll up, Scroll down. See something interesting, click on it, read it, boom.
4) Apparent Bias - more to do with money than politics not much bias.
Block’s Indicator of Sustainable Growth
1) Content - Find out how the economy can continue to grow from this blog.
2) Appereance - Extremely simple not much action at all. A lot of white with very little info.
3) Ease of navigation - Yeah there is no scrolling up and down so not much navigating at all really.
4) Apparent Bias - 100% bias free.
"Did you ever think that making a speech on economics is a lot like peeing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else."
Lyndon B. Johnson
The Economic Populist
1) Content: The Economic Populist provides information on current events, the current state of the economy and the impact of the average American. Its topics range from an outlook of the market for 2013 to unemployment rates of the nation.
2) Appearance: Overall, the blog is plain and simple allowing the reader to discern the different services provided. Notably, the blog is organized in a manner in which the reader can easily find a current topic of interest.
3) Ease of Navigation: The site is organized fairly well. The blog includes a search bar and a user guide to inform the reader on the set up of the entire site.
4) Apparent bias: The information appears to reflect the opinion of the authors, Robert Oak and Raplh Gomory. However, each of the postings include statistical information that reduce some of the bias.
Abnormal Returns
1) Content: Abnormal Returns is a blog site centered on the idea of providing information on wide-ranging, forecast-free investments.
2) Appearance: The plain blog is organized into lists based on the major topics of concern. Upon entering the blog, the reader encounters a large graph summarizing the status of the Wilshire 5000.
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog provides, as it is organized into lists, aids the reader to find a certain topic of interest. There is also a search bar and a list of the blog's archives ordered by month and year.
4) Apparent bias: The postings revolve around the opinion of the founder's opinion. However, the topics include links to other sites where the reader can find more information regarding those topic. Furthermore, the blog includes statistical data reducing the overall bias.
The Baseline Scenario
1. Content: This blog focuses on information pertaining to updates on the economy. For the most part it focuses on finances and business news.
2. Appearance: The blog features an easy-to-understand layout. You simply scroll down the page to view older blog posts.
3. Ease of Navigation: The blog is fairly simple to navigate through. The blog posts are ordered by date and the top bar gives you different parts of the website to navigate to quite easily.
4. Apparent bias: I did not notice any bias when looking through the blog posts. Most of the information isn't leaning toward any particular political party or supporting any particular view.
Capital Gains and Games
1. Content: This blog features mainly finances as they pertain to the United States government. The content is predominantly concerning the debt ceiling that has become a big issue in politics today. It provides viewers with different reports from political figures regarding the debt ceiling.
2. Appearance: This blog is pretty plain. There are no object or background images that may capture the viewers attention. There is very little color at all.
3. Ease of Navigation: This blog is very simple to navigate. Much like The Baseline Scenario, you simply scroll down to view the blog posts which are ordered by date.
4. Apparent bias: I did not notice much bias at all. Most of the blog is simply stating facts, which are reports from political sources and sharing them with the public.
Ecological Economics:
1.Content: This blog is for ecological economists and their opposing views on the various natural resource and environmental issues in the economy.
2. Appearance: It has a green border that makes the page stand out and it has the layout of a typical online blog.
3.Ease of Navigation: This blog is very easy to follow with links to recent posts and comments that get you were you need to be fast.
4. Apparent Bias: I didn't see any apparent bias in this blog.
1. Content: This blog shows the bad future for the U.S. economy if things fail to change. It shows how some issues, like government spending, can lead to the decline of the value of the dollar.
2: Appearance: This blog contains images of money for the background to each posts and it contains many colors making it a more vibrant, less plain blog.
3. Ease of Navigation: It's really easy to find your way around this blog, it has quick links to wherever you need to go.
4. Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias, it just involves facts on the current state of the economy and how it can lead to a crash in the future.
Ecology and Economics (formerly Ecological Economics)
Content:Ecological Economics' main purpose is to find a link between an economist's and an ecologist's stance on conservation and environmental issues.
Appearance: The blog is very clean and (aside from the too-small heading) gives a professional appearance. However, I would like to know the reason for the name-change.
Ease of Navigation: The archives make navigation immensely easier, and the blog's clean setup adds to the ease of navigation.
Apparent Bias: I saw no apparent bias other than the fact that the blog is focused around ecology and the economy.
Bronte Capital
Content: John Hempton approaches economic issues with a "sense of humor" to get his point across with a sense of real-world intuition.
Appearance: The serene blue background is certainly inviting, yet the overall layout is somewhat dull.
Ease of Navigation: The blog archive makes finding posts a breeze. Also, the most current posts are on the home page.
Apparent Bias: Most of the posts seem very opinion-based.
1) Content- vox is a Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists as advertised by the website. They seem to have everything dealing the every day, home level economy, to large/global scale economics
2) Appearance- Vox uses a very simple formal. in the middle of the page there are all the major blogs written by the authors. On the right there are categories such as "most read" "dont miss" and vox talks which each have there clickable links to different articles.
3) Ease of Navigation- The page is easy to navigate everything is right in front of you and in very bold letters
4) Apparent bias- This blog really cant have bias because it is just stating facts and it doesnt seem to morph or change these facts. They do seem to be trying to show a positive trend on the economy.
Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed
1) Content- This seems to be more like a news based blog than a fully economic blog. They have a whole bunch of videos and charts and stuff to make things look interesting.
2) Appearance- It is a very nice modern lay out. But there is not much more to it than the flashy look. It seems as though they are trying to catch the attention of young readers.
3) Ease of Navigation-It seems really easy to navigate. Click on a link or a video and it will take you straight to the video or page that the blog post is talking about
4) Apparent bias- it talks a lot about technology and more outgoing things that what is happening and economic trends
Dr. Housing Bubble
1) Content
this blog is showing whats going on in todays housing market. it provides news blogs every other day
2) Appearance
doctorhousingbubble is simple, its basically a big list of news with a clickable topic with a preview and a date.
3) Ease of Navigation
its easy to navigate through, there are tabs you can click on, and titles in bold letters that can aslso be clicked on in order to read the article.
4) Apparent bias
didnt see any
1) Content
Well i cant really read the content since its in japanese, but i assume its talking about the beauty and essence of acrylic nails...
2) Appearance
very pink, very japanese, has little pink bullets on the sides
3) Ease of Navigation
Very difficult since im not japanese
4) Apparent bias
very bais! its only about fingernails
Fly Bottle
The blog's content seemed to be updated regularly and contained relevant information but unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the author posted "This blog done broke."
The layout is rather simplistic as it appears the author of the blog used a pre-made website template. However, in doing so, everything is laid out clearly and neatly with no clutter or confusion to the blog.
Ease of Navigation:
Again, it would the author used a pre-made template for the site, so while the site may appear simplistic and minimalist, the content is well organized and it is rather easy to go from tab to tab (even though all the links are broken).
Apparent Bias:
He seems to be more conservative and it is rather apparent in his posts.
SEC Data Guy
The blog had moved to a different web address in late 2011. However, the older content is rather informative. He offers graphs, videos, and other data and interprets them for the readers and discusses the significance of the studies.
The layout is rather simple as it is just a journey of scrolling past article upon article as one goes further and further down the timeline. Also the theme he chose for the blog is rather appalling.
Ease of Navigation:
As mentioned above. the posts are simply in a vertical scroll bar with non-collapseable headers which makes scrolling a pain. Luckily, the author does have some sense and included a search bar the allows readers to find articles somewhat quicker.
Apparent Bias:
There is no bias detectable as his posts were interpreting already collected data. The only bias he could have interjected was during the parts where he discusses the effects however there is no bias that stands out.
1)Content: The blog contains information dedicated about economics in daily analyses. Also, there are a combination of resources of articles and columns of economics across the country.
2)Appearance: The appearance of the blog is very simplistic. There are a lot of links for the users, a search bar if necessary, and how recent blogs are posted as well.
3)Ease of Navigation: In the EconLog blog, the navigation is very simple with key links on the top and side of the blog. Also recent blogs are posted key information.
4)Apparent Bias: No signs of bias for the posts or the website itself.
Dr. Housing Bubble:
1)Content: This blog contains important information about today's housing market. Also, they take critical looks through one of the largest asset bubbles ever known to mankind.
2)Appearance: The appearance of the blog looks decent and straight-forward. For example, recent blogs are posted, numerous links about housing, and a very well presented appearance.
3)Ease of Navigation: The blog is very nice to navigate around including the daily, recent posts right on the homepage. There is a search bar located on top for the ease of navigation.
4)Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias due to the information based on facts about the housing bubble.
Economists Do It With Models
1)Content: The website is run by a Harvard Economics major graduate, Jodi Beggs. The website is not much of a blog rather it provides links to her articles and information about what she tries to do. Beggs attempts to make economics interesting to learn through her unorthodox method of teaching and much of that information can be found in the website.
2)Appearance: The opening image that reveals the title of the website is quite hilarious and a certain amount of organization and structure can be noticed.
3)Ease of Navigation: The website is fairly easy to navigate, no major problems.
4)Apparent Bias: The website itself is for teaching how economic models work, so major economic issues are not discussed here to provide any room for bias.
The Deal Professor
1)Content: The blog is run by Steven M. Davidoff who is a professor of Law at Ohio State University. Most of his articles deal with financial regulation and mergers and acquisitions.
2)Appearance: The blog looks like a newspaper with articles piled up. However, it is organized and structured nicely.
3)Ease of Navigation: Navigation is not a problem for this blog since most of the information can be found in the same page and is organized nicely.
4)Apparent Bias: No apparent bias is visible. He is more concerned with the facts of the matter of his research than his normative judgments.
The Deal Professor:
1. Content- This blog analyzes the deals that companies make
2. Appearance- This blog appears to be well organized and includes pictures in each post to potentially attract the attention of readers.
3. ease of navigation- This blog is easy to navigate because the posts are in order of most recent to older posts.
4. apparent bias- some posts in this blog are objective and sometimes subjective. Some of the wording in the post reflects the views of Steven M. Davidoff
1. Content- this blog features subjective posts on monetary problems and allows the user to analyze each post to create his or her own view on a particular problem.
2. Appearance- the appearance of the blog is generic and does not seem to contain anything extraordinary to catch the attention of one's eyes.
3. ease of navigation- The blog is relatively easy to navigate because the post are ordered chronologically.
4. apparent bias- the blog features posts that are subjective rather than objective. They focus on negative aspects of issues.
Content:The blog examines Wall Streets every day activities.
Appearance:Marketbeats looks like an other blog site just with a touch of boring.
Ease of Navigation: This blog navigates like any other blog, just scrolling for news.
Apparent Bias: No real bias on the blog just facts about the market.
Content:EconLog is a blog that deals with the issues and the insight of economics.
Appearance: This blog looks very straight forward new articles at the top and the rest follows.
Ease of Navigation: Very easy to navigate with, every thing is labeled.
Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias.
Didn't refresh and did the same blog as Brian Ly...oops.
2nd blog Comment:
1)Content: The blog contains information of a slightly off-perspective on monetary problems. It is a new blog on the endlessly perplexing problem of monetary policy.
2)Appearance: The appearance is plain and simple with links and dates of blogs.
3)Ease of Navigation: Very easy to navigate with search term.
4)Apparent Bias: There could be bias since the website is about money problems and will need to possibilities of bias.
Didn't refresh again and took Ishan's this luck.
Free Exchange:
Content: The link is all a lie, it shows up with "Best Online Colleges."
Appearance: The appearance is rather welcoming as it contains information about the best online colleges.
Ease of Navigation: Very easy navigation as the the website page is very short.
Apparent Bias: The only apparent bias that could be shown is the opinions about the "Best Online Colleges."
Global Economy Matters Content:Global Economy Matters is a blog about macro economists and policy analysts who write about the global economy standpoint. The bloggers examine the whole wold from Russia to Spains economy.
Appearance: A simple blog with a blue header and lots of graphs.
Ease of Navigation: Very easy to navigate. All the countries economy pages are all label on the right, simple to find. Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias.
1.)Content: This blog focuses the latest bailouts and talks about many different economic situations
2.)Appearance: This blog is very long and drawn out. There are many things going on at once in this blog including links to other blogs and pages
3.)Ease of Navigation: It is easy to navigate through, color coded and links to help you search through it
4.)Apparent Bias: No obvious bias, it focuses on the situations happening in the economy
Abnormal Returns
1) Content: This blog contains information on the stock market. It includes the markets, strategies,and good stock to invest in.
2) Appearance: The blog is easy to read, uses graphs, and is very simple
3) Ease of Navigation: The blog is very easy to navigate through
4) Apparent Bias: There are some biases in opinions of political figures and ideas shared dealing with the market but overall based on facts dealing with economy and stock
Mish's Global Economic Trend
Content: This economic website talks about a range of topics. They vary from arguing different views of economics to addressing the rising debt.
Appearance: The website is blue and white. Everything looks pretty neat and organized. Eventhough it doesn't have the same look of major webites, it looks very presentable.
Ease of Navigation: Everything seems very easy to find. All the important information is bold. My only critique would be that the excess of information can be overbearing.
Apparent Bias: There seems to be an obvious bias against Keynesianism and interventionalism.
Economist Unbound
Content: The website has numerous articles that addresses daily economis news and challenges. The information on the website addresses national and international issues.
Appearance: It looks truly spectacular. The design is very sleek and has numerous colors. It gives an overall inviting feel.
Ease of Navigation: The website is very professional. It is affiliated with Bloomberg Businessweek. Everything is broken down into topics and categories, this makes navigating easy.
Apparent Bias:The website makes an effort to showcase all points of views, so I see very little bias.
I misspelled the blogs. The fist one is called "Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis" and the other is "Economics Unbound"
I've reloaded this page a million times captain pye, so don't shoot me if this blog has already been used captain. You made this blog quite difficult. No es fácil
Manarin on Money
Content: An independent firm serving clients by showing them successful wealth-building strategies, discipline, and good financial habits.
Appearance. The appearance of the blog is quite straightforward and simple. It is quite dull, when you first glance at it, however, it is very professional.
Ease of Navigation: If you can't navigate through this blog, then I do not know what to tell you. Everything is labeled precisely, so basically all you need to do is just clink on tabs to guide yourself through the blog.
Apparent bias:
Everything has to do with the subject on financing. Also, the company portrays itself as being quite reliable and quick in doing their job.
Data Points
Content: A free and open exchange on the economy around the world.
Appearance: The appearance is quite overwhelming in a sense because of the many tabs that are on the page. Also, there are many words that I do not know the meaning of. Confusing!!
Ease of Navigation: The many drop tabs make it quite complex; however the blog does not fail to give precise and detailed data.
Apparent Bias: Even though the blog displays economic statuses of countries around the world, the editor of the blog is an American, so there is a possibility that all of the data is not entirely precise.
thank you for your time
**Aplia Econ Blog**
Content: The content has a lot of variety and focuses on current events which have parallels to our Economics class. There are between one to two posts made each month.
Appearance: The appearance is very engaging and organized. The fonts and the colors are very appealing. Additionally, each post has either a graph or a picture.
Navigation: Navigation is very simple because the website is organized with blog posts on the home page and with previous posts organized by time and topic on the right.
Apparent Bias: No bias found.
**American Association of Wine Economists**
Content: The blog consists of articles, which are relatively short and pertain to wine tastings, wine markets, wine/liquor monopolies, etc.
Appearance: The articles are fairly short. The website's appearance seems to have too much white space, especially on the home page. There is an Error on the home page which also hurts the credibility of the blog.
Navigation: Even though there are tabs at the top of the blog, I found that the content could be better organized because there is no archive by link or sections to separate the content based on the different topics covered by the blog.
Apparent Bias: No bias is apparent.
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