1) Content
2) Appearance
3) Ease of Navigation
4) Apparent bias
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Wow I should've proof read that.
Environmental Economics Blog Review:
Content: A rather personal blog containing news articles, comic strips, and other relevant sources related to economics. Some posts are more serious and informative, while other posts are more trivial in nature pertaining to the author's life. The author's comments are not particularly insightful.
Appearance: A clean/basic appearance without much colors. No distracting features or designs plague the blog. The tabs look balanced and text size is good.
Navigation: Well archived posts by date, a search bar, and relevant links that are categorized well make navigation easy and efficient.
Apparent Bias: No bias spotted.
Japan Economy Watch Blog Review:
Content: A very professional and source orientated blog that centers around news articles and offers important and relevant updates. Content is always informative and no personal entries exist in posts. Updates are infrequent in the blog, however.
Appearance: Appearance is very plain and rather uninteresting with no designs whatsoever. A white background is predominantly covered by texts and graphs with no fluff.
Navigation: A cluttered navigation bar with a ubiquitously long list of links that span the entire right hand side of the page makes navigation difficult. More so, some links on the blog page are not as relevant as others.
Apparent Bias: No bias spotted.
Economics Help
1) Content – A blog that only Tejvan Pettinger (personal economic blog) posts and is full of text and charts relating to only the UK economy and not the rest of the world.
2) Appearance – The appearance is very plain and simple with a white background and some icons indicating the site name. The texts of the post are in black and are only about UK economics such as the “national debt” and “UK bond Yields”.
3) Ease of Navigation – This blog is very easy to navigate with 5 tabs on top of the page: “Home”, “Shop”, “Ask Economics Question”, “UK Debt”, “Contact”. The posts are also well organized by date.
4) Apparent bias - There is no sense of bias in this blog unless you count it being bias as it is only about the UK economy.
Planet Money
1) Content – Is a blog on NRP that covers the cover world economy with twice-weekly podcast and also radio stories about the world economy. This blog helps ordinary people further understand the global economy with stories around the world. The material has a lot of humor but also grasps the attention of the reader and is economically smart with a lot of pictures and videos. The posts are from multiple authors unlike the “Economic Help” blog.
2) Appearance – The appearance is also very simple but a bit more complex than “Economics Help”, with less text, more pictures and videos. Each post is arranged by episode.
3) Ease of Navigation – This blog is quite easy to navigate with 5 tabs on the top of the page under the tabs of NPR: “About”, “Podcast”, “Radio”, “Blog”, and “This American Life”.
4) Apparent bias – This blog has a no bias and is about the global economy.
Bankruptcy Beat:
1)Content: A blog containing coverage of multiple corporate bankruptcies. The posts span from the movie industry to professional baseball. The blog dives into corporations that are nearing bankruptcy, are bankrupt, or have risen from bankruptcy.
2)Appearance: The page contains the right amount of colors and it appeals to the reader. However, there are multiple ad's on the page that distract the reader.
3)Navigation: The blog posts are fairly easy to access as the most recent posts are on the home page. Furthermore, there is a search bar to search for any post.
4)Apparent Bias: No bias indicated as the blog posts focus on the facts of the topics.
Real Time Economics:
1)Content: This posts in this blog span from the American job market to international economics. It deals with present day issues that not only affect Americans, but people globally.
2)Appearance: The color scheme is good as the colors contrast and appeal to the reader's eye. However, the amount of ad's are somewhat distracting.
3)Navigation: The blog is fairly easy to navigate as the most recent blog posts are on the home page. Also, there is a convenient search bar to find older posts.
4)Apparent Bias: No apparent bias is found as the posts focus on the facts and limit opinions.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Content: Exactly as the title of the blog sounds, the millionaire author showcases the numerous manners to increase income. Ramit Sethi addresses various subjects from negotiating for better wages to finding a better banking solution than the federally endorsed "big banks."
Appearance: The site predominates with a green and white color scheme, probably to associate the color green with money. There are also various ads scattered throughout the pages.
Navigation: The site is quite straightforward separating his posts by broad categories as well as includes a search ability to find specific articles.
Apparent Bias: There is not a bias within the articles or posts.
Content: An interesting blog that does not have a sole focus on a specific aspect of the economy, but rather the small, subtle effects, such as having the money to afford the college of choice affecting high school performance or the effects of a ban of any soft drinks greater than 16 ounces in New York City.
Appearance: A rather clean and practical set up with a cartoonish and less formal feel to it. There is an advertisment banner on top, but otherwise the website is focused on its articles and contributors.
Navigation: The website's has various media to retrieve information. The posts in the blog are lined chronologically, but there is a search tool bar on top to help find specific topics of interest.
Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias in the articles, although the point of views and arguments for some of the articles seem rather peculiar and obscure.
Ecology and Economics
Content: A neat blog that focuses on economics and ecology, providing a broad spectrum of topics such as cap and trade to compressed air cars. The blog also includes small diagrams, youtube videos, and articles from various sources on the topic of interest.
Appearance: A neatly organized site with a solid green bar at the right that groups recent posts and such. No advertiements displayed.
Navigation:The posts are chronoligically ordered with the most recent at the top. The right hand sidebar is organized into categories of recent comments and recent posts, making it very easy to navigate through.
Apprent Bias:No apparent bias as this guy is simply using other sources as his main source of information.
A Fistful Of Euros
Content:The blog talks about the state of the Euro in everway possible. Even comparing it to a kabuki, a japanese dance drama. Seome of the titles of posts are misleading such as "There is no pony". It features some diagrams.
Appearance:The blog is neatly organized and categorized with no ads displaying. The slight creme colored frame does not distract from reading.
Navigation:It is organized with main topics on the top and relevant topics on the side. It is easily navigatable.
Apparent Bias:
No apprent bias except that all it talks about is the Euro.
1) Content
A blog by GAVIN KENNEDY that focuses on Adam Smith and his contributions. He consistently updates his blog with the newest information gathered from universities and research institutions.
2) Appearance
The blog is not aesthetically pleasing and is rather simple in design. Nothing extravagant or protruding about the website can be seen. However, it is clear and the titles are easy to spot.
3) Ease of Navigation
The blog is extremely easy to navigate. All you have to do is scroll to an article of interest and click on the title.
4) Apparent bias
This blog contains no apparent biases. However, from the stand point of a reader, the blogger does, obviously, have a reverence for Adam Smith that can be a certain "bias", if you will.
1) Content
A blog that publishes each month an article about "Investing, Economics and Personal Finance".
2) Appearance
In contrast to the first blog I reviewed, this blog is much better designed with a green, cat-oriented theme. It is much pleasing to look at and has a certain comedic style to it.
3) Ease of Navigation
Same with the first blog, this blog is easy to navigate and has a clear title to each publication.
4) Apparent bias
This blog contains no apparent biases. It states facts and has valid resources cited.
BLOG: " Angry Bear "
Content: This blog consists of a series of editorials written by numerous authors. The blog serves commentary on not only economics but also nation wide news and politics. A majority of the the posts on this blog as more so opinion based than they are factual.
Appearance: The Blog is very mature and neutral in color with dark green, beige, and olive tones.
Navigation: Navigating this blog was more than approachable. All posts are titled and linked at the top of the blog right below the "Home," "About," "Contact," and "Editorial Policies" tabs making it easy to find needed information.
Apparent Bias: Considering that the blog is based on opinions of current nation economics, news, and politics the blog is biased in some areas but only by opinion.
BLOG: " A Dash of Insight "
Content: This blog is exactly what its title says it is, a dash of insight. Providing need to know information about unemployment in the United States and its recovery briefly but thoroughly with charts and graphs and article style posts from one author.
Appearance: Blog is very plain in design with white and gray background. However, colorful charts and graphs attract the eye.
Navigation: Blog is easy to used with posts archived by date, specifically by month and year.
Apparent Bias: There is no obvious bias in the posts on this blog. mostly information based rather than opinion.
10Q Detective
Content- Somewhat weird news and headlines. Mostly something no one would know about or a humorous occurrence.
Appearance – Very good. Neither too many pictures nor too wordy.
Ease of Navigation – Fairly easy to navigate and not confusing.
Bias – None. Only gives out news headlines and facts.
Dollars and Sense
Content – Varies. Some cover news headlines and some answer questions about the blog. Many different writers.
Appearance – Somewhat jumbled, not too confusing but a lot of pictures on home page.
Ease of Navigation – Not hard to navigate.
Bias – Some articles have some bias “Why the US is not Greece” while others don’t.
Real Time Economics
1. Content- Focuses on different news articles.
2. Appearance- simple, basic, nothing fancy. has charts, one displaying personal income.
3. Ease of Navigation- very easy to navigate,gives you 12 options to navigate from- World U.S., New York, Business, Markets, Tech, Personal Finance, Life & Culture, Opinion, Careers, Real Estate & Small Business.
4. Apparent Bias- There isnt any apparent bias. the articles are stating facts.
The Everyday Economist
1. Content- Josh Henderson focuses on monetary policy.
2. Appearance- has a visual at the top of the page, also simple as well.
3. Ease of Navigation- very easy, has links to go to.
4. Apparent Bias- Some articles are bias, he fairly gives his opinion.
Beat the Press
1) Content: quality posts from Dean Baker that summarize economic topics. The blog provides daily synopses of important issues that could be further researched simply by following other links. This site can serve readers anywhere from new students to economic connoisseurs.
2) Appearance: no ads or pop ups plague the site, so the material is easy to follow. The layout is fairly simple and organized, which makes for a great site to explore.
3) Navigation: the links to the bull blog posts are easy to follow, and the site is clearly organized chronologically. Also, the site provides a bar on the right with the 'most popular' links, which also draws the reader.
4) Bias: there is no obvious bias, for the author, although American, expresses how other countries' economies are thriving in some posts. Also, when a bias is involved, the author merely states that it is some other economist's bias, such as in the post, "How Big is China and How Ignorant are they at the WAPO?"
1) Content: Dr. Bill Conerly's blog strives to inform the reader about current business situations in order for his readers to make better decisions. He also provides charts and sometimes videos that are more comprehensive than reading words on a screen.
2) Appearance: the site's use of charts and diagrams organizes the information well. The contrast of colors allows for easy viewing.
3) Navigation: the site is rather simple and easy to follow, and it also provides links to other economic blogs for even more information. The archives tabs make it easier for the reader to explore the change in our economy over time.
4) Bias: many of the posts are stating bad situations in the economy, which is not necessarily a bias, for the authors back up their claims.
Content-this article included President Barack Obama, which in my opinion I found disrespectful. Regardless of anyone's opinion, the Predident deserves to be respected, everyone in office does. Not only was President Obama discussed, but so were burglaries. Burglaries are beginning to happen more often. Aside from our President and burglaries, Derrick King, a repeated felon was discussed.
Appearance- the website was decorated, but was not all that appealing. The picture, a dollar and change, did, however, fit the "Prosperity" title.
Ease of Navigation-The article is hard to follow. There would be posts, then a quote, then links. Everything was all over the place.
Bias- unfortunately, there was bias, especially with our President. Not voting for Obama was never expressed by the author, but by the quotes used and the diction the reader can imply the author's opinion, which can either turn the reader on or off.
Content- This site was a blog site. There were different blogs, one discussing Austrailia's recent whether and how economists did not care about the "apocalyptic" skies. The blogs were mostly about the environment, because oikos means home/place to live.
Appearance- Thi site was a normal blogspot-type page. Plain, simple, boring, and white.
Continuing Oikos because of technical difficulties..
Ease of navigation- this was an easy site to navigate through
Bias- I did not really notice any bias. The things being discussed were normalcies, but it wasn't biased. If tht makes sense. The author would say things such as "the express line is faster", which is his opinion.
Content: This blog contains trends, politics, opinions, and more in biotech and pharmacy. The blog let’s people know what is happening in the health economy, and it’s very informative.
Appearance: The appearance is very modest. It doesn’t contain anything eye-catching for the reader. It can be easily accessed.
Navigation: The blog can be easily accessed. It contains blogs posted by date.
Apparent Bias: No apparent bias. It contains a lot of information about Germany.
Content: This blog contains information from Will Wilkinson a research fellow at the Cato Institute. The blog attracts the reader by writing about daily life.
Appearance: This blog is also plain, but contains interesting information that could we could relate to.
Navigation: The blog has numerous amounts of information and contains tabs that are enlightening to the readers. This blog can be easily accessed.
Apparent Bias: No apparent bias marked.
Content: This blog basically talks abount what's going on in China's economy. It consists of articles from various sources talking about all kinds of things from education to supply and demand.
Appearence: There's nothing standing out as far as designs or pictures, but the website is well organized.
Navigation: This blog is well organized with related topics on the side and it's listed according to the date.
Apparent Bias: Other than the fact that its a blog only about China's economy, there was no bias found.
Content: This blog belongs to Barry Ritholtz. It has updates on the economy of Countries worldwide.
Appearence: The name itself stands out and it seems interesting to look at. There are no bright colors that stand out. The title at the top is well designed.
Navigation: The blog has the most recent news on top and as you scroll to the bottom, it has many graphs, tables and articles.
Bias: NO Bias was spotted.
EconLog Content: this is a blog by Bryan Caplan and David Henderson which discuss issues and insights of economics
Appearance : this blog is nicely decorated, with out too much distraction. Navigation: this site is well organized and easy to navigate through Apparent Bias: none apparent
Winter economic and market watch
content : blog by russ winter with several current links concerning the economy
Appearance: the overall site is boring and not very attractive
Navigation: the organization of the blog is a bit cluttered but is manageable?
Apparent Bias: none apparent
American Association of Wine Economist
Content- An article about a wine testing conducted by the American Association of Wine Economist where 9 judges from France, Belgium and United States tasted French wines against New Jersey wines. The results and statistical analysis is also provided on the blog. Information about wine productions by certain countries in 2008 and imports of wine by the United States is also included. Furthermore, a survey about different kinds of grapes and wines produced is provided. Brief information about the Unites States market.
Appearance- Article based appearance and data table view depending on the information type.
Navigation- Home page is easily accessible through American Association website. There are side links to recent posts on the same topic.
Bias- Bias towards the United States. Provides information about the productions and imports of United States.
The Big Do-Over
Content- A personal blog where Wendy Fried posts blogs about positive changes that the Congress could make in the business field to improve financial conditions.
Appearance- Short article-like blogs with pictures giving an overview of the current situation.
Navigation- Decently easy to access through related links. Several other kinds of categories are provided on similar topics.
Bias- No apparent bias.
Financial Armageddon
1) Content: An economics blog with a rather gloomy outlook on the financial future of America, as the name suggests. The author posts articles from other economic blogs and people can then post their comment on the article.
2) Appearance: There are only a few ads on the page but there are more than a handful of other economic blogs and articles that the author of the blog puts up on the side. There are pictures of graphs that accompany the author's blog, as well as videos. Other than the ads, the design is easy on the eyes and not too distracting.
3) Navigation: The author of the blog dates each and every new post he makes, there are numerous amounts of links to other economic blogs and articles. There is also a national debt clock on the right side of the page.
4) Apparent Bias: The author posts articles from various sources such as the Washington Post or the Economist, but the author of the blog himself appears to have no bias.
Megan McArdle
1) Content: Megan McArdle is a former correspondent of The Atlantic and she posts articles written by her and other various authors on topics ranging from politics to books and how they relate to the national economy.
2) Appearance: The site is very professional as it is run by The Atlantic. Very simple yet elegant.
3) Navigation: navigation is very easy, all you have to do is click on an article and then you will be directed to similar articles .
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias in the blog, the authors keep it straightforward.
Blog: Overcoming Bias
Content: The blog by Katia Grace talks about the concept of the surplus splitting strategy and why people do not use it more often if it saves them money. Grace uses the example of customers at a garage sale who negotiate prices. She ends the blog wondering if people manipulate sales often or if it is a rare situation.
Appearance: There is nothing truly special except for use of light blue and yellow in the background. Any other decoration would have been a distraction.
Navigation: All you have to do is scroll down to the blog of your choice and each one has a huge title with the blog underneath and the author’s name directly after the title.
Bias: There was no obvious bias. She was basically asking a question to the readers.
Blog: Economix
Content: The blog, under Economix by David Leonhardt, he basically ask the question why minimum wage doesn’t explain the slow growth in wages for the middle class. He also asks how this situation could be fixed.
Appearance: Leonhardt uses two graphs to show minimum wage from 1975 to 2012.
Navigation: The blog was pretty easy to get to but it was misleading because there is an excerpt of the blog then once you click read more its more than you thought it was.
Bias: Leonhardt shows no bias it was also an open question so he just states the facts.
Macroblog Review
Content:A blog providing information regarding financial issues and trends related to the Southeastern part of the United States. Consequently a blog made by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Appearance: Generally a bland appearance with the main focus on green and blue. While at the same time providing graphs that help boost interest.
Navigation: Seemingly easy to the average person, with tabs clearly labeled as well as a search engine for further research.
Apparent Bias: No apparent bias shown.
Deal Breaker Review
Content:Basically a blog about issues and personalities related to changes or event that occur in the financial industry.
Appearance:To a great extend very visit with a colorful display of colors and commentaries on points of interests from Lisa Maria Falcone to an article about JP Morgan ( Chase).
Navigation:Fairly simple as the layout is displayed in a way that certain articles and points of interest catch a person's eye easily.
Apparent Bias: There is an apparent bias depending on who is writing the article and what individuals may leave as comments.
Markets- MarketBeat
1)Content- The blog discusses issues concerning the European Central Bank as well as the markets of other countries such as China. But most importantly it discusses the modern state of the American economy. It also finds major and minor market news, analyzes trends and brings to attention commentary from the best researches. It also discusses how politics is effected by the market especially with the elections.
2)Appearance- The overall layout of the website is the authors’ blogs on the left of the page in a chronological order from most recent to oldest. On the right side there are advertisements and little tid bits of data and important facts. Also, the color being plain white helps not to distract the reader.
3)Ease of Navigation- It is easy to follow because it does not require you to look in different places to read the blogs, they are all in one line in a chronological order.
4)Apparent Bias-There is no apparent bias shown in the blogs. For the most part, if the author has an opinionated bias they present it as a question.
Hard Times- Infectious Greed
1)Content-The blog contains many videos and pictures with short captions of several world events. They are not necessarily about politics or economics, but instead about world events in general.
2)Appearance- The blog site has an easy to follow webpage. The white color also makes it easy to follow read. And there are more pictures and videos than writing.
3) Ease of Navigation- Because the videos and photos are lined up in threes the layout is pretty simple to follow. The only thing that may be flawed is that there is no organization to what the blog is about. For example the sports blogs are mixed with the weather and politics blogs.
4) Apparent Bias- Any apparent bias given may be in the titles since the blogs are mostly pictures and videos. For example the title “No spoilers from me, but what a day in the Vuelta today. Incredible.” Shows the author was amused and feels the reader should be too.
Data Points
-Content: A simple blog that talks about a variety of things accompanied by a video most of the time, the blog also has a few articles written on a news paper and have been cited.
-Appearance: The blog has a decent simple look with most blogs posts having videos and all archived posts are on the right side of the page.
-Navigation: The blog is very easy to navigate considering it is a simple up and down blog, along with the archived posts on the right side. The main problem with navigating this site is that there is no previous entries page, only the archives.
Apparent Bias: There is no Bias on the blog.
Cafe Hayek
-Content: This is a blog contains some information, containing quotes from old Economists and a good amount of more recent quotes from the presidents speeches.
-Appearance: The blog has a clean feel to it, everything seems to be in the correct position and it is overall a pleasant blog to look at.
-Navigation: The blog is very simple to navigate, although it does not have all of their archived posts on the front page it still shows 10 of the most recent posts on the side.
Apparent Bias: In this blog quite a few posts gave the authors opinion on the situation.
CONTENT: the blog portrays random articles that the author knows about, it is not consistent on one idea.
APPEARANCE: nice and simple, and very much like Mr. Pye's blog page =D
NAVIGATION: it is very simple to navigate through the blog. If i can easily navigate through Mr. Pye's, then i can do the same for this blog.
APPARENT BIAS: mostly opinionated but some are non-biased.
CONTENT: this blog talks about their view on different economical issues.
APPEARANCE: the blog is very neat and organized.
NAVIGATION: it is fairly simple to navigate through this blog.
APPARENT BIAS: this blog is mostly people's perspective.
Welker Wikinomics
Content: Welker talked about why the system of economics is and isn't fair. He explains that one must have to work for what they get, and although some may think others are lazy, everyone for the most part gets what they deserve. He also explains scarcity, and that it exists because humans are so selfish.
Appearance: The website is very jumbled and crowed, and a little confusing.
Ease of Navigation: I wasn't exactly sure which blog to read.
Apparent Bias: He is very open minded about how the whole system works.
A Fistful of Euros
Content: It describes a lot of the issues European countries have had stabilizing their economy, and that a lot things have gone bankrupt. Various countries in Europe are mentioned and described individually of their mistakes.
Appearance: Organized by most recent to oldest. The side bar has tabs separated by categories.
Ease of Navigation: You can easily find a certain topic that you want to know about, or country by clicking the links on the side. It also has a search bar.
Apparent bias: Some blogs seem upset at certain countries. Yet most seem to be open minded about the economic problems.
Econbrowser Review
Content: Blog page updated every two days; Each post is composed of a personal outlook on different economic events.
Appearance: Simple, generic blog page.
Navigation: Easy to navigate through; No confusion of any kind.
Apparent Bias: No Bias found
Aplia Econ Blog:
Content: Straight forward blogs posted from one to two times a month on a variety of subjects.
Appearance: Lively, engaging layout. Each blog post has at least one picture and some have graphs too.
Navigation: Everything is simply laid out. No confusion of any sort.
Apparent Bias: No bias found.
naked capitalism
1) Content: The blog seems to just post about daily news and the such, not seeming to have any real trend to it. Topics range from Australian economy to Chinese to Canadian to the United States. Topics also draw away from economy into politics and others.
2) Appearance: Barren, though not in a classy, minimalist's dream sort of way. Ironically, it often seems too crowded in its set up because of the lack of design focus.
3) Ease of Navigation: Most of the site is just different dated posts. However, the topic list allows the reader to search for items by country,type of policy, science, ect. There is also a search bar.
4) Apparent bias: The blog runner supports the occupy movement. One normally would suspect this indicates a leftist outlook, but some posts criticize the Obama administration. Other posts imply heavy distaste of certain Republican politicians, so it is safe to say that the bias varies according to the many contributors.
Money & Policy
1) Content: Exactly what it says. It relates policy and the economy, specifically health policies.
2) Appearance: It's the New York Times. Ads aren't too distracting, the white background lends to reading, the blue headlines catch the reader's eye. They know what they are doing.
3) Ease of Navigation: Has a search bar. Articles include not only headlines in their small previews, but also a sample of the article. Updates are in chronological order.
4) Apparent bias: Though often even handed, New York Times is known for having a leftist bias. However, this does not mean that every article does.
1. Content- The blog has a list of articles to read over, varying from different publishers in different locations. There are different audio clips on certain topics as well as debates happening on current issues at hand in the world of economics. The articles range from all different corners of the world about almost anything and everything about the states of their countries economic conditions and their professional thoughts as well.
2. Appearance- Very well organized with all of the current, past, and most read stories at hand for anyone who comes across the website. Everything you need is neatly placed right in front of you and not jumbled or clustered together all over the screen. Catches your attention when you first get on website by how many different things are being talked about day after day
3. Ease of Navigation- Extremely easy to navigate through. Everything you need is right there in plain sight and there is no pressing this to get to something completely off topic. The tabs create areas for certain topics at hand such as debates and books to read. Anyone can just get on the website and find what they are looking for with record making time.
4. Apparent Bias- No apparent bias is seen because the articles vary from writer to writer and place to place as well. There is no centralized place the articles are about. The authors submit their works and it published no matter where they are from so that people can be informed in the country they are in.
SEC Data Guy
1. Content- The blog has multiple thoughts on certain subjects by one person. They are short though notes posted onto the blog and have little correlation to each other except for the fact that they all have to do with some aspect of economics both macro and micro. The main goal of his blog is to provide stats and analysis of filings in the SEC's EDGAR system and hopes that all of this will bring about discussions in the market trends as well as economics.
2. Appearance- The blog is very green and really grabs you when you first get to it. It is very simplistic yet it provides a lot of information on the subject. It looks interesting and if you are interested in what he is talking about it will draw you in.
3. Ease of Navigation- Easy to navigate and there and the things to do on the blog are very sparse except for reading the information and thoughts of the blogger. There are only two pages to his blog which make it even easier to maneuver around and simple "likes" or "comment" sections so you can start a discussion on what you think of the topic.
4. Apparent Bias- Yes there is an apparent bias because the blogger focuses on only one idea which is the SEC's EDGAR program and other than that there is very little else to read about. This is this person's interest and can be seen in the blog because other than that you can find anything else to read about.
American Association of Wine Economists -
Content: This blob consists of articles pertaining to wine tastings, wine markets, wine/liquor monopolies, etc.
Appearance: Each article is fairly short and some include a data table that contains information related to the article's content.
Navigation: This blog is very easy to use all contents are organized and separated into categories/sections to right side.
Apparent Bias:No bias is apparent.
The Health Economics Blog -
Content: All articles are posted by ustaginnus@hotmail.com. This blog covers areas such as illnesses, medicinal developments, etc.
Appearance: Articles are brief, simple, and dated. The layout of this blog matches the content of the articles, which is serious.
Navigation: Everything is organized to the right, such as author biography, related blogs, upcoming events, etc.
Apparent Bias: This blog strongly supports medical breakthroughs or help from anyone willing to contribute help/funding for people suffering from diseases/ailments.
Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis
Content: This blog focuses on trends, not only within a single economy, but on a global level. Its articles are highly factual containing tings such as statistics and charts/graphs. It seems to be constantly updated for new and accurate stories, therefore making it a reliable source. Additionally, the writer reaches out to his readers, by addressing them through things such as social networks like Facebook.
Appearance: The blog has a professional look to it. There are no obsessive pop-ups or distracting ads that take away from the content of the website. Furthermore, the font size and type are all easy to read.
Ease of Navigation: The bog is very straight forward, therefore, making it easy to navigate. It has the typical home screen, search bar, etc. Also, the links to every article are clearly displayed on the left hand side for clicking.
Apparent bias: Considering the blog was very fact-based, I found no apparent bias.
Global Economy Matter
Content: This blog seems to represent itself as concerning global matters, although most of its literature concerns issues/events in Russia. Although facts are included in the blog, the author seems to have his own opinion for every article, therefore making it a highly opinionated website.
Appearance: The appearance of the blog is much less than professional, it is apparent that a professional did not arrange the website. In order to see all the articles on the home page the viewer must constantly scroll and scroll to get to the next article. Additionally, there are pictures simultaneously placed throughout the articles in a very un-centered manner.
Ease of Navigation: The ease of navigation through the blog was not difficult, although, as I stated above, it did involve a lot of tedious scrolling.
Apparent bias: The blogger clearly states “however, and biased as I naturally am…” therefore I am led to lead that there is an apparent bias of this site….
1)Content-This is from the npr radio station, and the blog talks about the global economy on random topics ranging from currency to jobs. It seems to lean towards human interest stories more than the general economy.
2)Appearance- Very clean, organized feel and easy to navigate. Various pictures that peak the interest of the reader. Looks professional.
3)Ease of Navigation- Very easy, there are separate categories and even categories within categories to further specify your search.
4)Apparent Bias-The only bias that is clear, that may not even be a bias, it's more of a narrowed topic, is how it focuses on America.
1)Content-Seems to be a personal blog with excerpts of the blogger's opinions based on different economic happenings. Each entry is about a paragraph long.
2)Appearance-It seems like a privately owned blog, simple and straight-foward approach with advertisements on the left side.
3)Ease of Navigation-It's easy if you started with the blog from the beginning, but the way it is organized, the side bar shows different titles of blog entries. This makes it hard to narrow in on a specific side of the economy one may be researching.
4)Apparent Bias-It seems to be a private blog, so the blogger inserts the opinions on the events, making the bias very strong toward their sentiments.
Bailout Sleuth
Content: This blog focuses on tracking the flow taxpayer money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program and other federal economic stability initiatives. Mostly just made of articles tracking what’s happening to banks.
Appearance: Nothing to spectacular about the appearance. It is made of a basic white background with blue headlines and black text.
Navigation: Easy to navigate, has five main tabs at top which are, About, Staff, Contact, Sharesleuth, and Junketslueth. Also articles are listed in chronological order.
Bias: No bias spotted
Financial Armageddon
Content: Seems that the content is focused on the United States debt, derivatives, Government guaranties, and the economy failing. Made up of many different articles containing graphs, jokes, quotes, and pictures.
Appearance: Interesting web layout, it has a lot of bright pictures and changing font sizes that get the reader’s attention.
Navigation: Fairly simple, it goes in chronological order with other navigation buttons on the left and right side
Bias: Seems to really dislike the Republican Party.
Dr. Housing Bubble
1) Content: A blog containing much information pertaining to the housing market. It only describes the current affairs based in California.
2) Appearance: The appearance is rather simple green layout, with the actual blogs appearing in a white center in black.
3)Navigation: The blog has a search bar, but is also littered with ad's, which makes it difficult to find legitimate links.
4) Apparent Bias: There is no apparent bias
The Baseline Scenario
1) Content: This blog mainly discusses the global economy and how it got where it is today. It also describes Wall Street.
2) Appearance: This blog sports a plain white background, with a few eye catching banners to click.
3) Navigation: A search bar is nestled in the top right, with links to other blogs to the left
4) Apparent Bias: There seems to be no apparent bias.
Economics Unbound
Content: This blog discusses the author, Tom Keene’s, views over the topics of economics, funding, and savings. It is written in a way that is relevant to both students and professors, so the intended audience is broad.
Appearance: The site is well organized, however with the random ads placed in and around text; the reader can easily get distracted from the context.
Navigation: The layout is organized in a way that it is easy to navigate though his blog.
Bias: The bias is minimal due to the balanced information about both parties.
Cato Unbound
Content: The purpose of this blog is to exchange big ideas and discussing present day issues. Every month the blog posts one essay on an important topic relevant to today written by someone important among the economic community, thus creating long and open-ended conversation.
Appearance: Very impressive. This blog has a very neat and organized layout, very professional. This site is strictly dedicated to information so the lack of ads and other distractions is non-existent.
Navigation: Navigation among this blog is fairly easy to do. Everything is organized by dates and the newest essays provided are placed conveniently on the front page.
Bias: There is no detectable bias in this blog because of the author’s tendency to publish the essays of other thinkers instead of his own views, diminishing any political confrontation among the reader.
Calculated Risk:
1) Content - The blog, Calculated Risk, by Bill McBride. He is a full time blogger, retired as a senior executive from a small public company and has a background in management, finance and economics. In his blog, he provides concise and very accessible summaries of all the keys economic data and developments. he focuses on U.S economics development, particularly in the real estate market.
2) Appearance - The design of his blog is fairly simple and clean. not much colors involved. In some of his posts, he used graphs to help the reader to get a better understanding.
3) Ease of Navigation - seemingly easy to navigate, articles are on the first page with a few tabs on the top of the page for further information.
4) Apparent bias - focuses on U.S economics development, particularly in the real estate market.
Knowledge Problems
1) Content - A blog by Lynne Kiesling and Michael Giberson offer their views and commentary on economics, information and human actions.
2) Appearance - The layout of the blog is pretty simple. Articles post by chronological order from recent to oldest. Word text colors are mostly in black but some with a bit of different colors
3) Ease of Navigation - Easy navigation, with all the useful links on the right side of the blog. It has a section where its categorized post within their topics and also has a search engine for further research.
4) Apparent bias - no apparent bias.
China Economics Blog
1. Content: An informational blog that contains new, observations, and analysis' on China's economy.
2. Appearance: The blog is cleanly organized according to sections and topics. On the right hand column, the user is able to select their desired topic.
3. Navigation: The blog is in a "scroll-based" format. Meaning that everything on that one topic is right after another in a consistant flow. The blog has different hyperlinks to direct the user to a more indepth discussion amongst other users.
4. Apparent Bias: The blog creator does a good job with preventing biased opinions, but however, there are some few biased thoughts against the Chinese Government.
Overcoming Bias
1. Content: In this blogsite, the Author jumped to different topics, some irrelevant to the others.
2. Appearance: The appearance gives off the mood of a place where the user would want to learn, like say, a library, or an online data book. It's subtle colors are not strong and do not divert the users' attention away from the topic they are reading.
3. Navigation: The navigation is a "scroll-based" format. Each topic is cut short to save room, but there is a hyperlink referencing to the full topic.
4. Apparent Bias: The blog's main focus was to over come bias, but, examples of biased statements are provided as an example.
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