Tuesday, August 14, 2012
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This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Game theory
we'll probably learn about some market failures and how they affected and transformed economics:)
International Trade.
It is highly possible we go over the current economic state in Europe, namely what happened to Greece.
Oh, and government spending.
Deficit spending possibly
Its Gonna be a fun semester!!1
and how and why history repeats itself with events like "Wall Street Crashing multiple times.
Stocks and the stock market
Stocks and the stock market
How to invest in stocks! And how they work
Taxes and their implications
Monetary policy
Causes of Inflation
We will most probably learn about the History of Economics.
The brilliance of adam smith
Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
Well some one already said that.... so, the Long Run Aggregate Supply
The Fed Chairman Game
How to smartly invest our money in the stock market.
The stock market
The stock market
I think we will discuss the country's debt and deficit spending and, also, how to disperse money in a more smart way. Class of 2014, by the way(:
Supply and demand
Environmental sustainability (Ecological economics)
The inevitability of a fluctuating free market economy
The decrease in value of the American dollar
exporting and importing
the effects of large monopolies
GDP, national income accounting.
Business Cycles.
More in depth about the stock market and learning how people in society use stocks.
Factors that lead countries into an economic depression.
The Banking System
how economy affects Business
The effects of inflation.
The study of the Dow Jones and nasdaq
Money Managment
Money Managment
Famous economists and how they became successful.
how natural disasters affect the economy
Aggregate expenditures
competition of trading internationally
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