Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Welcome Spring Semester!

Welcome to Mr. Pye's AP Economics Class. Leave a short comment showing that you found this spot, and in your own words, tell me something that you think we will be studying this semester. Don't copy anyone else's ideas.


Jessica Sheely said...

Jessica Sheely
Period 7

Hi, Mr. Pye, this semester I think we will be studying the history and development of economics, as well as how to become stock market millionaires.

Daniel Prieto said...

Daniel Prieto Fourth Period

I think we will be studying the basic economics of a country as a whole, and how each country interacts with one another.

aimeebreaux said...

Aimee Breaux
Period 7

I'm pretty sure that we will be learning about ninjas and the economic theories that so many nations have based their policies on...like a boss.

Dakota Hanka said...

Dakota Hanka (AKA Hipsta Phresh)
Period 7 Represent!

This semester, I believe that we will discover exactly how the principles of psychology and sociology in a population interact on a national scale to produce a growth or reduction in overall GDP; After all, Economics is really a type of social science in which human wants are measured against the means to acquire resources. (interesting stuff, I must say). Also, with the Stock Market project becoming a keystone, we will also study the true interplay between different types of markets and how one seemingly insignificant change may greatly impact another portion of a market.

Anonymous said...

Juan Paolo Estepa
Period 7

I think that we would be learning about how the market works and the different economies that the world currently possess

Lauren Philpott said...

Lauren Philpott
Period 7

I think we will be studying the awesomeness of economics and how often people think it's awful but then change their mind. I hope.

Kenneth George said...

Kenneth George
Period 7

Greetings Mr.Pye. This semester, I believe that we will learn about the economy both inside and out, and we will learn about the relationship between demand and supply. Also, I look forward to competing in the Stock Market Game. In addition, I believe we will be studying about the trickle-down theory of economics and possibly even the advantages and disadvantages of different types of economies.

Troy Cinek said...

Troy Cinek
Period 7

Hi Mr. Pie, I found this website alright. I believe this semester we will be discussing the basic economics of our country as well as the factors that affect different economic systems.

Lyka R said...

Lyka Reyes
Period 7

I think we will be learning the basic economics of each nations and which factors affect the economy as a whole.

Will Ripley said...

Will Ripley

Will Ripley said...

Will Ripley Period 7 I think we will study the stock market's role in influencing the state of our economy and how big business has sway over all the economy in general.

Mario Soto Jr. said...

Mario Soto Jr.
Period 7

I believe we'll be learning about fundamental theories of economics and how they are applied in our country.

Luis Arauz said...

Luis Arauz per.7

I believe we will be learing about the basics of economics, how it functions, and the influence it has on American society.

Nevel Shah said...

Nevel Shah
Period 7

I think we will learn about how economists spread their knowledge about predicting the economy and how we have to learn about they did it.

Marlee Jackson said...

Marlee Jackson
Period 7

Hi Mr. Pye!

I found your page! I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that I believe we will be discovering the pros and cons of dabbling in the stock market. We will come to understand many of the properties that eco possesses that make it a huge factor in the success of a nation, both within itself and when competing with the nations surrounding it.

steph cyriac said...

Steph Cyriac, Period 7

In economics this year I think we will be learning about how the economy works, the reasons for its ups and downs, the role we play in that, and the ideal point for the economy to be at.

Anonymous said...

I think we will be learning about the ridiculous amount of debt the US is in and the amount it builds up...which is every second! Also I think we'll be learning about how to manipulate stocks so that by the time we graduate, we have college paid for :)

Anonymous said...

oh also, Marti Grizzle, 4th period!

Christina Zamora said...

Hi Mr. Pye!!
This semester in economics I think you will teach us how to find all the loop holes and tricks in the stock market, so when we decide to invest in the market we will become successfully rich! I also believe we will learn the history of not only the Unites Sates economy but in the world. And finally I think we will learn much about you and your personal perspective on economics :)
Christina Zamora, Period 4

Anonymous said...

Ally Travers
Period 4

One of the main things that I think we'll learn in the next several months is sort of how to live in the real world. Hopefully, the stock market project will give us a good understanding of the way our country's economy works. I think it will also give us a good basis of knowledge of something that we could definitely carry with us past college, and eventually participate in the stock market for real!

Ally Travers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel Okeke said...

I think that we will be studying the behavior of economic investors and politicians, an expansion of the supply and demand concept, and analysis of national economies.

Gabriel Okeke said...

I'm in period 4

Anonymous said...

Shea Smith
Period 7

I think that this semester, we will be studying the importance of the economy in our day to life. Additionally, I perceive us to gain a grasp of the stock market and how we can get a hold on its dealings. Lastly, I think that you're going to teach us how to become super powerful millionaire, so that we can eventually change our last names to "Kardashian".

Malavika Chander said...

Malavika Chander
Period 4

Hey Mr. Pye! This semester I think we will be learning about the stock market and how it functions, go more in depth on supply/demand, and learn who created certain policies that are in use today.

Connie Tan said...

Connie Tan 4th Period
I think this semester we will learn about theories of government spending and how to make it more efficient.

TaylorW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TaylorW said...

Taylor Williams
Period 4

Hi, Mr. Pye, I found the site. : )
I believe this semester we will be learning about the history of economics and the effects that it has on every aspect of a persons life. Also about the positive and negative effects that the human emotions play on the rise and fall of the stock market.

Patty Phewklieng said...

Patty Phewklieng
Period 4

Hi Mr. Pye!
I think that this semester we will be learning many new economic terms such as scarcity, elasticity, supply curve, etc. Also, we will be able to better keep track of current events in the world. Lastly, I think that we will be analyzing and studying philosophical theories of many economists and how they shaped the economic policy.

Anthony Austria said...

Anthony Austria
Period 4

I think we will be studying how countries as a whole go about efficiently managing scarce resources and goods in a world market with constant uncertainty.

Eamonn Gossard said...

Eamonn Gossard
Period 4

This semester, I believe that we will learn how the American people and subsequently the American economy react to relative levels of surplus or scarcity. In essence, we will cover how the American people react to various economic pressures and how our reactions affect the economy as a whole.

Phillip Thai said...

I believe this semester we will be studying the difference between both demand and supply. As well how changes in economic policies will affect our everyday lives.

Anonymous said...

Thampuratty Jayadevan
Period 7

Hi Mr. Pye, this semester I think we will be introduced to the basic nature of economics. I think we will also learn to actually care about the economy that is in not so good shape now.

Jessica Landry said...

Jessica Landry- 4th period

I think we will be studying how to follow the stock market and how economics affects our country and countries we interact with.

Tia Wettman said...

Tia Wettman
Period 4

Hi Mr. Pye, this semester I think we will learn about the factors that influence the economy and, in turn, how the economy influences us. Also, that we will learn how to dominate the AP test thereby earning college hours. Woopie!

Christian Camera said...

Christian Camera
Period 4

Hello Mr. Pye.. I believe that in this semester we will be learning how some economists focus on the different markets and government policies that directly shape access to health care. How others focus on schools and educational policies in order to improve them. Last but not least, how some economists consider the economic circumstances of the poor and evaluate alternative government programs to improve the well-being of the needy.

Chris Harrell said...

Chris Harrell
per. 4

Greetings Mr. Pye. You were right; it does suck being the last one to comment and having to go through and read everyones posts so that you can come up with something new yourself. This semester I believe we will be learning about the positives and negatives of the different economies such as free market, etc. I'm sure you will teach us about what causes stock prices to rise and fall and how to stock prices of the major corporations affects the prices of regular businsess. I was really eager to learn more about how the government plans on dealing with the tremdendous amount of debt our nation is in, and your personal views on what would help fix the recession our nation is in (although noticable progress is being madee).

Samuel Gallegos said...

Samuel Gallegos
Period 4

Found the blog okay Mr. Pye. I'm thinking that we will learn why different current events shape the stock market in positive and negative ways.

Ashley Dinh said...

Ashley Dinh
4th period

This semester I think we will be studying and analyzing the production, distribution, and consumption of weath in our society.

Tania Babu said...

Tania Babu
Period 4

This semester, I believe that we will be studying the behavioral process of the economy at a higher level because of the word macro.

Jay Baath said...

Jay Baath, 4th period

I believe we will be studying how economics really affects our everyday lives and how under appreciated it is the world. This class should open student's mind to wanting to possibly pursue it as a career or at least understand it and how it manages our country.

Jerin Shaju said...

Jerin Shaju
Period 4th

I think this class helps us to understand how changes in economic policies affects our daily life. Studying economics can improve our financial situation

Jiaqi Zhang said...

Jiaqi Zhang
7th Period


Jiaqi Zhang said...

Jiaqi Zhang
7th Period


Jiaqi Zhang said...

Jiaqi Zhang
7th Period


Jiaqi Zhang said...

I think we will be learning about finance and how to manage our money efficiently.

Chris Joseph said...

Chris Joseph
Period 4

I think we will learn about how much of a mess our nation's economy is, and that it can be solved with out too much hardship.

Anonymous said...

Kasey Saldana
Period 7

I think we will be learning how different principles of economics are applied to different economies, as well as which ones are more efficient.

Taylor Campbell said...

Taylor Campbell
Period 4

This semester, I think we will be learning about different types of economies, and how an economy can thrive better than others.

Karly B said...

Hi Mr. Pye! I am commenting late because I was not in your class the first week of school. I think we will be studying the different aspects of an economy and how each country's economy differs.

Nick Hernandez 4th said...

Nick Hernandez

This class seems beyond fun and I haven't even been in this class for the whole year. I think I like it because I know this will be something I can actually use in life.

Nick Hernandez 4th said...

and I was also not in this class at this time of the blog being posted.