Check out this article from the NY Times, it identifies some of the characteristics shared by CEOs of corporations. Of those traits listed which one do you think is the most important? List a few characteristics that you think should be added to the list. Of those listed, which characteristics do you feel that you possess, and which ones would you need to work on?
Among those, strong confidence is the most important. One needs to be ballsy in the corporate world, it's a matter of survival. Also notable is that it (for the most part) encompasses fearlessness which I felt to important as well.
I was dissappointed that they didn't mention quick thinking or the ability to improvise, though i guess these wouldn't fit their list as they stressed qualities that people were able to develop on their own.
Hard not to sound self insulting, but I I usually fit the "simple mindset" quality.
As for the matter of improvement... I often lack the level of confidence that I wish I had.
Most Important: Having a passionate curiosity seems to be the most important characteristic because having complete confidence in your corporation and being curious to find new ideas and way to improve your business.
Needs to be Added: Trustworthy, this is a key characteristic which seems like it would be a hugely important characteristic. If people have trust in you, your workers will be more loyal and so will your investors.
One I Possess: Team smart, I know how to work well with a team and understand it will take a group effort to get a job accomplished.
Need to work on: Fearlessness, because sometime I get scared and think about all of the negatives instead the positives. I hate not being fearless but I'm trying my best to fix this.
I believe that Fearlessness is the most importnant characteristic of a C.E.O. because if you are not willing to take risks with your company, you won't advance in the business world. Entrepenuers are a scarce resource and it is because not everyone has that fire, the desire, the fearlesness to take risks.
A characterstic I was surprised not to see is Innovative Thinking. In such a demanding market I believe the ability to approach things in new and different ways is a required characteristic to survive.
I would say I show the Team Player characteristic more than any other, I am always looking to be positive and get other people invloved.
One that I need to work on is a simple mind set, I am one to gather the information and puzzle it together instead of breaking it down.
I think that strong confidence is the most important quality. You must believe in your own abilities. If you don'y have confidence in yourself then the people that work for you won't have confidence in you either.
Maturity, people skills, and trustworthiness should be added to the list because they are useful characteristics for a CEO.
I believe I posses strong confidence. Even if I don't know exactly what I'm doing, I do my best and go with what I feel is right. A quality I don't posses is a simple-mind set. I usually have a complex-mind set.
I think being confident is the most important. The CEO needs strong determination. People who are under the CEO are more likely to be motivated if the CEO believes in himself and makes the project work for the company. No one is going to work for someone who thinks he/she is going to fail in the future.
What needs to be added is ambition,trust, and respect. The CEO needs to have ambition to take the company to a higher level. Trust and respect are also needed because loyalty is essential to the relationship between works and boss.
I would say i have a passionate curiosity because I like to see and experience new things and ideas. I'm not afraid of breaking the old ways and having my own thoughts.
I need to working on having a simple-mind set. I always over think the problem and make unnecessary scenes and pictures in my head
A good C.E.O. has to have team smarts if he wants to succeed. To build a great company, one must have a team to work with him. If he cannot cooperate with his employees and encourage them to work hard, his vision cannot come to life. It only takes one person to have a vision, but a takes a team to realize that dream.
It wasn't on the list, but one extremely important quality for a C.E.O to possess is patience. Not everything comes to fruition right away, so C.E.O.'s need to be able to wait. A C.E.O. must also have a strong sense of right and wrong. It's easy to try and take the shortcut to success by using underhanded tactics and unfair practices, but in the long run, shady things come to light. It's better to go about business the moral way.
I think I'm very group minded. I know how to read people, and I tend to be the peacemaker in teams. I like for every piece from every person to come together.
Unfortunately, I don't have a passionate curiosity. I believe in the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Curiosity is a necessary trait for a CEO to possess, and I don't have it, so I guess I won't be heading any Fortune 500 companies any time soon.
Being a CEO is a tough job because there are many procedures and mistakes to be made. The one thing that I believe the CEO should have is confidence because if he/she doesn't then the company will fall apart. I would complain about the fact that fearlessness and confidence are somewhat alike. I was also surprised that all the traits focus on the person and not the entire company. I think that for the company to manage, the people will have to have a say in the corporation and that is what would make up the 5 characteristics of a CEO.
I believe team smarts are very important for CEO’s because they are constantly dealing with people. To get anywhere in life, you have to know how to deal with and get along with people. Good companies need teams that can corporate to produce the best product.
I think flexibility should be added to the list because, in life, nothing ever goes according to plan and being able to be flexible and change when things do not go your way shows makes you stronger. Ambition should also be added because people need to have huge dreams to push them to achieve the impossible.
I feel I possess passionate curiosity because when I find something that interests me, I always want to know more!
I need to work on my fearlessness because I tend to let my worries and fears get the best of me.
I think passionate curiosity is the most important because a CEO without any compassion for what they do cannot achieve anything, because they will have no drive. I feel if one has an intense passion for their job,the other qualities come with that.
I was surprised to see that creative thinking and loyalty was not on the list. I feel those are two qualities that a head of a company must possess to be successful.
I think I fit the fearlessness side. When I do actually have a desire to do achieve something, I am not afraid to go for it with everything I can.
Most Important: Fearlessness. If you can't take risks in the business world, no one will know your name. Fearlessness is the trait that got all the most notable entrepreneurs their fame today.
Needs to be Added: Realism. There is a huge advantage to being fearless, but I think it's extremely important to realize when ideas have reached their end and when to continue expanding and growing the company.
One I posses: I think I posses the simple mindset. Life is to short to over complicate with frivolous details. Getting to the point is a something I value and use every day.
Need to Work On: I need work in the hardened confidence area. If I know for a fact that I'm right, I oftentimes don't assert myself or I question the answer that I have arrived at.
I believe that out of all the qualities that are needed to lead a company, I would have to say that team smarts would be the most important. There is no way in the world that an individual, no matter how smart, hardworking, etc. can lead a company without a solid team. You have to deal with so much when it comes to other people and if you're not able to run your team and communicate with them in a smooth manner than their is no way your major cooperation can be successful. "There is no I in TEAM."
Furthermore, I believe that strong communication needs to be added to the list. This ties back into team smarts. Communication can either allow the company to thrive and an individual being a successful C.E.O. or it could be an 180 degree difference.
If I had to pick a quality I fit I would have to say I'm very confident. Overtime I have developed a lot of confidence in myself and I am continuing to do so. I see myself as a leader and one who knows how to use the past to my advantage.
I think one I need to work on would have to be team player. I am not much of a people person and sometimes I can be judged as a person who is standoffish. I guess you could say I'm a little shy, but I defiantly don't have a problem with people when there is money involved.
The most important trait: passionate curiosity.
Traits to be added: honestly, patience, an open mind to change and new opportunities and trustworthiness
I think that I can relate the best to strong confidence and a passionate curiosity, but I would have to work on the fearlessness and the idea of thinking simply and concisely.
Most IMportant I believ without a doubt would be team smarts. Without cooperation and cohesiveness a team will fall apart regardless of having a grade A CEO
I think that out-of-the-box thinking should be added to the list. Passionate curiosity is important but you need and idea to be passionate about.
I'm definetely have fearlessness. I'm extremely opinionated and very stubborn which oddly enough makes me unafraid of consquences at times.
I could improve on a simple-mind set. I tend to elaborate and go into detail when i should keep it short and sweet.
Most Important: A simple mind-set. Having a simple mind-set, in my mind, would keep a person focused on his or her goals. It would also create less room for change, leading to consistency, an important quality of a strong business.
Needs to be Added: Determination. I believe determination is key in running a good business. If there are problems, whether financial or media-oriented, a determined leader is vital to bringing back the business.
One I Possess: Team Smarts. I am a very group-oriented person. I work well with people, and I understand the importance of each person's role to the team as a whole.
Need of Improvement: Confidence. Sometimes I find myself hesitant in doing things because I feel that it is either not right or unusual to others. However, I know that being confident is always the best thing because it will only take me further in life (in any aspect).
Confidence is by far the most important. If you aren't confident in your decisions then people will question you and that's a nasty path to go down.
Innovation definitely should be on the list. A good boss should be able to come up with his own ideas.
I believe that I posses Team Smarts. It's true I'm not the easiest guy to get along with but I like to think I KNOW people. I understand their motives and their thinking. I just choose to disregard this information at times.
I need to work on my fearlessness because I tend to over estimate problems at hand and get intimidated and my choices and work suffer.
The best CEOs have the best vision for the company- not necessarily grandiose, but part of the "risk taking" that they take is necessary in order to follow that same vision. Without a pursuit or direction, the company will falter. THey did not mention integrity- one of the most important things on my list. Lets not lie and say that they wouldn't ever face anything with the chance for corruption- but they also need to recognize that integrity is crucial for the company in its effects on the world- not just profit margin. I feel like I need to be a better team worker to get along with others in my groups- and accept their ideas as valid.
Of the characteristics listed, I believe fearlessness is the most important. One needs to take risks in order to expand his/her company to a global level.
Responsibility is definitely something that I think should be added to the list.
One characteristic I think I possess is passionate curiosity. I develop new ideas through questioning and being imaginative.
One characteristic I need to work on is having a simple mind-set. I usually cannot make up my mind on things, and that tends to get me nowhere.
I think team smarts is the most needed quality. Without the ability to get people motivated, all other qualities are useless.
I think creative thinking should be added to the list, because almost everything is being done by someone today. To stand out, you need to be unique, but still have an appealing product.
I would say that I have team smarts. When nobody else can organize a group, I'll step up and make sure things get done. However, I am lacking in fearlessness, which sometimes limits any creative thinking that I can do.
I believe confidence is the most important. Having confidence means overcoming any situations.
Trustworthy and respect are the characteristics that needs to be added. Trustworthy because people need to trust in you; and being trusted shows respect. Having the two characteristics reflects the success of the company.
Passionate curiosity is the characteristic I possess because I like knowing and experiencing new things.
I need to work on simple mind set because I over analyze too much about problems.
I believe that strong confidence is definitely one of the most important characteristic of a C.E.O. Without confidence, things would not get done. I think that the ability to listen well to others should be added to the list.I think that I fit into the battle hardened confidence. However, I must admit that I should work on fearlessness.
When it comes down to it confidence, I believe, dominates what a successful C.E.O. needs. Hesitation is a detrimental quality for people to have, as it generally doesn't serve a decent purpose.
I was surprised there wasn't so much emphasis on trust. In any relationship, business or personal, trust is a major factor that people tend to overlook, as evident with this article.
Of the qualities listed, I find myself with the "Team Smarts," as I myself, am a team player. I enjoy the company of others. As for the improvement, I wish I had a bit more confidence.
Out of all of the five qualities listed, battle-hardened confidence is the most important. Choosing a course of action and being certain about it separates one from the rest. Whenever one aims for the next step, they need self-confidence to be most effective in themselves and in their work.
Although the article did mention very important qualities, they lacked a few that are necessary in general. One must be loyal and respectful to the ideas and strategies other workers bring to the table. One must be persistent and patient because ideas to man slowly and in a timely fashion. One must also be responsible. Also, one should stay humble.
I consider myself very "self-confident". Not to sound arrogant or cocky, but I believe this quality best fits me. I am efficient in my decisions and I do not doubt my action on certain goals in life and plain old choices from day to day.
The "simple mind-set" is a real disadvantage with me, to say the least. Whenever projects or assignments are due, I think "too much" on the quality of it. I try to exceed the limits without realizing that some limits are not meant to be exceeded.
Out of the five traits given in the article, I would say that being fearless is the most important quality.
On top of the ones given, I think CEO's must posses strong leadership qualities along with a logical thinking process.
I believe that I posses that trait of being a leader, but I would need to work on my curiosity
Of these I think that passionate curiosity is the most important because that passionate curiosity is going to give you all the materials you need for a successful business career. It is curiosity that gets you new ideas and innovations that no one else is gonna think of. I think that luck needs to be included in the list even if there is no way for us to test it. I also think that stubbornness is another factor that should be added. I would most probably fall into the "fearlessness" category because that is the closest to anything I resemble.
I believe confidence is the most important.
Respect would be something i would like to be added.
Passionate curiosity is something that i will possess. When there is something that interests me i pay more attention to it and research more on that.
Something that i need to work on is simple mind set. Usually there is more options for me that leads me to be more confused and not make up my mind and this leads me to give up on what i think.
Without a doubt in my mind, I can say that team smarts are the most important characteristic for any C.E.O. You have to understand the people you work with to make them work well. Find strengths and weaknesses and organize based on that.
Trustworthiness being left out was a surprise to me. If your employees don't trust you, they aren't likely to listen to you, either.
I like to think that I'm good with the team smarts, but the lack of confidence means I usually have great ideas that no one hears because I never say them out loud.
Most important: Strong confidence; it helps inspires others to perform to their limit, inspires the uninspired and creates hope when things seem to be going south.
Needs to be added: Integrity, because a good leader must lead with his character in addition to his abilities.
One I possess: I have confidence in what I do and I support the decisions I make with everything I have with full knowledge of their consequences, good or bad.
Need to work on: Simple mindset, because I make things harder than they appear, sometimes.
The most important aspect to have is fearlessness. CEOs need to have a strong mind that can withstand failure and disappointment because some things don't always work out the first time. Reckless perseverance is what gets people up to CEOs.
CEOs, in my opinion, should also have an open mind, more than the average person. If you can't recognize what others want or need, you can't make something successful that is successful.
A quality I have: Team Smarts
Lacking quality: Probably fearlessness. I don't like waste time on things that are not in my favor of success.
Most important: is definitely the one that is most important. The reason is because if a person doesn't believe in himself, why would anyone else trust them?
Needs to be added: Creativity, this is an essential trait in any kind of business, without it no business will improve at all.
What I Have: probably team smart, working with a group of people has never been difficult for me, and is more often than not enjoyable.
Improvement: probably a passionate curiosity. Once i get into the routine of doing something the flare that I usually had at the beginning is kind of gone and quite disappointing.
the most Important trait that i believe is important is being confident. it doesn't matter whether you have a lot of education or not. if you are not confident, then the company would not work properly.
some other traits that i think are important are:
being an all round person. he/she should know what is happening around them even without the help of the secretary.
they also should be witty. they should have answers as fast as they give the answer.
also they should be able to analyse the situation at hand. i believe i have this skill. because even before i do anything i analyse everything to its beginning before i take a decision.
i need to work on being witty. at times i seem lost at words and i am not able to give answers the way i hope it would be given.
Fearlessness is the most important quality of those listed because it takes someone that is willing to try something new and different in order to succeed. Following the leader never gets you in front. You have to have a fresh approach with people, problems, and ideas in order to succeed.
Flexibility should be added to the list because in order to run a corporation you must be able to change the way things are done and work around problems and fix things and compromise.
I feel as though I possess the passionate curiosity because when something is important to me, it receives my undivided attention and work.
I do however need to work on having a simple-mind set, because I often let myself over think things and make them more difficult and stressful rather than having fun and being creative.
The most important quality for a CEO to have would be curiosity. While smarts and charm are important, neither are necessary. A growing business needs curiosity to fuel it's development. They need to add flexability to the list. To keep any company afloat, the CEO must be willing to compromise. An unbending leader will alienate possible allies and opportunities for growth. I fit the simple mindset most accurately because I know how to accomplish things in a timely and efficient matter. I need to work on curiosity the most. I often lack the desire to continue if I feel something is efficient.
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