This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check out the world clock. Do you see any trends? Any of the numbers surprise you? Check out some of the other features on the site.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
First off, this website is really awesome. I was suprised by the fact that the number of bicycles being produced is three times the number of cars. I see tons of cars everyday and rarely two bikes. The amount of oil being pumped and CO2 emissions was, also, very interesting to compare to the slowly changing temperature of Earth. The numbers showed the destructive effects of humans and the fact that we need to do more to save our planet. We are cutting down too many trees and killing too many babies.
Seeing the population numbers didn't really impress me, ( I hear Mr. Hook's complaints on a daily basis) but the military spending and number of abortions really surprised me. I didn't realize we spend so much on the military, although I suppose it makes sense during the middle of a war and the abortion number was surprisingly low to me. I figured there would be more abortions despite the ever-increasing population growth rate. Oh well, there's really nothing that can be done. Interesting facts though, for sure.
The numbers off of the site were both normal and surprising. The chart contains many things that many people, including myself, would not think about such as desertification. Even though I knew about a population chart, the most surprising thing was that the number of deaths would be double itself within a week. It is really scary knowing that humans are doing this and we should take extra measures to stop many problems that we have made.
This website is pretty interesting; i spent a few minutes looking through the numbers constantly changing in terms of the births occurring, number of abortions going on, and the population increasing within moments. It's pretty amazing to see how this "world clock," is literally keeping track of the different numbers. I never realized that the production of bikes beat the production of cars! The growth of the internet is definitely shown here. Our world is not getting any better with the spread of infectious diseases, abuses to nature, and a population that grows along with killing lives. The amount spent for our military seems unnecessary; we need to realize how to spend in an efficient manner, instead of spending so much on the military, why not use that money for more productive causes such as recovering from a nation debt? The world clock keeps ticking, calculating our issues and informs us inhabitants on the state of the world by the millisecond!
The first thing that jumped off the page to me was that over a billion people are on the internet. 1/6th of the world. The military spending was a huge surprise to me and got me thinking. If we could only have world peace, we could put all that time for military into other useful things that would innovate the world. Overall this website is extremely fascinating how they but all of the numbers together to help people understand thinks from a global perspective.
The first thing that caught my eye was the rapid growing numbers for military expenditure (figures). I did not expect that war would have the least number of injury cases. I also thought the disparity between birth and death rate is much smaller than what the clock shows. Because the number of underdeveloped countries seem to outnumber the number of developed countries, I thought that the birth and death rate would be closer in comparison than what the site shows. But I guess that just shows how much the world has improved in technology and medicine over the years.
I was surprise by the abortion rate per second. I cannot believe there were lots of unborn babies.
Also, I never realized that more people die in traffic accidents than war per year, which is really interesting. While I am replying to this blog post, the military expenditure increases more than $2000 in 30 seconds. Every number in the world clock is growing in a rapid rate and by looking at it makes me want to slow down. This site is pretty amazing yet scary because it informs us how fast we are using up, or wasting, the global resources.
This website was quite mind blowing with its statistics but I only found 2 numbers that were interesting. First of all, I had no idea people were still dying from leprosy and second of all the number of deaths from war is approximately 1/7 of the deaths from traffic accidents. This was interesting to me because it meant that my chances in the streets of Houston is significantly lower than in the mountains of Afghanistan.
This is what typically called "cool". i mean they are taking into account of everything as the minute. what is with the abortion rates, it is reaching the state where it is more than how much cars are being produced. it seems cardiovascular disease is the most, which seems logical to go into that field. it is working every second, that is really amazing. But what about country that has no internet or sources to the outside world, then what?
that is a question that we have to take into consideration.
Nothing on the site really surprised me all that much. Everything, at least to me, seemed pretty accurate. The number of abortions doesn't surprise me at all, since around 60 percent of the word population live in countries where abortion is legal (unless this site includes all abortions in general as opposed to ones issued legally, then the # might seem kinda low actually). The large number of cars vs. bicycles isn't all that surprising to me either, since a lot of third world countries still ride bicycles everywhere, and a lot of environmentally friendly countries (most being in Europe) also ride a lot of bikes. In Copenhagen for example, I think around 40% of the population ride bicycles as a form of transportation everyday.
Nothing on the website was rather surprising except for the number of bicycles being produced. It was very shocking to realize the the number of bicycles produced is so much larger than the number of cars. All of the statistics seem to be constantly increasing as time passes. It's so sad to see how fast the number of barrels of oil pumped and the number of tons of co2 emissions goes up.
Nothing on the website was rather surprising except for the number of bicycles being produced. It was very shocking to realize the the number of bicycles produced is so much larger than the number of cars. All of the statistics seem to be constantly increasing as time passes. It's so sad to see how fast the number of barrels of oil pumped and the number of tons of co2 emissions goes up.
Pretty interesting site with all the available information. The deaths per year was pretty suprising; an abortion occuring every second! The additional information about the consciousness of the human mind as well as animals is extremely intersting as it provides an outlook of the human psyche which I did not consider before. Overall the site is a pretty cool and awesome place for information.
I think this website was quite catchy and interesting. I never realized that the production of bikes beat the production of cars. It is interesting how everything is updating such as the different diseases that is affecting the population change. THis actually helps the students in the Enviromental class who was studying the population of the Earth and its death rate and birth rate.
The World Clock site is very interesting and somewhat eye-popping. I never imagined the number of bicycles produced to be three times the number of cars produced because I definitely thought bikes were outdated. The causes of death and injury did not really surprise me as I am aware of the disease and hardships faced in some areas of the world. I am happy to see that the number of births is twice the number of deaths, but I am extremely unhappy to see that the number of forests replanted after being cut was only half of the number of forests being cut. And don't even get me started on the number of abortions. Overall, however, I believe that the site is a good source of information for those who want to keep track of the major aspects of demographics of the world.
I think that this website is very interesting. While I was pushing random buttons toward the top of the screen, I happened to click the “now” button for the world clock. It’s amazing what can all happen in a second. What surprised me the most, though, was how much military expenditures cost. In less than 30 seconds, $1 million had been spent. That’s crazy! Also, it was kind of odd to see the Earth’s temperature steadily increase because in a weird way it’s actual proof for climate change.
The most interesting part of the site is the total internet users, which, to me, reflects the growing connectedness of out globe. It's kind of scary when you think about it really. The protesters in Egypt, for example, were able to piece together marches through rally's first held, virtually, over Twitter. Also interesting was the military expenditures, which are almost guaranteed to rise now that we've got a Republican majority in Congress. The ecological numbers were rather alarming as well (if they're right, our loggers obviously aren't working with a model that stresses sustainability). The site's author, Mr. Russel, seems a bit full of himself, but well learned considering how many subjects he touches on, in depth, on his site.
The different population changes did not surprise me because I have seen various versions of this website including the changes is population. The things that did surprise me were the amount of military spending, the number of abortions, and the number of people that die from various diseases. Overall, the website is very interesting and fun to watch the numbers change on.
Watching the website for awhile, I was suprised on how everything was going up. Of the numbers able to go up, they all were increasing. The military spending was overwhelming. Also on the deaths, most of the numbers didn't suprise me, such as the cardiovascular deaths, the AID's deaths, and the respiratory infection deaths were all typical. However, how the number of death caused by war was very suprising to me. You always hear about complaints about war and how the new weapons used today are very capable of killing more people faster, but here is evidence that really war is least on our worries right now.
I think this website is great, I have seen it before but it is just as interesting as it has always been.
Honestly, I find it quite frightening that the rate of oil being pumped is that fast. I am not surprised, but it is worrisome to think that the most important nonrenewable resource is being used at such a quick rate. On a similar note, the rate of CO2 emissions is ridiculous as well. These two rates in particular make me worry about the well being of our future generations.
The number I am most displeased with is definitely the one on military spending. It is not at all okay that education funding continues to be cut while this rate grows at such a disgusting rate.
This site is very intriguing. I would have never thought of keeping up with the number of CO2 emissions or even the different types of causes of deaths. One thing that caught my eye was the amount of species that became extinct in just one week. This along with the amount of pollution, as well as the amount of trees cut down, should be a warning sign that we really need to take better care of this planet
Sad. So very sad. I look at this interesting site and read the comments that people made about it. Where are the priorities? Why is abortion not listed under deaths. Do those children not exist, are they not human? nearly two BABIES die every second and people have the nerve to comment on extinct species. Sure 44 species died out today but over 76,000 children never got to see the light of day. Today alone the death rate of unborn INFANTS is nearly 25 times the amount of soldiers that died in the wars on terror, but which one gets the protests and activism. It may be interesting the number of bikes created or the number of cars produced, but even more interesting is the number of murders that are daily ignored.
All of the numbers seemed fairly resonable. The military spending looked high at first, but then I realized that it was worldwide military spending. The only fact that surpised me is how recently we must have passed one billion internet users. It just seemed like with how fast technology is spreading we would have long passed one billion by now. The fact that war was responsible for so few deaths (comparatively) was fairly interesting. The fact that we have run almost 2.5 thousand species extinct just this year is saddening to me, but makes sense. Very interesting site to look at.
This site is pretty awesome. I didn't know that cardiovascular diseases killed more than double the people that cancer killed. Also the formulas used for the approximation of these numbers must be really complex what with the calculating of not only the regular rates but also the inconstant variables in each of the formulas. Its pretty freaky how these numbers have gone so high and still its just February.
This website is very strange and somewhat unique to the daily issues we face in our world. The logistics were not strange or new to me, it was just surprising. The fact that we spend billions of dollars of military spending really caught my attention. If our world revolted against war, we could save 3/4ths our money. The abortion rate also caught my attention. I did not know how many more lives we lose by this. I noticed that the birthrate increases at a faster rate than the death rate. Another trend that I noticed was that as more computers are produced, the more people are on the world wide web. Our world is getting more technologically sound and productive. Though, besides all of the facts, the number that surprised me was the drownings happening across the world. It was really scary to know that many people were dying because of water/oceanic incidents or even real drownings.
This website is so cool! I had no idea that some of these statistics are what they are. The military spending was much larger than I expected. The oil production is pretty scary to watch. We use it more than any resource in the world and it is being used up by the second. The number of deaths caused by the various diseases like Cancer and AIDS is very eye-opening. This website is really interesting and gives you alot of insight on what is going on in the world.
Seeing the abortion rates go up 50% as the birth rate goes up is a very scary thing to look at. The high rate of people having cardiovascular diseases is most likely caused by the rapidly growing obesity rate. Within three minutes of the Now clock, I was very surprised to see the suicide rate be five people. I didn't realize how fast people die everyday due to several different causes.
The website was very interesting. I was surprised when I saw the number of internet users. I thought the number would be much higher. Another surprising figure was the number of extinct species. The numbers show we are increasing CO2 emissions causing global warming and we are slowly destroying our earth. We are good at overusing resources and making babies.
I am surprised that many of the communicable diseases do not have higher statistics per day- as well as the low number of people who die as a result of war, a number much less than I thought resulted from such a significant event. Perhaps more surprising is the number of poisonings are higher than that of war- is it poisoning on purpose, or just some pollution in the water? Either way that is a surprising statistic. I am also surprised with the low number of internet users from what I thought it was- as well as how many of those must be facebook users. The earth temperature, as well as other figures, throw me off. Are they the change in whatever the statistic was a year ago, or are they the total number over time? Either way, the numbers are surprising in various ways.
All the numbers seemed abnormally large to me, whether how much spending or how many bikes are being made. It seems as though there are a few changes are needed to be done in our world for more efficient use of our resources.
This website is really quite intriguing. Although most of the information I've read before or can infer, it's still amazing to see the numbers climb. I, like many others, was pretty baffled at the bike sales. The "NOW" button was probably the craziest thing to watch. In a matter of seconds the military expenditure is already in the hundreds of thousands. I personally think that some governments should hold off a second to spend money on that and let me have some. But that's just me.
I'm surprised to see that the abortion rate increases every second. I'm also surprised to see that there are more bicycles being produced compared to car production. Also, there are more forest cut rather than replants.
This site has been a favorite of mine for a while, because I love tracking the trends of all the population figures and other rates. The most fascinating to me is the 3 bikes to every single car produced, proof that somewhere in the world people make use of bikes in a focused effort to positively impact the world. The world temperature reading is awesome too, because it allows a comprehensive view of the increase in temperature the world is undergoing (on a loooong scale).
The world clock is truly a slap in the face. It's hard to believe some of the stuff on here, although I must admit I knew a few things. The number of people that die from AIDS was high, I thought the deaths from traffic accidents to be a bigger number. I noticed an abortion almost every second which is ridiculous, I didn't realize the number was so high. As expected, the number of barrels of oil, the amount of emission and military expenditure are astronomical. The thing I loved the most is the number of bicycles!! It's cool to think that there are 3 times more bikes than cars.
Some of the things that caught my eye were how fast the temperature of the earth is rising, the number of abortions and the number of deaths that are related to heart problems. The temperature of the earth has been concerning too many people for a long time and now I see why. The temperature should not be rising at such a rapid speed. The number of babies being killed is absurd. The number of babies being killed outwiegh the number of cars being produced. Also there are too many deaths that are related to heart disease which shows that we are an unhealthy world.
We spend about one million dollars on the military every 25 seconds that was pretty impressive but I really found the military expenditure very surprising but come to think of it the US does have the strongest military force in the world. I also didnt realize how much oil we were drilling on a daily basis, even though I hear we are using up the oil too fast i didnt realize it was that quick. One of the most shocking figures i saw was the rate of abortion which was staggering. Every 10 seconds 15 babies are aborted which I personally think is way too many.
A lot of these numbers, due to being a student in E-Sci, aren't too surprising. However, the number of abortions, the oil pumped (I just saw a gas station with a big 2.99 on it before I did this post), and bicycles produced were very interesting. The numbers are representative of how little humans care about the world, even if we are informed about the problems.
This website is really cool since it shows you so many different things. It was kind of sad, because while I was looking at it a species went extinct. The abortion number was really depressing because it just kept going up and up steadily. This website is really upsetting actually, but still very interesting to see all the stats.
The birth/death rate is interesting but the real surprise is definitely the military expenditure. It increases at almost 100,000 dollars every 3 seconds. What else was strange was the diseases that are contracted every minute like AIDS and such. More so than the numbers' rate of increase though, the real downer is what is being monitored at all. It looks like mankind still has a lot of work cut out.
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