This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check out the world clock. Do you see any trends? Any of the numbers surprise you? Check out some of the other features on the site.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
One thing that surprises me is the number of abortions per second pretty much. The world population is increasing faster than I thought, but this is no surprising, since most the world in the Pre-industrial stage or if they migrate in the Industrial stage (for those in APES you will need to know this). Also there is a trend between desertification and reforestation and that is for every hectare planted, another goes to desertification. The rest is not too surprising considering the amount of growth is in the world.
First of all, this site is so cool. I mean, it's amazing that a website is able to keep up with all these numbers. Also, I never realized how fast these numbers change; this website puts the whole world into perspective. The number of births was over 500 within 2 minutes, and within 3 minutes, there was at least one person who died of one of the listed death causes, except for dengue, leprosy, and other infectious diseases. It was also able to keep track of the cutting and replanting of forests. Apparently, we can cut down about twice as fast as we can replant forests.
I was surprised by the amount of bicycles being produced, are there really more bikes than computers? I also didn’t expect the amount of people being killed in war, compared to the other causes, it was minuscule. The numbers showed the destructive effects of humans and the fact that we need to do more for our planet. Only half of the amount of trees cut down was replanted and an astonishing amount of animals were going extinct daily.
This site is very interesting. I would have never thought of keeping up with the number of CO2 emissions or even the different types of causes of deaths. One thing that caught my eye was the amount of species that became extinct in just one week-503 species. This along with the amount of pollution, as well as the amount of trees cut down, should be a warning sign that we really need to take better care of this planet
I was fairly surprised by the number CO2 emissions and barrels of oil pumped while the temperature very slowly increases. Also the amount of desertification and tree cutting made me very interested in why we cut so many trees but don't replant them. The amount of military expenditure is absolutely ludicrous and I hope that they mean world wide and not just U.S.A.
Most of the numbers I'd seen before because of my previous experience in APES, but what most surprised me is the number of deaths in traffic accidents and such surpassing those of war, granted there aren't that many wars going on right now. Along with that are the number of abortions per second. Other than that nothing is surprising.
This site is amazing. It amazes me at how this website keeps up with everything that is going on, and it allows us to see the changes that are occurring on a daily basis. One thing that surprised me was the fact that there are so many abortions occurring, yet the birth rate is still steadily increasing. I am also surprised to find out that the leading cause of death is cardiovascular diseases. I thought the number one cause of death in the world was accidents, but I guess not. Another thing that shocks me is that this website can keep up with the emissions that are being released into our atmosphere. One trend that is apparent to me is that as the amount of oil pumped increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere also increases. Another thing that also surprises me is at how quickly the military expenditures is growing.
This is surprising. I am terrified by how fast military expenditure goes up and the amount of gas plumped, they are going like crazy. There are much more births than deaths. And I found that number of people who are dead in a car accident is more than number of people that are killed in a war(I don't really know if it is a good thing...).
The amount of species that go extinct is surprising. Hopefully that is not actual extinction but commercial extinction. Also, poisoning, suicide, and drowning are considered injuries. Weird, never thought about it that way. Other than that, everything seems just about right. Well, right as in terribly wrong.
I was surprised by the amount of abortions that take place every second and by the number of species that go extinct each day. More people die in traffic accidents than in war, which was shocking. I noticed that the number of births per day exceeds the number of deaths per day more than twice as much. Almost all the numbers tracked on the website steadily increase.
Wow, what caught my attention and shocked me the most is the number of abortions that have happened so far! I can't believe that many lives are being unborn! Next, the death numbers are just outrageous! I didn't know that many people were dying from falls. Its a bit weird that its the second highest of injuries. This website is really interesting, yet kind of scary.
I was personally surprised at the death rate versus the birth rate. In a thirty second period, the number of births had doubled the numbers of deaths. If this rate is constant, world civilization could be faced with perhaps the most morally challenging situation of all time - destructive overpopulation. As Malthus predicted, this would lead to some serious economic problems, which will only be exacerbated by the continual birth rate.
Like Tessy said, this website is cool. What is not cool is the high numbers. I can't believe that the Earth's temperature rises that fast. It scares me to think that we are causing that number to rise. The temperature, and the other numbers on the website, including deforestation and CO2 emissions are proof that we are slowly destroying the world that we live in. Pretty much, everything was kind of surprising for me, but the one that shocked me the most was the Earth's temperature.
this is the collest post so far. it was pretty funny how it calculated the birth rates in every day and "now". how do we even calculate that. i something else that caught my eye was the animal extinct counter. in a day there is like 74 extinct animals. that does not make any sense. well the tempreature of the earth is rising, not a new thing.
I was most suprised at the rapid growth of the military expenditures and the rate of increase of abortion. Although the numbers are too big for any person to really grasp, the sense that they are larger than life provides a broader view of what is happening in our world right now, because the numbers really shouldnt be that high. Modern society is extremely corrupt and desensitized towards destruction. Unfortunately, it is proven by the number of abortions growing faster than one per second and the amount of money wasted on war growing about 100,000 dollars a second. The ways of the world's society clearly need to be changed, shown by the deforestation and earth's temperature increasing so rapidly. Great source of information, but a sad face to face.
*sad facT to face.
*sad facT to face.
I found it intersting how quickly the military expenditures built up. I didn't realize we were spending such a constant amount of money. Also, i found it interesting on the 'Now' how many more people died from dieases than anything else.
I loved this website! I was very amazed by the numbers. The thing that probably surprised me the most was the amount of women having abortions each minute. The number increased every second. Even with this being said, the birthrate still exceeds the death rate, which took me by surprise. I was also unaware that cardiovascular diseases were the leading cause of death in the world. On the topic of death, I was completely shocked by the amount of suicides per year. Another thing that really surprised me was the number of species that go extinct in a year. I never truely realized how many species there are in the world.
I was very surprised at the amount of internet users. Granted, I knew it would be a high number but it was much greater than I expected. I was also surprised at the rate at which respiratory infections kill people. The birth rate was also very high and I found the desertification number to be extremely high. On another note though, this website is really cool and I like how you can break it down into year,monthly,weekly, and daily counts.
I thought the site was really interesting. I found the abortion number to be very surprising. I thought it was so cool how the numbers were constantly changing. The numbers on diseases were very interesting as well.
Most of this information was quite interesting. I knew that military expenditures are large, but I did not realize that we spend more than 1 trillion dollars each year on the military. The number of species that have gone extinct is also quite amazing. In addition, the almost 21 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions so far this year is quite astounding. This clock really shows just how much of an impact humans have on this planet.
The world clock amazes me everytime I see it. We spend so much money on the military, but I guess we have to give up alot to be the most powerful country in the world!!!!!!!!!!! Im suprised at how many bikes are being made compared to cars yet the CO2 emissions is very high. And for some reason the number of barrels of oil pumped compared to our CO2 emissions is slightly higher. I would have thought they would be exactly the same because every bit of oil the world uses puts off CO2 emissions. I love to see how the Earths temperature is the longest number on the page and yet theres 2 numbers to the left of the decimal point. All you environmentalist are crazy! Yes the temperature is changing, but every so slightly!
One aspect of the site I found rather surprising (and somewhat scary) was watching the death counter go up. To actually watch and know that people are constantly dying at that rate is kind of creepy. Conversely, I was also astonished at how rapid the birth rate is increasing. These numbers made me truly understand why our world population is increasing as fast as it is.
This site is pretty amazing. One thing that surprises me is just how many more deaths are caused by cardiovascular disease compared to everything else. I always knew it was the number one cause of death, but I never would have imagined that it would be over two times as large as the next leading cause of death. I also found it surprising that things like suicide, nutritional deficiencies, and falls all individually account for a much high total number of deaths then war. An impressive trend was how for every death that occurred there were multiple successful births, which results in a constantly rising population.
I'm gonna have to reiterate what everyone is saying and say, wow. That site is so neat!
The rate at which military expenditures, amount of oil pumped, and carbon dioxide were produced was really astonishing. I had no idea they increased that fast. In all other variables, I wasn't really too surprised -- except perhaps about how close the world population is to nearing 7 billion people. It's insane to think about.
This site is really cool. Its amazing how this site keeps up with all these statistics and how it is able to do all these calculations, and that all these changes are occurring on a daily basis. I thought that the amount of abortions that happen was very interesting because that is one topic that not many people consider a whole lot, but there are many of them taking place, yet the population still continues to boom. Also, I did not realize how much money is being spent for the military and that this many species have become extinct. The number of CO2 emissions and oil pumped just sky rocketed during this post, which is pretty amazing. Last, i did not realize that cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of death. I thought that cancer was the leading cause of death.
Woah, I'm really shocked by the amount of abortions per year. It is also interesting as well as terrible to see how much is put into military expenditures. This site is really impressive, but I do wonder how does over 20,000 species go extinct in just one year, that just seems crazy.
I was surprised by the rate at which the earths temperature is increasing because even though its slow it will add up over time. I was also amazed by the amount of money spent on the military.
This website is really nice. I never knew everything that has to do with everything could be recorded like it is. Some of the things that surprised me were the amount of suicides. But of course, military spending didn't surprise me one bit. It was also very sad to see the amount of extinct species on the list. I'm also really surprised they were allowed to put the number of abortions on there. However, it is a statistic so I understand why they did.
David Hicks
7th Period
I find this website very intresting. The fact that there is technoglogy capable of keeping up with this is remarkable. All of the numbers and comparisons are very shocking. Such as the comparison of bikes to computers
I was surprised to see the number of species that go extinct. One might consider this to be commercial extinction rather than real extinction. Injuries could happen from several factors like suicide, poisoning, and drowning. Records showing the number of abortions taking place every second are pretty stunning. If everything works out well as it should, our future will be safe and secure.
Something that surprised me is that there are more bycicles produced than cars, but at the same time so many people are mad over the rising oil prices, so I cant say im entirely shocked that more people are using bycicles for transportation. A subject, however, i found interesting was the fact that the military spends almost a billion dollars to fund all the military needs. People in the Army I know always said that only about five percent of the nations spending goes to the military but when I look at this it seems like a lot more money is going to them than what was said.
this site is interesting. the trees we cut are half of the trees replanted. the milatary expenditure for a minute was about $2,296,827 and abortion rate was 90 per minute was knid shocking to me. the users of internet of1,080,000,395 was kinda what i expected.
this world have to change or the emissions one day could actually explode the world
It was interesting to find that the forest cut clock was not moving considering how many trees we cut and destroy. also its crazy how big the military expenditures are. Gun make the world go round not money.
It was interesting to watch the world clock but what most surprised me is the number of deaths in traffic accidents and such surpassing those of war, granted there aren't that many wars going on right now. Along side of that, keeping up with the number of CO2 emissions or even the different types of causes of deaths makes the website very interesting
That's a pretty cool site. I love how the military expenditures are exponentially rising. I also took wind of how bicycles still outnumber cars in those currently produced and the production speed; didn't realize that people still use them but I guess they're still easier to manufacture. I was surprised to see that <2.4 million had HIV/AIDS. I was under the impression that about 20 million people had it. It's insane how suicide nearly tops the list in "injuries." And seeing how the numbers are constantly changing, I was expecting to see diseases and car accidents to noticeably go up, seeing how infections tend to spread and that like 300+ million people in China have cars (just kidding).
How large the difference between births and deaths was a little surprising, looks like Malthus' predictions might eventually be put to the test. The number of people killed in wars was astonishingly small compared to other things such as heart disease and cancer. The CO2 emissions might give Al Gore and his buddies a heart attack.
Samir Williams 7th
I Found it amazing at the amount of birthrates per minute. The deaths surprised me also. But its pretty neat to see all of that calculated.
One aspect of the site I found rather surprising (and somewhat scary) was watching the death counter go up.One trend that is apparent to me is that as the amount of oil pumped increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere also increases. Another thing that also surprises me is at how quickly the military expenditures is growing.
The figure that caught my attention immediately was the abortion clock. I mean, I knew abortions are, unfortunately, pretty common, but I didn't expect to see the number increase every second. Generally, all the other statistics, like the deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases, infectious diseases were somewhat predictable. In a sense, it is hard to watch the numbers increase in real time and add another casualty to the numbers of all those who have died from those diseases.I was surprised that the rate of injuries caused by war was slower than suicides and traffic accidents.
I thought this site was very cool one thing that did suprise me was the abortion clock
One thing that surprised me was the fact that there are so many abortions occurring, yet the birth rate is still steadily increasing. I am also surprised to find out that the leading cause of death is cardiovascular diseases. I noticed that the number of births per day exceeds the number of deaths per day more than twice as much. Almost all the numbers tracked on the website steadily increase.
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