Check out this article on the decline of music piracy. When napster first came out it was all the rage. Now there seem to be other legal alternatives to illegal file sharing of music. In your opinion are more people turning to legal means, or is illegal downloading of music still commonplace?
it is soooo easy to pirate music now days i guess people have turned to paying for more of a challenge. but really how it works is theres young people who know how to pirate music and then theres the older people (who forget what movie mel gibson was in where he cries freedom)who dont know how to use the internet so they pay for it and at this time baby boomers>us, so all the music company profits comes from old people
While pirating is easier than ever these days, I do know people like myself and Chelsea who only obtain music through legal means. Pay-to-download sites like iTunes and AmazonMP3 ensure that those who want music quickly have a legal alternative. Also, groups like Coldplay and Radiohead are offering their albums for whatever the buyer wishes to pay.
Illegally downloading music is incredibly easy to do these days. You can even download music from youtube. However, even though downloading music for free is so effortless to do, many people today are using legal alternatives such as itunes, or amazon. I believe that through the many cases we hear today about people being fined tons of money for illegally downloading music, many people have become scared to illegally download music. Also, many parents I know do not allow their kids to download music illegally after hearing about these cases. These legal ways of obtaining music insure that one does not face criminal charges or heavy fines.
Even though there are still many people that download illegally, I think more people have come to more legal terms. Now, it is easy to find a website or company to buy music from for a cheap, reasonable price. Also, there are websites where you can stream the music and listen to it that way too.
Illegally downloading music is a widespread habit these days, globally. People do not feel the need to act legally, pay the required fees, and obtain music while they could just be receiving it for free. Companies such as Napster have definitely had an impact on the population, and many have realized that illegal actions can have their consequences. Therefore, the rates of people committing illegal acts have decreased but not tremendously. Limewire, for example, is still widely used to obtain music illegally, but due to the government's strict piracy policies, people have altered their habits.
Never having pirated music personally, I wouldn't know, but I think that people have mostly turned away from illegal music downloads. iTunes is cheap and easy and automatically compatible with the iPod, which most people have. Other technology allows you to listen to songs you like whenever you want, free of charge, and is completely legal. Pirating music really isn't worth it anymore.
Never having pirated music personally, I wouldn't know, but I think that people have mostly turned away from illegal music downloads. iTunes is cheap and easy and automatically compatible with the iPod, which most people have. Other technology allows you to listen to songs you like whenever you want, free of charge, and is completely legal. Pirating music really isn't worth it anymore.
If there is a decline in modern times of pirating music, I am pretty sure that there are people who still do it. Music is obtainable at very cheap prices but for those who buy massive amounts of music and are not doing so well in the recession, they may turn to getting their music illegally. I get my music from iTunes and prefer to get my music this way because it is easier and again is at a cheap price.
I noticed that most of the statistics provided are from Europe, and that the Spotify and Comes With Music legal music providers are based in Europe (and not permitted in the U.S.) I think with these new legal music downloaders in Europe, Europe's rate of music piracy has dropped due to the new guilt free methods of obtaining music. However, the statistic given by the RIAA, I believe, is being misinterpreted. The war against piracy in America is still simmering, but the once firey blaze that tore up the headlines has become old repetitive news that doesn't serve their purpose. Obviously the most intelligent action would be for their to be American versions of Europe's free legal music downloaders. Then we should see oiracy decline.
I do believe people will continue to illegally obtain music. As with anything of value, if you can get it for free-people go crazy. However, some magazines offer free playlists if you are already using iTunes. This is an attractive and legal alternative some people may take advantage of. I think it's a possibility that pirating may deminish, but not anytime soon.
I think that ultimately the decision falls upon the user and his or her feelings towards piracy. The average user will do whichever choice seems easier or cheaper, at the moment, illegal downloads are both easier, and cheaper (as long as one does not get caught!). If viable alternatives come up which are easier to use or are free like illegal downloads, sure, they can take their spot as the primary means of getting music. The only complication may be that as people have been using illegal software like limewire etc. for a while, they may just stick with illegal downloads out of habit.
I do remember when Napster first came out. The ease at which music could be downloaded and then the streamline transition between music on the computer to the portable device allowed a majority of listeners to illegally obtain media; however, recently, illegally getting music has become more and more difficult without contracting a virus or malware (i.e. Limewire) resulting in bills far over the cost of music (Opportunity cost vs. marginal benefit). Online services such as Pandora and Playlist allow people access to music free of charge but still don't allow people to carry it with them. iTunes, the leader in online music downloads, allows for easy access to cheap music resulting in a growth in people who obtain music legally.
piracy will persist always..but yea ppl are starting to legally own music with itunes and stuff..btw happy birthday puba!!!! ill make you a cd full of illegally dowloaded songs..peace
period 2
I think piracy will always be around. However, I do believe that it has declined tremendously in the past few years. At first, I think many people saw piracy as a perfect alternative to music: free, fast, and easy. But as time went on I think they started to discover all the problems and concerns piracy holds...viruses,bad quality music, causing the fall of the music and recording companies, being illegal, etc. Now that we are realizing this, a lot of us starting to turn back to CDs, iTunes, zune, amazon, etc. Even though it costs money, I think people are starting to realize that the money spent is worth it which will hopefully lead to music piracy
Hannah Neitzke
period 2
*end in music piracy
i have personally never downloaded illegally because usually the sound quality is poor and you dont get the little album cover on your ipod
Buy a cd for $14.99...or...get all the songs of that artist for free by downloading. Which would you choose? Pirating music has become an everyday thing in society and so when one asks himself or herself whether or not to buy or not, in most cases one would choose the latter. However not to say that everyone pirates music, but a good portion of people do. In a way it depends upon the consumers taste. If one likes that album so much there's a good probability that they would by the cd if not well, then off to a pirate site indeed! The article shows that banning such illegal methods in europe have caused people to resort to legal methods which it should be however the methods used are not easily as implemented here in the U.S. thus the pirating of music will continue.
kp 2nd period
Well, it can't be denied that pirating music is far easier than going through the trouble of making an account for yourself and plugging in credit card numbers every time you wanna buy music. Still, I don't consider it that much more of a hassel. For real! I'm not lying here. I never really felt the need to pirate music. Itunes is my friend... but of course I've gotten other things off the internet for free, so I am by no means completely guilt free... Oh well!
Pirating music is so easy now a days. Downloading illegal music is common on many websites. Most people don't buy music since getting music for free is better than buying music. Limewire is a easy to use file sharing program. People from all ages are able to use it. Buying music now a days is just not cost and time efficient as free music.
This is one of the most idiotic subjects on the internet. The fact that anyone can log on to the internet and download music, and the fact that some people buy music while others get it for free is unfair. These free downloads, if the government really wanted to be gone, should be taken away. The fact that they're still there constitutes the other fact that the government really doesnt give a crap. These "Older People" that Zach describes also think that it's so much of an issue that they make teenagers write 100 word paragraphs about it, when it's really not that big a deal at all. Thanks.
I thought lots of people still illegally download music rather than downloading music for free legally. This Spotify company seems generous, but I'd assume the advertisements that they spam non-paying customers with would get rather annoying, which could be a reason for people to remain downloading music illegally.
I hate music and I would never download it, even for free. I do not understand why people would risk jail time for music because quite frankly it sucks, and the same goes for those who spend money on it. This Spotify site seems to have the right idea with pricing their product at $0, but I'm not sure music is even worth annoying advertisements. (I swear this is really Sarah Batres, 7th period)
Piracy is something that will alway be around. People will always find loop holes to rules. It does seem that the trend of piracy is on a downfall though, I think this is mostly occuring because most piracy sites come with serious threats of viruses that can ruin ones computer. (i know thats why i stopped downloading music illegally).
I honestly don't think that the illegal downloading of music is going to stop anytime soon. Pirating music is so easy these days that many people do it. Many people think its dumb to pay for something they can get for free. I dont think they care about the consequences that pirating music has.
Julie Hernandez
2nd Period :)
Pirating music was so popular about 8 years ago. I remember first being introduced to Napster and programs of that sort. Overtime I actually realized that by downloading people are stealing money from music artists who are working extremely hard to earn a good income. Even the music industry, as glamorous as it seems, is a difficult field to become successful in. With people stealing songs, it deprives artists of the money they deserve. Pirating is extremely easy nowadays, and I believe that more and more people are downloading songs. Although the number has significantly decreased over the years, there are still those who download songs occasionally. People even go as far as to convert Youtube videos into mp3 format so they are not illegally downloading it "technically." On the other hand, there are millions of people, including me, who decide to obtain our music through legal means such as iTunes and things of that sort. Pirating of music brings about many moral questions in my opinion.
-Stanley Verghese, Period 7-
Mr Pye,I vote Chris Rocha off of the 'floor people'! The previous post apparantly written by me was in fact NOT. I do not hate music... The very thought of hating music is hillarious. I do however ackmowledge the ease at downloading music these days. There are so many websites that allow you to illegally download music, but most of them are not worth the trouble that they bring. By downloading, you allow the person who placed the song online access to your computer. Many songs come along with viruses and things that cause problems for your computer. Not to mention the legal trouble you could get into for illegally downloading. Why not take the time to buy it legally for a small fee? In the long run, it is worth it.
In my opinion, pirating music will probably never be eliminated entirely. It's pretty ridiculous how quick and easy it is to download whole albums at a time and not have to pay a single penny for it. With iTunes recently increasing the prices of individual songs to $1.29, more people are trying to find alternative means of finding music. Perhaps websites like Spotify, which is run legally because of advertising, will become more popular in the future, provided that the site doesn't transfer any viruses along with the music files. I highly doubt music downloading services like Limewire, Frostwire, Media Fire will ever have a significant decline in users in the near future.
I'm pretty sure more people are still getting music illegally as opposed to buying music. Personally, I love iTunes. The songs are reasonably priced, I get the songs quickly, and I know for a fact that the songs don't have any viruses attached to them and that the song I'm buying is the song I want. I used to use KaZaA, an illegal file sharing site, but I ended up getting a lot of songs that were hours long and had viruses so I quickly shifted to iTunes and I haven't gotten any illegal music since.
Illegally downloading music is effortless and free. It's an issue that is worldwide but thanks to legal alternatives, pirating rates are decreasing. While people will still download music illegally, with songs that cost .99 cents from iTunes, pirating seems unnecessary. You can even go on youtube and listen to music for free. There are so many new legal ways to download it. I've never illegally downloaded music and the consequences of getting caught are much more than paying .99 cents for a song. It's not worth the risk of getting caught. Maybe another reason that pirating is decreasing is due to the fact that people are scared to download illegally.
Period 7
It is really a matter of convenience regarding this piracy thing. People like to get what they need quickly. Making it simple and easy for songs to be accessed is the main problem that should be taken care of. Having to use shady sites and going through search engines is why I don't like trying to buy music online.
I think that people are leaning more towards the legal stuff but those who don’t want to spend that one dollar and nine cents for a song, still have that illegal alternative. It seems that the Europeans are using legal means now because of the new possibility of having their computer lines cut off. However, with the economy’s state in the United States as it is now, more people are turning towards the illegal side of music downloading.
Leland Konstanty
2nd Period
I think the reason more people have turned to iTunes and other legal means of downloading music is because for some people it's easier to just pay the 99 cents than to search for songs for free and risk downloading viruses. However, i still think its more commonplace to download illegally.
Most of the songs I download are from Cabos, which is free and if I can't find it there I Wiretap off Youtube. 90% of the time the sound quality is as good as iTunes and when it downloads to my library, iTunes even updates the song with the album art if its missing.
Adriane Joseph
No one would even care if Metallica hadn't come out and made a big hissy fit over this. I don't really like downloading music from Itunes or free stuff because I actually like holding and having posession. Call me old school, but I seriously don't really use Itunes to download music. However, I will download muic illegaly if there's a song that is stuck in my head, or some band that I'm listening to for a week or something. I've never had in computer problems with viruses and stuff so oh well. So yes, I download illegaly, no matter how I try to make excuses for it. and all the people that say "i've never downloaded illegaly" <- yes you have!!!!!
People who know how to download music freely probably will if given the chance. It is completely situational and based on the user. If someone wants a song, only one song, and they know how to obtain it freely, chances are they will. If someone wants music from a specific band that they enjoy listening to, chances are they will probably go with purchasing the music either by CD or other means. If it were a bigger deal, EVERYONE who pirates music would get busted. Reality is otherwise true.
Many people these days still download music illegally, but people are now starting to download music legally. I think it depends on mostly the buyer. Whether the buyer believes it is not moral or it is okay. It also depends on how much money the buyer has and accessiblility to that money.Buying music is now easier with sites such as iTunes. In the end, I believe more people are buying music legally, but there will always be piracy.
I think more people are beginning to turn to legal means of downloading music with the growing numbers of cheap sources of music like iTunes. Also, the increased penalties against music piracy are scaring some into legal methods of obtaining music. However, the number of people who download illegally is still significantly large.
It is really easy to pirate music these days. They even have "safe" ways to pirate music so that you dont get viruses on your computer for doing illegal stuff, like the youtube to mp3 converter. However, there are still a lot of people who use sites such as iTunes to download their music, for many reasons: 1) they don't want stealing on their conscience 2) they don't mind paying money for good music 3) the older generations find it harder to use programs such as limewire because their just not as computer-savvy 4)they don't want to be stuck with thousands of dollars in legal fines. All of these four categories make up a significant percentage of those people who download music, so companies still profit from them.
Illegal downloading will always be around, although I believe it has decreased in the past few years. iTunes and websites that allow you to listen to music for free without illegal means. I believe that more people are turning to legal ways now.
in my opinion i think illegal downloading is way more common than its legal downloading. Everyone i know either uses limewire or frostwire. i personally have not payed for music since the 9th grade. whats the point when you can get it for free?
As Karl said, I have never illegally downloaded music. (Thanks Karl haha) But my reasoning has just as much to do with the artists themselves as the risk of downloading viruses or facing punishment. I'm a huge music fan and when I find something I like I support the artist 100%. I think when you illegally download music you're cheating the artist of being rewarded for something they worked incredibly hard for. Especially up-and-coming unknown artists, who have a hard enough time just breaking into the business. Not to mention if I decide to buy an album, I usually want something to show for it. I could pay 9.99 on iTunes, or pay 9.98 at Target and get a tangible copy. For me, buying actual cds is a sentimental thing. I use iTunes when I just want one or two songs from an album.
Chelsea Norcom
2nd Period
still not in tanstaafl...
I think that alot of people still do download music illegally. People rather download it illegally then have to pay for it. ALso different music programs make it exptremely easy to download music these days. Maybe if music got a lot cheaper, more people would want to download it to skip the problems like spam that comes with illegal downloads.
They might as well let us download music for free since its becoming less and less to control. Most industries are embracing this and having their artists promote free downloading but theyre needs to be someway to control the flow of music.
PEriod 2
it's really easy to pirate music with things like limewire and frostwire. and to think it all started with napster which i had as well. i don't advocate illegal downloading but i do it however if i honestly like song i will buy it. i just recently bought the jay z c.d. instead of downloading it. another thing that makes it really easy is the internet nut i do think artists are trying to utilize the internet in a way that benefits them so less people will illegally download.
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