Greg Mankiw is one of the most highly respected Economists in the U.S. He is currently a professor of Introductory Economics at Harvard. Check out this discussion question that he plans to use in his classes. Feel free to go beyond his two alternatives and be creative with your ideas.
Khushboo Kamnani
2nd period
I would give choose Option A: to give allot the vaccines to specific groups, such as high-risk populations due to the domino effect these populations would be providing. The high-risk populations would be undergoing the disease and it would be really easy for the disease to spread if these populations were not cured immediately, which mean that more populations would accumulate and then, the situation would become chaotic. Whereas, if these people were treated immediately, the low-risk population would still have some time before the situation got even worse. Therefore, I would definitely allot the vaccines to the high-risk population rather than taking a lump-sum, for although the lump some would assist the economy financially; it would not provide a cure to the unhealthful situation involving H1N1. Also, when I would allot the vaccines, I would enforce a strict law, warning the holders of the vaccine to not give their doses to others, for the patients might not be under the correct criteria to receive them since the vaccine does have side-effects. Treating the problem with immediate allotment of the vaccines would probably be the best for the financial and overall economy.
I would choose option (A) and give the H1N1 vaccines to high-risk populations. Giving the vaccine to the high-risk populations is important because otherwise, these high-risk people would just infect other people throughout the nation, and pretty soon, H1N1 would be more prevalent than it is now. Although giving them to the highest bidder would benefit the economy, I believe treating sick and dying people in need is more important than helping out the economy. I will be sure to implement strict policies and not let these people sell their vaccines, for then they would just sell to the highest bidder and keep the money. That would not help in the treatment of the disease. Choosing option (A) allows people to become healthier in a shorter amount of time, and therefore, allowing them to return to work faster, boosting our nation’s economic output.
I would choose option A) because its the most fair chose obviously however I would allow the patients to bid the meds to the highest bidder if that money was more valuable to the person than the vaccine itself then the person should have the right to choose what they do with the vaccine.
If I were put in the position to choose how I would allocate a limited number of H1N1 vaccines I would choose option A. The reason I would choose option A is because then I can give the vaccines to those populations that are hit hardest by the virus. I would not allow people who obtain the vaccine to sell it. I also would not sell the vaccine to the highest bidder because those who need it most might not be wealthy. If for example those who have the virus do not have enough money to obtain the vaccine will spread the vaccine to others and make matters much worse.
I would pick option A and give the vaccines to high-risk groups considering that many people in the high-risk group would not be able to afford being in a bidding war with the rest of the world for a vaccine. Although, i would still let the people who recieved the vaccines sell it because once they recieve it, it is theirs to decide what they do with it and they might be more in need of the money than the vaccine.
sibil mathew
2nd period.
I picked A because the whole point of the H1N1 vaccine is to protect people from it and people that are at risk are usall either very young or elderly and would not be in a position to bid against other people for the vaccine. Also we shouldn't make a health issue an issue of money, ecpecially when people die from H1N1 making it a matter of life and death for some people. However those who get the vaccine shouldn't be able to turn around and sell it. They are not certified by anyone and this could create further health risks or encourage some type of black market activity which would in more ways hinder our economy than help it.
I would definitely choose option A to give the H1N1 vaccines to specific groups which include high-risk populations. If option A were taken, people should not be able to sell their vaccine to another person since they would be more apt to keep the money for themselves. Although option B would be good for the United States economy because of selling vaccines to the highest bidder, I do not believe it is worth risking the lives of thousands, even millions of people. If the high-risk population were left untreated, then those who are affected by the disease would simply spread it even faster across U.S.. Overall, option A seems more justified in cause and appears to be the fair thing to do.
Stanley Verghese, 2nd Period
First off, I really hope that I would never be in such a position as this. Secondly, I have no idea what I would do. My first instinct is to say that I would quit. There is no way that I should be the one to decide who gets the vaccine, especially if it means some people might die because of my decision. I feel that putting that kind of power in one person's hands is like calling them God and giving them power over life. This is just something I am not capable of doing. On the other hand, part of me is saying that, while some might die because of my decision on who to give it to, even more might die if I do not decide at all and if the vaccines get into the wrong hands. Therefor if I was absolutely forced to decide who gets the medicine and who doesn't, then I would decide to give it to those who are most sever but have a chance of survival and have also not gotten a chance to experience life to the fullest. There is also the burden of a family to take into account. I would rather choose best for people, not even thinking about the economy. Deciding anything can cause a catastrophic disaster, but deciding nothing could do the same.
Final Answer: I will go into Marine Biology so I will not have to consider making such decisions. :)
It seems the general consensus so far is A, including myself. Don't we all just have such a rose-tinted view of ourselves. :) Anyway, I follow plan A. In most circumstances, those who are more susceptible to the H1N1 virus tend to live amongst and in constant contact with other high-risk people (Nursing homes, infant daycares, long-term hospital patients). This group creates a breeding ground for the virus that would allow it to adapt and gain resistance against less effective methods of protection. As for allowing the high-risk patients to sell the vaccine, the answer is no. First off, they wouldn't be able to get a hold of the vaccine itself since a professional can only administer the vaccine. Once they bought the vaccine, they receive it. Also, the point of giving it to high-risk is to prevent them from getting the virus and allowing it to grow. Letting them sell the vaccine defeats the purpose of stopping the disease in the "farms" of nursing homes and such. If they don't wish to receive the vaccine, they don't have to, but I would require from them safety measures to prevent them from getting N1H1.
I choose option b) because the hype built up by the "man" or as evryone knows it by its slave name the news is all hype to fill up some time slots. this swine flue is only really killing babys and old people!!! so by choosing to sell it to the highest bidder wich will probly be old people we get our social security dollars back and evryone wins :)
I would choose option A to allocate the H1N1 vaccinations to those with the highest risk. I would not allow them to sell their dose to someone else because then it loses the whole point of choosing option A. The high risk people are given this vaccination because they are the most susceptible to that flu, so they should not be able to sell it. Giving this limited vaccination to the ones who are most likely to get ill from it produces the most utility in my opinion because they would reap the most benefits.
I would choose Option A and allow the people who do recieve the vaccine to sell it off if they choose to or not.It makes more sense to give the vaccine to a country or place that is not as clean as our so that they have more protection.
I would choose option A, to give them to specific groups, such as high-risk populations. If other people need the vaccine more than we do, we should let them have it. Also, people in the high-risk population can infect other people and spread the H1N1 flu. I wouldn't allow the people to sell it because then what was the point of allowing them to recieve the vaccine before anybody else.
Julie Hernandez
2nd Period :)
So at first it seemed that B was the logical choice because even though short-term you would help people in need through option A, you could help the economy as a whole better through option B, which could in turn help better people's lives. The flaw with this logic is that as a nation we are $11 trillion dollars in debt and that "extra" money would never be seen so it makes more sense to help those in need right away because help to the economy is futile.
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As a utilitarian social planner these types of people have the power to change lives in an instant. Would it not be better to sell it to the highest bidder as so to reap the profits? In my opinion, no, it should and must always be a priority that high-risk populations encountering and being exposed to the H1N1 virus are the first and foremost of the group to receive vaccinations (a). Is it not better to rid the problem by making sure that citizens, no matter what class, who are always in contact with the H1N1 such as nurses, doctors, workers, etc. receive the vaccines so as to not further expand the H1N1 to other individuals? In an environment where people are constantly traveling and working to and fro an area, where the possibility of receiving the H1N1 virus is very high, it should be the priority of utilitarian social planners to give these people the H1N1 vaccine as soon as possible. Why? You ask. So that the H1N1 virus spread further out into the country. By eliminating the H1N1 virus in an area at high risk exposure, where people travel frequently, we would be lessening the chances of the H1N1 from spreading.
Karen Pasay-An
2nd Period
I would choose A because I feel that it would be more important to help people who needs the shot more, such as children, elderly, sick, and pregnant women. I would not allow group A to sell their shots to anyone else, because if they think money is more important than their own well being, then they don't even deserve to have a shot at all.
I would choose option A, to give the H1N1 vaccine to the groups who need it most. I would not allow the people who bought the vaccine to sell it to others because that defeats the purpose entirely. We want to give it to those who have the most likely chance of contracting the virus in order to stop the spreading. This high bidder may be low risk and is taking from the small number of vaccines we have. In order to benefit more people, in relation to the preventative measures we have, I would give to the ones who need it most.
Well naturally i would prefer choice A.By allowing the distribution of the vaccine to high risk areas, the risk of H1N1 spreading to places of lower risk will decrease. However, like with any vaccine, if you are given the vaccine, you still have a chance of geting H1N1.A vaccine improves immunity to a particular disease by injecting a small amount of an agent resembling the microorganism that will create memory cells for the immune system so that in the future it can easily search and destroy the cells.However if your immunity is not strong enough, you risk the chance of getting the disease itself. In choice B, they are offering to sell the vaccine for the people who pay the most. I honestly think that both choices are reasonable. Either way, you are taking a risk by being injected with the vaccine of actually getting the disease. this may be a personal bias, but if the vaccine is anything like the flu vaccine,I do not agree with either choice. From personal experience, I can say that every time I have gotten the flu shot, I have gotten the flu. Needless to say I no longer get the flu shot and haven't gotten the flu since...
well naturally option A is the more ethical and "good" answer. but it's easier said than done. if you are placed in a situation where you need to sell, then by all means, sell. that's what America is about; living to provide for yourself. it's called "hustling." but anyways, option A would be the ideal choice, where people less fortunate are given the opportunity to become "vaccinated." but then again, i'm against these types of random vaccines, so i would probably sell them to the highest bidder, and let them do whatever they want with it. mo' money mo' problems. peace
-Marvin Jacob
PS. they say the swine flu vaccine has crap in it that will mess you up, and they're using martial law to force people to get vaccinated...fyi
I would probably choose option A. Knowing I would be a sympathetic dictator, giving to those in need should be my first priority. But I would not allow people to sell their vaccines, probably would be administered on sight. Can't just waltz into CVS and pick on up. Others are in need, and if someone would just get it for a profit, they deserve h1n1
I would choose option A because giving the vaccine to the people who are most susceptible to the virus would be the most logical and effective distribution of the vaccine. This would save the lives of the high-risk groups and others who may come in contact with these people.The alternative of selling your vaccine would not be allowed because that would be counter the effort of distributing to high risk groups in the first place. Also, people should not be guaranteed good health because they can afford to pass on x dollars.
Although option B seems more beneficial to the economy, selling healthcare to the highest bidder is a very extreme way to make money.
Tran Le
Period 2
I'd choose option B, because the disease is going to be transmitted anyway, and this option has more of an upside- more money to allocate to more vaccines.
A) I would divide up the members of my nation into groups based on their level of income. Then, I would evenly distribute the vaccines between each of these groups. Vaccines will be on a first-come first-served basis in order to eliminate favoritism claims. Seeing as I control the vaccines personally, I would set a few aside before separating the vaccines into groups for my family and friends. Other than that, everyone else in the nation has an equal chance amongst their economic peers to get the vaccine. That seems the fairest and best way to distribute the vaccines to the general population.
hmmmm this is tough. I would have to say I would go with option b though. To me, it is the most logical choice. If you go with option A, yes you are helping the people who need it at the most during that specific time, but there are other people out there who need the vaccine as well and are willing to pay ALOT more. i know many people might think this would be a selfish thing for them to do, but it is really most beneficial. After they distrbute the vaccine out to the highest bidders, they will have a lot more money to work with and will be able to help everyone else who was in high demand for the vaccine. therefore, they not only earned more money, but also helped more people.
Hannah Neitzke
I would choose option A. Even though option B would earn more money for the economy, option A would be more beneficial. If it were to sold to the highest bidder many of those who are at high risk of getting H1N1 may not be able to get vaccinated. The highest bidders will probably have a less likelyhood of getting H1N1 anyways, and the ultimate goal is to prevent those who may get H1N1 from getting it. Option A in the end would be the better allocation of resources. People should not be allowed to sell their vaccinations.
It solely depends upon the entire effectiveness of the disease, and the economic wants of that person. The moral option would be choice(A), which will help out the population in the long run, and keep more people alive, as previously stated in other responses. However, if stated person wanted to make more money out of the situation, he would do (B) and make some profit out of it. It would depend on my current monetary situation. For instance, at the current moment, I'd personally choose B, because I need money. That's that.
I would choose option B: sell the vaccines to the highest bidder. Limiting the vaccine to high-risk populations will not prevent the H1N1 virus from spreading. There is no guarantee that the virus will not be transmitted between the low-risk populations. At least, through option B, we are helping the economy.
Hanna Mathew
Period 7
I would choose option a because it is the best thing to do for the health of the population. I would not allow them to sell their dose to the highest bidder, though, because it could cause chaos among those desperate for the vaccine. If they chose to forfeit their dose it would just go to someone else in need of it.
Option A seems to be the most ethical. By allowing the high-risk access to the vaccine, lives could be saved, which should be the top priority of the government; to ensure the safety and health of it's citizens. The vaccines should be administered right away, not allowing them to be sold for profit.
I would choose option A. High-risk groups, such as the younger and older extremes of our population would benefit the most from the administration of the vaccine. This group would also include people with an especial weakness for the flu, such as asthmatics. If people with a higher level of risk are protected, the disease may not be as widespread and the effects would not be as severe if healthy people of a certain age are the only ones to be affected. They should not be allowed to sell their dose; if they choose not to use it, it should go to someone who wants it. To sell the doses would be taking advantage of a person in a time of desperation, and would amount to pure predation.
i would choose option A and give the H1N1 vaccine to high risk groups. isnt that the way its supposed to go? the people who have the highest risk of being in danger by the swine flu get the vaccine first. No i wouldnt let them sell it, you recieve the shot, its not like you can take it home with you and shoot it in as you wish.
I would choose option A and give the vaccines to the specific group of people to cure the illness. By doing so, the transfer of H1N1 can be limited. Selling the vaccine to the highest bidder will not prevent the virus from spreading because the people that are most affluent would have the advantage over the non-affluent people. So the individuals should not be able to sell their vaccine after receiving it. By choosing option A, we can gain some ground against the virus to prevent it from spreading and becoming chaotic.
Sean Zhou
Period 7
i would choose option b. Option a would be a better quick fix but if the goal is to maximize total utility, option b is best because the rebate from auctioning off the vaccines to the highest bidders would allow more vaccines to be made and, in turn, affect more people. Option b would also stimulate the economy better than option a and get more money flowing
adriane joseph
2nd per
I would most definitely go with option B. Distributing the vaccine to "high risk groups" is rather pointless. H1N1 is considered to be most dangerous for the elderly and infants. According to the CDC, "H1N1 is spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with the virus. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose." By practicing a healthy lifestyle, avoiding crowded places, not touching everything in sight, maintaining good hygiene, and not standing directly next to sneezing/coughing people, everyone can drastically reduce their risks of contracting the virus. The money generated from selling the vaccine to the "highest bidder" would give more benefits than just distributing the vaccine. The revenue can be used to conduct further research - who says we are not close to finding a way to multiply our supply of vaccines? We need the funding...and people who are willing to research. Well to give an incentive to researchers, the money can be used to attract potential researchers to higher wages. In the end, people will die even if we give it to the high risk groups. We would only be saving those who are here now. What about all the new babies being born every day? And all the elderly dying of old age...are we wasting the vaccine on them? We need the funds to save the people in the future.
Jana Walters
Period 7
I would choose option A: give the vaccine to high risk populations. In my opinion, it is better to control the disease in the area it is prone to do the most damage rather than sell it and make money. Although the highest bidder would be buying for a huge sum,everyone else would eventually die, thereby making the situation worse which would also play a negative role in the economy. The professor states that the objective is maximum utility, but that is only possible if people actually exist to achieve this utility. Also, a bonus would be, once the vaccine is given to the highly effective areas, the benefits would also spillover and benefit the next generation and a third party. As for if i would let them sell the vaccine I would not let them. If i did, i would have chosen option b and gotten the money for myself at least. Also, it would not help reduce the number of people with the disease because if the bidder decides to sell it again, then it would just be a profit maker. Treating the disease is what is important in the economy to have total utility, however turning it into a business is not.
I would choose option A)give them to specific groups, such as high-risk populations. First of all it seems more logical than option B. High risk groups such as young children, the elderly, people with a chronic condition, etc. should be given the vaccine because these are the people who are more likely to die from the virus. Also, not every high-risk person may be able to afford the vaccine as a wealthy person would if bidding for it. Helping the high-risk people might contribute in containing the virus due to the fact that the people with a high risk will spread it around, infecting others. The economy might have a boost with option B but wouldn't it be better if more people were healthy, not missing work?
Kelsey Schreiber
Period 7
Although the most ethical choice seems to be Option A, I would have to go with Option B: sell the vaccines to the highest bidders and rebate the revenue lump-sum to everyone. It may seem somewhat cruel, but there are many people out there who truly need it that are willing to pay the extra dough to get the vaccine. Giving the vaccine to high-risk populations cannot gaurantee that H1N1 won't be spread simply beacuse some people who are more likely to get sick get the vaccine. Selling it to the highest bidder will help the economy and can raise funds for more vaccines to be made, thus further helping the population as a whole.
7th period
Wow... I definitely don't choose either option. They both have huge faults to them. It helped me to think about what I would want as a citizen. If it were me, either option would not do any good for me. I'm not considered a high risk class, but I know that if it came down to the highest bidder, I would have no chance. Neither of these options benefits an average middle class citizen like most of us are. If Mr. Pye's economics class was a country, almost all of us would probably end up with H1N1 because most of us are average middle class citizens. So I came up with a plan to "share the wealth". First, those treating H1N1 should get the vaccine before any other. They should be allowed to refuse the vaccine, but should not be able to sell it. They are exposed much more than others and they cannot treat the flu if they have it themselves. For some doctors who work in a hospital with immune systems of steel, they might not need it. But people who don't come into contact with it every day like school nurses most definitely would benefit from it. From there, I would suggest putting 50% of the remaining vaccines toward high-risk populations. BUT, this should be done by random selection until the vaccines allotted are gone. Then put 40% towards the general public, also by random selection. The other 10% for bidding. The reason why so few should go to bidders is because, clearly, if they have the money to be able to bid on the vaccine, they have the money to pay for the medical care that they would need if they did get H1N1. Because of the low supply and high demand of the vaccine, I think that holders of it should be allowed to sell it, but that there should be a law against price gouging (similar to the ones pertaining to gas)that include a large percentage of the money going back to the government to be put towards the production of more vaccines, so that eventually, most of or all of the general public can be vaccinated if they so choose. Economically, Option B probably makes more sense than Option A does, especially considering that our country is in almost 11 trillion dollars of debt, but I firmly believe that you can't put a price on someone's life, and there is no way that a strain of the flu should be able to make or break a country. If it does come down to that, then we don't deserve to call ourselves a country anyways.
I would choose option (A). Giving the vaccine to the people that need it the most is much more important than personal gain. Also, allowing poeple who need the vaccine to have it as soon as possible will reduce the number of total infected people by reducing the number of currently inffected people, decreasing the risk for futher infection. However, I would let the people sell the vaccine if they chose to. For some people, economic well-being for their entire family might be more important than personal health; therefore, they should not be forced to keep and use the vaccination if they find that it can provide a better use as a good to sell than medicine.
Option A would be the most productive way to use the amount of vaccine. High risk populations are the gateway to how the virus can spread like wildfire. When given the vaccine there is no option to give it to someone other than maybe your child or spouse.
Edward Cruz
Period 2
Definitely option A: give the vaccine to high-risk populations. They need it more and there is absolutely NO reason to deny them it. It just makes more sense to give the vaccine to people who it will actually help. People in low-risk areas need it far less. Give it to those who need it.
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