This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check out the world clock. Do you see any trends? Any of the numbers surprise you? Check out some of the other features on the site.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
There are quite a few surprising figures on that page. I wouldn't have thought the abortion rate was quite so high, and the total internet users so low (relative to the overall population). I also find it interesting that, while you can assume most of the deaths from communicable diseases are mainly from Developing countries, I would think that most of the deaths from noncommunicable diseases such as cancer are mainly from the United States and other Western countries. It is interesting to note that these deaths are actually higher than those from noncommunicable diseases.
I thought the World Clock was pretty neat when Mr. Mathews introduced it to us in 9th grade. It seems just as cool now. Overall, I was not too surprised by the statistics and figures. A few surprises were the species extinct number and the number of deaths by drowning. I would not have expected that death by drowing is more widespread than either death by fire or poison. I also see trends towards greater desertification and rising global temparature.
I noticed that cardiovascular disease is probably the most common deadly noncommunicable disease, and AIDS is the most common deadly infectious disease.
I was a little surprised by the rate of abortion. I was also surprised that war is so low on the list of injury-caused deaths, even lower than drownings and falls.
That was soooo cool. never knew cites like that could provide so much information. But anyways, it was good to know that people were being born at a slightly faster rate than they were dying. I did't expect for the forest planted rate to be so high. Oh, and as far as the Military Expenditure...all i can say is wow. And the abortion rate was simply sad.
The figure that caught my attention immediately was the abortion clock. I mean, I knew abortions are, unfortunately, pretty common, but I didn't expect to see the number increase every second. Generally, all the other statistics, like the deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases, infectious diseases were somewhat predictable. In a sense, it is hard to watch the numbers increase in real time and add another casualty to the numbers of all those who have died from those diseases.I was surprised that the rate of injuries caused by war was slower than suicides and traffic accidents.
Wow this site is pretty amazing. It’s really cool to see how many people are born each and every second, but also to see how many die. Also, it is surprising to see that so many forests are cut down and also how many species go extinct each and every day. The temperature of the earth is also rising at a positive rate, which means that in, say, 10 years our planet will be many degrees higher, proving the global warming theory to be true. The abortion meter really surprises me, seeing how many people are willing to give up a baby in the womb. I see trends to more species becoming extinct by the minute and also a higher global temperature each and every second.
Shane Li
2nd Period
i was surprised that the death rate was relatively low per year seeing as how more and more people die in car accidents and due to drug abuse. I was also amazed at the fact that almost 258,000 people had died per year just by drowning. I mean I think it's time someone made it a global law that everyone should learn how to swim atleast. The one thing that did not surprise me was the fact that the highest statistical data on diseases presented was cardiovascular disease. A growing number of people are losing cardiovascular health due to insufficient diets and unhealthy lifestyles. America is one of the leaders in cardiovascular disease. Overall, I found that the World Clock provided useful, essential data. I think I have been introduced to it before sometime in 9th or 10th grade.
-Stanley Verghese, Period 7
I noticed that the rate of abortion was pretty high. Also the military expenditure number is constantly increasing at a very fast rate. One of the biggest things that I saw was that the deaths were almost half of the births, but that isn't so surprising.
Wow, that is one amazing site! I see trends in the rising temperature as the CO2 emissions increase. I am shocked by the abortion numbers and how it increases one more every second. Just imagining how many more people that would be in the world in one year- about 31,536,000 according to that rate - is insane! Also, I am surprised by the number of people who have died because of falling compared to the ones from war - more then double the number.
Megan Wang
Period 02
That is sooooooo cool!!
One thing i noticed, just like everyone else, was the abortion rate, it was crazy that it was that high and it also was one of the things in which the numbers grew really quickly. I was also surprised at the death rate and the death causes. This was really interesting and definetly held my attention for a really long time.
sibil mathew
2nd period
I remember looking at this site last year and being amazed at how fast our world was changing: people coming and going. Im always hitting the "Now" button and watching what happens from then. I noticed how there are still so many people dying from curable diseases and that is not good. Things like malaria and the common cold should not be killers. - Joshua Amaku 7th
i thought this blog was very interesting and cool.however it made me kinda sad seeing how many abortions are taking place, oil used, trees chopped down, diseases, etc etc etc.. i wish the world clock would add some happy things going on in the world that increases numerically everyday as well so people could see that the world is making some progress instead of just the negative things going on.. i just cant really think of what they would do.. maybe"lives saved" or "recycled items" or "scientific discoveries" and stuff like that. I dont know.. Overall though, I thought the world clock was very informative and it opened my eyes to what is really going on in the world and how rapidly it increases every day
hannah neitzke
period 2
wow. first thing the abortion count is waay to high.i've never really been against them but the world clock has definetly changed my perspective on that issue. its easy to dismiss it when you hear of one person doing it, but that 38million people who never even got a chance to live. thats really sad. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! im going to buy a hybrid, or ride my bike or something!
It's really crazy that by the time I finish writing this response, there will be 2000 more people on this planet and what's even more ridiculous is that almost another 1000 could have been born if it weren't for abortions. Anyways, according to the clock, a species goes extinct about every 3 hours. I can see how this is true because deforestation and desertification happens at such a substantial rate.
Tony Phewklieng
Period 2
When it comes to trends, I noticed that the desertification and forest replanted numbers tended to be close, and that added together they were almost equal to the forest cut number. While a very interesting collection of data, I must bring the data itself into question. Having no previous knowledge of the organization's legitimacy and scientific ethics, I have fair reason to suspect that the numbers displayed are shown in an "imbalanced light." My suspicion is supported by the phrase "[the clock] has been customized for PeterRussel.com to REFLECT THAT SITES INTEREST AND VIEWS." I capitalized that last phrase to bring emphasis to the section of the sentence I think brings the arrangement of the clock into suspicion.
It's amazing how rapidly numbers grow when you hit the now button. Within a minute you see distinct changes in amount of CO2 emissions, and military expenditures. As I kept watch of the world population its running like a stop watch, there's pretty much a person born every second. By the time I finish typing this the world has changed dramatically.
Edward Cruz
Period 2
This was a pretty neat site. I was very surpirsed at the number of abortions. I had no idea it was so high. I was also surprised at the number of extinct species. It's depressing that that many different kinds of species will never be seen again. Besides those two, I wasn't very surprised by the other rates. It makes sense that traffic accidents were a main cause of death, as well as STDs.
-7th period
wow this site is actually very interesting. it shows me how serious these problems are and how quickly they are rising. even with the high amount of abortions and death rate, the world population still rises much faster than the other rates. i'm kinda skeptical of the validity of these quick rates, because they seem to be increasing in steady paces without leaps or pauses. as i watch the clock increase these rates, i feel like doing something to slow or stop it. it makes me feel guilty knowing that even though i am only one person wasting gas or contributing to global warming, i do not consider the other billions of people who do and believe the same. at least more bikes are being made than cars, so people can start using other forms of transportation and lose weight while doing so. thats all i got...oh yea, peter russell backwards is russell peters, a hilarious indian comedian. peace
Marvin Jacob- 2nd
PS. the reason why the world temp is getting hotter? yea thats because of me =]
this website is amazing. our world population is growing like crazy even though our death rate is so high. i found it interesting how many computers were produced
I had no idea that so many people died from cardiovascular diseases, or that that many women had abortions. What would be interesting to see is where exactly in the worl are most of these figures coming from. For example are the people that are dying from complications from AIDS mostly located in Africa? Where is oil being pumped the most? What country produces the most cars and CO2 emmissions? These are questions that struck me as I looked over the data. Overall the world clock was pretty interesting and enlightening.
Sade Onadiji
2nd Period
Wow I can't believe some of these numbers. I didn't know the abortion rate was so high and the military expenditure are out of this world. This is good stuff to know. However, I wasn't too suprised by the number of deaths caused by aids. I wasn't suprised by car accidents either with all these drunk drivers around.
It's very interesting to see statistics that you don't view on a normal basis, such as birth vs. death, military expenditures, and the many causes of death. The amount of abortions that occur every day is staggering; about 80% of the number of people that die.
wow this site is pretty cool to watch. I was surprised that in the list of injuries war was the least common cause of death. I was also surprised at how much oil is being pumped every second and how for every person who dies, two more are born.
Adriane Joseph
2nd period.
This site is incredible. I honestly can not believe how fast the numbers are changing. The birth and death rate are rising so fast im torn between being happy for the new life and sad at the loss of one. I was curious and took the life expectancy test at the top of the page. I found out that im 17, although virtually about 6, I have been alive for 6,222 days, and im expected to live intill age 85, meaning i have about 24,700 days to live. :) quite interesting. I found it quite surprising that more people have died from falling than lost in war. And i had no idea that there were already 19,136 species extinct! It was really astounding.
Sarah Batres Period 7
That... was... crazy! That's such a cool cite! Everything is happening so fast! I mean, I knew that all these things were happening all over the world in less than a second, but still... knowing it and actually seeing just how quickly everything changes are two different things. It really makes you realize how small you actually are in this big, fast paced world! Pretty cool!
That site is pretty neat. Mr. Hook was showing us something like this in Environmental Science, with the world population. We were talking about how the death and birth rates effect it, and he brought up a point from Eric Pianka "Dr. Doom" that said "What the world needs now is Massive Human Death." This may be true because our world is obviously quite overpopulated, but this also agrees with theories covered by Robert Malthus we read about. Because, of these theories and those who oppose them I've decided to stay out of this debate because in all honesty I do not believe I nor anyone else in this world can understand the idea of numbers as large as these. Obviously anyone can know how many people that is, but it is hard for anyone to wrap their mind around the fact that there are 6.7-8 billion people just like them in this world. Or if someone can understand that, than I am sorry for being self-absorbed.
Chris Rocha
Master P's 7th period
Wow, this website is amazing! I can't believe the abortion rate is so high. It's crazy how the world population keeps on increasing. I wasn't really surprised by the military expenditure. The fact that cardiovascular disease was the number on death cause of the noncommunicable diseases didn't surprise me either.
Julie Hernandez
2nd Period :)
This is a very interesting website. I clicked on the "now" button and watched the numbers transform right in front of my eyes. The data is astonishing. I cannot believe that there are so many people dying from cardiovascular disease. It also makes me very sad to see that within the 2 minutes I had it running from scratch, 10 people committed suicide. I wonder if more people saw this, then they would take better care of their bodies, and be safe. Because then, they would know that if they do not take care of themselves, then they would become just a number.
What really shocked me was the military spending. Over 850 billion dollars spent in the last year, climbing at about $50,000 per second. In that same time, one person dies from heart disease. Seems to me that if everybody reduced their spending a bit and pooled that saved money into research for cures to heart disease those 11 million people dead may still be with us.
I find it weird how much a diffrence there is in internet users compared to the overall total population. It is also odd that war accounts for the lowest amount of deaths than things such as drownings and traffic accidents. Its sad to see that less than half of the forrest that is cut down is being replanted
Dang, the military expenditure seems to by flying by. And its kind of scary that the suicide numbers are higher than the war count.
Brady Nash
2nd period
This site is really neat, especially when you click the now button! I was not too suprised by the environmental damage being done. But I was stunned by how fast the births increased, demonstrating how overpopulation is a serious problem. Also,I thought it was sad that cardiovascular disease made up so much of the death rate because it can be largely prevented by eating right and exercising.
Tran Le
Period 2
Why are all of the posts shown on the main page?...
Anyway, the clock is quite interesting. I honestly would have thought that the number of internet users would have been higher considering the amount of technology available to so many people. It is also pretty interesting that about three times as many bicycles are produced than cars. The clock is just an interesting source of information in general.
The World Clock is very interesting. I would never have guessed the quite large number of species that go extinct each day. In fact, I would be clueless on almost all the numbers on the clock if I had not looked. An evident trend I see is as more computers are produced it seems there are more internet users.
Sam Lehardi 7th Period
Khushboo Kamnani - 2nd period
This clock is so cool! I love the fact that you can see a million things all at once. Some of the major facts I notice are the constant increments in the military expenditure, the world population, and the amount of oil pumped in the barrels. These numbers are increasing at an extremely rapid pace and give us the indication of the worldly status. As the population is increasing, the death rates are increasing as well. Along with all these relationships, the increase in technology is occurring at a rapid pace. Some of the other noticeable things that are emphasized are the increments in cardiovascular diseases and AIDS/HIV. I was also unaware of the rate at which the cars are being produced, for they are being produced by the unit, every second. This clock has definitely made me aware of some vital statistical information regarding the worldly environment.
This site is pretty cool! The abortion rate kept my attention the longest. It was a real eye opener to see the number go up a couple of times every second.
Hanna Mathew
Period 7
i thought this website was so cool! it's crazy to see how many tons of CO2 emmissions are released each day along with how many barrels of oil are used. it's sad to see how many abortions take place; that's one number i would like to see go down dramatically. i also thought it was interesting that the number of deaths in traffic accidents is so much larger than the number of deaths in war.
chelsea norcom
2nd period
Wow. This was a little scary to see. 33 million abortions? 2.2 million deaths from HIV/AIDS? That's insane, and it kind of proves that our health education isn't very affective. I also tried the life expectancy quiz, and it said that I'm expected to live to be 76. I found Some of the things that sent it down (like the fact that I exercise a lot) made me laugh pretty hard. I won't say I'm surprised by most of it, but it was definitely a bit of a reality check.
Mary Churay
7th period
The World Clock seems to be quite cool. It's kind of scary that the world population is dramatically increasing. The number of forests cut compared to the number of forests replanted is almost double. At this rate the worlds' forests would be wiped out if not affected by other causes. I kinda expected the military expenditures to be high but not that fast. It's kinda funny that the rate of abortions is higher than the rate of cars produced. The total amount of internet users is also astonishing and predictable.
Sean Zhou
Period 7
What some surprising factors were to me was that every second there is either and incident or death happening. I never thought that the rates of these factors would be so high. Most of the communicable diseases is mostly cancer. Although the statistics were surprising there is noting that anyone could to to stop the numbers from increasing.
Neethu Vadakan
7th period
okay. this website is ridiculous! how the earth supports this population i will never know. The birth rate at any time is over twice the number of deaths. That fact alone is really scary. 70 species went extinct today!? :( 120,000 abortions today. wow
the only reason i remembered to do this is cause i def just saw pye at cafe adobe. haha :)
ok so apparently my comment 3 days ago was not put on here so I'm going to re post it even if its a little late at least i put my input on it. (Thats what microsoft word is for :p) that was totally sweet man... I find it interesting how fast births are compared to deaths and also how fast the military expenditure is going. I find it also interesting how this clock lists the cause of death. Although the clock is not necessarily fully accurate it shows a comparison between birth, death, extinction, and so on. I hope that the toll for the extinction of species will stay that way and never change if and if it does we should know that there is something seriously wrong going on. Each and every animal that goes instinct causes an unbalance in the world and nature's cycle. Hopefully it will never increase.
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