Sunday, January 25, 2009

The World Clock

This is a repeat of an older post, but I still love this site. Check out the world clock. Do you see any trends? Any of the numbers surprise you? Check out some of the other features on the site.


Anonymous said...

Well right off the bat, you can notice that as the military spending increases at a rapid pace, so does the amount of oil being pumped and CO2 emissions increase. However in terms of forestry, as the number of the trees being cut down increases, the rate of them being replanted is slow, and the number of species extinct remains at a constant 1900. Also Cardiovascular Disease is still the number one leading cause of death calling into question, which nation in the world leads in the most number with cardiovascular disease.

Anonymous said...

Species extinct by the time I posted: 1906. I wonder if this number's constituents include obscure insects and invertebrates. What is also curious is the two abortions that occur every second (roughly) compared to the number of births. If those babies were to live, then the aborted fetuses would represent one-fourth of the "new birth population" as related by the clock. It also seems to me in the cases of rape and abortion, that a statistical assesment of those two factors is tenuous at best, i.e. rapes/abortions don't get reported meaning the statistical analysis is only speculative to how many occur or how many aren't reported as to be factored. At best this clock commits the naturalistic fallacy (because X are born, .25 of the possible born ought to have been aborted) - ref: David Hume, is-ought gap/Humean fork.

Anonymous said...

The way these statistics are arranged on the site seems very suspicious to me. The Earth Temp. statistic seems quite silly to me, as our planet has a wide variety of temperatures in different regions and periodically experiences large shifts in temperature defeating the purpose of placing it next to the CO2 and oil categories. On a side note, I didn't realize that so many people seemed to die from falling....

Lauren Thompson said...

In the hour that I kept the clock on the Now option, and three species went extinct. Three species went extinct in ONE HOUR! There were over 5200 abortions. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Traffic accidents led to 135 deaths and 100 people committed suicide. Seriously how could 44 people die by falling. Did those statistics also go into suicide?

Rupesh Panchal said...

The clock is very interesting and I wasn't surprised when I saw cardiovascular disease and HIV/AIDS leading the charts in the number of deaths due to disease. At the same time, I found the military expenditure figures quite large because the military, within a course of one minute, use about $2,336,659!

John Pepper said...

The biggest shocking thing I found was that within 5 minutes the world had spent $11.5 million on military goods/services. The fact that the world population is so consumed with war that we spend 11.5 million dollars when it could go to some more worthwhile astounds me. Instead of investing so much money into war and destruction, we could pour that money into reforesting areas that are decreasing rapidly (world clock says it is a 2:1 ratio, trees cut:planted). Why spend all that money killing each other ($11.5 million was spent to kill 2 people within the 5 minutes, that’s $5.75 million spent per death), when we could spend all the money we use to kill people and we could use it to save trees, by saving trees cut CO2 emissions, and save the human race as a whole.

Christine Romo said...

I had never looked at the world clock until just before writing this comment and the world population count with the births and deaths kind of freaked me out. The world population constantly increases by about 1 per second and the births and deaths don't stop. It's also interesting to see that when Joey posted his comment only 1906 species were extinct and right mow the number is up to 1984 when it's only been about a day and a half. It's alarming to see so many numbers climbing by the second wheter it be deaths, military expenditure, population, species extinction... it's a real eye opener.

Ross Henry said...

The birth and death charts are very interesting, I might be pessimistic, but I think it would be better to have a higher death toll, than birth, there is a limit of humans that the world can support, and I don't want that day to come. That is one reason I think abortion is not entirely a bad thing, but I do support abortion for much more than that reason alone. I'm not really sure but shouldn't military expenditures and deaths by war have a little correlation? almost twice as many people dies in a fire than they did in a war in the past year. But America does spend well over $15,000 in order to protect one American soldier.

Ben Nash said...

I'm not really surprised that I'm surprised with these numbers. The total abortions could equal the population size of the Houston area. And the Military Expenditures could pay for clean water, food, and who knows how many nice cars! And just like everyone else said. REALLY?! Falling is such a big killer! I'm going to watch my step from now on. Although that would be pretty funny to have on a tomb stone.

CourtRod said...

I thought the earth's temperatures very throughout the year. How can the temperature increase steadily when the earth goes through yearly cycles? What scares me the most is the number of abortions? How are the women getting abortions? And do many of the abortions lead to death of the women? Where are the majority of these abortions taking place? In poor counties? As of 10 am today more than 50,000 abortions took place? If the annual abortions were added into the deaths the deaths might would be 2 million less than the births. 63,102 people died of suicide this year. I do not think the population growth should correlate with population growth, because many babies die soon after birth especially in developing countries.

Anonymous said...

It is much easier to just not care than to have deal with such horrible numbers. I know it is not right just to ignore the numbers, but I understand why people do.
It is devastating in the sense that the mortality of humans as the death tickers roll forward. However, I don’t think we can truly comprehend the numbers, so in a why we basically need to try not to think about them too much.

Charmecia Morris said...

The most interesting and astounding part for me was to click "now" and watch the figures rise. I was particularly interested in the balance between births and deaths. From what my eye could catch, it seemed as though they were moving at the same rate. which seemed only logical. The leading cause of death was heart disease which wasn't at all surprising.It became far more obvious to me why it's been presented as such a large issue, currently.The military spendig figures also startled me. What is everyone gearing up for? why does everyone feel threatened and in need of protection? or are we, as a society just extremely facinated with the current technology that can be used in warfare? It seems that might be the case since Carbon Dioxide emissons were also soring, indicating perhaps that manufacture is also growing.

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to see how many abortions there were in the 28 days that the clock had already counted. It's a sad thing that over 3 million lives were taken away. But at the same time, that's over 3 million people that we would have to feed and make living space for. The rates at which some of the numbers are increasing blow me away. Some of them are even a bit hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

"The World Clock" is very fascinating, because it puts into perspective what is going on in the world. The numbers that shocked me the most were the number of abortions taking place every week. Also, the number of births each year is more than double the number of deaths each year, which means the population growth is tremendous.

Anonymous said...

The way that everyone makes AIDS sounds so bad, I actually expected the number of people who died from AIDS to be much more than the 234, 372 at the moment. I guess maybe that comes to show how much more aware we are of it to prevent it. The majority of the 234,000+ are probably the poor people in Africa then.

Also, it surprised me that there were way more bicycles produced than cars, more than triple. I guess there are still some undeveloped countries whose whole populations still resort to bicycles.

Anonymous said...

The world clock is very interesting. The military spending in just one day is outrageous! Also it seems that most of the deaths are caused by the numerous abortions that women have. As more oil is being pumped the earths temperature increases steadily. The world clock is a great way to let a person know what is happening and the effects it has on earth.

Anonymous said...

Really this makes you look outside of the United States into the other countries of the world. In the United States the number of automobiles compared to the number of bicycles would be much closer, if not more. However this shows the number of bicycles that are used by other countries as a main source of transportation. Also the Numbers that come up for abortions and forrests cut down can be astonishing. The amount of lifes taken away from this life through abortion is quite large, and to think that many lives could be taken even before they were given. However some of these stats I do not believe like the temperature of the Earth. For one the temperature differs from point to point. Also on another note, even though I knew that the population growth was large, I did not know that the difference between the amount of deaths and the amount of births, even within a few minutes, differed so greatly.

Anonymous said...

In the one minute that I watched the clock there were 89 abortions performed. I am absolutely amazed at this high number. I also observed that the amount of trees destroyed more than doubled the amount of trees planted. I feel like people have become oblivious to our environment. The temperature of the earth does not seem accurate to me due to different climates in different regions. I had never seen the world clock until now and I think it is so interesting.

Jessica.R. said...

In the little amount of time that I observed the clock 96 abortions were performed which is a little surprising. Also the number of trees chopped down and the CO2 emissions increased while the number of trees planted remained constant. It seems as though people do not care about the environment anymore. Also the fact that cardiovascular disease is the Highest of the other diseases does not surprise me anymore, As people try to eat and get whatever is most convenient for them which is not usually healthy.

Anonymous said...

first of all i love how they put the co2 next to the number of oil barrels being pumped and the earths temp. that seems a little fishy to me and how can they get a temp of the earth? isnt it like different temps all over the world or is it an avg. of all the temps throughout the world? and the deaths by war thing seems a little LOW to me for some reason in the 5 mins that i left it only 2 people died. are they counting all the people dying in all the foriegn countries or what? cause im sure there is more than just 2 people dying.

Courtney Morgan said...

I've never seen the world clock before and honestly it puts a whole lot of things in perspective. All of these things like abortion, deforestation, and the population climb become much more real when you can see the numbers actually grow by the minute. In the minute that I watched the clock about 85 abortions were performed, a number much higher than I expected. The amount of people born is almost triple the amount of people dying. Yes, It's good that people live longer but it makes you wonder how much life our resources can actually support. The number of trees planted compared to the number of trees cut down is suprising, it seems as though people are becoming more and more oblivious to the environment in which they live.

Callie Chiang said...

The most obvious categories that are increasing the most are military expenditures, births (world populatoin), oil pumped, and carbon dioxide emissions. The correlation between them shows a dire future for the world because of our limited resources. These numbers are alarming because it just puts in perspective how quickly they will be used up and how thin we will be able to stretch them.

I also must respond to Constance (<3), but I think more bikes are being made than cars because, really, they are cheaper, smaller, and easier to make than cars. A person can buy a bike for one person, someone can buy a car for 8 people. And, bikes are cheaper than cars, making them more affordable, and do not require driver's licenses :]

Anonymous said...

I wasn't surprised when I saw cardiovascular disease and HIV/AIDS leading the charts for disease related deaths. I was alramed at how many species go extinct in the tinme it takes to refresh a page, thats deplorable. And the abortion number is just silly, as well as people dieng from things like falling.

Anonymous said...

If everything about this world clock is correct the world is in a lot of trouble in the future... after letting it sit for a while it becomes evident the amount of births to deaths is roughly 2:1 as well as Blue mentioned, the forest cut to those replanted. And as the trees go down and the emissions go up the temperature is constantly climbing. What really suprised me, however,is how slow the number of internet users was climbing, in today's age one would expect the amount to be increasing mush more quickly than it is. And responding to Joey's post, I was oddly on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, nothing became extinct during the time I observed the site.

Zach Ionadi said...

Well after looking at this i think were pretty much screwed. It's not looking to good for us, pretty soon were going to run out of room for all the people. But one thing that really caught my eye was the all deaths coming from the cardiovascular disease and HIV/AIDS leading the charts in the number of deaths due to disease. But who knows one day the world could be a happy place...

Austin Darsey said...

I thought it was cool how the bicycle production was three times more than the car production. I think that if we replaced all the cars in our driveway with three bikes it would lower the high cardiovascular disease deaths. It would also reduce car wrecks by 100% and no-one would have to switch to Geico because we would not have to pay for car insurance. We all live within five miles of Elkins thats only a thirty minute bike ride. We should replace our school parking lot with bike racks and all go granola.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I noticed was the correlation between oil pumped in barrels and the amount of co2 emissions in tons. By the time I started writing this sentence, there were already 205,882 barrels pumped and 188,346 tons of co2 emissions.
The second thing that sparked my interest was how relatively low the amount of war injuries there was in comparison to car accidents and suicides. There were even twice as many posionings than there was war injuries.

Rohan said...

One interesting thing that I saw was that every half a second a person new to the internet started using it. Every time I see a blatant scam on the internet, I wonder, who would be dumb enough to fall for this? Now that I see that there are more and more new users to the internet I now know who these adds are targeting. Inexperienced users of the internet will probably fall for these scams or might end up downloading spyware and viruses.

Ruben Wolff said...

Its interesting that 2119 species went extinct this month. I don't remember how many times I'v heard someone say "you cant get rid of mosquitoes our ecosystem would collapse". It doesn't specify what animals are dying but i guess they are not so significant cause were not really noticing a difference. Also if that many died in just this month( actually only the last 28days)then how many have died since my last ecosystem lesson. Maybe we nature is a lot more robust than we make it out to be.

Anonymous said...

These numbers don't really suprise all pretty much makes sense. But its obviously not 100% accurate because the statistics are all mathmatical and based off of assumptions and not real life, so there is a margin of error to keep in mind. And there are other factors that may differ from the ones the ones the stats are based on. Like today's economy may influence the death rate, but i doubt the statistic is that updated

Anonymous said...

I was suprised by the speedy rise of CO2 emissions and forest cutting. These man made actions multiply because cutting tress destroys our world's oxygen supply along with CO2 emissions. With the growing number of people in the world, I wonder if the population will ever be large enough to reverse this trend with limited resources on our planet.

Unknown said...

I was very surprised at first about the rate of increase of many of these categories at first. I guess you always hear about, for example, how much CO2 humans are putting into the atmosphere but it is difficult to grasp until you actually see the numbers changing in front of your eyes. I was most astonished by that military expenditure increases by around $50,000 per second. This site is quite entertaining to look at but I personally would not put much stock into the statistics on this site.

Laurenbomb said...

err, what am I even supposed to say about this. Just comment on a random statistic and how it is changing? I guess. Okay so the number of births is increasing quicker than the number of deaths. I mean death isnt a good thing, but the world is obviously over populated. 6.5 billion! actually according to this its more than that. Mr. Hook's number needs to be updated. and geez, look at how fast the oil and CO2 is increasing. and why is abortions all alone down at the end? shouldn't it be near births and deaths or something?

Anonymous said...

This world clock is really scary! It is so weird to see how many things can happen all at once! The thing that scared me the most was the abortion and death rates and how quickly they are going up. Yet at the same time the birth rates are crazy! its like for every one person dying another one is born. Our population is growing at such a fast rate its crazy how this clock can keep up with it all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure of what all these things are. "Childhood Cluster"? Is that like, Chicken Pox? Or Ebola? I'm not sure how accurate this all is, but it seems to make sense. Cardiovascular is obviously a big one. It makes me feel like I'm really desensitized to death because in my head I said, "Only 2,000 people died in car wrecks today, that's not so many." But then you think wow, they really just died, in what's basically a freak accident. Even so, I'm not upset by it. Also if you think of our military expenditure, billions of dollars are spent per individual in he WORLD, is that supposed to be protection? Makes you think...

Ryan Russell said...

Obviously, this is only averages so all of these stats are not exact. For example, military spending rate increases during war time and the earth's rate of temperature change is not that steady, however, this site was still very interesting. The stat that jumps out at me the most would have to be the population increase. To imagine three new humans appearing out of nowhere every second amazed me, and it seems inevitable that we will run out room on this Earth soon. Another interesting thing was the abortion stat, as their are almost as many abortions as their are deaths. One thing that did comfort me was that their are still more bikes than cars being produced, although who knows how soon that will change.

Anonymous said...

what i found interesting was how so many abortions took place in less than a second and there are more bicycles produced than cars per second. In today's world, one would expect more cars to be sold out than bicycles but maybe because of the increase in gas prices of cars, people tend to buy bicycles when traveling nearby to save money. In this wide-technology world, it is not that surprising that Interent users increase within seconds too.

Ann Tharakan

Kelsey Thornton said...

I have never seen anything like this. The numbers are crazy and put alot of things in perspective. The number of abortions is rediculous. If we continue with the population growth at this rate, there is no way the Earth has the resources to accomodate all those people. The number of species becoming extinct is rediculous and some of the billions being spent on military should be spared to help save animals.

Anonymous said...

There are some interesting dynamics in population growth I would like to point out.

Births/Minute : 256
Deaths/Minute : 110
Population Growth/Minute : 146
Abortions/Minute : 95

Hypothetically, a world without abortions would produce people at a rate of 241 per minute. Such an increase can be expected to only hasten the encroaching population crisis that Ross commented on. Furthermore, I fear that our current birth rate is simply too high to be sustainable. It is only a matter of time until human population growth exceeds its maximum sustainable yield and famine sets in resulting in a relatively short cycles of mass death and recovery in the population.

Jen Iles said...

Before this blog i had never looked into anything like the World Clock and was definatly suprising to see. Being that there are so many people inhabiting our earth, I more than expected there to be high numbers in things such as current births/deaths, the spending of money, and especially diseases, but the high numbers still caught me off guard at first more than i thought they would. The most suprising thing to me was the number of abortions that occurred in the few minutes I watched it, especially as i clicked back and forth between the screen i was typing in and the one of the clock.

Kevin Waukau said...

The rate of population growth is astonishing, overpopulation is going to be an even bigger problem in the near future. The amount of money spent on the military is crazy, the number is skyrocketting and it is only 29 days into the new year. How many species are there in the world if thousands of them go extinct in just a month?

Anonymous said...

This was quite a shocker to see because I definitely was not expecting to see the numbers that I did. Cardiovascular disease and Cancer did not surprise me as the most prominent causes of death, but the military expenditure and abortion rates did. It seems that there are about 2 abortions per second worldwide which I did not expect to see at all. Military expenditure seems very high, but we have to remember that the US is in 2 wars, and this number can only go down once the US is not involved in wars that have a huge number of soldiers fighting in them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the view points of Mr. Darsey. I'll also like to add that the death rate and Cardiovascular rates and car injury rates etc. happen. We as humans (and as a class) should not invest so much time into how to make everything safe but rather in to living free. (blue) “If we exchange safety for freedoms, we'll end up with very little of both”- Ben Franklin (not Obama guys, sorry)...

Anonymous said...

Josh Amaris says...
I'm surprised at how many bicycles are produced. Also, I was wondering if abortions counted as deaths. I suppose it's debatable. I did the life expectancy calculator, and apparently I'm 4.7 years old and I will live to be 86.3. Who knew taking risks such as climbing buildings was detrimental to one's health? Not me... that's who.

Anonymous said...

The world clock should include how much money the government is spending on stimulus packages and other programs that in the future will hurt our economy in the long run. I can guarentee that the amount of money spent on the economy is way more than what the U.S. has spent on the war with Iraq. The other day Congress passed Obama's 89 billion dollar "stimulus package." The only way for our economy to dig out of this big hole, that is to give less power to the government and avert back to a more capitalist economy where private industries and not the government controls our economy. I am not surprised that the U.S. has spent a significant amount of money on the war, but it was worth it because now we have a country that has become a democracy thanks to our efforts.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't surprised to see that cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and STDs were the major causes of death. I was shocked to see that military expenditures increase at almost $2.4 million a minute. The amount of oil pumped and CO2 emissions are rising at an extensive rate as well. It's also interesting to see that more bicycles are produced ina year compared to the production of cars.

Unknown said...

None of this is surprising really other than bikes being sold faster than cars, but how many bikes are bought for little kids who can't drive anyways or for adults but are never used? We've pretty much been taught to view the world pessimisticly from tv adds or whatever else although they aren't taking the next step. It's entertaining to see how fast the population is growing and dieing and why, and how much money our government is wasting or people are polluting etc.

Unknown said...

Kelly=Kelly Davidson

Anonymous said...

It is really crazy that the world spends about $2.5 million a minute on millitary goods. I knew that abortion rates were very high but i had no idea its about 1-2 every second! Its also crazy to know that Cardiovascular Disease continues to be the number one cause of death. Right now its a little over 1.3 million. These numbers and statistics are shocking and very concerning to me. I can start to see why people act like they do not know about these numbers because they probabbly scare them.

Anonymous said...

I'm skeptical of some of these stats. If you look at the stats in deaths, the least deaths are shown through war. This just goes to show that military spending is useless. Its no wonder why all the countries of the war are going bankrupt. This constant spending and borrowing between countries is ridiculous. Its probably because most of this military spending is spent on high priced merchandise for espionage and research on military science. Most of this stuff goes on behind the curtain, so we don't know what the world is doing with military expenditures. I don't think the U.S will just show any average Joe some prototype of a high powered weapon they haven't quite developed yet. Whatever country used that money probably borrowed from one country who borrowed it from another. Why does money even exist if its just a fake commodity passed around and not backed up by anything, but more debt. Further more, what is classified as war? We haven't had a war since WWII. That brings me to the question does the statistics on death through war mean declared war, or just any occupation along with any constitutionally declared war? Theses stats are based off of many variables that the world clock may or may not be able to point out accurately.

Anonymous said...

Paul Rabalais left the last comment =)

Jake Barr said...

Well, looking at people's comments as to the number of extinct species, it seems that that number has increased significantly; it's now at 2,191. That's a little shocking. I wasn't terribly suprised by the increasing numbers in military spending as that's always been through the roof. But the number of people who die from war every year seems low to me. However, the number of abortions is absurd.

K. Sincerbox said...

I guess seeing the number written out, posted somewhere, and watching them grow rapidly is shocking in itself. But when you sit and think about it in a larger perspective the numbers make sense, most of them. I really liked the Life Expectancy Calculator. I got a virtual age of 4.5, and I found that pretty amusing. It did say I was going to live long!

Jordan Rothe said...

The population increasing is a given but does an abortion count as a death? It would be nice to know how many people are cured of the diseases shown compared to the number of people who die because of these diseases. I knew that there were more bikes produced than cars, but i didn't know that for every car there are three bikes produced. I just don't see that many people riding bikes anymore. The military expenditure is way to high in my opinion and so is the CO2 emissions. It would be interesting to see the number of barrels of oil that have been pumped so far this year compared to the amount pumped at this time last year just because of the price difference of a gallon of gas. The number of injuries is way lower than I would have thought, but many of these injuries are still avoidable. Is a fall considered triping on the sidewalk or jumping off a bridge because that would be a lot of people falling on the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

In just one minute, 7 people committed suicide, there were 113 abortions performed, and 200 people died. It's easy enough to look at the numbers and think "hmm, this is really interesting" and then not think deeper into what you are seeing. These are numbers are extremely significant and should be important to us. The rate at which military expenditure increases is an vital part of our economy. It amazes me how easily the government can spend money that we don't have. The death rate is lower than the birth rate, which could eventually (and already has) lead to complications with overpopulation. I'm personally interested in which species have become extinct. It surprises me that over 2,000 have died off this year, and I haven't heard anything about it.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s interesting that Military Expenditures, Oil being Pumped, CO2 Emissions, and Earths temperature are increasing at the fastest rate. Therefore, one of our main priorities is funding for war while we mindlessly continue to drive oil-run car, which pollute our air, and push our planet further and further towards global warming. I wonder if the abortions count as deaths or are they just separate. I’m glad to see the deaths due to leprosy is the only one not in the thousands.

Anonymous said...

After intaking the awe of the website, I began closely paying attention to the numbers and such. I found this statement on the side: "The figures on this clock are approximations based on past stats and estimates. They are calculated from the beginning of the selected time period until the current time." I also found this:
I receive many suggestions for other data that could be included in the World Clock, but most of suggestions are only for the USA. The data on the world clock are for the whole world. So if you are going to suggest other data, please provide me with sources for global figures and I will be happy to consider them.

Sources for data are:
World Population: US Census Bureau
Population growth rate: CIA World Factbook
Death stats: World Health Organization
Abortions: Wikipedia
Earth Temp: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Carbon Emissions: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Species Extinct: National Wildlife Federation
Oil Production: CIA World Factbook
Cars produced: Mation Master
Bicycle Production: Earth Policy
Internet Access: Internet World Stats

Although the numbers reported may not seem exact...they seem close enough. One of the most startling things I found was that only 1/6 of the world population are internet users. It just seemed odd that so many people don't have access to what seems to be so essential. Another thing I found interesting on the website was calculating your body's age and life expectancy.

Anonymous said...

I found the clock to be interesting in the sense that if you try to visualize all the things that are taking place at this very moment it kind of makes your head spin. The military expenses did not surprise me as much as it did for other people who have commented on it because when you think about it, military expenditure never really stops across the world. someone is always fighting someone else.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I had no idea so many people died falling! Like, do they just trip from their shoelaces? Or do they like fall off a bridge? Because I'm pretty sure that should count as suicide! Either way, my brother had a dream some years ago that I fell off our balcony in Canada (eleven stories high) and right before I hit the ground, he woke up. Crazy. I'm deeply saddened by all the AIDS. I am pro-choice in regards to abortions, but the number is truly surprising!

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly enough, I always thought that infectious diseases were more widespread than noncommunicable diseases, but as I observed the numbers increase, I learned that those who are diagnosed with noncommunicable diseases are greater in number than those who are diagnosed with infectious diseases. On a normal basis, this world clock is not very helpful, but it is very interesting to know, for example, how many people die per minute or how many births there are per minute etc.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, its quite frightening to know that a world clock exists. Lets see how many deaths have accumulated after I finish writing this post. As of 6:35, 123 deaths. This clock gives me a new perspective on what goes on everyday in the world. So far, 123 people have died, realizing how quickly death strike, I realize that life is short and you will never know what will happen to you. This number is increasing as I am writing this blog, and so far most of these deaths are related to cardiovascular diseases. Americans today are so busy with their lives that they have no time to have a good meal, instead they are purchasing fast food. They are too busy to have daily exercises and this clock reveals that we need to do something about the lifestyle of many Americans. Action has been taken in FBISD. For example, since the district says we are ‘overweight’ they have limited the amount of French fries we can purchase at lunch. Moreover, they created the fitness test. Although these are just a few ways to control the intake of fast food and exercising the American public should do more. As of now there are 1,201 deaths (366 from cardio disease) . This shows the importance of knowing what you are eating.

Kenny Hoyt said...

First I enjoy the idea of the website, though how it presents the dire state of our planet seems a little ridiculous. The groups such as forest cut, species extinct, and desertification seem to tell that the planet will soon be without forest and any other species (besides our own). Lastly I found it quite surprising that the number of deaths caused by war are lower than many of the other categories. I must wonder though if countries where genocide and other acts like this are included in the deaths by war.

Anonymous said...

I was very surprised to see that war was in the last spot for the amount of injuries. Now I wasn't surprised to see that cardiovascular disease, STD/HIV/AIDS, and respirartory ranked as #1 in their categories. I've seen those diseases effect those around me, whether they be family, friends, or just someone I've come in contact with. I'm very puzzled at the amount of oil pumped. I wonder what the number would look like if America pumped more of its own oil than taking it from another country. Although I realize that abortion is a very controversial topic, 3.5 million abortions isn't alot in comparison to the amount of births and the rest of the population. This is overall a very interesting site.

Danielle Chan said...

it is amazing to see how much is being spent by the military. the question is how reliable is this world clock? is it based on the assumptions of how many of each thing happens every second, or is it what is truly happening. it is also interesting that the rate in which a person is born is at most twice as fast as the rate of death and abortion. so if for every two people born there is two more dead (one from death at the same times as one from abortion), how is it that the population increases so rapidly?

STR said...

Its rather astonishing and unfortunate to see how much greater the world-wide birth rate is as compared to the death rate. The world's population is growing exponentially while the means by which we accomodate these new persons are not. Additionally, its interesting to realize that (although the clock is merely an approximation not based on empirical facts)you are essentially watching people die through their statistical representation.

Heather Pierce said...

I'm really curious how accurate this thing is. And it strikes me as slightly creepy that I can sit here and watch the death count rise, including specific ways people are dying. Also, it seems crazy for the population to be increasing by about 2.5 people a second. How long can we handle population growth that fast? Won't we run out of resources eventually? Not to mention space. Where are these people going to go? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

wow its amazing how fast the numbers increased, and in jus 5 mins alone millitary spending was 10.5 million. The economy as whole is drastically suffering but as indivuals we barely even notice the changes, how much would it take till we actually notice a dramastic change in our everyday life.

Brian F said...

The world clock is a great idea. I realive data is not actually being inputed every second, but i still have alot of respect for the people going around finding those averages. However, the most inpresive thing about the whole site is the "Now" bottom. It really allows you to see an impressive piece of data. I am amazed how quickly the military expenditure goes up everytime I refresh the "Now" bottom. I guess it's not a small world afterall, especially since the birth rate is at least twice as fast as the death rate. I still cannot understand how they get those averages from every country in the world. I wonder how often they change the averages with changing times.

j.d. miller said...

Beyond all the drastic growing number of birth, deaths and etc, the most important take from this clock is the world never slows down. It is a living species and is constantly growing and changing. As slow as we often think life is occurring there is actually a vast cycle going on around us. Life is to short to just wait around to pop up on the time clock as another statistic. You must live to fullest and enjoy the time you have because time never stops.

Anonymous said...

Watching the world clock, witnessing all the people acquiring diseases, animals becoming extinct, abortions performed, in just a few hours is absolutely astonishing. As a teenager, I feel like I do know what's going on in the world to some extent, but not like this. It's as if we're so sheltered from the unforgivable truths so that we're so wrapped up in our own little world so we won't notice the quickly accumulating problems in the world. It just blows my mind how the world is able to just stand by and watch as the world clock counts the inevitable downfall and degradation of the human race.

Anonymous said...

Caleb Anderson would like to point out that at the moment more people are dying from abortion than all the other listed causes of death combined. Also, look how many people are dying of miningitus. Brush your teeth. Considering the amount spent on military, we are pretty pathetic at actually killing people. Quite honestly? It takes about $14000000000 to kill one person. By the way, none of these numbers mean anything because this guy is a nutcase. Did you look at his other stuff? He's a hippy.

Chris_Khosravi said...

I think I'm on the same page as Ross Henry in terms of birth and death rates, I think they should be opposite of what they are today. As more and more people are being born and less people die, will eventually lead us to extremely scarce resources in the future. Either we need better preservation techniques on resources or we need to limit the birth rate. -Chris Khosravi Per. 3

Anonymous said...

Caleb Anderson says to click on the dolphin swim link at the bottom of the page. Observe their wisdom!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it is very interesting how things are moving at such a rapid pace every second. It is amazing how much happens in the blink of an eye. What really shocked me were the amounts of births and deaths in the time it took the page to load. Life really does go by very quickly and I should live every second like its the last.


Price said...

None of this is surprising really other than bikes being sold faster than cars, but how many bikes are bought for little kids who can't drive anyways or for adults but are never used? We've pretty much been taught to view the world pessimisticly from tv adds or whatever else although they aren't taking the next step. It's entertaining to see how fast the population is growing and dieing and why, and how much money our government is wasting or people are polluting etc.

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