In honor of Labor Day, read this article about the American worker and leave your comments.
"American workers stay longer in the office, at the factory or on the farm than their counterparts in Europe and most other rich nations, and they produce more per person over the year."
Mr. Pye... I am having MAJOR withdrawals from your class. For serious. I miss sitting in two classes in giving you a hard time. :D
How is everything going down in the Mo?
P.s. To all students who read this (it should be everyone), do the comment things on this! It's the easiest grade ever... and the articles he picks are actually fun to read (surprisingly)!
Labor Day is a great day off for all Americans who work harder than they should. It's no surprise that Americans work the hardest and put out the most products. That's what makes us the United States. This holiday is a great way of showing all the American workers that they are appreciated for what they do in their everyday lives...
-Michael Peterson
This article really gives you insight on how hard people work and I think it is good that we have one day out of the whole year to honor everyone who does their part in society. I never realized how much work MOST people in the United states actually do. This is partly because it seems almost everything says "made in China" or some other asian country.I think it is great that America notices and acknowledges the work that people do put forth.
-Kimberly Gallegos
The United States is most commonly known around the world as "the land of the free", no? People come from all around to live in the states and accomplish whatever dream their hearts desire. With that added sense of confidence and motivation, I am not surprised America is producing more per person every year. And like Kim and Michael said, I think it's great that we can spend one day to honor the millions who work hard everyday to give the U.S. the superb reputation that it has obtained to this day! =)
- Emily White
I was not surprised to hear Asia had much higher numbers for annual hours worked per person and that the U.S. had higher numbers for annual hours worked per person than Europe. It is also no surprise that Latin America, Southeast Asia and the middle East were being held back by the lack of investment in training and technology.
I do agree with Emily White that US is the "the land of the free", which is probably one of the reason people work harder here in US than everywhere else in the world. I hope that people would keep up the good work and make the US economy better. and last of all... i just want to ask... what does this article have to do with labor day? = =|||
-Yang Xie
I also agree with Emily that America is the "land of the free".America is the most diverse nation, having citizens and people from all over the world. In many cases the different countries individuals come from dont offer equal economic opportunities. America has one of the most diverse economies with many opportunities to succeed, and when people who have never had a chance finally recieve one they work their hardest. If you give individuals opportunities, they will deliver.
*Bailey McMath
I've been pretty aware that Americans are working more than they used to. My mother used to work 10 hour days but now works closer to 15 hour days. She even worked from home on Labor Day. It may be great for the economy that she's working more, but it sucks for everyone else. We're being pushed to do more and more. Eventually we're going to burn out.
Im agreeing with Jake when i say thats theres no surprise that asian has a higher annual work hour rate but then they also have such low wages that they need to make up the difference. But America deserves it because no matter how much people can bad mouth the USA's economy, the people here really do work very hard.
Considering that schools in other developed countries have been outperforming American schools for some time, it's interesting that "[American workers]...get more done per hour than everyone but the Norwegians." I wouldn't be surprised if other countries start catching up in soon in terms of worker productivity if the U.S. doesn't raise its education standards - reports of the better schools in other countries have been around for several years at least.
I too agree with Emily a lot. America being the "land of the free" gives people who come here that motivation to work the long hours for however many days they work a week. And yes, the wages here are higher than what they are, for example, in Asia. The wages people receive for their hard work are well earned and only provide many people with more motivation to receive such reward as well. American workers definitely deserve the Labor Day holiday.
-Alexa Thibodeaux
I am not surprised to see the average U.S. worker produces more wealth and labor per year than most countries. Living in such a free nation makes people want to work for their country, especially since we have free education and opportunities to advance in every way. I agree and think its great that we have a day honoring everyone on their hard work.
Well its pretty much expected that the U.S. would be in the top for being the most productive since we are more advanced than other countries. Americans tend to also have a higher cost of living than others so they tend to work more to keep up with their lifestyles.
The discrepancy between and Americans and Europeans can be attributed to the overarching dichotomy of the relationship between work and the individual goals of people in America as opposed to Europe.
America, overwhelmingly one of the most capatilist countries in the world, does not promote ideals such as dependence on government to meet the demands of individuals. This ideal is infused within us as children. We hear that "In America, we can be whatever we want" The central theme within that statement is that the individual is the determiner of their own destiny and therefore they are likely to view work as the means by which the end goal can be achieved. This would then carry over to productivity as people will derive more happiness from work if they view work as the stretch toward a goal.
Its no surprise to me that we produce more per person than many other nations. Americans are proud of where they live and show it by hard work and determination. Labor day is a great way to give thanks and recognize the hard working citizens of this country.
-Wyatt Love
yeah, i already knew that the US was outworking europe by a fair amount. however, i did not realize that east asians outworked us my that much. i am appreciative of labor day as a nice break and a way to celebrate the hard work americans put in each year, though i do feel that most of our hard work is stemmed by our more expensive lifestyles, and our productivity is therefore proportional to the money we spend in everyday life.
I'm not surprised at how American's labor hours have gone up. With the price of gas going up,everything goes up,and you'll eventually need more money. i am really thankful for Labor Day,not only because of a 3-day weekend,but i get paid 1.5x as much at work,which really helps on my part.
-Erin Wempe
I was not at all surprised by the enormous amount of hours Americans put into on a daily basis. Everyone is trying to live the dream. Here in America anything and everything is possible. And with the possibilities provided by the government to help improve education, effort is the only thing required for success.
gotta get that chedder baby!
... and on the assumption that Michael Levin is right and other developed countries education systems are stronger than their American counter parts, why is it that foreign countries still send there students here for college and university. Because ours are better. . . AMERICA!
What i got from this article is that yes China's workers may put more hours in per person compared to the average US worker but a person working many hours has no difference in whether he works a 100 hour week or a 50. I believe that the only reason workers in the US "earn more" is because of our government and our industries. They keep the flow of money in our economy and that is what allows us to have a higher pay rate then those in other countries. Thats just my two cents. =)
As I read Baiely Mcmath's blog I strongly agreed with what she was saying. America is the land of the free which leaves us with many more opportunites.Unlike other countries that strive hard for what they want and here in America its kind of just giving to us.Thats why many people that come live in the U.S. don't understand how some of us can act so selfish when it comes to working. And all there life all they ever wanted was to have a good job and make it in this life.
I agree with this article because actually americans work hard and do earn more than any other nation and has maintained its value for several years, thus the labor is expensive in US.And just as everyone else said labor day is a great way of appreciating the value that US has held since a long time.
Would anyone say that American workers are the best workers?It seems that way to me when I read the article.I've seen people mention education as a way for other nations to catch up, but it seems as if motivation and ambition plays a large role in how well Americans work.When our generation comes to be the majority of workers in America,do you think we will be as driven and hard working as the generation before us?Could the US still be the best if we aren't?
The American work ethic totally shows with the amount we produce and our GDP. Our asians to the eat are trying to catch up, but we americans don't let anyone try to out-do us. We spend more time laboring than any other country because we are proud to work for our wages and we acknowledge and commend workers that do the work that needs to be done in order to make our country the greatest.
According to the article America is basically the country who is puting in the most work hours and reaping the benefits of those hours but that is clearly predictable. Unlike foreign and undeveloped countries throughout the world America is known as the "land of opportunity" which keeps productivity at an increase. Most people have the desire to obtain " The American Dream" and realize that in order to achieve you have to be willing to go above and beyond while also taking advantage of the resources of such a powerful country.
Education and technology plays a huge part in leading Americans to became highly productive workers. If the third world countries had the resources, then there wouldnt be such a huge gap. That's probably why most people are encouraged to go to college. Does the higher number of work hours in Asia have anything to do with sweat shops?
Like the other comments, it was no shock to me that the United Staes had higher numbers for annual hours worked per person than Europe because unlike many other countires the United States is far more advanced. There will always be job oppertunites and the need for more workers. Not only that, as stated in another comment, the overall standard of living in the US is higher, so the more work hours is required for survival. To appreciate all that Americans do for the US, Labor Day is an excellent way to appreciate those who work hard.
-tiffany thomas
The article didn't say very much about how "hard" Americans worked compared to every body else in the world. Hate to be pessimistic about how "hard" Americans work but it is the simple truth that Americans are just plain privileged compared to the rest of the world. Most Americans just have that added benefit of good, affordable education, advanced technology, and a strong economy. We may have highest divided GDP in the world but that says very little about how much effort we put in. Creating income to buy a new big screen TV is very different from working to put basic nutrition on the table for your dependents. and as far as getting things done, our technology plays a pretty big role. I am not saying that Americans do not work hard. However, i feel that our superior economy is not a direct correlation with the amount of effort we put in. Many of the children in China, for example, had they my opportunities suddenly displayed at their feet, would accomplish more than i could by pure desperation alone.
I think that American workers do deserve Labor Day simply for the fact that we, as Americans, do work hard in this country. The article gave me the insight of how hard Americans really do work in America. The holiday is to honor the hard work we put forth. It is also a way of appreciation for workers in their lives that they live each and everyday. But, I was not surprised that Asia has more higher numbers for annual hours worked per person than in the United States.
-Tracy Kwong
Like most people I didn't find it at all surprising that United States worker's are the world's most productive. We have the type of economy that gives many opportunities for several people. But I agree with Livia when she says that the privileges we are benefited with as Americans influences our productivity greatly. With the advanced technology we have compared to other nations it is in some ways easier for us to be more productive.
Same here, i'm not too supraised that US economy is better than all the other nations, as Emily White said, US is "the land of the free", people worker harder when they can work for their dream. With good equipments and technology, it's no wonder than US economy is better.
Americans have consistently proven their obvious supperiority as far as effort and persistance in the office is concerned. We as a nation take the hardest workers of every other country and give them opportunity to succeed, we may not make as much money but we sure do deserve it. I'm also going to agree with my boy popp on this one and say that hard work will always pay off in the long run, but levin is also right; we have a nation to protect and it starts with our education.
"...once you have a fair idea of where you want to go, your first move will be to apply yourself in school..."
-Catcher in the Rye
Finding out that the the U.S workers are the most productive in the world basically lets me know,that our economy makes better use of the labor resource and our economy benefits from it. Technology takes a big part on the productivity of workers due to the fact that it helps get things done faster therefore the more technologically advance a country is the the better the productivity of the workers. If we were to compare countries technologies we could see how this effects the workers productivity ... =]]
Gerson Morales
this article gave me alot of insight on how hard americans really work. I wasnt surprised at the numbers nor the facts it was just interesting to see the other countries numbers compared to ours. also agreeing with jake when he said that he wasnt surprised that china had more annual work hours per person ... everybody works but we just happen to work harder in some aspects...
I do believe that the United States has the highest productivity rate in the world because more than half of Americans are working most of the day. The U.S. has so many products that are in high demand that people need to be working longer hours to make sure they satisfy their customers, because if they don't all of the money that they worked so hard for will go down the drain. People in other countries peg Americans as: lazy, fat slobs but we are not the ones who have low productivity rates, and most likely an economy not as wealthy. So, in my opinion they need to hop off our backs and step up their game! :)
As others have said, it makes sense that America has the highest production rate per person. The freedom to choose whether or not to work makes those who do choose to work a lot more inclined and happy to do their job. It's good that [most] people get an extra day out of the year to relax; they probably deserve it.
I was actually surprised the US works harder than some of the other countries mentioned, I guess I just have a false idea that Americans are "lazy". It gave me great insight in to the lives of hard working Americans and I now have a greater appreciation for them. I will not just be excited for a day off of school, Labor Day will have much more meaning in the future. I hope that the next generation will increase all of these numbers for the USA and put us as the leader we are capable of being.
--Chelsea Pletcher
This really shouldn’t shock anyone. The United States has always been denoted by the rest of the world as “the land of opportunity” since its’ colonial days when people went to seek just religious and social freedoms. Americans are simply living the American dream and working hard and efficiently while banking some good cash.
I liked how the article not only discussed America's productivity, but their Asian and European counterparts. I think that in each location, their lifestyles play a major part in their productivity.
I know a guy who traveled to an oriental country to set up the productions for his own line of mattresses. When he found out how much the workers there got paid, he insisted that he pay every person working on his product extra money in addition to their normal wages. Workers there generally get paid daily, so after they were paid quite generously the first day, no one showed up the next few days because they had made enough money to sustain a few extra days. It seems that most Asian factory workers are accustomed to working hard only for what they need. Extra money didn't motivate them to work harder, it actually did the opposite. This fluxuation also makes their productivity inconsistent. In America, I believe the opposite would be true. It seems that money motivates many Americans to do crazy things, such as working longer hours.
I think it's probably true. Americans have always been characterized as some of the hardest people in the world. That was part of what made our country so great even in its early beginnings. It's citizens were used to working for everyhting, versus people in Europe who live in socialist economies where everything is provided for them.
It's not a surprise since the United States has the highest global GDP. With affordable education, constant need of workers, and reasonable wages, this is easily possible with one of the highest capitalist countries in the world. It's also understood that Asia would be quickest in raising it's productivity to match the West due to it's accelerated and stricter education system. However, the large rural population hidden from the majority of the world still, and most likely always will, pose a detrimental problem.
It is not at all a surprise that the United States, being the symbol of effective capitalism, is currently the title-holder as the "world's most productive" country. With advanced technology and a thriving economy, we do not necessarily need to work as diligently as those in the Asian countries. I do agree with Livia that we don't work as hard as those in China; but, isn't life more than just work? If I were the desperate who has found wealth, I would have rather enjoyed some time with family alone.
Labor Day is a good day off to all the hard working americans. From the number of our production compared to other nations explain why this day is important. We work so much to satisfy the people's needs that one day off a year is well worth it. May not be too much but for the hard workers, this day is a big realxing day.
It amazed me that America's workers are the most productive in the world because everywhere you look there are products made from China or some Latin American country and barely any products made from the United States. I was also suprised that the Asian countries are more productive than we are, but they're not. America is actually really well off. We are the most productive nation in the world, so why do people think that America's economy is so bad right now?
-Maggie Wann
The media continually hypes how bad the U.S' economy is and it is no doubt that the fact that reality suggests the opposite is the reason why CNN published this article.
I would have expected Asia to be higher. However, the fact that the U.S. produces more wealth than Asia despite Asia's longer work hours certainly demonstrates the efficiency of the U.S. workforce. The article does mention that Asia's productivity is on the rise, but can the U.S. sustain its position at the top? The fact that this country's education system is not considered one of the better ones among developed countries gives me doubts...
Maggie makes a very valid point. I, too, was surprised to see the US as the most productive country for the same reason that Maggie was. I have always felt that we Americans were lazy and spoiled and ungrateful for everything we have. As for why people think the economy is terrible, I don't know. I think when one person makes a comment hinting toward economic trouble, everyone freaks out, even though the majority of them probably have little to no knowledge whatsoever about the subject. Just saying.
Like everyone else, I am not surprised that Americans are the hardest workers. We, as Americans, have more opportunities and options. We should be taking advantage of this. But the other countries are catching up to us. For example, a lot of the computer and engineering jobs are going to India. Asia as a whole is progressing. Soon they will be working more because they have more opportunities than us.
Americans are fiercely independent; alot of us, like me, believe that only you yourself can determine whether or not you want to be successful in life. So I think citizens work so hard here [America] because we aren't inhibited by the government or anyone else in how much success we can earn. Americans are really free to do what they want; whether by working their butts off to make dreams come true , or live on the streets. So I guess laboring Americans have a drive not found in other countries
America is well known for its people, especially its workers. In America, people everyday are trying their hardest to earn a descent living. Some having better luck than others. It said in the article that Asian countries have higher worker hours than most other countries. However, those worker hours are probably not as well spent than in the United States. Even though our workers work fewer hours, we still manage to out work other countries.
-Randy Laran
I have actually read something about this before in my French class. The French people get around eight weeks vacation every year, as well as having a 35-hour work week. Granted, the French do not produce as much per person as Americans. Honestly, I think it is worth it to forgo producing more in order to have a better quality of life. This is not just me being a lazy teenager and wanting to work as little as possible. Sure America is economically prosperous, but we are also one of the most stressed nations. We live on Starbucks coffee and four hours of sleep a day. I think the sacrifice is worth is to enjoy living my life more.
I was actually surprised to see that had more labor time than all the other countries.I honestly thought that country like Japan or China would be at the top,but i guess that if u wanna be the best at things you have to put in the time and effort that goes along with.
Actually, before reading this article i thought of labor day as some blow off day. I've never been much into the economy, but now looking at the figures i appreciate this day. America (also known as the land of opportunity) is full of diversity, many people come to work and for a better life. Labor day is just a day to give back to all the people who work hard.
I was really surprised that one of the east asian countries wasn't the top laborers or had the most product output. You always here about so much of the manufacturing jobs going to china and vietnam and korea. I figured that if they worked such long hours, much more than americans, they would have the higher output. And where the heck did Norway come from? I've never even heard anything about it and you would think i would since it is in first place for work output. The only thing i associate Norway with is Vikings....
-Carolyn Ramsey
I honestly am kind of surprised that we Americans clock
in the most hours at work and get done more per hour than many other nations,especially China because you always here how they are the major producers for most goods in the states. In contrast, it makes sense that we obtain the most hours worked because when you think about the wide range of jobs in the work force like the actual home builders and doctors, theyre there from sun up to sun down not really getting much of a break. It makes me mad that we Americans are generalized as a "fat and lazy" nation when in reality, stats tell the truth, and we beat out all other product producing nations and produce the second most in an hour. I think others are jeleous and should keep comments to themselves.
Frankly, I am not surprised at all by the information mentioned in this article. Despite the fact that we are "the bad guys" to most people around the world, Americans in fact produce many goods to other countries. Personally, I just cannot see Europeans working nearly as much as Americans, just because they lead different life styles. Additionally, the United States has the best economy in the world, so of course we would produce the most. Americans take great pride in their work and it clearly shows in the figures.
-Tim Lai
Yeah I agree it is no surprise that the American people are working extremely hard and effectively, thus having a high production rate. Plus, the technological and communication advances further help our country to far surpass the productivity of other countries around the world. America is the best place in the entire world. Hooraah!!
Due to the United States wealth of opportunities and "for the people" attitude, it seems very inviting to foreigners and others struggling to live in other parts of the world. With Americas increasing population,I am not shocked to hear we are among the top countries for production output. It is great to see that all of "the peoples" work, which directly contributes to our country's economic success, does not go unnoticed. Labor Day is a necessary holiday that should make workers feel they are appreciated!
-Katie Carlseen
This just goes to show the benefits of competition on productivity in a nation. Capitalism allows natural selection to take place, therefore only the fittest (most efficient/productive) survive. Hurray for Capitalism!
However even some Asian workers had worked much longer than the ones here, the productivity rate was lower than the “not-so-diligent” worker had. And the reason was “a lack of investment in training, equipment and technology.” It tells us that not only resources are significant, but also the technologies, equipment and education are important in order to reach economic growth.
Seeing im one of the last to comment, it was intresting to read most comments. The article was very intresting. Im sick of hearing how americans are lazy and dont work at all. I hope people in the world realize that America is about oppurtunity, there are no such things as sweat shops here in America. My boy popp is correct in the fact, we live in the best dam country, but the fact is Levin is right. Kids our age are outpreforming us in education and we will see the decline in America if things are not changed in the educational system. And zim, quoting from catcher of the rye, well thats just beastin.
I am not suprised that Americans are one of the most hard working people when compared to europeans. But like michael said with the recent questions of the American educational system, it would not suprise me if other european countries caught up to us. Americans always work so long because if someone slacks off, there is always someone waiting there to take there place. That is why America is one of the best countries because people are always striving to be the best.
-Reubin Sabu
This article states lots of truth. Americans are really hard working citizens. When one does not fulfill the requirements, there is always another person who is willing to work just as hard, in order to do so. This has to do with the image of America, being the "promise land" for had working people. People far and wide come to America to see their dreams and goals be successful. So, who would slack off when it's your goal, dream, and your own earnings firing you up to work even harder.
- Kat Kessler
It's no surprise that America's workers are most productive. Many people come to America in order to receive the chance to provide what they didn't have as a child. They work extra hard to get where they want to be. America, being the culture melting pot it is, has an advantage of containing varied cultures that bring myriad ideas. As they say, "two heads are better than one," especially when they can compliment each other with their different backgrounds and views.
It's no surprise that America's workers are most productive. Many people come to America in order to receive the chance to provide what they didn't have as a child. They work extra hard to get where they want to be. America, being the culture melting pot it is, has an advantage of containing varied cultures that bring myriad ideas. As they say, "two heads are better than one," especially when they can compliment each other with their different backgrounds and views.
This article really helps people better understand the point for Labor Day. American's work most 5 out of the 7 days a week, some even more then that. It is no suprise that America works the hardest out of the other countries. I think it is an honor to the workers to have this special holiday to show our appreciation.
-- Lindsey Bub
the article has some very good information on some things I have been thy king about for awhile. Everything is made in china but what does that mean? America has a huge trading defecit but what does that mean? It's good to know that despite these common assumptions, the united states is still the economically strong country. We as individuals still produce more than double what the Chinese do which is always good to know.
It was surprising first to discover that the United States was only second to Norwegian workers in productivity but even more so to see how fast much of the world is catching up. What wasn't surprising, however, was that Asia led the world in number of hours worked. American workers are motivated by the competitive wages they earn so it makes sense that they would clock in overtime.
Is says something that Asia works more hours than us, yet we still are more productive. I feel that an iron fist doesn't always get the job done. Americans have worked hard in order to get where we are today, and I'm sure that we'll continue to work hard in the future. There's nothing like our American determination. It goes a long way.
I'm really liking this article, it shows and credits the hard workers of America. Most of the products that I have seen, all arrive from Asia, and to even hear that America is right up there as well, shows that the American people work just as hard and more.I'm proud to hear that we produce more per person every year. This day shows recognition and appreciation to all who work for the betterment of this country.
I have to agree with Nora, there is no surprise in the fact that Americans work more than other countries. Americans have the freedom to do a lot more than the European money makers. For instance, our freedom of speech and religion allow us more opportunities than the strict foreign powers. Americans work hard for what their money, and if that means working longer and producing more then that's what's going to happen.
Reading this article definitely makes me feel proud that all the hard work that Americans go through paid off. We rank in one of the top spots and yet I'm not surprised. America has been known as the "free" country, there really is no comparison to other countries. I'm sure the working citizens of our country proudly works knowing that they are working for something good. I also feel content knowing that we set aside one day out of the year to honor those working citizens who got us to where we are today. :)
-Nisha Emanuval
This article doesn't really surprise me. U.S workers are the most productive. That's why we have the world's best economy. We produce more and work more. The only reason why Asia has more work hours is because of all the American businesses there. But if we work so hard and do so much can we get a raise on the minimum wage? We're dying here!
-Nico Sullivan-
Americans have no choice but to work in order to live comfortable. So its not suprising that we are the hardest working country. Seeing as though we have such a diverse country and they come from places where you work harder for lower wages. Given this opportunity they take it and run with it.
We are a country that is more advanced than most countries in the world but however it seems that we are spending more and more money to survive in this country. Other countries however don't have the opportunities that we do so they have to work more in order to survive and provide.
Labor Day is a great day to show all Americans, that each and everyone of us work hard, a day to slow down from our busy lives and reflect on how we have come so far to improve this country. Reading this article made me realize how important it is to stop and think about how much America really means to all of us, due to the effort we put forth in helping better our economy. GO AMERICA!
I believe that asia will soon catch up and eclipse America in labor and worker productivity, especially since China is starting to show more and more capitalistic trends. but America can still prove she has what it takes to get 'er done.
People can bad talk all they want about the USA's economy, but it all comes down to how much pride we take in our work. So maybe Asia works longer hours than we do, but the US, to me, does alot more back-breaking jobs, not just assembling. We are the land of the free, and we choose to work those hours. We could sit around all day being bums living off Ramen Noodles, but we choose to work for what we want, giving us a reason to be proud of the work we do.
-Hannah Fisher
P.s. Sorry I know it's late but I fell asleep after the football game(which we WON by the way!) and I just woke up. So I'm doing it now. I'll talk to you about it on monday.
Labor day is boss. I think it's awesome that we take notice in how much we accomplish as a nation. Because more often than not we are easily, as is the rest of world, caught up in our (many) faults rather than our plethora of successes.
I commend those who work so hard to make America the country it is. :D
Ironic how the longer hours that the people in Asia work yet have less productivity output then America. Longer hours of working does not equal more productivity, it just give more stress and more burdens on the workers. The enormous amount of work pile up and just crush the workers, lowering their productivity per person; where as in Aemerica, shorter work hours gives workers more time to rest and prepare for further work given, thus a more productivity rate.
Labor Day is awsome because we recognize how hard we work as a nation. It is very rewarding and shows that we deserve it because we are very efficient in our work. We also get a day off from school for it!
considering the fact that school in other developing countries like india and china are doing better than schools in america, but the average worker in america puts forth better work for the capita that an average worker in developing nations. i think labor day is a great way to honor millions of hard working americans and show the appreciation for what they are doing.,
I really feel that Americans are the hardest working people. Every single American works hard to strive for the "American Dream", even immigrants from other countries come to our nation to achieve this dream. The article further shows how dedicated we really are to our great nation and I believe Labor Day is a great day to honor every single hard working American.
It is no surprise that American's lead the world in productivity. America has been known as being the top in business, health care, you name it. Yet while we have been growing so much these past few decades we cannot ignore the immediate change in Asian countries as well. Rather than trying to compete with one another, it might be best to learn from them as to how they are booming so quickly.
^ Ashley Abraham
per 7
It makes sense that America has the highest production rating. We work really hard and don't take vacations. It's kind of like a really smart person who gets really smart because they study all the time and don't have a social life. we are also very high on the list of depressed people and this could correlate to the. I am just sayin'
i think american workers work harder an longer than those in other countries because there rewards are often greater. also the work environments are also more favorable, if you have something more to work for an a good place to do what u need to do you can accomplish alot. Labor day is a good day to take a look at how hard americans work honestly i think americans around the world are considered lazy. An this day shines light on the fact that americans are truly hard workers.
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