Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Scarlet Letter for Drunk Drivers

What do you think of this plan being proposed in the state of Washington? Get convicted of drunk driving and your car is affixed with a bright yellow license plate for a year. Will this serve as a deterrent? The bill's author seems to think it will prevent repeat offenses, and warn the rest of us to give these cars a wide berth. What do you think?


Jessica McLellan said...

That's a little harsh. Everyone makes mistakes. Some are worse than others, of course, such as driving under the influence, but there are exceptions to every rule. I think it may work to some degree to deter people from doing it, but there will always be the people who just don't care.

Anonymous said...

If people care about their appearances, this will be more likely to stop them from drinkin' n' drivin'. I'm confident that most people who do drink n' drive don't care about their appearances anyway. I agree that a drunk driver has no basis to argue with a yellow stained license plate. They should always assume full responsibility of the punishments of their actions. But I can also see how this a revival of classic conservatism of labeling people to achieve a "better, more conformed" society. They believe that they are setting "examples" when in reality they are really dividing society through discrimination. Overall, a yellow license plate is like a ripple in the ocean of reasons not to drive drunk. Knowing the severe risks of getting plastered should be enough to deter anyone of logic not to drive. Otherwise, they are so incredibly ignorant of alcohol effects that they can only find reason not to drive under the influence because of yellow.. license... plates...done.

Anonymous said...

It may deter some from drinking and driving but probably not most of the people who would. A scarlet letter for drunk drivers is a little extreme. I was wondering... don't drunk drivers get there licenses suspended anyways if they have repeat offenses?

Anonymous said...

Seriously? I can understand where they're coming from with this. Really, I can. But what makes them immediately think of doing something to the license plates? 1 DUI offense and you get a yellow plate. What happens after a repeat offense? Does it go into orange, then red, blue, purple, etc? To me this seems like the system we had back in elementary school. Sure, back then you didn't want your color changed and it was basically the end of the world, but we were also way less educated. People who drink and then go driving around, obviously don't really care about what's happening so I don't see how the plate color will have anything to do with this. And as for the part where it's going to "warn" other drivers.... I wouldn't want other drivers to be staring at a license plate and then slamming on the breaks to get away from them. Besides, it could have been a one time thing. Or it might not even be their car. Like.. if I got a DUI( charge in my mom's car and she had to have the yellow plate, what then? If they HAVE to do such a thing... at least have like... a limit. I know anything over the legal limit of blood alcohol level is still considered DUI, but what happens if someone had one too many glasses of wine at dinner and were barely tipsy. I don't think that the colored plate is needed in that case. I think it's should be like... anyone that's so many points over the legal limit should get it. Or give them a warning. I dunno.

Anonymous said...

Drunk driving is completely stupid because it is 100% preventable. If you know you are going to be drinking, name a DD or get a cab. I think this is great because these guys can be a threat to themselves all they want, I don't care. But the second that they become a threat to my nephews and niece or my parents or my friends or me, that is completely irresponsible on thier part and I would very much appreciate knowing that the driver in front of me is a repeated drunk driver.

Anonymous said...

i think that the license plate is a great idea. its only fair to know if ur on the road with a convicted drunk driver. just as how pedophiles have to register so as to know ur childs endangered, one should be able to know if their life is possibly at risk. my uncle was killed by a drunk driver and i think its only fair that they should be marked with a "scarlet letter"

Anonymous said...

Well, I can see it becoming some sort of mark of pride. "Oh look at my yellow license's because I'm stupid and I drive drunk..."

Anonymous said...

I think it's a fabulous idea! One word- Europe. In various countries there, one drunk driving offense and your license is revoked- for LIFE. You can bet they don't have that many problems with it. A system like that seems overly harsh, but it works. I totally agree with Jeremy, and, if nothing else, it will be a deterrent. At least we can decrease the number of people who are killed for no reason.

Jonny T said...

I think its a great idea, this way people will be embarassed to drive around with a license plate that shows they were caught at least once driving under the influence. As a result people will start to drive more responsibly and maybe they could reduce the number of crashes and death due to drunk drivers. Another great thing about this license plate is that it with warn the other drivers, and that way they will try and stay as far as they possibly can.

Ivette said...

Really? I, for one, think it's going to do nothing. I drive drunk and I get punished by a yellow license plate, ooooh. If you want to reduce drunk driving, like Deborah brought up, use the European system. People that drive drunk obviously don't care that they are endangering their lives and that of those around them. Do they honestly think that d.drivers are going to care about what people say about their big bad yellow license plates? I think it is a stupid idea that will provide little results yet spend tax payers money.

Unknown said...

straight up, who cares if someone's license plate is another color. that changes absolutely nothing. they are still going to drive, and its not like you can just avoid people with these plates if you want to, they are still going to be on the road. plus i seriously doubt that it will deter anyone from doing it. i wouldnt care if i had a different color plate. in fact it might make people feel special. anyway the moral is if you are going to drink get at DD
(btw if you need one, give me a call).
so dont give drunk drivers a mark that they could possibly be proud of, revoke their license for a couple of months

Anonymous said...

Useless. Harsher sentences please.
Get a DD or don't do it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but when I drive, I'm not looking at the license plates on the cars around me. What can I do if I see it anyhow? Switch to next lane? Get out of my car and lecture the person inside the vehicle? I doubt the public in general will know what it means anyhow. They'll probably think it's some "tricked out" license plate.

E WHITE said...

i don't think it will do anything other than make people that are of importance angery because then everyone will know that the got a DUI. I don't think it will cause other drivers to be cautious because the yellow plates are only the small percentage of drivers that were caught and there are miilions more out on the roads.

Anonymous said...

Getting drunk is a the lifestyle of some people, but then being drunk and driving is completely idiotic. I think there should be more of a punishment rather than giving them a different colored license plate to just ridicule him/her. They should be tortured for risking the lives of others on the roads.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the idea of the liscense plates! I am tired of all these people getting away with drunk driving with just a fine then the next day everything is cleared. US needs to find a way to prevent these deadly acts upon oneself and OTHERS and the liscense plate just might be the right thing. I understand that a wife and husband could drive the same car, but honestly why would u let ur husband go behind the wheel like that in the first place? People should communicate better in situations like that and this consequence just might open one's eyes. I am tired of hearing about accidents on the news always relating to over abundance of alcohol...the liscense plate hopefully will teach them their lesson.

chelbi jackson!

Micah Cid said...

I like this idea! Maybe it's because I like watching people swerve all over the road.

However, this won't really stop deaths and crashes because most "innocent" people involved with drunk drivers are blindsided.

Anonymous said...

It honestly depends on the person..if someone is truly offended by this scarlet letter and is concerned about public embarrassment, then it will hinder future acts..but, for the person who really doesn't mind what apparent color their plate is, the act will continue.

Anonymous said...

Well I dono how embarassed if be driving around with a yellow license plate, I personally think that something more drastic should be done then a yellow license plate....

Ben Khosravi said...

I think it's an excellent idea. It puts the once drunken driver in shame for the public to ridicule. I would definitely like to know who drives under the influence so that I can stay clear of them on the roads. We need this in Texas.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a good idea. I don't care if you are being stripped of your rights. If you are dumb enough to drink and drive, you deserve to be humiliated while you drive.

Anonymous said...

That is so ironic. Just on the way to school today I came up with a similar idea and told it to Curtis. I said that bad drivers should have different colored license plates like if they run reds it should be red, rearend, it should be blue, or sideswipe it should be orange, etc. I hadn't even read the blog but Curtis had and he told me what it was. I think that is a great idea, and they should take it even further by giving it to stupid drivers too! I would like to know which people have clean records and which cars have horrible records when their driving 60mph next to my trembling little toyota corolla.

Anonymous said...

Even though I think this idea is a little harsh, so are the results of drunk driving! Tons of innocent people are killed from other people's drunk mistakes. Why not punish the suckers. Plus, Americans are consumed with appearances so I'm pretty sure people will think twice before sippin' and getting in the driver's seat! DD's are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I dont think changing the color of a license plate will stop people from drinking and driving. If they dont care enough now to drive safe and sober, why would a different color license plate change their mind?

Anonymous said...

I dont agreee with the liscence plate thing. its embarassing enough to go thorough shame from getting caught driving drunk, that adding another year of visible humilliation is unneccessary. youve gotta have some sympathy for those who may have made a wrong choice one night, and are scared for life.

Unknown said...

I think this idea is a good idea for a society that cares about the image the evoke, but truthfully most people don't care. I like the European idea of banning the license forever. If you're careless, thoughtless, and stuipid enough to endanger someone else's life, then you should not have the privilege of holding a driver's license

Jennifer Ly said...

i think it's somewhat of a good idea because it can warn other drivers to take caution but as for a punishment ON the drunk driver? not so much.

Anonymous said...

I really don't foresee colorful license plates acting as viable tools by which society may humiliate drunkards into not driving drunk. If they're intoxicated, I doubt they'll have the capacity to be ashamed of driving after noticing their colorful licesne plate.
However, this idea is useful in terms of making surrounding drivers aware of the fact that the driver may be drunk and to take caution around them.

Anonymous said...

i think it's a good idea. A different colored license plate can not only warn others driving on the road but also possibly decrease the number of DUIs. So many people in this country care about their appearance and dont want it to be ruined many will think about the consequences of their appearance before drinking

Macko said...

Now what? People can try to stay a lane away from people with colored license plates? This is dumb. Sounds like there's going to be some serious competition among colleges about which college can get the most colorized plates.

Anonymous said...

I think its a good idea. The drive to not get the yellow tag will hopefully reduce it, and if you do get one, then you will know to avoid that car if it starts swerving late at night.

Anonymous said...

I think its a good idea, however there are some reasons why they shouldn't do that. This is a good way to inform drivers of who is driving the car next to them. They know to drive with caution around those drivers. Those who have made the mistake of driving under the influence will have to face major consequences of driving for a year with tags that describe what they have done. However, families with only one car will have to face the consequences of driving with colored tags. This idea should keep people from drinking and driving, but then again, there are some people who just don't care.

Anonymous said...

That is ... whoa. I think that that would drastically lower the drunk driving rate. That is embarrassing and i think that it should be instituted and upheld...

Being that you have that certain license plate, cops will be looking at you and everything, and people know who to avoid on the road... they will learn... and think twice before doing it again. People care too much about appearances.

Anonymous said...

the bright yellow license plate is a great idea, it's just that some people wouldnt care if they got it anyway. The only thing that would happen is they would be more noticable to the police. Other than that, people will still continue to drink and drive, that's not likely to change anytime soon, but hopefully this will deter at least a few aesthetically conscious people

Anonymous said...

I do like the idea they present...but I'm not sure they should use the plates after the first offense. I would love to see how this works though. Hopefully if this goes through they will keep detailed records about the rates of drunken driving/accidents/etc.

BUT I also think prevention is better and more effective than punishment. We could start investing more time and money into preventive measures, designated driver programs, safe transportation options, etc...But this is a start at least. It's an important issue and we need to keep working for solutions...

Anonymous said...

I do not think that this will humiliate drunk drivers as much as it will warn those driving around them. Thus, I think it is a step in the right direction. However, that should not under any circumstance be the extent of the drunk driver's punishment.

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