As we embark on this new semester of Economic study, I am curious to know what Economics means to you and what role it plays in your life. Leave your comments.
Mr. Pye
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
currently, economics is not playing an important role in my life. Only because I am dependent upon my parents. Though, 4-5 months from now, when I move out from my house; I will have to "concernicus" about economics more. Inflation is a big problem, in which our government is printing an excess of bank notes that our treasury cannot back up. Overall, I just hope to be self-sufficient by the time I pay my own bills, buy my own home, and have my own life.
Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources. =P take that.... - Jew
Economics means not getting a pie. =( - Havern
Economics means there is no such thing as a free lunch! - Kate :]
Economics means watching people freak out about every fluctuation in the market/worth of the dollar/cost of products/etc...I find the entire "production" fascinating because everyone is looking for a solution, even when there isn't really a problem.
Basically, economics is like watching a ripple in the pond--an isolated incident in one area can carry over into surrounding areas. A bad harvest season raises the prices of fruit; difficulties with foreign oil raises the prices of everything; fear about a recession leads to everyone trying to get RID of stocks (and hence leading to recession); a writers' strike leads to reruns and bad TV shows (haha); etc. With economics, nothing is truly an isolated event. It is a very reactive atmosphere. "It's just a game of give and take..." :)
Since most of the things I love to do involve money, economy and the management of money is very important. I hope to have gained enough knowledge from my parents so that upon leaving for college I spend money wisely. I guess it helps that I'm a pretty cheap person although some things are unavoidably expensive.
Personally, Economics means moeny to me. I know that stock markets have to do with it and I know that people freak out about it a lot. But thankfully, I'm living my parents at the moment and don't have to worry to much about it. That'll change soon though. Very soon.
I don't really know to much about Eco... but what I do know is that it involves money and its uses throughout the country. I remember investments and prices in this country being a part of that as well. Not much to show for the future investors of America! =]
Well, to me economics means an empty gas tank and the things that go up and down, you know, stocks, that my dad talks about. Since I use money, I guess economics is a slightly important thing. No, but seriously, money is important and knowing how to manage it and understand it will effect the choices I make. Yadda yadda yadda...:)
I dont really follow the economy and the stock market..even though my dad heavily invests in the stocks related to his company..you would think i would pay more attention to the money that comes into my household, but not really. At least not yet, maybe after this class I'll take it into perspective and actually notice the economy. Economics as a whole means money to me; I like money and since the world revolves around money, i guess Economics is important.
-Dmitriy from Russia
Economics basically means the stock market to me, and only because I know my dad invests stock in companies he thinks will do well. Otherwise than that, I don't know much about it. I'm sure I know more about economics than I think I do, and that I just didn't realize that what I knew fit under the title of "economics." I'm also sure once I become more independent from my parents economics will have much more meaning to me, but until then, and right now, I don't know all that much about it.
To me, economics gives me the mental picture of the circle of guys doing push-ups with their feet on the shoulders of the guy behind them- everything depends on everything else. The only way it matters to me is the face my dad makes when I need gas or his explanation of how the price of corn makes milk really expensive=)
When I hear the word "economics" I feel it's just a fancy term for money, but I know economics has more to it than money. It seems interesting and difficult, and it's kind of scary to imagine losing thousands of dollars in one day. It's also amazing how the stock market is interconnected throughout the world.
Economics in one word means money. How you get it, how you spend it, and everything in between.
I have never really paid much attention to the stock market or economics as a whole. My parents do not invest in anything and I guess because they don't I have never had a real reason to pay much attention to it. I have always been a little curious, though...
What Economics means to me is that it has something to do with money, such as stocks and anything that relates to money in the way of gaining it or losing it.
Another thing Economics means to me is an AP class that I will succeed in with an A.
Economics is a study of incentives. What impels someone to take one course of action over another? I’d like to think that the basic premise of this study is focused on the ideal that society tends to make decisions based on the expectation that one particular action will yield a desired outcome. So then, economics is a study of choices made upon an evaluation of incentives; conventional wisdom dictates that it deals primarily with how we handle money, but economics applies to essentially all evaluative decisions that we make.
economics to me seems like it is the relation between the use of money and the invesment of money. economy is i guess interesting in the fact that you can make lots of money or watch people lose ALOT of money. Stocks can be a fun way to earn a quick buck but you have to watch your self and not get too cocky or youll poor all the money down the toilet like a dead fish ;)
economics to me seems like it is the relation between the use of money and the invesment of money. economy is i guess interesting in the fact that you can make lots of money or watch people lose ALOT of money. Stocks can be a fun way to earn a quick buck but you have to watch your self and not get too cocky or youll poor all the money down the toilet like a dead fish ;)
Economics means getting that cash money by investing in stocks that represent certain companies. I don't really know much more than that. However, I do know that civilization could not function without economics and because of that I am curious to obtain more knowledge on such matter.
Economics to me means how to deal with money. I don't follow it or pay attention to it because I let my parents do the work. Maybe I will later on in life, when it's my money I have to deal with and survive on, I will start to watch it carefully.
Economics, to me, means how to play with your money in the best way. Where should I buy stocks? When do I sell my stocks? It is a game of luck and timing, and a game in which everybody can be a winner or loser. In my opinion, the economy is a game that flucuates too drastically, which is depressing, seeing how it does control our lives.
To me, economics means simply being aware of the money I earn/spend and how the loss or gain of resources affects, for example, how far I can drive, etc. I have never paid much attention to the economy on a much more general scale than that but I know economics serve as the building blocks of society and a drastic change in the economy can affect almost everyone.
Economics, to me, is the study of money and the effects it has on the production of goods. It is a pretty important matter. Knowing how to deal with money and the stock market, for instance, would be very beneficial.
According to my friend Shannon Kintner, Economics is apparently "a social science concerned with maximizing limited resources to match unlimited wants." While that sounds good and well, I have no idea what it means. To me, economics is the study of money in relation to the economy.
Economics involves math and numbers. Economy revolves around markets, businesses and stuff and it goes up and down- sometimes randomly and sometimes predictably. You put money in stocks to make money when economy is good. I know that prices fluncuate when economy changes. During times like the depression, there was bad economy. Money can be worth less than usual. Poor countries that are not fully developed also have bad economy. Like everyone else that commented, I think of economy as something that deals with money but i dont really understand the real meaning of economics. What i said above is just everything that comes to mind when i hear the word.
yehboyjor88= jordan yeh
Econnomics means finance and everything related to money. The stock market falls under the topic of economics.
I dont know too much about econimics at all actually, except for the fact that it deals with money, and that its vital to a society. On the news or in history books i've often heard that the economy was booming or that the nations economy was low, or something like that, but i never really gave it much thought. Oh well, i guess i'll learn now.
i think economy is with me as far as everyday life goes because i earn money and spend it, and in some way that does some thing?..i have no idea.
Although I do not know much about "Economics," I do know that it involves money and the stock market. Thankfully I still live with my parents. I have occasionally overheard my parents talk about stocks, but it has always seemed very confusing to me.
To me, economics means money and the ways you use it. I know that it deals with the stock market, but I don't pay attention to it as much as I should.
Economics as a word means the science of money and how it circulates throughout the world.
Economics to me means pretty much nothing. I have never paid any attention to it but I am actually pretty interested in it because money is always something good to have. I look forward to learning whatever you can teach me Mr. Pye.
Well, I do not know alot about economics but like everybody else I know it deals with money and the stock market. The first thing that pops to my mind is a bunch of people yelling "sell sell sell!" Economics doesn't really mean much to me as far as my everyday life but I know it could in the future.
I actually never pay much attention to a conversation once the word economy is mentioned. To me it seems too broad of a word to truly understand everything it could possibly mean. The main subject I think of when i hear "economics" is definately the stock market!! Then i picture all of those men waving their hand in the air, watching stocks move up and down on wall street. I am excited about learning what economics truly means instead of just taking a guess.
Economics means many things to me. It defines how much it costs to fill up my car with gasoline, how costly currency exchange will be if I travel abroad, and how much my college of choice will charge for out-of-state tuition. Although I am not currently involved or very knowledgeable about the stock market or its components, I am truly hoping that this course will enlighten me and help me prepare for the "real world" I will soon have to face.
After reading over the lessons on what economics is, and taking the quiz I was able to get a more specific meaning of economics. Economics=Scarcity=Wants>Availability of Resources.
To me though economics, is something that affects people world wide even if they are not direct business owners or stock owners. For instance, when I go to medical school in India this summer I hope that i get a good exchange rate from the bank because that can determine if i have to spend at least $25,000 more for my fees. I'm hoping that todays exchange rate of around 38 rupees for the dollar will become higher so I can get more money for my dollar. India is going up while the American dollar is sadly depreciating. :/
Economics playing an important role since I borrow money from my month to play stock in China. After I move to the U.S. economics became less important. But after I got my car and star drive, economics once again became important in my life.
economics means to me whatcing the economy...something that I do not do often. The recession iis really sticking out since it is being talked about more than anything else at this point. the most effect the economy has on me is my check from QVCC which isnt the best so so far to me the econmy is just ("trbl" - Charles Barkley)
Economics is a class we have to take in order to graduate. I dont really know to much about the stock market, everytime i think about the stock market i think of people shouting and throwing paper. Personally I think the stock market is a big gamble. But I hope Pye's class will teach me how to avoid loosing all my money.
basically all economics means to me is money, how its used, where its used, and its use. pretty much anything there is to know about money is covered by economics. by this definition, therefore, it would play a huge role in my life as i spend money pretty much everyday, from getting gas to buying candy and whatnot.
Economics has to do with money and how much an economy has or does not have. This depends on how succesful a business is at producing and distributing a product.
Ecomomics affects me because I am a consumer.
To me, economics means the study of stuff I've been hearing about since elementary school: the stock market, supply and demand, etc. I don't really know much else, except that it has to do with money and how it's used. I suppose it affects me because I get a paycheck every two weeks and if people didn't like the food that we sold, I would be broke.
Economics means studying what goes on financially. it means money. i dont really know much more than that, thats why im in the class.
Economics is important, i guess. But frankly, so far I haven't found its significant importance in my life. But, I do believe it plays a major role in the world's stock market...
Economics means money.... thats pretty much all, just money aka the dollar and all other currrency.
I know that economics has to do with money and stocks. I also probably know a lot of the vocab that goes with it, but probably don't realize it. Also, it has a lot to do with the hole in my pocket where my gas money used to be.
In terms of the role it plays in my life, economics will help me get to college :)
Economics for me is learning how to make money and find a way to hold onto it. Thats easier for me right now just because i also rely on my parents income.
economics to me means something having to do with money and even though i'm not really aware of what's going on with it i'm sure that I will by the end of this semester .......Krystal
Economics = money, and people going crazy about their stocks. Well at least thats what I think about when I hear people talk about economics. I guess economics also has a lot to do with money managing, and making right choices to see what stocks to invest in. So economics may play a bigger role in my life then I thought.
Economics means the value of everything to me including work, money, a home and techonolgy. Right now the economy is effecting the cost of college for me but in the future I hope to be a watcher of the U.S. economy and hopefully watch it grow.
Essentially, economics is the study of money and everything it pertains to. Of all of the subjects in school, economics is honestly the one i have the least prior knowledge about. I am looking forward to finally gaining an understanding about our economy.
to me, economics means money and everything about it. i dont know much else about economics or how the economy works, but i would love to learn. knowledge is power.
economics to me basically means the handling of money. although i havent done much studying in the area economics is still a part of my everyday. so far ive been mostly dependent on my parents but within the next few months ill be off on my own so i hope to gain some knowledge about it all so that i can make my own decisions when it comes to money.
To me, economics is basically the management of money as well as goods and services. Being that I still live at home with my parents, economics doesnt play a large part in my life.
To me, economics is like playing monopoly, sometimes you win but most of the time you lose. You go in thinking hey, this will be fun. But then four hours later you're thinking "UGH what did I get myself into?" You start out with money but die with all your property taken from you in shame. And the person that wins actually loses because then they're all alone on their high rich pony.
Economics is money to me. The stock market is the only thing economics-wise that I pay attention to. Since I still am with my parents, economics is their department, so I really haven't cared yet. However I'm sure that'll change :P Monopoly rules!
Economics isn't only about money, but possibly about how the money or lack thereof influences the government or other agencies to take action and preserve the welfaire of the state or possibly improve it. Economics is important to me to a certain degree, because mine and my family's lives revolve around the economy. However, the aspect of economics has not been magnified yet, since I still live at home. I do occasionally learn things about the economy, given the massive amount of media attention drawn to it or my own unguided interest. I just haven't had the opportunity to really look at it with depth or background knowledge.
Well, I know now you prefer the definition of economics as, "the study of scarcity." But before economics to me was always more than how money influences society, it is how the supply and demand of goods play in our society and how it affects it.
Currently, I dont pay much attention to the economy because I still live with my parents but that is soon to change. I know economics is the study of scarcity and has to do with money and its value.
*** i posted b4 already, but it was not under my actual name, so heres the same post, just under my name***
I dont know too much about econimics at all actually, except for the fact that it deals with money, and that its vital to a society. On the news or in history books i've often heard that the economy was booming or that the nations economy was low, or something like that, but i never really gave it much thought. Oh well, i guess i'll learn now.
i think economy is with me as far as everyday life goes because i earn money and spend it, and in some way that does some thing?..i have no idea.
As we students have been under our parents' wing for our entire lives, we know little to none about the economy. Economics mainly meant opening a bank account and filling out a tax form. However, as we go to college we will need to know the "whys" of the economy in order to succeed in whatever lifestyle we will pursue in the coming years. Knowledge of economics is both important and necessary in every person's life.
Cody Abbott AKA Spider Mikes comment.
To me, eco means MONEY and lots of it. All I know is that my parents make the bank in my household, and I do a pretty good job of spending about 95% of it :) Hey, at least I'm keeping the economy alive. Props to me. In all honesty, I have no real knowledge of economics. When this class ends, I'm sure I will be. Also, my intended major is business so I'm sure that this class will help me out MUCHO.
economics means (in my mind) growing up. I have an intense fear of this. It's current role: haunting me.
On the first thought of economics, the simple definition that comes to me involves the study and care of money. I've never really thought very much about the huge role it plays in our society, but obviously it plays a big one because we have a whole semester to learn it. Really though, I've never had to deal with economics since my parents take care of our bills, stocks, taxes and everything else, but I'm even kind of scared for when I do leave the house and have to face those complications on my own. Furthermore, now that I understand how stocks generally work and affect our country, I am even more interested in our American economy and how its changes can have good and negative effects on me as a citizen.
economics to me is money and business and how it affects me. i know little about the economy. i do have a job though so when minimum wage goes up thats good! other than that i have no real concept of the subject.
Economics is just the study of money and how it is used. I have little prior knowledge concerning this subject so it will intriguing to figure out how it all works. All I know about it now is that I want money...lots and lots of money
Economics is a just a more complex term for money. More over it focuses on how one manages it, either through stocks,CD's, or simply a savings account. In the end it all helps the overall system in one way or another.
In my eyes our present economy seems to be headed towards a recession, but through a little bit of faith and a few sacrifices all that could change.
Unfortunately economics does not honestly play a major role in the way I live my life. Im mean sure once im out on my own and forced to get a job and quit feeding off my parents then I might be more concerned, but as of now my position and understanding of of the American economy is feeble at best.
I usually identify economics with the stock market or just the flow of money. I also identify with economics through my dad, a recent employee of Enron and a C.P.A. He was a lucky one , and stayed with the company for years, even after its stock was taken off the market. He'd come home and tell stories about the various suits and transactions that Enron was going through. Needless to say, I learned a little about the economics of bankruptcy.
Though dubbing economics a basic renaming of money may be easy, everything from its integral role in my grandfather's career and passion as a college professor to its winow-like intraspections during my early political years, economics has been probed into my life as much more than the mere manipulation of money. Instead, the social impacts which it holds have collectively contributed to the belief that economics is even more significant as a manipulation of the lack of money to serve as the best possible minimization of large scale damage. Thus, economics becomes a social issue as well which makes the debate on its modus operandi all the more significant. Therefore, my family's almost revering conception of economics infinitely regresses all other issues to a certain extent while maintaining a socioeconomic view of the world. Nonetheless, my fairly recent political awakening has not allowed for enough time for the two fields to integrate, so I look forward to broadening my perspective of economics with this course.
at this moment in time i really dont know too much about economics so i couldnt tellu wat role it plays in my life. as long everything around me is functioning then im ok
I wrote earlier, but i decided to write a little more than....What Economics means to me is that it has something to do with money, such as stocks and anything that relates to money in the way of gaining it or losing it.
Economics plays a role is everyones life who owns a house or has a job, or someone who owns stock. I don't own stock, but I plan to play with the stock market when I get older and have a few grand extra to my name.
economics is a very important subject to me because it effects the way i manage money. A better knowledge and understanding of this subject would be benificial to me in the future with regards to my finances and the way i view politics. I also feel it will help me better understand the world around me
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