I want one of these. Check out this NY Times article on cell phone jammers. May we never have to listen to someone's personal details in an elevator, checkout line, or waiting room again.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Like all things, this has its pros and cons. Yes some people are obnoxious enough on their phone to make me want to just grab it and chunk it at the ground, but then there are those people who use their phones like they're supposed to be used. Jammers are a good idea, but should stay just an idea. I only use my phone for quick calls and it's already hard enough to get service with crappy Sprint, so if somebody is purposely jamming my service, I think they should be kicked in the shins. Yeah Valley Girls' hour long conversations on the phone are extremely annoying, but so is not getting service when you really need it, for example, in an emergency. I spent a lot of my own money on my phone and I already get bad coverage and poor battery life, so I need the rest of the service I can get. The ban on jammers shouldn't be lifted, but the thing is, how much can a ban really do if the thing can fit inside your shirt pocket?
The jammer is pretty cool Im not going to lie, but I think the cons may outweigh the pros when it comes to placing into the hands of consumers. Places such as hospital surgical rooms, therapy sessions, or whereever you would not be allowed to use a cellphone anyway would put it to good use. But when it comes to opening it up to the public, there will always be those obnoxious, self-centered people who use it for the sole purpose of torturing others, like that one guy who did it because he hated teens talking on their cellphones in the mall. What was that all about?? No one has the right to cut-off your conversation just because they feel like amusing themselves. The issue of not having it in an emergency is also a big problem, since if a criminal had you trapped somewhere and they jammed you cellphone connection you'd basically be screwed. All in all, you really can't trust just anyone with the jammer, which is porbably why they're illegal here.
This cell phone jammer is unethical. Like stated in the article, many restaurants and hair salons use these jammers for logical reasons. However, the article also says that people use these jammers for fun and just to mess with people's mind. To me, this handy mechanism has to potential to invade people's personal space and that is not right. It should continue to be banned in the United States. People will just have to live with loud chatters!
Honestly the cell phone jammer sounds pretty cool. Of course it's completely wrong, I get just as annoyed as anyone else when an annoying, loudmouth wont stop talking on their cell phone or at least talk softer, but using the cell phone jammer is not only unethical but could be dangerous if it affects everyone in a 1 mile radius then someone down the street could be in serious danger and try using their cell phone to call 911, yet some selfish person down the street wanted to turn everyones cell phone off. It's also really bad for cell phone providers' business.
Wow, that is absolutely awesome! Of course a pain in the butt if you are trying to use the phone, but i can not stand little valley girls and idiotic people just blabbing about something senseless. In some places the use of such devices make sense, i meen people got along without cell phones before, why shouldnt we do it now? I guess im kind of strange, but i hate being dependent on some outside influence, much less an electrical influence. I something happens, we cant be caught panicing because we have grown so attached to a lump of plastic, wires, and chips. All in all, cool device, kina anoying, but not a huge problem in my book.
I think this cell phone jammer is completely wrong and people shouldn't use it. I understand some people can be quite obnoxious on cell phones, but i think first you should ask them nicely to lower their voice while on the phone instead of just cutting off their signal. It is true someone may be talking loud still after that, but cutting off their signal may interfere with someone else's phone around who is trying to help someone in a emergency. This is why i do not believe jammer's should be allowed to people of the public, in less they have a legitimate reason for having one.
I agree with pretty much everyone above in that the Jammer is a really cool idea for those certain times when people are being obnoxious. However, in this case, i think it would probably much more appropriate to tell them they are obnoxious rather than block out not only their phonecalls but also innocent bystanders around. THe people around are not using their cell phones obnoxiously, and we do not have the right of keeping information from them, especially in case an emergency were to occur.
Whats the point of making cell phones illigal. It will just lead to more people doing the same things on their cell phone like they always do. Why would you put a band on a cell phone. This will be unfair to the people that use their cell phones for emgergencies because now they won't have that extra contact line if something happens. This will lead to only more troubles with cell phones
In certain situations, the jammer is necessary. For examle it would be useful in the beaty salon. I am sure hairdressers get annoyed when they are trying t do your hair while you are chatting on the phone. Also in resturants when you are trying to eat and the person you are dining with is chatting on their phone. Also it could be necessary at an office so that the employees will focus on their job than on their phones. Things like that are extremely annoying. I do not think is fair though for someone to use theri jammer just becasue the person nect to them is having an annoying conversaion. Everyone has the right the use their phone. I am sure the person with the jammer would not like the jammer to be used on him while he is talking to his kids or wife. I also agree the jammers could possibly aid in more accidents and deaths due to the inability for someone to reach the fire fighters or police.
I understand that the girl sitting next to him might have been quite annoying but I honestly think that jammer thing is even more annoying. Having a cell phone can be used for useful things. What if someong was trying to reach someone in emergency and they were unable to get through. Someone should not have the right to cut off someone's phone conversation, especially in a public place.
Having a cellphone jammer would be sweet but only for the first couple of time you used it. The first few unsuspecting victims would get mad and you would get a kick out of it but then what? Are you ganna use it constantly. Basically i think its pointless. Just a fad that would pass.
Honestly, I think that the jammer sounds like a new way for people to be obnoxious. Of course, people yacking on their cell phones can get really annoying, but I have no doubt that if the jammer were legal, people would abuse its power to just mess with people. Also, there are times when cell phone usage is a must. Other people should not hold the power to decide whether others need to talk on their phones.
I have never really been affected by someone obnoxiously talking on the phone near me so I personally think it would be an invasion of privacy for someone else to be able to turn off my phone at his or her's choosing. I do think that jammers could be useful at movie theaters and other shows and things because sometimes people simply forget to turn their phone off and then unexpectedly their phone ruins an entire show
This is really interesting. I'd like to see what test scores across the nation do after this device becomes mandatory in schools.
Jammers would be a good thing for our society but it is also a bad thing because if someone is in a accident they won't be able to call for help.
I guess it's pretty obvious that this can be a hazzard to someone's well-being, but how often will that happen? Yeah, it's mean and wrong to deprive someone of a basic right like talking on a cell phone without them knowing it; maybe if people were warned that a jammer was being used, it would be more ethical. Also, if one was developed so that it doesn't effect such a large area the whole "right/wrong" debate wouldn't be so serious.
Cool idea/product--quite ingenious, especially when caught in an elevator with loud talkers who like to air their dirty laundry in public.
I'm going to get on ebay when I get home and buy one of these things. But yeah they should be illegal because they can be used in the wrong reasons - like the criminal ex in the article. Also no matter how much annoying, loud-talking people bother you when they are on their cellphones - they still have rights too that need to be protected.
The cons with the cellphone jammers serverly out weigh the pros. Yes somepeople are rude when they are talking on their phone in public, but its even ruder to cut them off in the middle of a conversation. What if there was an emergency and the person could not get any signal because someone had jammed the line. Personlly i don't believe that people have the right to cut off someones phone conversation no matter how annoying they are.
Cool little gadget. The potential for pranks would be astronomical, but I can see how it could be more annoying for the speaker than the peson using the jammer.
eww i dont like the jammer idea. thats ridiculous, i hate people that get so annoyed easily. its not a big deal you need to just tune them out. using a jammer is really ruuuddee, what if it got into the wrong hands? I can easily see a guy holding a bank hostage or something and using a jammer so that no one can make calls out for saftey. dumb idea wow.
i think the idea sounds so tigght i would love to have one of those because i think its not cool when people are loud and obnoxious.
Well, the only the is is that we can not just limit all individual's rights all because others become annoyed. Just in the same manor that we con not ban people for clicking their pens continuously. All individuals have the born right to be as abnoxious as they want as long as they do not infringe on any laws.
I agree with Sami in that we can't just have this cell phone jammer simply because someone's conversation is an annoyance. What is the person on the phone was talking to their son in the war whom they haven't spoken with in months? Or what if their sister was in the hospital because of a car accident and the person on the phone is just now learning about this? Jamming all cell phones in a certain radius would create a lot of problems and even more annoyances than one person blabbing into their cell phone
A cell phone jammer would be something that would be awseome to have but wrong to use. Yes, it is annoying to have to listen to the "likes" and "whatevers" of people. However, it is not right to just disconnect the call with a jammer. This is because the person talking on the phone has the right to talk like that if he/she wants. If it was me I would not want people to disconnect my call with a cell phone jammer just because they feel like it.
I think cell phone jammers are a bad idea. Although there are many times when people talk obnoxiously on their cell phones, it's not fair to end their conversation by way of something illegal. People have the freedom to talk whenever and where ever they want to and the cell phone jammers infringe upon their rights to use their cell phone freely.
I hate the idea of the cell phone jammer. The article said that people were using the jammer to get some quiet. I believe that most people aren't that annoying on their cell phones its just that small amount that creates a bad reputation. I think the cell phone jammer is dangerous and will be used for the wrong reasons. People pay for their service and no one has the right to deny that to them.
While other peoples are talking about that cell phone jammers will be great things because people are so annoying and won't stop talking, I really don't see much of the point. I've really never seen people who could be SO annoying, I'd want to make sure they never use their cellphone (or bluetooth set) again. I don't really see the point in wasting money on a possibly expensive product which utilizes an amount of circuitry (that could be more useful in other forms of tecnhology devices). Its a specilicty use, and that specility is mostly for pranksters and people would want to make others angry. Its not really that productive since for every person that does nothing but babble on their cell phone, there are about 10 others you would be jamming who actually need to use their cell phones for something productive.
The cell phone jammer is a sweet invention. They can be used for a good purpose and a bad purpose. In the article for example, the owner of a restaurant bought a jammer because his employees were on their cell phones during work and ignoring the customers that needed to be served. He told them over and over again to get off the phone, yet they didn't. That's a practial reason to use the jammer. The bad purpose would be that a guy holding people hostage would use it to prevent people to call 911 or whatever. Overall, the jammer is a huge controversy.
wow, jammers are a pretty crazy idea. It would be beneficial at times when you are stuck in a place where your listening to the other person's long and poinless conversations, but if everyone had them then that would be a huge problem. So all in all, its a good idea but in reality, if every person had this device then no one could use their cell phones.
I think that this is just shows how technologically advanced we have become over the years. But overall i dont think that this is a good idea since people could be in an emergency situation and they might need their phones. No matter how annoyed you are , you should never compromise anyone's safety.
The use of jammers violate individual's free will. Something of the sort can not really be passed without Constitutional review... let alone the persons who will actually be subjected to this on a daily basis. Imagine if it wasn't just a pointless call and their was a family emergency, but like most places... you can not make "personal" calls on business phones. What do you do then?
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