Friday, October 19, 2007

Womenomics; The New Defining Force in the Economy

"It found that over the past decade or so increased female participation in the paid labour force has contributed more to the growth of the world economy than either booming China or new technology"
Let the battle begin.

Cupcake Ban

Say it ain't so. A ban on cupcakes, could anything be more un-American? What are the economic implications?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Public school or Private; Does it really matter?

According to this report, its not the type of school you went to, but those chats around the dinner table that really make the difference.

Is this a case of Capitalism run amok?

Read this interesting but somewhat frightening article about the global market for human organs.
". . . If you lose your job, you can sell your home. If you lose your home, you can sell your possessions. If you lose your possessions, you can prostitute yourself. And if you lose everything else, you can sell one more thing: your organs."
What is your reaction?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Global Perspectives Survey

Check out this interesting article about attitudes on a variety of topics from countries around the world. Of particular interest are the attitudes about trade.

Protectionism in sports

What a timely article. Since we are currently studying protectionism, what are your thoughts on this article. The head of the European Soccer Association wants to limit the number of foreign players on European teams. What will be the consequences of such actions?

Consumers fight back against scalpers

Ever try to buy tickets to a concert only to find out that they are already sold out. Read about what consumers in Australia are doing to fight back against scalpers.